/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et cindent: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsISpeechService.h" #include "nsServiceManagerUtils.h" #include "nsCategoryManagerUtils.h" #include "SpeechSynthesisUtterance.h" #include "SpeechSynthesisVoice.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsSynthVoiceRegistry.h" #include "nsSpeechTask.h" #include "AudioChannelService.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "mozilla/ClearOnShutdown.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentChild.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentParent.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "mozilla/intl/LocaleService.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_media.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h" #include "mozilla/Unused.h" #include "SpeechSynthesisChild.h" #include "SpeechSynthesisParent.h" using mozilla::intl::LocaleService; #undef LOG extern mozilla::LogModule* GetSpeechSynthLog(); #define LOG(type, msg) MOZ_LOG(GetSpeechSynthLog(), type, msg) namespace { void GetAllSpeechSynthActors( nsTArray& aActors) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); MOZ_ASSERT(aActors.IsEmpty()); AutoTArray contentActors; mozilla::dom::ContentParent::GetAll(contentActors); for (uint32_t contentIndex = 0; contentIndex < contentActors.Length(); ++contentIndex) { MOZ_ASSERT(contentActors[contentIndex]); AutoTArray speechsynthActors; contentActors[contentIndex]->ManagedPSpeechSynthesisParent( speechsynthActors); for (uint32_t speechsynthIndex = 0; speechsynthIndex < speechsynthActors.Length(); ++speechsynthIndex) { MOZ_ASSERT(speechsynthActors[speechsynthIndex]); mozilla::dom::SpeechSynthesisParent* actor = static_cast( speechsynthActors[speechsynthIndex]); aActors.AppendElement(actor); } } } } // namespace namespace mozilla::dom { // VoiceData class VoiceData final { private: // Private destructor, to discourage deletion outside of Release(): ~VoiceData() = default; public: VoiceData(nsISpeechService* aService, const nsAString& aUri, const nsAString& aName, const nsAString& aLang, bool aIsLocal, bool aQueuesUtterances) : mService(aService), mUri(aUri), mName(aName), mLang(aLang), mIsLocal(aIsLocal), mIsQueued(aQueuesUtterances) {} NS_INLINE_DECL_REFCOUNTING(VoiceData) nsCOMPtr mService; nsString mUri; nsString mName; nsString mLang; bool mIsLocal; bool mIsQueued; }; // GlobalQueueItem class GlobalQueueItem final { private: // Private destructor, to discourage deletion outside of Release(): ~GlobalQueueItem() = default; public: GlobalQueueItem(VoiceData* aVoice, nsSpeechTask* aTask, const nsAString& aText, const float& aVolume, const float& aRate, const float& aPitch) : mVoice(aVoice), mTask(aTask), mText(aText), mVolume(aVolume), mRate(aRate), mPitch(aPitch), mIsLocal(false) {} NS_INLINE_DECL_REFCOUNTING(GlobalQueueItem) RefPtr mVoice; RefPtr mTask; nsString mText; float mVolume; float mRate; float mPitch; bool mIsLocal; }; // nsSynthVoiceRegistry static StaticRefPtr gSynthVoiceRegistry; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsSynthVoiceRegistry, nsISynthVoiceRegistry) nsSynthVoiceRegistry::nsSynthVoiceRegistry() : mSpeechSynthChild(nullptr), mUseGlobalQueue(false), mIsSpeaking(false) { if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) { mSpeechSynthChild = new SpeechSynthesisChild(); ContentChild::GetSingleton()->SendPSpeechSynthesisConstructor( mSpeechSynthChild); } } nsSynthVoiceRegistry::~nsSynthVoiceRegistry() { LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("~nsSynthVoiceRegistry")); // mSpeechSynthChild's lifecycle is managed by the Content protocol. mSpeechSynthChild = nullptr; mUriVoiceMap.Clear(); } nsSynthVoiceRegistry* nsSynthVoiceRegistry::GetInstance() { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (!gSynthVoiceRegistry) { gSynthVoiceRegistry = new nsSynthVoiceRegistry(); ClearOnShutdown(&gSynthVoiceRegistry); if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { // Start up all speech synth