/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/dom/MediaKeySystemAccess.h" #include #include "DecoderDoctorDiagnostics.h" #include "DecoderTraits.h" #include "GMPUtils.h" #include "MediaContainerType.h" #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MediaKeySystemAccessBinding.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MediaKeySession.h" #include "mozilla/dom/MediaSource.h" #include "mozilla/EMEUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_media.h" #include "nsDOMString.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsMimeTypes.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "VideoUtils.h" #include "WebMDecoder.h" #ifdef XP_WIN # include "WMFDecoderModule.h" #endif #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID # include "AndroidDecoderModule.h" # include "mozilla/java/MediaDrmProxyWrappers.h" #endif namespace mozilla::dom { NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_WRAPPERCACHE(MediaKeySystemAccess, mParent) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_ADDREF(MediaKeySystemAccess) NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTING_RELEASE(MediaKeySystemAccess) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN_CYCLE_COLLECTION(MediaKeySystemAccess) NS_WRAPPERCACHE_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupports) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END static nsCString ToCString(const MediaKeySystemConfiguration& aConfig); MediaKeySystemAccess::MediaKeySystemAccess( nsPIDOMWindowInner* aParent, const nsAString& aKeySystem, const MediaKeySystemConfiguration& aConfig) : mParent(aParent), mKeySystem(aKeySystem), mConfig(aConfig) { EME_LOG("Created MediaKeySystemAccess for keysystem=%s config=%s", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(mKeySystem).get(), mozilla::dom::ToCString(mConfig).get()); } MediaKeySystemAccess::~MediaKeySystemAccess() = default; JSObject* MediaKeySystemAccess::WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aGivenProto) { return MediaKeySystemAccess_Binding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto); } nsPIDOMWindowInner* MediaKeySystemAccess::GetParentObject() const { return mParent; } void MediaKeySystemAccess::GetKeySystem(nsString& aOutKeySystem) const { aOutKeySystem.Assign(mKeySystem); } void MediaKeySystemAccess::GetConfiguration( MediaKeySystemConfiguration& aConfig) { aConfig = mConfig; } already_AddRefed MediaKeySystemAccess::CreateMediaKeys( ErrorResult& aRv) { RefPtr keys(new MediaKeys(mParent, mKeySystem, mConfig)); return keys->Init(aRv); } static bool HavePluginForKeySystem(const nsCString& aKeySystem) { nsCString api = nsLiteralCString(CHROMIUM_CDM_API); bool havePlugin = HaveGMPFor(api, {aKeySystem}); #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID // Check if we can use MediaDrm for this keysystem. if (!havePlugin) { havePlugin = mozilla::java::MediaDrmProxy::IsSchemeSupported(aKeySystem); } #endif return havePlugin; } static MediaKeySystemStatus EnsureCDMInstalled(const nsAString& aKeySystem, nsACString& aOutMessage) { if (!HavePluginForKeySystem(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aKeySystem))) { aOutMessage = "CDM is not installed"_ns; return MediaKeySystemStatus::Cdm_not_installed; } return MediaKeySystemStatus::Available; } /* static */ MediaKeySystemStatus MediaKeySystemAccess::GetKeySystemStatus( const nsAString& aKeySystem, nsACString& aOutMessage) { MOZ_ASSERT(StaticPrefs::media_eme_enabled() || IsClearkeyKeySystem(aKeySystem)); if (IsClearkeyKeySystem(aKeySystem)) { return EnsureCDMInstalled(aKeySystem, aOutMessage); } if (IsWidevineKeySystem(aKeySystem)) { if (Preferences::GetBool("media.gmp-widevinecdm.visible", false)) { if (!Preferences::GetBool("media.gmp-widevinecdm.enabled", false)) { aOutMessage = "Widevine EME disabled"_ns; return MediaKeySystemStatus::Cdm_disabled; } return EnsureCDMInstalled(aKeySystem, aOutMessage); #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID } else if (Preferences::GetBool("media.mediadrm-widevinecdm.visible", false)) { nsCString keySystem = NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aKeySystem); bool supported = mozilla::java::MediaDrmProxy::IsSchemeSupported(keySystem); if (!supported) { aOutMessage = nsLiteralCString( "KeySystem or Minimum API level not met for Widevine EME"); return MediaKeySystemStatus::Cdm_not_supported; } return MediaKeySystemStatus::Available; #endif } } return MediaKeySystemStatus::Cdm_not_supported; } typedef nsCString EMECodecString; static constexpr auto EME_CODEC_AAC = "aac"_ns; static constexpr auto EME_CODEC_OPUS = "opus"_ns; static constexpr auto EME_CODEC_VORBIS = "vorbis"_ns; static constexpr auto EME_CODEC_FLAC = "flac"_ns; static constexpr auto EME_CODEC_H264 = "h264"_ns; static constexpr auto EME_CODEC_VP8 = "vp8"_ns; static constexpr auto EME_CODEC_VP9 = "vp9"_ns; EMECodecString ToEMEAPICodecString(const nsString& aCodec) { if (IsAACCodecString(aCodec)) { return EME_CODEC_AAC; } if (aCodec.EqualsLiteral("opus")) { return EME_CODEC_OPUS; } if (aCodec.EqualsLiteral("vorbis")) { return EME_CODEC_VORBIS; } if (aCodec.EqualsLiteral("flac")) { return EME_CODEC_FLAC; } if (IsH264CodecString(aCodec)) { return EME_CODEC_H264; } if (IsVP8CodecString(aCodec)) { return EME_CODEC_VP8; } if (IsVP9CodecString(aCodec)) { return EME_CODEC_VP9; } return ""_ns; } // A codec can be decrypted-and-decoded by the CDM, or only decrypted // by the CDM and decoded by Gecko. Not both. struct KeySystemContainerSupport { bool IsSupported() const { return !mCodecsDecoded.IsEmpty() || !mCodecsDecrypted.IsEmpty(); } // CDM decrypts and decodes using a DRM robust decoder, and passes decoded // samples back to Gecko for rendering. bool DecryptsAndDecodes(EMECodecString aCodec) const { return mCodecsDecoded.Contains(aCodec); } // CDM decrypts and passes the decrypted samples back to Gecko for decoding. bool Decrypts(EMECodecString aCodec) const { return mCodecsDecrypted.Contains(aCodec); } void SetCanDecryptAndDecode(EMECodecString aCodec) { // Can't both decrypt and decrypt-and-decode a codec. MOZ_ASSERT(!Decrypts(aCodec)); // Prevent duplicates. MOZ_ASSERT(!DecryptsAndDecodes(aCodec)); mCodecsDecoded.AppendElement(aCodec); } void SetCanDecrypt(EMECodecString aCodec) { // Prevent duplicates. MOZ_ASSERT(!Decrypts(aCodec)); // Can't both decrypt and decrypt-and-decode a codec. MOZ_ASSERT(!DecryptsAndDecodes(aCodec)); mCodecsDecrypted.AppendElement(aCodec); } private: nsTArray mCodecsDecoded; nsTArray mCodecsDecrypted; }; enum class KeySystemFeatureSupport { Prohibited = 1, Requestable = 2, Required = 3, }; struct KeySystemConfig { nsString mKeySystem; nsTArray mInitDataTypes; KeySystemFeatureSupport mPersistentState = KeySystemFeatureSupport::Prohibited; KeySystemFeatureSupport mDistinctiveIdentifier = KeySystemFeatureSupport::Prohibited; nsTArray mSessionTypes; nsTArray mVideoRobustness; nsTArray mAudioRobustness; nsTArray mEncryptionSchemes; KeySystemContainerSupport mMP4; KeySystemContainerSupport mWebM; }; static nsTArray GetSupportedKeySystems() { nsTArray keySystemConfigs; { const nsCString keySystem = nsLiteralCString(EME_KEY_SYSTEM_CLEARKEY); if (HavePluginForKeySystem(keySystem)) { KeySystemConfig clearkey; clearkey.mKeySystem.AssignLiteral(EME_KEY_SYSTEM_CLEARKEY); clearkey.mInitDataTypes.AppendElement(u"cenc"_ns); clearkey.mInitDataTypes.AppendElement(u"keyids"_ns); clearkey.mInitDataTypes.AppendElement(u"webm"_ns); clearkey.mPersistentState = KeySystemFeatureSupport::Requestable; clearkey.mDistinctiveIdentifier = KeySystemFeatureSupport::Prohibited; clearkey.mSessionTypes.AppendElement(MediaKeySessionType::Temporary); clearkey.mEncryptionSchemes.AppendElement(u"cenc"_ns); // We do not have support for cbcs in clearkey yet. See bug 1516673. if (StaticPrefs::media_clearkey_persistent_license_enabled()) { clearkey.mSessionTypes.AppendElement( MediaKeySessionType::Persistent_license); } #if defined(XP_WIN) // Clearkey CDM uses WMF's H.264 decoder on Windows. if (WMFDecoderModule::HasH264()) { clearkey.mMP4.SetCanDecryptAndDecode(EME_CODEC_H264); } else { clearkey.mMP4.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_H264); } #else clearkey.mMP4.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_H264); #endif clearkey.mMP4.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_AAC); clearkey.mMP4.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_FLAC); clearkey.mMP4.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_OPUS); clearkey.mMP4.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_VP9); clearkey.mWebM.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_VORBIS); clearkey.mWebM.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_OPUS); clearkey.mWebM.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_VP8); clearkey.mWebM.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_VP9); keySystemConfigs.AppendElement(std::move(clearkey)); } } { const nsCString keySystem = nsLiteralCString(EME_KEY_SYSTEM_WIDEVINE); if (HavePluginForKeySystem(keySystem)) { KeySystemConfig widevine; widevine.mKeySystem.AssignLiteral(EME_KEY_SYSTEM_WIDEVINE); widevine.mInitDataTypes.AppendElement(u"cenc"_ns); widevine.mInitDataTypes.AppendElement(u"keyids"_ns); widevine.mInitDataTypes.AppendElement(u"webm"_ns); widevine.mPersistentState = KeySystemFeatureSupport::Requestable; widevine.mDistinctiveIdentifier = KeySystemFeatureSupport::Prohibited; widevine.mSessionTypes.AppendElement(MediaKeySessionType::Temporary); #ifdef MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID widevine.mSessionTypes.AppendElement( MediaKeySessionType::Persistent_license); #endif widevine.mAudioRobustness.AppendElement(u"SW_SECURE_CRYPTO"_ns); widevine.mVideoRobustness.AppendElement(u"SW_SECURE_CRYPTO"_ns); widevine.mVideoRobustness.AppendElement(u"SW_SECURE_DECODE"_ns); widevine.mEncryptionSchemes.AppendElement(u"cenc"_ns); widevine.mEncryptionSchemes.AppendElement(u"cbcs"_ns); #if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) // MediaDrm.isCryptoSchemeSupported only allows passing // "video/mp4" or "video/webm" for mimetype string. // See // https://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaDrm.html#isCryptoSchemeSupported(java.util.UUID, // java.lang.String) for more detail. typedef struct { const nsCString& mMimeType; const nsCString& mEMECodecType; const