/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource.h" #include "CamerasChild.h" #include "Layers.h" #include "MediaManager.h" #include "MediaTrackConstraints.h" #include "mozilla/ErrorNames.h" #include "mozilla/gfx/Point.h" #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "Tracing.h" #include "VideoFrameUtils.h" #include "VideoUtils.h" #include "webrtc/common_video/include/video_frame_buffer.h" #include "webrtc/common_video/libyuv/include/webrtc_libyuv.h" namespace mozilla { extern LazyLogModule gMediaManagerLog; #define LOG(...) MOZ_LOG(gMediaManagerLog, LogLevel::Debug, (__VA_ARGS__)) #define LOG_FRAME(...) \ MOZ_LOG(gMediaManagerLog, LogLevel::Verbose, (__VA_ARGS__)) using dom::ConstrainLongRange; using dom::MediaSourceEnum; using dom::MediaTrackConstraints; using dom::MediaTrackConstraintSet; using dom::MediaTrackSettings; using dom::VideoFacingModeEnum; static Maybe GetFacingMode(const nsString& aDeviceName) { // Set facing mode based on device name. #if defined(ANDROID) // Names are generated. Example: "Camera 0, Facing back, Orientation 90" // // See media/webrtc/trunk/webrtc/modules/video_capture/android/java/src/org/ // webrtc/videoengine/VideoCaptureDeviceInfoAndroid.java if (aDeviceName.Find(u"Facing back"_ns) != kNotFound) { return Some(VideoFacingModeEnum::Environment); } if (aDeviceName.Find(u"Facing front"_ns) != kNotFound) { return Some(VideoFacingModeEnum::User); } #endif // ANDROID #ifdef XP_MACOSX // Kludge to test user-facing cameras on OSX. if (aDeviceName.Find(u"Face"_ns) != -1) { return Some(VideoFacingModeEnum::User); } #endif #ifdef XP_WIN // The cameras' name of Surface book are "Microsoft Camera Front" and // "Microsoft Camera Rear" respectively. if (aDeviceName.Find(u"Front"_ns) != kNotFound) { return Some(VideoFacingModeEnum::User); } if (aDeviceName.Find(u"Rear"_ns) != kNotFound) { return Some(VideoFacingModeEnum::Environment); } #endif // WINDOWS return Nothing(); } MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource( int aIndex, camera::CaptureEngine aCapEngine, bool aScary) : mCaptureIndex(aIndex), mCapEngine(aCapEngine), mScary(aScary), mMutex("MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::mMutex"), mRescalingBufferPool(/* zero_initialize */ false, /* max_number_of_buffers */ 1), mSettingsUpdatedByFrame(MakeAndAddRef>()), mSettings(MakeAndAddRef>()), mFirstFramePromise(mFirstFramePromiseHolder.Ensure(__func__)) { mSettings->mWidth.Construct(0); mSettings->mHeight.Construct(0); mSettings->mFrameRate.Construct(0); Init(); } MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::~MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource() { mFirstFramePromiseHolder.RejectIfExists(NS_ERROR_ABORT, __func__); } dom::MediaSourceEnum MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::GetMediaSource() const { switch (mCapEngine) { case camera::BrowserEngine: return MediaSourceEnum::Browser; case camera::CameraEngine: return MediaSourceEnum::Camera; case camera::ScreenEngine: return MediaSourceEnum::Screen; case camera::WinEngine: return MediaSourceEnum::Window; default: MOZ_CRASH(); } } void MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::Init() { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); char deviceName[kMaxDeviceNameLength]; char uniqueId[kMaxUniqueIdLength]; if (camera::GetChildAndCall(&camera::CamerasChild::GetCaptureDevice, mCapEngine, mCaptureIndex, deviceName, kMaxDeviceNameLength, uniqueId, kMaxUniqueIdLength, nullptr)) { LOG("Error initializing RemoteVideoSource (GetCaptureDevice)"); return; } SetName(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(deviceName)); mUniqueId = uniqueId; mInitDone = true; } void MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::Shutdown() { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); if (!mInitDone) { // Already shut down return; } if (mState == kStarted) { Stop(); } if (mState == kAllocated || mState == kStopped) { Deallocate(); } MOZ_ASSERT(mState == kReleased); mInitDone = false; } void MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::SetName(nsString aName) { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); mDeviceName = std::move(aName); Maybe