services. NS_CreateServicesFromCategory(NS_SPEECH_SYNTH_STARTED, nullptr, NS_SPEECH_SYNTH_STARTED); } } return gSynthVoiceRegistry; } already_AddRefed nsSynthVoiceRegistry::GetInstanceForService() { RefPtr registry = GetInstance(); return registry.forget(); } bool nsSynthVoiceRegistry::SendInitialVoicesAndState( SpeechSynthesisParent* aParent) { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); nsTArray voices; nsTArray defaults; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mVoices.Length(); ++i) { RefPtr voice = mVoices[i]; voices.AppendElement(RemoteVoice(voice->mUri, voice->mName, voice->mLang, voice->mIsLocal, voice->mIsQueued)); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mDefaultVoices.Length(); ++i) { defaults.AppendElement(mDefaultVoices[i]->mUri); } return aParent->SendInitialVoicesAndState(voices, defaults, IsSpeaking()); } void nsSynthVoiceRegistry::RecvInitialVoicesAndState( const nsTArray& aVoices, const nsTArray& aDefaults, const bool& aIsSpeaking) { // We really should have a local instance since this is a directed response to // an Init() call. MOZ_ASSERT(gSynthVoiceRegistry); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aVoices.Length(); ++i) { RemoteVoice voice = aVoices[i]; gSynthVoiceRegistry->AddVoiceImpl(nullptr, voice.voiceURI(), voice.name(), voice.lang(), voice.localService(), voice.queued()); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aDefaults.Length(); ++i) { gSynthVoiceRegistry->SetDefaultVoice(aDefaults[i], true); } gSynthVoiceRegistry->mIsSpeaking = aIsSpeaking; if (aVoices.Length()) { gSynthVoiceRegistry->NotifyVoicesChanged(); } } void nsSynthVoiceRegistry::RecvRemoveVoice(const nsAString& aUri) { // If we dont have a local instance of the registry yet, we will recieve // current voices at contruction time. if (!gSynthVoiceRegistry) { return; } gSynthVoiceRegistry->RemoveVoice(nullptr, aUri); } void nsSynthVoiceRegistry::RecvAddVoice(const RemoteVoice& aVoice) { // If we dont have a local instance of the registry yet, we will recieve // current voices at contruction time. if (!gSynthVoiceRegistry) { return; } gSynthVoiceRegistry->AddVoiceImpl(nullptr, aVoice.voiceURI(), aVoice.name(), aVoice.lang(), aVoice.localService(), aVoice.queued()); } void nsSynthVoiceRegistry::RecvSetDefaultVoice(const nsAString& aUri, bool aIsDefault) { // If we dont have a local instance of the registry yet, we will recieve // current voices at contruction time. if (!gSynthVoiceRegistry) { return; } gSynthVoiceRegistry->SetDefaultVoice(aUri, aIsDefault); } void nsSynthVoiceRegistry::RecvIsSpeakingChanged(bool aIsSpeaking) { // If we dont have a local instance of the registry yet, we will get the // speaking state on construction. if (!gSynthVoiceRegistry) { return; } gSynthVoiceRegistry->mIsSpeaking = aIsSpeaking; } void nsSynthVoiceRegistry::RecvNotifyVoicesChanged() { // If we dont have a local instance of the registry yet, we don't care. if (!gSynthVoiceRegistry) { return; } gSynthVoiceRegistry->NotifyVoicesChanged(); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSynthVoiceRegistry::AddVoice(nsISpeechService* aService, const nsAString& aUri, const nsAString& aName, const nsAString& aLang, bool aLocalService, bool aQueuesUtterances) { LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("nsSynthVoiceRegistry::AddVoice uri='%s' name='%s' lang='%s' local=%s " "queued=%s", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aUri).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aName).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aLang).get(), aLocalService ? "true" : "false", aQueuesUtterances ? "true" : "false")); if (NS_WARN_IF(XRE_IsContentProcess())) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } return AddVoiceImpl(aService, aUri, aName, aLang, aLocalService, aQueuesUtterances); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSynthVoiceRegistry::RemoveVoice(nsISpeechService* aService, const nsAString& aUri) { LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("nsSynthVoiceRegistry::RemoveVoice uri='%s' (%s)", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aUri).get(), (XRE_IsContentProcess()) ? "child" : "parent")); bool found = false; VoiceData* retval = mUriVoiceMap.GetWeak(aUri, &found); if (NS_WARN_IF(!