char16_t* mCodecType; KeySystemContainerSupport* mSupportType; } DataForValidation; DataForValidation validationList[] = { {nsCString(VIDEO_MP4), EME_CODEC_H264, java::MediaDrmProxy::AVC, &widevine.mMP4}, {nsCString(VIDEO_MP4), EME_CODEC_VP9, java::MediaDrmProxy::AVC, &widevine.mMP4}, {nsCString(AUDIO_MP4), EME_CODEC_AAC, java::MediaDrmProxy::AAC, &widevine.mMP4}, {nsCString(AUDIO_MP4), EME_CODEC_FLAC, java::MediaDrmProxy::FLAC, &widevine.mMP4}, {nsCString(AUDIO_MP4), EME_CODEC_OPUS, java::MediaDrmProxy::OPUS, &widevine.mMP4}, {nsCString(VIDEO_WEBM), EME_CODEC_VP8, java::MediaDrmProxy::VP8, &widevine.mWebM}, {nsCString(VIDEO_WEBM), EME_CODEC_VP9, java::MediaDrmProxy::VP9, &widevine.mWebM}, {nsCString(AUDIO_WEBM), EME_CODEC_VORBIS, java::MediaDrmProxy::VORBIS, &widevine.mWebM}, {nsCString(AUDIO_WEBM), EME_CODEC_OPUS, java::MediaDrmProxy::OPUS, &widevine.mWebM}, }; for (const auto& data : validationList) { if (java::MediaDrmProxy::IsCryptoSchemeSupported( EME_KEY_SYSTEM_WIDEVINE, data.mMimeType)) { if (AndroidDecoderModule::SupportsMimeType(data.mMimeType)) { data.mSupportType->SetCanDecryptAndDecode(data.mEMECodecType); } else { data.mSupportType->SetCanDecrypt(data.mEMECodecType); } } } #else # if defined(XP_WIN) // Widevine CDM doesn't include an AAC decoder. So if WMF can't // decode AAC, and a codec wasn't specified, be conservative // and reject the MediaKeys request, since we assume Widevine // will be used with AAC. if (WMFDecoderModule::HasAAC()) { widevine.mMP4.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_AAC); } # else widevine.mMP4.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_AAC); # endif widevine.mMP4.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_FLAC); widevine.mMP4.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_OPUS); widevine.mMP4.SetCanDecryptAndDecode(EME_CODEC_H264); widevine.mMP4.SetCanDecryptAndDecode(EME_CODEC_VP9); widevine.mWebM.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_VORBIS); widevine.mWebM.SetCanDecrypt(EME_CODEC_OPUS); widevine.mWebM.SetCanDecryptAndDecode(EME_CODEC_VP8); widevine.mWebM.SetCanDecryptAndDecode(EME_CODEC_VP9); #endif keySystemConfigs.AppendElement(std::move(widevine)); } } return keySystemConfigs; } static bool GetKeySystemConfig(const nsAString& aKeySystem, KeySystemConfig& aOutKeySystemConfig) { for (auto&& config : GetSupportedKeySystems()) { if (config.mKeySystem.Equals(aKeySystem)) { aOutKeySystemConfig = std::move(config); return true; } } // No matching key system found. return false; } /* static */ bool MediaKeySystemAccess::KeySystemSupportsInitDataType( const nsAString& aKeySystem, const nsAString& aInitDataType) { KeySystemConfig implementation; return GetKeySystemConfig(aKeySystem, implementation) && implementation.mInitDataTypes.Contains(aInitDataType); } enum CodecType { Audio, Video, Invalid }; static bool CanDecryptAndDecode( const nsString& aKeySystem, const nsString& aContentType, CodecType aCodecType, const KeySystemContainerSupport& aContainerSupport, const nsTArray& aCodecs, DecoderDoctorDiagnostics* aDiagnostics) { MOZ_ASSERT(aCodecType != Invalid); for (const EMECodecString& codec : aCodecs) { MOZ_ASSERT(!codec.IsEmpty()); if (aContainerSupport.DecryptsAndDecodes(codec)) { // GMP can decrypt-and-decode this codec. continue; } if (aContainerSupport.Decrypts(codec)) { IgnoredErrorResult rv; MediaSource::IsTypeSupported(aContentType, aDiagnostics, rv); if (!rv.Failed()) { // GMP can decrypt and is allowed to return compressed samples to // Gecko to decode, and Gecko has a decoder. continue; } } // Neither the GMP nor Gecko can both decrypt and decode. We don't // support this codec. #if defined(XP_WIN) // Widevine CDM doesn't include an AAC decoder. So if WMF can't // decode AAC, and a codec wasn't specified, be conservative // and reject the MediaKeys request, since we assume Widevine // will be used with AAC. if (codec == EME_CODEC_AAC && IsWidevineKeySystem(aKeySystem) && !WMFDecoderModule::HasAAC()) { if (aDiagnostics) { aDiagnostics->SetKeySystemIssue( DecoderDoctorDiagnostics::eWidevineWithNoWMF); } } #endif return false; } return true; } // Returns if an encryption scheme is supported per: // https://github.com/WICG/encrypted-media-encryption-scheme/blob/master/explainer.md // To be supported the scheme should be one of: // - null // - missing (which will result in the nsString being set to void and thus null) // - one of the schemes supported by the CDM // If the pref to enable this behavior is not set, then the value should be // empty/null, as the dict member will not be exposed. In this case we will // always report support as we would before this feature was implemented. static bool SupportsEncryptionScheme( const nsString& aEncryptionScheme, const nsTArray& aSupportedEncryptionSchemes) { MOZ_ASSERT( DOMStringIsNull(aEncryptionScheme) || StaticPrefs::media_eme_encrypted_media_encryption_scheme_enabled(), "Encryption scheme checking support must be preffed on for " "encryptionScheme to be a non-null string"); if (DOMStringIsNull(aEncryptionScheme)) { // "A missing or null value indicates that any encryption scheme is // acceptable." return