facingMode; if (GetMediaSource() == MediaSourceEnum::Camera) { // Only cameras can have a facing mode. facingMode = GetFacingMode(mDeviceName); } mFacingMode = facingMode.map([](const auto& aFM) { return NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16( dom::VideoFacingModeEnumValues::GetString(aFM)); }); NS_DispatchToMainThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::SetName (facingMode updater)", [settings = mSettings, mode = mFacingMode]() { if (mode.isNothing()) { settings->mFacingMode.Reset(); return; } settings->mFacingMode.Construct(*mode); })); } nsString MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::GetName() const { AssertIsOnOwningThread(); return mDeviceName; } nsCString MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::GetUUID() const { AssertIsOnOwningThread(); return mUniqueId; } nsString MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::GetGroupId() const { AssertIsOnOwningThread(); // The remote video backend doesn't implement group id. We return the device // name and higher layers will correlate this with the name of audio devices. return mDeviceName; } nsresult MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::Allocate( const MediaTrackConstraints& aConstraints, const MediaEnginePrefs& aPrefs, uint64_t aWindowID, const char** aOutBadConstraint) { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); MOZ_ASSERT(mState == kReleased); if (!mInitDone) { LOG("Init not done"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NormalizedConstraints constraints(aConstraints); webrtc::CaptureCapability newCapability; LOG("ChooseCapability(kFitness) for mCapability (Allocate) ++"); if (!ChooseCapability(constraints, aPrefs, newCapability, kFitness)) { *aOutBadConstraint = MediaConstraintsHelper::FindBadConstraint(constraints, this); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } LOG("ChooseCapability(kFitness) for mCapability (Allocate) --"); if (camera::GetChildAndCall(&camera::CamerasChild::AllocateCaptureDevice, mCapEngine, mUniqueId.get(), kMaxUniqueIdLength, mCaptureIndex, aWindowID)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mState = kAllocated; mCapability = newCapability; } LOG("Video device %d allocated", mCaptureIndex); return NS_OK; } nsresult MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::Deallocate() { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); MOZ_ASSERT(mState == kStopped || mState == kAllocated); if (mTrack) { mTrack->End(); } { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mTrack = nullptr; mPrincipal = PRINCIPAL_HANDLE_NONE; mState = kReleased; } // Stop() has stopped capture synchronously on the media thread before we get // here, so there are no longer any callbacks on an IPC thread accessing // mImageContainer or mRescalingBufferPool. mImageContainer = nullptr; mRescalingBufferPool.Release(); LOG("Video device %d deallocated", mCaptureIndex); if (camera::GetChildAndCall(&camera::CamerasChild::ReleaseCaptureDevice, mCapEngine, mCaptureIndex)) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Couldn't release allocated device"); } return NS_OK; } void MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::SetTrack(const RefPtr& aTrack, const PrincipalHandle& aPrincipal) { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); MOZ_ASSERT(mState == kAllocated); MOZ_ASSERT(!mTrack); MOZ_ASSERT(aTrack); MOZ_ASSERT(aTrack->AsSourceTrack()); if (!mImageContainer) { mImageContainer = layers::LayerManager::CreateImageContainer( layers::ImageContainer::ASYNCHRONOUS); } { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mTrack = aTrack->AsSourceTrack(); mPrincipal = aPrincipal; } } nsresult MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::Start() { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); MOZ_ASSERT(mState == kAllocated || mState == kStopped); MOZ_ASSERT(mInitDone); MOZ_ASSERT(mTrack); { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mState = kStarted; } mSettingsUpdatedByFrame->mValue = false; if (camera::GetChildAndCall(&camera::CamerasChild::StartCapture, mCapEngine, mCaptureIndex, mCapability, this)) { LOG("StartCapture failed"); MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mState = kStopped; return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_DispatchToMainThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::SetLastCapability", [settings = mSettings, updated = mSettingsUpdatedByFrame, capEngine = mCapEngine, cap = mCapability]() mutable { switch (capEngine) { case camera::ScreenEngine: case camera::WinEngine: // Undo the hack where ideal and max constraints are crammed // together in mCapability for consumption by low-level code. We // don't actually know the real resolution yet, so report min(ideal, // max) for now. // TODO: This can be removed in bug 1453269. cap.width = std::min(cap.width >> 16, cap.width & 0xffff); cap.height = std::min(cap.height >> 16, cap.height & 0xffff); break; default: break; } if (!updated->mValue) { settings->mWidth.Value() = cap.width; settings->mHeight.Value() = cap.height; } settings->mFrameRate.Value() = cap.maxFPS; })); return NS_OK; } nsresult MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::FocusOnSelectedSource() { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); int result; result = camera::GetChildAndCall(&camera::CamerasChild::FocusOnSelectedSource, mCapEngine, mCaptureIndex); return result == 0 ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsresult MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::Stop() { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); if (mState == kStopped || mState == kAllocated) { return NS_OK; } MOZ_ASSERT(mState == kStarted); if (camera::GetChildAndCall(&camera::CamerasChild::StopCapture, mCapEngine, mCaptureIndex)) { MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(false, "Stopping a started capture failed"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); mState = kStopped; } return NS_OK; } nsresult MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::Reconfigure( const MediaTrackConstraints& aConstraints, const MediaEnginePrefs& aPrefs, const char** aOutBadConstraint) { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); MOZ_ASSERT(mInitDone); NormalizedConstraints constraints(aConstraints); webrtc::CaptureCapability newCapability; LOG("ChooseCapability(kFitness) for mTargetCapability (Reconfigure) ++"); if (!ChooseCapability(constraints, aPrefs, newCapability, kFitness)) { *aOutBadConstraint = MediaConstraintsHelper::FindBadConstraint(constraints, this); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } LOG("ChooseCapability(kFitness) for mTargetCapability (Reconfigure) --"); if (mCapability == newCapability) { return NS_OK; } bool started = mState == kStarted; if (started) { nsresult rv = Stop(); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { nsAutoCString name; GetErrorName(rv, name); LOG("Video source %p for video device %d Reconfigure() failed " "unexpectedly in Stop(). rv=%s", this, mCaptureIndex, name.Data()); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); // Start() applies mCapability on the device. mCapability = newCapability; } if (started) { nsresult rv = Start(); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { nsAutoCString name; GetErrorName(rv, name); LOG("Video source %p for video device %d Reconfigure() failed " "unexpectedly in Start(). rv=%s", this, mCaptureIndex, name.Data()); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } return NS_OK; } size_t MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::NumCapabilities() const { AssertIsOnOwningThread(); if (!mCapabilities.IsEmpty()) { return mCapabilities.Length(); } int num = camera::GetChildAndCall(&camera::CamerasChild::NumberOfCapabilities, mCapEngine, mUniqueId.get()); if (num > 0) { mCapabilities.SetLength(num); } else { // The default for devices that don't return discrete capabilities: treat // them as supporting all capabilities orthogonally. E.g. screensharing. // CaptureCapability defaults key values to 0, which means accept any value. mCapabilities.AppendElement(MakeUnique()); mCapabilitiesAreHardcoded = true; } return mCapabilities.Length(); } webrtc::CaptureCapability& MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::GetCapability( size_t aIndex) const { AssertIsOnOwningThread(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(aIndex < mCapabilities.Length()); if (!mCapabilities[aIndex]) { mCapabilities[aIndex] = MakeUnique(); camera::GetChildAndCall(&camera::CamerasChild::GetCaptureCapability, mCapEngine, mUniqueId.get(), aIndex, *mCapabilities[aIndex]); } return *mCapabilities[aIndex]; } int MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::DeliverFrame( uint8_t* aBuffer, const camera::VideoFrameProperties& aProps) { // Cameras IPC thread - take great care with accessing members! Maybe req_max_width; Maybe req_max_height; Maybe req_ideal_width; Maybe req_ideal_height; { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); MOZ_ASSERT(mState == kStarted); // TODO: These can be removed in bug 1453269. const int32_t max_width = mCapability.width & 0xffff; const int32_t max_height = mCapability.height & 0xffff; const int32_t ideal_width = (mCapability.width >> 16) & 0xffff; const int32_t ideal_height = (mCapability.height >> 16) & 0xffff; req_max_width = max_width ? Some(max_width) : Nothing(); req_max_height = max_height ? Some(max_height) : Nothing(); req_ideal_width = ideal_width ? Some(ideal_width) : Nothing(); req_ideal_height = ideal_height ? Some(ideal_height) : Nothing(); } // This is only used in the case of screen sharing, see bug 1453269. if (aProps.rotation() == 90 || aProps.rotation() == 270) { // This frame is rotated, so what was negotiated as width is now height, // and vice versa. std::swap(req_max_width, req_max_height); std::swap(req_ideal_width, req_ideal_height); } int32_t dst_max_width = std::min(aProps.width(), req_max_width.valueOr(aProps.width())); int32_t dst_max_height = std::min(aProps.height(), req_max_height.valueOr(aProps.height())); // This logic works for both camera and screen sharing case. // for camera case, req_ideal_width and req_ideal_height are absent. int32_t dst_width = req_ideal_width.valueOr(aProps.width()); int32_t dst_height = req_ideal_height.valueOr(aProps.height()); if (!req_ideal_width && req_ideal_height) { dst_width = *req_ideal_height * aProps.width() / aProps.height(); } else if (!req_ideal_height && req_ideal_width) { dst_height = *req_ideal_width * aProps.height() / aProps.width(); } dst_width = std::min(dst_width, dst_max_width); dst_height = std::min(dst_height, dst_max_height); // Apply scaling for screen sharing, see bug 1453269. switch (mCapEngine) { case camera::ScreenEngine: case camera::WinEngine: { // scale to average of portrait and landscape float scale_width = (float)dst_width / (float)aProps.width(); float scale_height = (float)dst_height / (float)aProps.height(); float scale = (scale_width + scale_height) / 2; // If both req_ideal_width & req_ideal_height are absent, scale is 1, but // if one is present and the other not, scale precisely to the one present if (!req_ideal_width) { scale = scale_height; } else if (!req_ideal_height) { scale = scale_width; } dst_width = int32_t(scale * (float)aProps.width()); dst_height = int32_t(scale * (float)aProps.height()); // if scaled rectangle exceeds max rectangle, scale to minimum of portrait // and landscape if (dst_width > dst_max_width || dst_height > dst_max_height) { scale_width = (float)dst_max_width / (float)dst_width; scale_height = (float)dst_max_height / (float)dst_height; scale = std::min(scale_width, scale_height); dst_width = int32_t(scale * dst_width); dst_height = int32_t(scale * dst_height); } break; } default: { break; } } // Ensure width and height are at least two. Smaller frames can lead to // problems with scaling and video encoding. dst_width = std::max(2, dst_width); dst_height = std::max(2, dst_height); rtc::Callback0 callback_unused; rtc::scoped_refptr buffer = new rtc::RefCountedObject( aProps.width(), aProps.height(), aBuffer, aProps.yStride(), aBuffer + aProps.yAllocatedSize(), aProps.uStride(), aBuffer + aProps.yAllocatedSize() + aProps.uAllocatedSize(), aProps.vStride(), callback_unused); if ((dst_width != aProps.width() || dst_height != aProps.height()) && dst_width <= aProps.width() && dst_height <= aProps.height()) { // Destination resolution is smaller than source buffer. We'll rescale. rtc::scoped_refptr scaledBuffer = mRescalingBufferPool.CreateBuffer(dst_width, dst_height); if (!scaledBuffer) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "We might fail to allocate a buffer, but with this " "being a recycling pool that shouldn't happen"); return 0; } scaledBuffer->CropAndScaleFrom(*buffer); buffer = scaledBuffer; } layers::PlanarYCbCrData data; data.mYChannel = const_cast(buffer->DataY()); data.mYSize = gfx::IntSize(buffer->width(), buffer->height()); data.mYStride = buffer->StrideY(); MOZ_ASSERT(buffer->StrideU() == buffer->StrideV()); data.mCbCrStride = buffer->StrideU(); data.mCbChannel = const_cast(buffer->DataU()); data.mCrChannel = const_cast(buffer->DataV()); data.mCbCrSize = gfx::IntSize((buffer->width() + 1) / 2, (buffer->height() + 1) / 2); data.mPicX = 0; data.mPicY = 0; data.mPicSize = gfx::IntSize(buffer->width(), buffer->height()); data.mYUVColorSpace = gfx::YUVColorSpace::BT601; RefPtr image = mImageContainer->CreatePlanarYCbCrImage(); if (!image->CopyData(data)) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "We might fail to allocate a buffer, but with this " "being a recycling container that shouldn't happen"); return 0; } #ifdef DEBUG static uint32_t frame_num = 0; LOG_FRAME( "frame %d (%dx%d)->(%dx%d); rotation %d, timeStamp %u, ntpTimeMs %" PRIu64 ", renderTimeMs %" PRIu64, frame_num++, aProps.width(), aProps.height(), dst_width, dst_height, aProps.rotation(), aProps.timeStamp(), aProps.ntpTimeMs(), aProps.renderTimeMs()); #endif if (mImageSize.width != dst_width || mImageSize.height != dst_height) { NS_DispatchToMainThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction( "MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::FrameSizeChange", [settings = mSettings, updated = mSettingsUpdatedByFrame, holder = std::move(mFirstFramePromiseHolder), dst_width, dst_height]() mutable { settings->mWidth.Value() = dst_width; settings->mHeight.Value() = dst_height; updated->mValue = true; // Since mImageSize was initialized to (0,0), we end up here on the // arrival of the first frame. We resolve the promise representing // arrival of first frame, after correct settings values have been // made available (Resolve() is idempotent if already resolved). holder.ResolveIfExists(true, __func__); })); } { MutexAutoLock lock(mMutex); MOZ_ASSERT(mState == kStarted); VideoSegment segment; mImageSize = image->GetSize(); segment.AppendFrame(image.forget(), mImageSize, mPrincipal); mTrack->AppendData(&segment); } return 0; } uint32_t MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::GetDistance( const webrtc::CaptureCapability& aCandidate, const NormalizedConstraintSet& aConstraints, const DistanceCalculation aCalculate) const { if (aCalculate == kFeasibility) { return GetFeasibilityDistance(aCandidate, aConstraints); } return GetFitnessDistance(aCandidate, aConstraints); } uint32_t MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::GetFitnessDistance( const webrtc::CaptureCapability& aCandidate, const NormalizedConstraintSet& aConstraints) const { AssertIsOnOwningThread(); // Treat width|height|frameRate == 0 on capability as "can do any". // This allows for orthogonal capabilities that are not in discrete steps. typedef MediaConstraintsHelper H; uint64_t distance = uint64_t(H::FitnessDistance(mFacingMode, aConstraints.mFacingMode)) + uint64_t(aCandidate.width ? H::FitnessDistance(int32_t(aCandidate.width), aConstraints.mWidth) : 0) + uint64_t(aCandidate.height ? H::FitnessDistance(int32_t(aCandidate.height), aConstraints.mHeight) : 0) + uint64_t(aCandidate.maxFPS ? H::FitnessDistance(double(aCandidate.maxFPS), aConstraints.mFrameRate) : 0); return uint32_t(std::min(distance, uint64_t(UINT32_MAX))); } uint32_t MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::GetFeasibilityDistance( const webrtc::CaptureCapability& aCandidate, const NormalizedConstraintSet& aConstraints) const { AssertIsOnOwningThread(); // Treat width|height|frameRate == 0 on capability as "can do any". // This allows for orthogonal capabilities that are not in discrete steps. typedef MediaConstraintsHelper H; uint64_t distance = uint64_t(H::FitnessDistance(mFacingMode, aConstraints.mFacingMode)) + uint64_t(aCandidate.width ? H::FeasibilityDistance(int32_t(aCandidate.width), aConstraints.mWidth) : 