(found))) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (NS_WARN_IF(!(aService == retval->mService))) { return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } mVoices.RemoveElement(retval); mDefaultVoices.RemoveElement(retval); mUriVoiceMap.Remove(aUri); if (retval->mIsQueued && !StaticPrefs::media_webspeech_synth_force_global_queue()) { // Check if this is the last queued voice, and disable the global queue if // it is. bool queued = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mVoices.Length(); i++) { VoiceData* voice = mVoices[i]; if (voice->mIsQueued) { queued = true; break; } } if (!queued) { mUseGlobalQueue = false; } } nsTArray ssplist; GetAllSpeechSynthActors(ssplist); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ssplist.Length(); ++i) Unused << ssplist[i]->SendVoiceRemoved(nsString(aUri)); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSynthVoiceRegistry::NotifyVoicesChanged() { if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { nsTArray ssplist; GetAllSpeechSynthActors(ssplist); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ssplist.Length(); ++i) Unused << ssplist[i]->SendNotifyVoicesChanged(); } nsCOMPtr obs = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!(obs))) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } obs->NotifyObservers(nullptr, "synth-voices-changed", nullptr); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSynthVoiceRegistry::SetDefaultVoice(const nsAString& aUri, bool aIsDefault) { bool found = false; VoiceData* retval = mUriVoiceMap.GetWeak(aUri, &found); if (NS_WARN_IF(!(found))) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } mDefaultVoices.RemoveElement(retval); LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("nsSynthVoiceRegistry::SetDefaultVoice %s %s", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aUri).get(), aIsDefault ? "true" : "false")); if (aIsDefault) { mDefaultVoices.AppendElement(retval); } if (XRE_IsParentProcess()) { nsTArray ssplist; GetAllSpeechSynthActors(ssplist); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ssplist.Length(); ++i) { Unused << ssplist[i]->SendSetDefaultVoice(nsString(aUri), aIsDefault); } } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSynthVoiceRegistry::GetVoiceCount(uint32_t* aRetval) { *aRetval = mVoices.Length(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSynthVoiceRegistry::GetVoice(uint32_t aIndex, nsAString& aRetval) { if (NS_WARN_IF(!(aIndex < mVoices.Length()))) { return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } aRetval = mVoices[aIndex]->mUri; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSynthVoiceRegistry::IsDefaultVoice(const nsAString& aUri, bool* aRetval) { bool found; VoiceData* voice = mUriVoiceMap.GetWeak(aUri, &found); if (NS_WARN_IF(!(found))) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } for (int32_t i = mDefaultVoices.Length(); i > 0;) { VoiceData* defaultVoice = mDefaultVoices[--i]; if (voice->mLang.Equals(defaultVoice->mLang)) { *aRetval = voice == defaultVoice; return NS_OK; } } *aRetval = false; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSynthVoiceRegistry::IsLocalVoice(const nsAString& aUri, bool* aRetval) { bool found; VoiceData* voice = mUriVoiceMap.GetWeak(aUri, &found); if (NS_WARN_IF(!(found))) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } *aRetval = voice->mIsLocal; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSynthVoiceRegistry::GetVoiceLang(const nsAString& aUri, nsAString& aRetval) { bool found; VoiceData* voice = mUriVoiceMap.GetWeak(aUri, &found); if (NS_WARN_IF(!(found))) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } aRetval = voice->mLang; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsSynthVoiceRegistry::GetVoiceName(const nsAString& aUri, nsAString& aRetval) { bool found; VoiceData* voice = mUriVoiceMap.GetWeak(aUri, &found); if (NS_WARN_IF(!