true; } return aSupportedEncryptionSchemes.Contains(aEncryptionScheme); } static bool ToSessionType(const nsAString& aSessionType, MediaKeySessionType& aOutType) { if (aSessionType.Equals(ToString(MediaKeySessionType::Temporary))) { aOutType = MediaKeySessionType::Temporary; return true; } if (aSessionType.Equals(ToString(MediaKeySessionType::Persistent_license))) { aOutType = MediaKeySessionType::Persistent_license; return true; } return false; } // 5.1.1 Is persistent session type? static bool IsPersistentSessionType(MediaKeySessionType aSessionType) { return aSessionType == MediaKeySessionType::Persistent_license; } CodecType GetMajorType(const MediaMIMEType& aMIMEType) { if (aMIMEType.HasAudioMajorType()) { return Audio; } if (aMIMEType.HasVideoMajorType()) { return Video; } return Invalid; } static CodecType GetCodecType(const EMECodecString& aCodec) { if (aCodec.Equals(EME_CODEC_AAC) || aCodec.Equals(EME_CODEC_OPUS) || aCodec.Equals(EME_CODEC_VORBIS) || aCodec.Equals(EME_CODEC_FLAC)) { return Audio; } if (aCodec.Equals(EME_CODEC_H264) || aCodec.Equals(EME_CODEC_VP8) || aCodec.Equals(EME_CODEC_VP9)) { return Video; } return Invalid; } static bool AllCodecsOfType(const nsTArray& aCodecs, const CodecType aCodecType) { for (const EMECodecString& codec : aCodecs) { if (GetCodecType(codec) != aCodecType) { return false; } } return true; } static bool IsParameterUnrecognized(const nsAString& aContentType) { nsAutoString contentType(aContentType); contentType.StripWhitespace(); nsTArray params; nsAString::const_iterator start, end, semicolon, equalSign; contentType.BeginReading(start); contentType.EndReading(end); semicolon = start; // Find any substring between ';' & '='. while (semicolon != end) { if (FindCharInReadable(';', semicolon, end)) { equalSign = ++semicolon; if (FindCharInReadable('=', equalSign, end)) { params.AppendElement(Substring(semicolon, equalSign)); semicolon = equalSign; } } } for (auto param : params) { if (!param.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("codecs") && !param.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("profiles")) { return true; } } return false; } // Get Supported Capabilities for Audio/Video Type static Sequence GetSupportedCapabilities( const CodecType aCodecType, const nsTArray& aRequestedCapabilities, const MediaKeySystemConfiguration& aPartialConfig, const KeySystemConfig& aKeySystem, DecoderDoctorDiagnostics* aDiagnostics, const std::function& aDeprecationLogFn) { // Let local accumulated configuration be a local copy of partial // configuration. (Note: It's not necessary for us to maintain a local copy, // as we don't need to test whether capabilites from previous calls to this // algorithm work with the capabilities currently being considered in this // call. ) // Let supported media capabilities be an empty sequence of // MediaKeySystemMediaCapability dictionaries. Sequence supportedCapabilities; // For each requested media capability in requested media capabilities: for (const MediaKeySystemMediaCapability& capabilities : aRequestedCapabilities) { // Let content type be requested media capability's contentType member. const nsString& contentTypeString = capabilities.mContentType; // Let robustness be requested media capability's robustness member. const nsString& robustness = capabilities.mRobustness; // Optional encryption scheme extension, see // https://github.com/WICG/encrypted-media-encryption-scheme/blob/master/explainer.md // This will only be exposed to JS if // media.eme.encrypted-media-encryption-scheme.enabled is preffed on. const nsString encryptionScheme = capabilities.mEncryptionScheme; // If content type is the empty string, return null. if (contentTypeString.IsEmpty()) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s','%s') rejected; " "audio or video capability has empty contentType.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get()); return Sequence(); } // If content type is an invalid or unrecognized MIME type, continue // to the next iteration. Maybe maybeContainerType = MakeMediaContainerType(contentTypeString); if (!maybeContainerType) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s','%s') unsupported; " "failed to parse contentTypeString as MIME type.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get()); continue; } const MediaContainerType& containerType = *maybeContainerType; bool invalid = false; nsTArray codecs; for (const auto& codecString : containerType.ExtendedType().Codecs().Range()) { EMECodecString emeCodec = ToEMEAPICodecString(nsString(codecString)); if (emeCodec.IsEmpty()) { invalid = true; EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s','%s') unsupported; " "'%s' is an invalid codec string.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(codecString).get()); break; } codecs.AppendElement(emeCodec); } if (invalid) { continue; } // If the user agent does not support container, continue to the next // iteration. The case-sensitivity of string comparisons is determined by // the appropriate RFC. (Note: Per RFC 6838 [RFC6838], "Both top-level type // and subtype names are case-insensitive."'