0) + uint64_t(aCandidate.height ? H::FeasibilityDistance(int32_t(aCandidate.height), aConstraints.mHeight) : 0) + uint64_t(aCandidate.maxFPS ? H::FeasibilityDistance(double(aCandidate.maxFPS), aConstraints.mFrameRate) : 0); return uint32_t(std::min(distance, uint64_t(UINT32_MAX))); } // Find best capability by removing inferiors. May leave >1 of equal distance /* static */ void MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::TrimLessFitCandidates( nsTArray& aSet) { uint32_t best = UINT32_MAX; for (auto& candidate : aSet) { if (best > candidate.mDistance) { best = candidate.mDistance; } } aSet.RemoveElementsBy( [best](const auto& set) { return set.mDistance > best; }); MOZ_ASSERT(aSet.Length()); } uint32_t MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::GetBestFitnessDistance( const nsTArray& aConstraintSets) const { AssertIsOnOwningThread(); size_t num = NumCapabilities(); nsTArray candidateSet; for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { candidateSet.AppendElement(CapabilityCandidate(GetCapability(i))); } bool first = true; for (const NormalizedConstraintSet* ns : aConstraintSets) { for (size_t i = 0; i < candidateSet.Length();) { auto& candidate = candidateSet[i]; uint32_t distance = GetFitnessDistance(candidate.mCapability, *ns); if (distance == UINT32_MAX) { candidateSet.RemoveElementAt(i); } else { ++i; if (first) { candidate.mDistance = distance; } } } first = false; } if (!candidateSet.Length()) { return UINT32_MAX; } TrimLessFitCandidates(candidateSet); return candidateSet[0].mDistance; } static void LogCapability(const char* aHeader, const webrtc::CaptureCapability& aCapability, uint32_t aDistance) { static const char* const codec[] = {"VP8", "VP9", "H264", "I420", "RED", "ULPFEC", "Generic codec", "Unknown codec"}; LOG("%s: %4u x %4u x %2u maxFps, %s. Distance = %" PRIu32, aHeader, aCapability.width, aCapability.height, aCapability.maxFPS, codec[std::min(std::max(uint32_t(0), uint32_t(aCapability.videoType)), uint32_t(sizeof(codec) / sizeof(*codec) - 1))], aDistance); } bool MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::ChooseCapability( const NormalizedConstraints& aConstraints, const MediaEnginePrefs& aPrefs, webrtc::CaptureCapability& aCapability, const DistanceCalculation aCalculate) { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); if (MOZ_LOG_TEST(gMediaManagerLog, LogLevel::Debug)) { LOG("ChooseCapability: prefs: %dx%d @%dfps", aPrefs.GetWidth(), aPrefs.GetHeight(), aPrefs.mFPS); MediaConstraintsHelper::LogConstraints(aConstraints); if (!aConstraints.mAdvanced.empty()) { LOG("Advanced array[%zu]:", aConstraints.mAdvanced.size()); for (auto& advanced : aConstraints.mAdvanced) { MediaConstraintsHelper::LogConstraints(advanced); } } } switch (mCapEngine) { case camera::ScreenEngine: case camera::WinEngine: { FlattenedConstraints c(aConstraints); // The actual resolution to constrain around is not easy to find ahead of // time (and may in fact change over time), so as a hack, we push ideal // and max constraints down to desktop_capture_impl.cc and finish the // algorithm there. // TODO: This can be removed in bug 1453269. aCapability.width = (std::min(0xffff, c.mWidth.mIdeal.valueOr(0)) & 0xffff) << 16 | (std::min(0xffff, c.mWidth.mMax) & 0xffff); aCapability.height = (std::min(0xffff, c.mHeight.mIdeal.valueOr(0)) & 0xffff) << 16 | (std::min(0xffff, c.mHeight.mMax) & 0xffff); aCapability.maxFPS = c.mFrameRate.Clamp(c.mFrameRate.mIdeal.valueOr(aPrefs.mFPS)); return true; } default: break; } nsTArray candidateSet; size_t num = NumCapabilities(); for (size_t i = 0; i < num; i++) { candidateSet.AppendElement(CapabilityCandidate(GetCapability(i))); } if (mCapabilitiesAreHardcoded && mCapEngine == camera::CameraEngine) { // We have a hardcoded capability, which means this camera didn't report // discrete capabilities. It might still allow a ranged capability, so we // add a couple of default candidates based on prefs and constraints. // The chosen candidate will be propagated to StartCapture() which will fail // for an invalid candidate. MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(mCapabilities.Length() == 1); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(candidateSet.Length() == 1); candidateSet.Clear(); FlattenedConstraints c(aConstraints); // Reuse the code across both the low-definition (`false`) pref and // the high-definition (`true`) pref. // If there are constraints we try to satisfy them but we default to prefs. // Note that since constraints are from content and can literally be // anything we put (rather generous) caps on them. for (bool isHd : {false, true}) { webrtc::CaptureCapability cap; int32_t prefWidth = aPrefs.GetWidth(isHd); int32_t prefHeight = aPrefs.GetHeight(isHd); cap.width = c.mWidth.Get(prefWidth); cap.width = std::max(0, std::min(cap.width, 7680)); cap.height = c.mHeight.Get(prefHeight); cap.height = std::max(0, std::min(cap.height, 4320)); cap.maxFPS = c.mFrameRate.Get(aPrefs.mFPS); cap.maxFPS = std::max(0, std::min(cap.maxFPS, 480)); if (cap.width != prefWidth) { // Width was affected by constraints. // We'll adjust the height too so the aspect ratio is retained. cap.height = cap.width * prefHeight / prefWidth; } else if (cap.height != prefHeight) { // Height was affected by constraints but not width. // We'll adjust the width too so the aspect ratio is retained. cap.width = cap.height * prefWidth / prefHeight; } if (candidateSet.Contains(cap, CapabilityComparator())) { continue; } LogCapability("Hardcoded capability", cap, 0); candidateSet.AppendElement(cap); } } // First, filter capabilities by required constraints (min, max, exact). for (size_t i = 0; i < candidateSet.Length();) { auto& candidate = candidateSet[i]; candidate.mDistance = GetDistance(candidate.mCapability, aConstraints, aCalculate); LogCapability("Capability", candidate.mCapability, candidate.mDistance); if (candidate.mDistance == UINT32_MAX) { candidateSet.RemoveElementAt(i); } else { ++i; } } if (candidateSet.IsEmpty()) { LOG("failed to find capability match from %zu choices", candidateSet.Length()); return false; } // Filter further with all advanced constraints (that don't overconstrain). for (const auto& cs : aConstraints.mAdvanced) { nsTArray rejects; for (size_t i = 0; i < candidateSet.Length();) { if (GetDistance(candidateSet[i].mCapability, cs, aCalculate) == UINT32_MAX) { rejects.AppendElement(candidateSet[i]); candidateSet.RemoveElementAt(i); } else { ++i; } } if (!candidateSet.Length()) { candidateSet.AppendElements(std::move(rejects)); } } MOZ_ASSERT( candidateSet.Length(), "advanced constraints filtering step can't reduce candidates to zero"); // Remaining algorithm is up to the UA. TrimLessFitCandidates(candidateSet); // Any remaining multiples all have the same distance. A common case of this // occurs when no ideal is specified. Lean toward defaults. uint32_t sameDistance = candidateSet[0].mDistance; { MediaTrackConstraintSet prefs; prefs.mWidth.Construct().SetAsLong() = aPrefs.GetWidth(); prefs.mHeight.Construct().SetAsLong() = aPrefs.GetHeight(); prefs.mFrameRate.Construct().SetAsDouble() = aPrefs.mFPS; NormalizedConstraintSet normPrefs(prefs, false); for (auto& candidate : candidateSet) { candidate.mDistance = GetDistance(candidate.mCapability, normPrefs, aCalculate); } TrimLessFitCandidates(candidateSet); } aCapability = candidateSet[0].mCapability; LogCapability("Chosen capability", aCapability, sameDistance); return true; } void MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::GetSettings( MediaTrackSettings& aOutSettings) const { aOutSettings = *mSettings; } void MediaEngineRemoteVideoSource::Refresh(int aIndex) { LOG("%s", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); AssertIsOnOwningThread(); // NOTE: mCaptureIndex might have changed when allocated! // Use aIndex to update information, but don't change mCaptureIndex!! // Caller looked up this source by uniqueId, so it shouldn't change char deviceName[kMaxDeviceNameLength]; char uniqueId[kMaxUniqueIdLength]; if (camera::GetChildAndCall(&camera::CamerasChild::GetCaptureDevice, mCapEngine, aIndex, deviceName, sizeof(deviceName), uniqueId, sizeof(uniqueId), nullptr)) { return; } SetName(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(deviceName)); MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(mUniqueId.Equals(uniqueId)); } } // namespace mozilla