/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const paymentSrv = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/payment-request-service;1" ].getService(Ci.nsIPaymentRequestService); function emitTestFail(message) { sendAsyncMessage("test-fail", message); } function emitTestPass(message) { sendAsyncMessage("test-pass", message); } const billingAddress = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/payment-address;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentAddress); const addressLine = Cc["@mozilla.org/array;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIMutableArray ); const address = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-string;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsISupportsString ); address.data = "Easton Ave"; addressLine.appendElement(address); billingAddress.init( "USA", // country addressLine, // address line "CA", // region "CA", // region code "San Bruno", // city "", // dependent locality "94066", // postal code "123456", // sorting code "", // organization "Bill A. Pacheco", // recipient "+14344413879" ); // phone function acceptPayment(requestId, mode) { const basiccardResponseData = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/basiccard-response-data;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIBasicCardResponseData); const showResponse = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/payment-show-action-response;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentShowActionResponse); basiccardResponseData.initData( "Bill A. Pacheco", // cardholderName "4916855166538720", // cardNumber "01", // expiryMonth "2024", // expiryYear "180", // cardSecurityCode billingAddress ); // billingAddress if (mode === "show") { showResponse.init( requestId, Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse.PAYMENT_ACCEPTED, "basic-card", // payment method basiccardResponseData, // payment method data "Bill A. Pacheco", // payer name "", // payer email "" ); // payer phone } if (mode == "retry") { showResponse.init( requestId, Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse.PAYMENT_ACCEPTED, "basic-card", // payment method basiccardResponseData, // payment method data "Bill A. Pacheco", // payer name "bpacheco@test.org", // payer email "+123456789" ); // payer phone } paymentSrv.respondPayment( showResponse.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse) ); } function rejectPayment(requestId) { const responseData = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/general-response-data;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIGeneralResponseData); responseData.initData({}); const showResponse = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/payment-show-action-response;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentShowActionResponse); showResponse.init( requestId, Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse.PAYMENT_REJECTED, "", // payment method responseData, // payment method data "", // payer name "", // payer email "" ); // payer phone paymentSrv.respondPayment( showResponse.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse) ); } function checkAddressErrors(testName, errors) { if (!errors) { emitTestFail( `${testName}: Expect non-null shippingAddressErrors, but got null.` ); return; } for (const [key, msg] of Object.entries(errors)) { const expected = `${key} error`; if (msg !== expected) { emitTestFail( `${testName}: Expected '${expected}' on shippingAddressErrors.${key}, but got '${msg}'.` ); return; } } } function checkPayerErrors(testName, errors) { if (!errors) { emitTestFail(`${testName}: Expect non-null payerErrors, but got null.`); return; } for (const [key, msg] of Object.entries(errors)) { const expected = `${key} error`; if (msg !== expected) { emitTestFail( `${testName}: Expected '${expected}' on payerErrors.${key}, but got '${msg}'.` ); return; } } } function checkPaymentMethodErrors(testName, errors) { if (!errors) { emitTestFail( `${testName} :Expect non-null paymentMethodErrors, but got null.` ); return; } for (const [key, msg] of Object.entries(errors)) { const expected = `method ${key} error`; if (msg !== expected) { emitTestFail( `${testName}: Expected '${expected}' on paymentMethodErrors.${key}, but got '${msg}'.` ); return; } } } const DummyUIService = { testName: "", rejectRetry: false, showPayment(requestId) { acceptPayment(requestId, "show"); }, abortPaymen(requestId) { respondRequestId = requestId; }, completePayment(requestId) { let completeResponse = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/dom/payments/payment-complete-action-response;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIPaymentCompleteActionResponse); completeResponse.init( requestId, Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse.COMPLETE_SUCCEEDED ); paymentSrv.respondPayment( completeResponse.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPaymentActionResponse) ); }, updatePayment(requestId) { const payment = paymentSrv.getPaymentRequestById(requestId); if (payment.paymentDetails.error !== "error") { emitTestFail( "Expect 'error' on details.error, but got '" + payment.paymentDetails.error + "'" ); } checkAddressErrors( this.testName, payment.paymentDetails.shippingAddressErrors ); checkPayerErrors(this.testName, payment.paymentDetails.payerErrors); checkPaymentMethodErrors( this.testName, payment.paymentDetails.paymentMethodErrors ); if (this.rejectRetry) { rejectPayment(requestId); } else { acceptPayment(requestId, "retry"); } }, closePayment: requestId => { respondRequestId = requestId; }, QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIPaymentUIService"]), }; paymentSrv.setTestingUIService( DummyUIService.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPaymentUIService) ); addMessageListener("start-test", function(testName) { DummyUIService.testName = testName; sendAsyncMessage("start-test-complete"); }); addMessageListener("finish-test", function() { DummyUIService.testName = ""; sendAsyncMessage("finish-test-complete"); }); addMessageListener("reject-retry", function() { DummyUIService.rejectRetry = true; sendAsyncMessage("reject-retry-complete"); }); addMessageListener("teardown", function() { paymentSrv.setTestingUIService(null); sendAsyncMessage("teardown-complete"); });