. We're using // nsContentTypeParser and that is case-insensitive and converts all its // parameter outputs to lower case.) const bool isMP4 = DecoderTraits::IsMP4SupportedType(containerType, aDiagnostics); if (isMP4 && !aKeySystem.mMP4.IsSupported()) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s','%s') unsupported; " "MP4 requested but unsupported.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get()); continue; } const bool isWebM = WebMDecoder::IsSupportedType(containerType); if (isWebM && !aKeySystem.mWebM.IsSupported()) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s,'%s') unsupported; " "WebM requested but unsupported.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get()); continue; } if (!isMP4 && !isWebM) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s','%s') unsupported; " "Unsupported or unrecognized container requested.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get()); continue; } // Let parameters be the RFC 6381[RFC6381] parameters, if any, specified by // content type. // If the user agent does not recognize one or more parameters, continue to // the next iteration. if (IsParameterUnrecognized(contentTypeString)) { continue; } // Let media types be the set of codecs and codec constraints specified by // parameters. The case-sensitivity of string comparisons is determined by // the appropriate RFC or other specification. // (Note: codecs array is 'parameter'). // If media types is empty: if (codecs.IsEmpty()) { // Log deprecation warning to encourage authors to not do this! aDeprecationLogFn("MediaEMENoCodecsDeprecatedWarning"); // TODO: Remove this once we're sure it doesn't break the web. // If container normatively implies a specific set of codecs and codec // constraints: Let parameters be that set. if (isMP4) { if (aCodecType == Audio) { codecs.AppendElement(EME_CODEC_AAC); } else if (aCodecType == Video) { codecs.AppendElement(EME_CODEC_H264); } } else if (isWebM) { if (aCodecType == Audio) { codecs.AppendElement(EME_CODEC_VORBIS); } else if (aCodecType == Video) { codecs.AppendElement(EME_CODEC_VP8); } } // Otherwise: Continue to the next iteration. // (Note: all containers we support have implied codecs, so don't continue // here.) } // If container type is not strictly a audio/video type, continue to the // next iteration. const auto majorType = GetMajorType(containerType.Type()); if (majorType == Invalid) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s','%s') unsupported; " "MIME type is not an audio or video MIME type.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get()); continue; } if (majorType != aCodecType || !AllCodecsOfType(codecs, aCodecType)) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s','%s') unsupported; " "MIME type mixes audio codecs in video capabilities " "or video codecs in audio capabilities.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get()); continue; } // If robustness is not the empty string and contains an unrecognized // value or a value not supported by implementation, continue to the // next iteration. String comparison is case-sensitive. if (!robustness.IsEmpty()) { if (majorType == Audio && !aKeySystem.mAudioRobustness.Contains(robustness)) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s','%s') unsupported; " "unsupported robustness string.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get()); continue; } if (majorType == Video && !aKeySystem.mVideoRobustness.Contains(robustness)) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s','%s') unsupported; " "unsupported robustness string.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get()); continue; } // Note: specified robustness requirements are satisfied. } // If preffed on: "In the Get Supported Capabilities for Audio/Video Type // algorithm, implementations must skip capabilities specifying unsupported // encryption schemes." if (!SupportsEncryptionScheme(encryptionScheme, aKeySystem.mEncryptionSchemes)) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s','%s') unsupported; " "encryption scheme unsupported by CDM requested.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get()); continue; } // If the user agent and implementation definitely support playback of // encrypted media data for the combination of container, media types, // robustness and local accumulated configuration in combination with // restrictions... const auto& containerSupport = isMP4 ? aKeySystem.mMP4 : aKeySystem.mWebM; if (!CanDecryptAndDecode(aKeySystem.mKeySystem, contentTypeString, majorType, containerSupport, codecs, aDiagnostics)) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') " "MediaKeySystemMediaCapability('%s','%s','%s') unsupported; " "codec unsupported by CDM requested.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aPartialConfig.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(contentTypeString).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(robustness).