(found))) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } aRetval = voice->mName; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsSynthVoiceRegistry::AddVoiceImpl( nsISpeechService* aService, const nsAString& aUri, const nsAString& aName, const nsAString& aLang, bool aLocalService, bool aQueuesUtterances) { bool found = false; mUriVoiceMap.GetWeak(aUri, &found); if (NS_WARN_IF(found)) { return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } RefPtr voice = new VoiceData(aService, aUri, aName, aLang, aLocalService, aQueuesUtterances); mVoices.AppendElement(voice); mUriVoiceMap.Put(aUri, std::move(voice)); mUseGlobalQueue |= aQueuesUtterances; nsTArray ssplist; GetAllSpeechSynthActors(ssplist); if (!ssplist.IsEmpty()) { mozilla::dom::RemoteVoice ssvoice(nsString(aUri), nsString(aName), nsString(aLang), aLocalService, aQueuesUtterances); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ssplist.Length(); ++i) { Unused << ssplist[i]->SendVoiceAdded(ssvoice); } } return NS_OK; } bool nsSynthVoiceRegistry::FindVoiceByLang(const nsAString& aLang, VoiceData** aRetval) { nsAString::const_iterator dashPos, start, end; aLang.BeginReading(start); aLang.EndReading(end); while (true) { nsAutoString langPrefix(Substring(start, end)); for (int32_t i = mDefaultVoices.Length(); i > 0;) { VoiceData* voice = mDefaultVoices[--i]; if (StringBeginsWith(voice->mLang, langPrefix)) { *aRetval = voice; return true; } } for (int32_t i = mVoices.Length(); i > 0;) { VoiceData* voice = mVoices[--i]; if (StringBeginsWith(voice->mLang, langPrefix)) { *aRetval = voice; return true; } } dashPos = end; end = start; if (!RFindInReadable(u"-"_ns, end, dashPos)) { break; } } return false; } VoiceData* nsSynthVoiceRegistry::FindBestMatch(const nsAString& aUri, const nsAString& aLang) { if (mVoices.IsEmpty()) { return nullptr; } bool found = false; VoiceData* retval = mUriVoiceMap.GetWeak(aUri, &found); if (found) { LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("nsSynthVoiceRegistry::FindBestMatch - Matched URI")); return retval; } // Try finding a match for given voice. if (!aLang.IsVoid() && !aLang.IsEmpty()) { if (FindVoiceByLang(aLang, &retval)) { LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("nsSynthVoiceRegistry::FindBestMatch - Matched language (%s ~= %s)", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aLang).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(retval->mLang).get())); return retval; } } // Try UI language. nsAutoCString uiLang; LocaleService::GetInstance()->GetAppLocaleAsBCP47(uiLang); if (FindVoiceByLang(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(uiLang), &retval)) { LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("nsSynthVoiceRegistry::FindBestMatch - Matched UI language (%s ~= %s)", uiLang.get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(retval->mLang).get())); return retval; } // Try en-US, the language of locale "C" if (FindVoiceByLang(u"en-US"_ns, &retval)) { LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("nsSynthVoiceRegistry::FindBestMatch - Matched C " "locale language (en-US ~= %s)", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(retval->mLang).get())); return retval; } // The top default voice is better than nothing... if (!mDefaultVoices.IsEmpty()) { return mDefaultVoices.LastElement(); } return nullptr; } already_AddRefed nsSynthVoiceRegistry::SpeakUtterance( SpeechSynthesisUtterance& aUtterance, const nsAString& aDocLang) { nsString lang = nsString(aUtterance.mLang.IsEmpty() ? aDocLang : aUtterance.mLang); nsAutoString uri; if (aUtterance.mVoice) { aUtterance.mVoice->GetVoiceURI(uri); } // Get current audio volume to apply speech call float volume = aUtterance.Volume(); RefPtr service = AudioChannelService::GetOrCreate(); if (service) { if (nsCOMPtr topWindow = aUtterance.GetOwner()) { // TODO : use audio channel agent, open new bug to fix it. AudioPlaybackConfig config = service->GetMediaConfig(topWindow->GetOuterWindow()); volume = config.mMuted ? 