// In each list of tests below, test file types that are not supported should // be ignored. To make sure tests respect that, we include a file of type // "bogus/duh" in each list. // Make sure to not touch navigator in here, since we want to push prefs that // will affect the APIs it exposes, but the set of exposed APIs is determined // when Navigator.prototype is created. So if we touch navigator before pushing // the prefs, the APIs it exposes will not take those prefs into account. We // work around this by using a navigator object from a different global for our // UA string testing. var gManifestNavigatorSource = document.documentElement.appendChild( document.createElement("iframe") ); gManifestNavigatorSource.style.display = "none"; function manifestNavigator() { return gManifestNavigatorSource.contentWindow.navigator; } // Similarly, use a