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(encryptionScheme).get()); continue; } // ... add requested media capability to supported media capabilities. if (!supportedCapabilities.AppendElement(capabilities, mozilla::fallible)) { NS_WARNING("GetSupportedCapabilities: Malloc failure"); return Sequence(); } // Note: omitting steps 3.13.2, our robustness is not sophisticated enough // to require considering all requirements together. } return supportedCapabilities; } // "Get Supported Configuration and Consent" algorithm, steps 4-7 for // distinctive identifier, and steps 8-11 for persistent state. The steps // are the same for both requirements/features, so we factor them out into // a single function. static bool CheckRequirement(const MediaKeysRequirement aRequirement, const KeySystemFeatureSupport aFeatureSupport, MediaKeysRequirement& aOutRequirement) { // Let requirement be the value of candidate configuration's member. MediaKeysRequirement requirement = aRequirement; // If requirement is "optional" and feature is not allowed according to // restrictions, set requirement to "not-allowed". if (aRequirement == MediaKeysRequirement::Optional && aFeatureSupport == KeySystemFeatureSupport::Prohibited) { requirement = MediaKeysRequirement::Not_allowed; } // Follow the steps for requirement from the following list: switch (requirement) { case MediaKeysRequirement::Required: { // If the implementation does not support use of requirement in // combination with accumulated configuration and restrictions, return // NotSupported. if (aFeatureSupport == KeySystemFeatureSupport::Prohibited) { return false; } break; } case MediaKeysRequirement::Optional: { // Continue with the following steps. break; } case MediaKeysRequirement::Not_allowed: { // If the implementation requires use of feature in combination with // accumulated configuration and restrictions, return NotSupported. if (aFeatureSupport == KeySystemFeatureSupport::Required) { return false; } break; } default: { return false; } } // Set the requirement member of accumulated configuration to equal // calculated requirement. aOutRequirement = requirement; return true; } //, step 12 // Follow the steps for the first matching condition from the following list: // If the sessionTypes member is present in candidate configuration. // Let session types be candidate configuration's sessionTypes member. // Otherwise let session types be ["temporary"]. // Note: This returns an empty array on malloc failure. static Sequence UnboxSessionTypes( const Optional>& aSessionTypes) { Sequence sessionTypes; if (aSessionTypes.WasPassed()) { sessionTypes = aSessionTypes.Value(); } else { // Note: fallible. Results in an empty array. (void)sessionTypes.AppendElement(ToString(MediaKeySessionType::Temporary), mozilla::fallible); } return sessionTypes; } // Get Supported Configuration and Consent static bool GetSupportedConfig( const KeySystemConfig& aKeySystem, const MediaKeySystemConfiguration& aCandidate, MediaKeySystemConfiguration& aOutConfig, DecoderDoctorDiagnostics* aDiagnostics, bool aInPrivateBrowsing, const std::function& aDeprecationLogFn) { // Let accumulated configuration be a new MediaKeySystemConfiguration // dictionary. MediaKeySystemConfiguration config; // Set the label member of accumulated configuration to equal the label member // of candidate configuration. config.mLabel = aCandidate.mLabel; // If the initDataTypes member of candidate configuration is non-empty, run // the following steps: if (!aCandidate.mInitDataTypes.IsEmpty()) { // Let supported types be an empty sequence of DOMStrings. nsTArray supportedTypes; // For each value in candidate configuration's initDataTypes member: for (const nsString& initDataType : aCandidate.mInitDataTypes) { // Let initDataType be the value. // If the implementation supports generating requests based on // initDataType, add initDataType to supported types. String comparison is // case-sensitive. The empty string is never supported. if (aKeySystem.mInitDataTypes.Contains(initDataType)) { supportedTypes.AppendElement(initDataType); } } // If supported types is empty, return NotSupported. if (supportedTypes.IsEmpty()) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') rejected; " "no supported initDataTypes provided.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aCandidate.mLabel).get()); return false; } // Set the initDataTypes member of accumulated configuration to supported // types. if (!config.mInitDataTypes.Assign(supportedTypes)) { return false; } } if (!CheckRequirement(aCandidate.mDistinctiveIdentifier, aKeySystem.mDistinctiveIdentifier, config.mDistinctiveIdentifier)) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') rejected; " "distinctiveIdentifier requirement not satisfied.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aCandidate.mLabel).get()); return false; } if (!CheckRequirement(aCandidate.mPersistentState, aKeySystem.mPersistentState, config.mPersistentState)) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') rejected; " "persistentState requirement not satisfied.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aCandidate.mLabel).get()); return false; } if (config.mPersistentState == MediaKeysRequirement::Required && aInPrivateBrowsing) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') rejected; " "persistentState requested in Private Browsing window.