/** * Default list of commands to execute for a PeerConnection test. */ const STABLE = "stable"; const HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER = "have-local-offer"; const HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER = "have-remote-offer"; const CLOSED = "closed"; const ICE_NEW = "new"; const GATH_NEW = "new"; const GATH_GATH = "gathering"; const GATH_COMPLETE = "complete"; function deltaSeconds(date1, date2) { return (date2.getTime() - date1.getTime()) / 1000; } function dumpSdp(test) { if (typeof test._local_offer !== "undefined") { dump("ERROR: SDP offer: " + test._local_offer.sdp.replace(/[\r]/g, "")); } if (typeof test._remote_answer !== "undefined") { dump("ERROR: SDP answer: " + test._remote_answer.sdp.replace(/[\r]/g, "")); } if ( test.pcLocal && typeof test.pcLocal._local_ice_candidates !== "undefined" ) { dump( "pcLocal._local_ice_candidates: " + JSON.stringify(test.pcLocal._local_ice_candidates) + "\n" ); dump( "pcLocal._remote_ice_candidates: " + JSON.stringify(test.pcLocal._remote_ice_candidates) + "\n" ); dump( "pcLocal._ice_candidates_to_add: " + JSON.stringify(test.pcLocal._ice_candidates_to_add) + "\n" ); } if ( test.pcRemote && typeof test.pcRemote._local_ice_candidates !== "undefined" ) { dump( "pcRemote._local_ice_candidates: " + JSON.stringify(test.pcRemote._local_ice_candidates) + "\n" ); dump( "pcRemote._remote_ice_candidates: " + JSON.stringify(test.pcRemote._remote_ice_candidates) + "\n" ); dump( "pcRemote._ice_candidates_to_add: " + JSON.stringify(test.pcRemote._ice_candidates_to_add) + "\n" ); } if (test.pcLocal && typeof test.pcLocal.iceConnectionLog !== "undefined") { dump( "pcLocal ICE connection state log: " + test.pcLocal.iceConnectionLog + "\n" ); } if (test.pcRemote && typeof test.pcRemote.iceConnectionLog !== "undefined") { dump( "pcRemote ICE connection state log: " + test.pcRemote.iceConnectionLog + "\n" ); } if ( test.pcLocal && test.pcRemote && typeof test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescDate !== "undefined" && typeof test.pcRemote.setLocalDescDate !== "undefined" ) { var delta = deltaSeconds( test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescDate, test.pcRemote.setLocalDescDate ); dump( "Delay between pcLocal.setRemote <-> pcRemote.setLocal: " + delta + "\n" ); } if ( test.pcLocal && test.pcRemote && typeof test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescDate !== "undefined" && typeof test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescStableEventDate !== "undefined" ) { var delta = deltaSeconds( test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescDate, test.pcLocal.setRemoteDescStableEventDate ); dump( "Delay between pcLocal.setRemote <-> pcLocal.signalingStateStable: " + delta + "\n" ); } if ( test.pcLocal && test.pcRemote && typeof test.pcRemote.setLocalDescDate !== "undefined" && typeof test.pcRemote.setLocalDescStableEventDate !== "undefined" ) { var delta = deltaSeconds( test.pcRemote.setLocalDescDate, test.pcRemote.setLocalDescStableEventDate ); dump( "Delay between pcRemote.setLocal <-> pcRemote.signalingStateStable: " + delta + "\n" ); } } // We need to verify that at least one candidate has been (or will be) gathered. function waitForAnIceCandidate(pc) { return new Promise(resolve => { if (!pc.localRequiresTrickleIce || pc._local_ice_candidates.length > 0) { resolve(); } else { // In some circumstances, especially when both PCs are on the same // browser, even though we are connected, the connection can be // established without receiving a single candidate from one or other // peer. So we wait for at least one... pc._pc.addEventListener("icecandidate", resolve); } }).then(() => { ok( pc._local_ice_candidates.length > 0, pc + " received local trickle ICE candidates" ); isnot( pc._pc.iceGatheringState, GATH_NEW, pc + " ICE gathering state is not 'new'" ); }); } async function checkTrackStats(pc, track, outbound) { const audio = track.kind == "audio"; const msg = `${pc} stats ${outbound ? "outbound " : "inbound "}` + `${audio ? "audio" : "video"} rtp track id ${track.id}`; const stats = await pc.getStats(track); ok( pc.hasStat(stats, { type: outbound ? "outbound-rtp" : "inbound-rtp", kind: audio ? "audio" : "video", }), `${msg} - found expected stats` ); ok( !pc.hasStat(stats, { type: outbound ? "inbound-rtp" : "outbound-rtp", }), `${msg} - did not find extra stats with wrong direction` ); ok( !pc.hasStat(stats, { kind: audio ? "video" : "audio", }), `${msg} - did not find extra stats with wrong media type` ); } function checkAllTrackStats(pc) { return Promise.all([ ...pc .getExpectedActiveReceivers() .map(({ track }) => checkTrackStats(pc, track, false)), ...pc .getExpectedSenders() .map(({ track }) => checkTrackStats(pc, track, true)), ]); } // Commands run once at the beginning of each test, even when performing a // renegotiation test. var commandsPeerConnectionInitial = [ function PC_LOCAL_SETUP_ICE_LOGGER(test) { test.pcLocal.logIceConnectionState(); }, function PC_REMOTE_SETUP_ICE_LOGGER(test) { test.pcRemote.logIceConnectionState(); }, function PC_LOCAL_SETUP_SIGNALING_LOGGER(test) { test.pcLocal.logSignalingState(); }, function PC_REMOTE_SETUP_SIGNALING_LOGGER(test) { test.pcRemote.logSignalingState(); }, function PC_LOCAL_SETUP_TRACK_HANDLER(test) { test.pcLocal.setupTrackEventHandler(); }, function PC_REMOTE_SETUP_TRACK_HANDLER(test) { test.pcRemote.setupTrackEventHandler(); }, function PC_LOCAL_CHECK_INITIAL_SIGNALINGSTATE(test) { is( test.pcLocal.signalingState, STABLE, "Initial local signalingState is 'stable'" ); }, function PC_REMOTE_CHECK_INITIAL_SIGNALINGSTATE(test) { is( test.pcRemote.signalingState, STABLE, "Initial remote signalingState is 'stable'" ); }, function PC_LOCAL_CHECK_INITIAL_ICE_STATE(test) { is( test.pcLocal.iceConnectionState, ICE_NEW, "Initial local ICE connection state is 'new'" ); }, function PC_REMOTE_CHECK_INITIAL_ICE_STATE(test) { is( test.pcRemote.iceConnectionState, ICE_NEW, "Initial remote ICE connection state is 'new'" ); }, function PC_LOCAL_CHECK_INITIAL_CAN_TRICKLE_SYNC(test) { is( test.pcLocal._pc.canTrickleIceCandidates, null, "Local trickle status should start out unknown" ); }, function PC_REMOTE_CHECK_INITIAL_CAN_TRICKLE_SYNC(test) { is( test.pcRemote._pc.canTrickleIceCandidates, null, "Remote trickle status should start out unknown" ); }, ]; var commandsGetUserMedia = [ function PC_LOCAL_GUM(test) { return test.pcLocal.getAllUserMediaAndAddStreams(test.pcLocal.constraints); }, function PC_REMOTE_GUM(test) { return test.pcRemote.getAllUserMediaAndAddStreams( test.pcRemote.constraints ); }, ]; var commandsPeerConnectionOfferAnswer = [ function PC_LOCAL_SETUP_ICE_HANDLER(test) { test.pcLocal.setupIceCandidateHandler(test); }, function PC_REMOTE_SETUP_ICE_HANDLER(test) { test.pcRemote.setupIceCandidateHandler(test); }, function PC_LOCAL_CREATE_OFFER(test) { return test.createOffer(test.pcLocal).then(offer => { is( test.pcLocal.signalingState, STABLE, "Local create offer does not change signaling state" ); }); }, function PC_LOCAL_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION(test) { return test .setLocalDescription(test.pcLocal, test.originalOffer, HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER) .then(() => { is( test.pcLocal.signalingState, HAVE_LOCAL_OFFER, "signalingState after local setLocalDescription is 