0.0f : config.mVolume * volume; } } nsCOMPtr window = aUtterance.GetOwner(); nsCOMPtr doc = window ? window->GetDoc() : nullptr; bool isChrome = nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(doc); RefPtr task; if (XRE_IsContentProcess()) { task = new SpeechTaskChild(&aUtterance, isChrome); SpeechSynthesisRequestChild* actor = new SpeechSynthesisRequestChild( static_cast(task.get())); mSpeechSynthChild->SendPSpeechSynthesisRequestConstructor( actor, aUtterance.mText, lang, uri, volume, aUtterance.Rate(), aUtterance.Pitch(), isChrome); } else { task = new nsSpeechTask(&aUtterance, isChrome); Speak(aUtterance.mText, lang, uri, volume, aUtterance.Rate(), aUtterance.Pitch(), task); } return task.forget(); } void nsSynthVoiceRegistry::Speak(const nsAString& aText, const nsAString& aLang, const nsAString& aUri, const float& aVolume, const float& aRate, const float& aPitch, nsSpeechTask* aTask) { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); if (!aTask->IsChrome() && nsContentUtils::ShouldResistFingerprinting()) { aTask->ForceError(0, 0); return; } VoiceData* voice = FindBestMatch(aUri, aLang); if (!voice) { NS_WARNING("No voices found."); aTask->ForceError(0, 0); return; } aTask->SetChosenVoiceURI(voice->mUri); if (mUseGlobalQueue || StaticPrefs::media_webspeech_synth_force_global_queue()) { LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("nsSynthVoiceRegistry::Speak queueing text='%s' lang='%s' uri='%s' " "rate=%f pitch=%f", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aText).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aLang).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aUri).get(), aRate, aPitch)); RefPtr item = new GlobalQueueItem(voice, aTask, aText, aVolume, aRate, aPitch); mGlobalQueue.AppendElement(item); if (mGlobalQueue.Length() == 1) { SpeakImpl(item->mVoice, item->mTask, item->mText, item->mVolume, item->mRate, item->mPitch); } } else { SpeakImpl(voice, aTask, aText, aVolume, aRate, aPitch); } } void nsSynthVoiceRegistry::SpeakNext() { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("nsSynthVoiceRegistry::SpeakNext %d", mGlobalQueue.IsEmpty())); SetIsSpeaking(false); if (mGlobalQueue.IsEmpty()) { return; } mGlobalQueue.RemoveElementAt(0); while (!mGlobalQueue.IsEmpty()) { RefPtr item = mGlobalQueue.ElementAt(0); if (item->mTask->IsPreCanceled()) { mGlobalQueue.RemoveElementAt(0); continue; } if (!item->mTask->IsPrePaused()) { SpeakImpl(item->mVoice, item->mTask, item->mText, item->mVolume, item->mRate, item->mPitch); } break; } } void nsSynthVoiceRegistry::ResumeQueue() { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("nsSynthVoiceRegistry::ResumeQueue %d", mGlobalQueue.IsEmpty())); if (mGlobalQueue.IsEmpty()) { return; } RefPtr item = mGlobalQueue.ElementAt(0); if (!item->mTask->IsPrePaused()) { SpeakImpl(item->mVoice, item->mTask, item->mText, item->mVolume, item->mRate, item->mPitch); } } bool nsSynthVoiceRegistry::IsSpeaking() { return mIsSpeaking; } void nsSynthVoiceRegistry::SetIsSpeaking(bool aIsSpeaking) { MOZ_ASSERT(XRE_IsParentProcess()); // Only set to 'true' if global queue is enabled. mIsSpeaking = aIsSpeaking && (mUseGlobalQueue || StaticPrefs::media_webspeech_synth_force_global_queue()); nsTArray ssplist; GetAllSpeechSynthActors(ssplist); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ssplist.Length(); ++i) { Unused << ssplist[i]->SendIsSpeakingChanged(aIsSpeaking); } } void nsSynthVoiceRegistry::SpeakImpl(VoiceData* aVoice, nsSpeechTask* aTask, const nsAString& aText, const float& aVolume, const float& aRate, const float& aPitch) { LOG(LogLevel::Debug, ("nsSynthVoiceRegistry::SpeakImpl queueing text='%s' uri='%s' rate=%f " "pitch=%f", NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aText).get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aVoice->mUri).get(), aRate, aPitch)); aTask->Init(); if (NS_FAILED(aVoice->mService->Speak(aText, aVoice->mUri, aVolume, aRate, aPitch, aTask))) { aTask->DispatchError(0, 0); } } } // namespace mozilla::dom