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aCandidate.mLabel).get()); return false; } Sequence sessionTypes(UnboxSessionTypes(aCandidate.mSessionTypes)); if (sessionTypes.IsEmpty()) { // Malloc failure. return false; } // For each value in session types: for (const auto& sessionTypeString : sessionTypes) { // Let session type be the value. MediaKeySessionType sessionType; if (!ToSessionType(sessionTypeString, sessionType)) { // (Assume invalid sessionType is unsupported as per steps below). EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') rejected; " "invalid session type specified.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aCandidate.mLabel).get()); return false; } // If accumulated configuration's persistentState value is "not-allowed" // and the Is persistent session type? algorithm returns true for session // type return NotSupported. if (config.mPersistentState == MediaKeysRequirement::Not_allowed && IsPersistentSessionType(sessionType)) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') rejected; " "persistent session requested but keysystem doesn't" "support persistent state.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aCandidate.mLabel).get()); return false; } // If the implementation does not support session type in combination // with accumulated configuration and restrictions for other reasons, // return NotSupported. if (!aKeySystem.mSessionTypes.Contains(sessionType)) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') rejected; " "session type '%s' unsupported by keySystem.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aCandidate.mLabel).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(sessionTypeString).get()); return false; } // If accumulated configuration's persistentState value is "optional" // and the result of running the Is persistent session type? algorithm // on session type is true, change accumulated configuration's // persistentState value to "required". if (config.mPersistentState == MediaKeysRequirement::Optional && IsPersistentSessionType(sessionType)) { config.mPersistentState = MediaKeysRequirement::Required; } } // Set the sessionTypes member of accumulated configuration to session types. config.mSessionTypes.Construct(std::move(sessionTypes)); // If the videoCapabilities and audioCapabilities members in candidate // configuration are both empty, return NotSupported. if (aCandidate.mAudioCapabilities.IsEmpty() && aCandidate.mVideoCapabilities.IsEmpty()) { // TODO: Most sites using EME still don't pass capabilities, so we // can't reject on it yet without breaking them. So add this later. // Log deprecation warning to encourage authors to not do this! aDeprecationLogFn("MediaEMENoCapabilitiesDeprecatedWarning"); } // If the videoCapabilities member in candidate configuration is non-empty: if (!aCandidate.mVideoCapabilities.IsEmpty()) { // Let video capabilities be the result of executing the Get Supported // Capabilities for Audio/Video Type algorithm on Video, candidate // configuration's videoCapabilities member, accumulated configuration, // and restrictions. Sequence caps = GetSupportedCapabilities(Video, aCandidate.mVideoCapabilities, config, aKeySystem, aDiagnostics, aDeprecationLogFn); // If video capabilities is null, return NotSupported. if (caps.IsEmpty()) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') rejected; " "no supported video capabilities.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aCandidate.mLabel).get()); return false; } // Set the videoCapabilities member of accumulated configuration to video // capabilities. config.mVideoCapabilities = std::move(caps); } else { // Otherwise: // Set the videoCapabilities member of accumulated configuration to an empty // sequence. } // If the audioCapabilities member in candidate configuration is non-empty: if (!aCandidate.mAudioCapabilities.IsEmpty()) { // Let audio capabilities be the result of executing the Get Supported // Capabilities for Audio/Video Type algorithm on Audio, candidate // configuration's audioCapabilities member, accumulated configuration, and // restrictions. Sequence caps = GetSupportedCapabilities(Audio, aCandidate.mAudioCapabilities, config, aKeySystem, aDiagnostics, aDeprecationLogFn); // If audio capabilities is null, return NotSupported. if (caps.IsEmpty()) { EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') rejected; " "no supported audio capabilities.