'have-local-offer'" ); }); }, function PC_REMOTE_GET_OFFER(test) { test._local_offer = test.originalOffer; test._offer_constraints = test.pcLocal.constraints; test._offer_options = test.pcLocal.offerOptions; return Promise.resolve(); }, function PC_REMOTE_SET_REMOTE_DESCRIPTION(test) { return test .setRemoteDescription(test.pcRemote, test._local_offer, HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER) .then(() => { is( test.pcRemote.signalingState, HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER, "signalingState after remote setRemoteDescription is 'have-remote-offer'" ); }); }, function PC_REMOTE_CHECK_CAN_TRICKLE_SYNC(test) { is( test.pcRemote._pc.canTrickleIceCandidates, true, "Remote thinks that local can trickle" ); }, function PC_LOCAL_SANE_LOCAL_SDP(test) { test.pcLocal.localRequiresTrickleIce = sdputils.verifySdp( test._local_offer, "offer", test._offer_constraints, test._offer_options, test.testOptions ); }, function PC_REMOTE_SANE_REMOTE_SDP(test) { test.pcRemote.remoteRequiresTrickleIce = sdputils.verifySdp( test._local_offer, "offer", test._offer_constraints, test._offer_options, test.testOptions ); }, function PC_REMOTE_CREATE_ANSWER(test) { return test.createAnswer(test.pcRemote).then(answer => { is( test.pcRemote.signalingState, HAVE_REMOTE_OFFER, "Remote createAnswer does not change signaling state" ); }); }, function PC_REMOTE_SET_LOCAL_DESCRIPTION(test) { return test .setLocalDescription(test.pcRemote, test.originalAnswer, STABLE) .then(() => { is( test.pcRemote.signalingState, STABLE, "signalingState after remote setLocalDescription is 'stable'" ); }); }, function PC_LOCAL_GET_ANSWER(test) { test._remote_answer = test.originalAnswer; test._answer_constraints = test.pcRemote.constraints; return Promise.resolve(); }, function PC_LOCAL_SET_REMOTE_DESCRIPTION(test) { return test .setRemoteDescription(test.pcLocal, test._remote_answer, STABLE) .then(() => { is( test.pcLocal.signalingState, STABLE, "signalingState after local setRemoteDescription is 'stable'" ); }); }, function PC_REMOTE_SANE_LOCAL_SDP(test) { test.pcRemote.localRequiresTrickleIce = sdputils.verifySdp( test._remote_answer, "answer", test._offer_constraints, test._offer_options, test.testOptions ); }, function PC_LOCAL_SANE_REMOTE_SDP(test) { test.pcLocal.remoteRequiresTrickleIce = sdputils.verifySdp( test._remote_answer, "answer", test._offer_constraints, test._offer_options, test.testOptions ); }, function PC_LOCAL_CHECK_CAN_TRICKLE_SYNC(test) { is( test.pcLocal._pc.canTrickleIceCandidates, true, "Local thinks that remote can trickle" ); }, function PC_LOCAL_WAIT_FOR_ICE_CONNECTED(test) { return test.pcLocal.waitForIceConnected().then(() => { info( test.pcLocal + ": ICE connection state log: " + test.pcLocal.iceConnectionLog ); }); }, function PC_REMOTE_WAIT_FOR_ICE_CONNECTED(test) { return test.pcRemote.waitForIceConnected().then(() => { info( test.pcRemote + ": ICE connection state log: " + test.pcRemote.iceConnectionLog ); }); }, function PC_LOCAL_VERIFY_ICE_GATHERING(test) { return waitForAnIceCandidate(test.pcLocal); }, function PC_REMOTE_VERIFY_ICE_GATHERING(test) { return waitForAnIceCandidate(test.pcRemote); }, function PC_LOCAL_WAIT_FOR_MEDIA_FLOW(test) { return test.pcLocal.waitForMediaFlow(); }, function PC_REMOTE_WAIT_FOR_MEDIA_FLOW(test) { return test.pcRemote.waitForMediaFlow(); }, function PC_LOCAL_CHECK_STATS(test) { return test.pcLocal.getStats().then(stats => { test.pcLocal.checkStats(stats); }); }, function PC_REMOTE_CHECK_STATS(test) { return test.pcRemote.getStats().then(stats => { test.pcRemote.checkStats(stats); }); }, function PC_LOCAL_CHECK_ICE_CONNECTION_TYPE(test) { return test.pcLocal.getStats().then(stats => { test.pcLocal.checkStatsIceConnectionType( stats, test.testOptions.expectedLocalCandidateType ); }); }, function PC_REMOTE_CHECK_ICE_CONNECTION_TYPE(test) { return test.pcRemote.getStats().then(stats => { test.pcRemote.checkStatsIceConnectionType( stats, test.testOptions.expectedRemoteCandidateType ); }); }, function PC_LOCAL_CHECK_ICE_CONNECTIONS(test) { return test.pcLocal.getStats().then(stats => { test.pcLocal.checkStatsIceConnections(stats, test.testOptions); }); }, function PC_REMOTE_CHECK_ICE_CONNECTIONS(test) { return test.pcRemote.getStats().then(stats => { test.pcRemote.checkStatsIceConnections(stats, test.testOptions); }); }, function PC_LOCAL_CHECK_MSID(test) { return test.pcLocal.checkLocalMsids(); }, function PC_REMOTE_CHECK_MSID(test) { return test.pcRemote.checkLocalMsids(); }, function PC_LOCAL_CHECK_TRACK_STATS(test) { return checkAllTrackStats(test.pcLocal); }, function PC_REMOTE_CHECK_TRACK_STATS(test) { return checkAllTrackStats(test.pcRemote); }, function PC_LOCAL_VERIFY_SDP_AFTER_END_OF_TRICKLE(test) { if (test.pcLocal.endOfTrickleSdp) { /* In case the endOfTrickleSdp promise is resolved already it will win the * race because it gets evaluated first. But if endOfTrickleSdp is still * pending the rejection will win the race. */ return Promise.race([ test.pcLocal.endOfTrickleSdp, Promise.reject("No SDP"), ]).then( sdp => sdputils.checkSdpAfterEndOfTrickle( sdp, test.testOptions, test.pcLocal.label ), () => info( "pcLocal: Gathering is not complete yet, skipping post-gathering SDP check" ) ); } }, function PC_REMOTE_VERIFY_SDP_AFTER_END_OF_TRICKLE(test) { if (test.pcRemote.endOfTrickleSdp) { /* In case the endOfTrickleSdp promise is resolved already it will win the * race because it gets evaluated first. But if endOfTrickleSdp is still * pending the rejection will win the race. */ return Promise.race([ test.pcRemote.endOfTrickleSdp, Promise.reject("No SDP"), ]).then( sdp => sdputils.checkSdpAfterEndOfTrickle( sdp, test.testOptions, test.pcRemote.label ), () => info( "pcRemote: Gathering is not complete yet, skipping post-gathering SDP check" ) ); } }, ]; function PC_LOCAL_REMOVE_ALL_BUT_H264_FROM_OFFER(test) { isnot( test.originalOffer.sdp.search("H264/90000"), -1, "H.264 should be present in the SDP offer" ); test.originalOffer.sdp = sdputils.removeCodec( sdputils.removeCodec( sdputils.removeCodec(test.originalOffer.sdp, 120), 121, 97 ) ); info("Updated H264 only offer: " + JSON.stringify(test.originalOffer)); } function PC_LOCAL_REMOVE_BUNDLE_FROM_OFFER(test) { test.originalOffer.sdp = sdputils.removeBundle(test.originalOffer.sdp); info("Updated no bundle offer: " + JSON.stringify(test.originalOffer)); } function PC_LOCAL_REMOVE_RTCPMUX_FROM_OFFER(test) { test.originalOffer.sdp = sdputils.removeRtcpMux(test.originalOffer.sdp); info("Updated no RTCP-Mux offer: " + JSON.stringify(test.originalOffer)); } function PC_LOCAL_REMOVE_SSRC_FROM_OFFER(test) { test.originalOffer.sdp = sdputils.removeSSRCs(test.originalOffer.sdp); info("Updated no SSRCs offer: " + JSON.stringify(test.originalOffer)); } function PC_REMOTE_REMOVE_SSRC_FROM_ANSWER(test) { test.originalAnswer.sdp = sdputils.removeSSRCs(test.originalAnswer.sdp); info("Updated no SSRCs answer: " + JSON.stringify(test.originalAnswer)); } var addRenegotiation = (chain, commands, checks) => { chain.append(commands); chain.append(commandsPeerConnectionOfferAnswer); if (checks) { chain.append(checks); } }; var addRenegotiationAnswerer = (chain, commands, checks) => { chain.append(function SWAP_PC_LOCAL_PC_REMOTE(test) { var temp = test.pcLocal; test.pcLocal = test.pcRemote; test.pcRemote = temp; }); addRenegotiation(chain, commands, checks); };