/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest.h" #include "nsGlobalWindowInner.h" namespace mozilla::dom { NS_IMPL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED(MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest, ContentPermissionRequestBase) NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS_CYCLE_COLLECTION_INHERITED_0( MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest, ContentPermissionRequestBase) /* static */ already_AddRefed MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest::Create(nsPIDOMWindowInner* aWindow) { // Could conceivably be created off main thread then used on main thread // later. If we really need to do that at some point we could relax this // assert. AssertIsOnMainThread(); if (!aWindow) { return nullptr; } nsGlobalWindowInner* innerWindow = nsGlobalWindowInner::Cast(aWindow); if (!innerWindow->GetPrincipal()) { return nullptr; } RefPtr request = new MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest(innerWindow); return request.forget(); } MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest::MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest( nsGlobalWindowInner* aWindow) : ContentPermissionRequestBase(aWindow->GetPrincipal(), aWindow, "media.eme.require-app-approval"_ns, "media-key-system-access"_ns) {} MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest:: ~MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest() { AssertIsOnMainThread(); // If a request has not been serviced by the time it is destroyed, treat it // as if the request was denied. Cancel(); } already_AddRefed MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest::GetPromise() { return mPromiseHolder.Ensure(__func__); } nsresult MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest::Start() { // Check test prefs to see if we should short circuit. We want to do this // before checking the cached value so we can have pref changes take effect // without refreshing the page. MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest::PromptResult promptResult = CheckPromptPrefs(); if (promptResult == MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest::PromptResult::Granted) { return Allow(JS::UndefinedHandleValue); } if (promptResult == MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest::PromptResult::Denied) { return Cancel(); } return nsContentPermissionUtils::AskPermission(this, mWindow); } NS_IMETHODIMP MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest::Allow(JS::HandleValue aChoices) { AssertIsOnMainThread(); mPromiseHolder.ResolveIfExists(true, __func__); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP MediaKeySystemAccessPermissionRequest::Cancel() { AssertIsOnMainThread(); mPromiseHolder.RejectIfExists(false, __func__); return NS_OK; } } // namespace mozilla::dom