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aCandidate.mLabel).get()); return false; } // Set the audioCapabilities member of accumulated configuration to audio // capabilities. config.mAudioCapabilities = std::move(caps); } else { // Otherwise: // Set the audioCapabilities member of accumulated configuration to an empty // sequence. } // If accumulated configuration's distinctiveIdentifier value is "optional", // follow the steps for the first matching condition from the following list: if (config.mDistinctiveIdentifier == MediaKeysRequirement::Optional) { // If the implementation requires use Distinctive Identifier(s) or // Distinctive Permanent Identifier(s) for any of the combinations // in accumulated configuration if (aKeySystem.mDistinctiveIdentifier == KeySystemFeatureSupport::Required) { // Change accumulated configuration's distinctiveIdentifier value to // "required". config.mDistinctiveIdentifier = MediaKeysRequirement::Required; } else { // Otherwise, change accumulated configuration's distinctiveIdentifier // value to "not-allowed". config.mDistinctiveIdentifier = MediaKeysRequirement::Not_allowed; } } // If accumulated configuration's persistentState value is "optional", follow // the steps for the first matching condition from the following list: if (config.mPersistentState == MediaKeysRequirement::Optional) { // If the implementation requires persisting state for any of the // combinations in accumulated configuration if (aKeySystem.mPersistentState == KeySystemFeatureSupport::Required) { // Change accumulated configuration's persistentState value to "required". config.mPersistentState = MediaKeysRequirement::Required; } else { // Otherwise, change accumulated configuration's persistentState // value to "not-allowed". config.mPersistentState = MediaKeysRequirement::Not_allowed; } } // Note: Omitting steps 20-22. We don't ask for consent. #if defined(XP_WIN) // Widevine CDM doesn't include an AAC decoder. So if WMF can't decode AAC, // and a codec wasn't specified, be conservative and reject the MediaKeys // request. if (IsWidevineKeySystem(aKeySystem.mKeySystem) && (aCandidate.mAudioCapabilities.IsEmpty() || aCandidate.mVideoCapabilities.IsEmpty()) && !WMFDecoderModule::HasAAC()) { if (aDiagnostics) { aDiagnostics->SetKeySystemIssue( DecoderDoctorDiagnostics::eWidevineWithNoWMF); } EME_LOG( "MediaKeySystemConfiguration (label='%s') rejected; " "WMF required for Widevine decoding, but it's not available.", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aCandidate.mLabel).get()); return false; } #endif // Return accumulated configuration. aOutConfig = config; return true; } /* static */ bool MediaKeySystemAccess::GetSupportedConfig( const nsAString& aKeySystem, const Sequence& aConfigs, MediaKeySystemConfiguration& aOutConfig, DecoderDoctorDiagnostics* aDiagnostics, bool aIsPrivateBrowsing, const std::function& aDeprecationLogFn) { KeySystemConfig implementation; if (!GetKeySystemConfig(aKeySystem, implementation)) { return false; } for (const MediaKeySystemConfiguration& candidate : aConfigs) { if (mozilla::dom::GetSupportedConfig(implementation, candidate, aOutConfig, aDiagnostics, aIsPrivateBrowsing, aDeprecationLogFn)) { return true; } } return false; } /* static */ void MediaKeySystemAccess::NotifyObservers(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow, const nsAString& aKeySystem, MediaKeySystemStatus aStatus) { RequestMediaKeySystemAccessNotification data; data.mKeySystem = aKeySystem; data.mStatus = aStatus; nsAutoString json; data.ToJSON(json); EME_LOG("MediaKeySystemAccess::NotifyObservers() %s", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(json).get()); nsCOMPtr obs = services::GetObserverService(); if (obs) { obs->NotifyObservers(aWindow, "mediakeys-request", json.get()); } } static nsCString ToCString(const nsString& aString) { nsCString str("'"); str.Append(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aString)); str.AppendLiteral("'"); return str; } static nsCString ToCString(const MediaKeysRequirement aValue) { nsCString str("'"); str.AppendASCII(MediaKeysRequirementValues::GetString(aValue)); str.AppendLiteral("'"); return str; } static nsCString ToCString(const MediaKeySystemMediaCapability& aValue) { nsCString str; str.AppendLiteral("{contentType="); str.Append(ToCString(aValue.mContentType)); str.AppendLiteral(", robustness="); str.Append(ToCString(aValue.mRobustness)); str.AppendLiteral(", encryptionScheme="); str.Append(ToCString(aValue.mEncryptionScheme)); str.AppendLiteral("}"); return str; } template static nsCString ToCString(const Sequence& aSequence) { nsCString str; str.AppendLiteral("["); StringJoinAppend(str, ","_ns, aSequence, [](nsACString& dest, const Type& element) { dest.Append(ToCString(element)); }); str.AppendLiteral("]"); return str; } template static nsCString ToCString(const Optional>& aOptional) { nsCString str; if (aOptional.WasPassed()) { str.Append(ToCString(aOptional.Value())); } else { str.AppendLiteral("[]"); } return str; } static nsCString ToCString(const MediaKeySystemConfiguration& aConfig) { nsCString str; str.AppendLiteral("{label="); str.Append(ToCString(aConfig.mLabel)); str.AppendLiteral(", initDataTypes="); str.Append(ToCString(aConfig.mInitDataTypes)); str.AppendLiteral(", audioCapabilities="); str.Append(ToCString(aConfig.mAudioCapabilities)); str.AppendLiteral(", videoCapabilities="); str.Append(ToCString(aConfig.mVideoCapabilities)); str.AppendLiteral(", distinctiveIdentifier="); str.Append(ToCString(aConfig.mDistinctiveIdentifier)); str.AppendLiteral(", persistentState="); str.Append(ToCString(aConfig.mPersistentState)); str.AppendLiteral(", sessionTypes="); str.Append(ToCString(aConfig.mSessionTypes)); str.AppendLiteral("}"); return str; } /* static */ nsCString MediaKeySystemAccess::ToCString( const Sequence& aConfig) { return mozilla::dom::ToCString(aConfig); } } // namespace mozilla::dom