[DEFAULT] prefs = dom.payments.request.enabled=true # skip-if !e10s will be removed once non-e10s is supported # Android crashes on nearly all tests, bug 1525959 skip-if = !e10s || !nightly_build || toolkit == 'android' || true # we don't ship webpayments right now bug 1514425 scheme = https support-files = blank_page.html bug1478740.html simple_payment_request.html echo_payment_request.html BasiccardChromeScript.js Bug1478740ChromeScript.js BasicCardErrorsChromeScript.js Bug1490698ChromeScript.js ClosePaymentChromeScript.js ConstructorChromeScript.js CurrencyAmountValidationChromeScript.js DefaultData.js GeneralChromeScript.js PayerDetailsChromeScript.js PMIValidationChromeScript.js RequestShippingChromeScript.js RetryPaymentChromeScript.js ShippingOptionsChromeScript.js ShowPaymentChromeScript.js UpdateErrorsChromeScript.js [test_abortPayment.html] run-if = nightly_build # Bug 1390018: Depends on the Nightly-only UI service skip-if = debug # Bug 1507251 - Leak [test_basiccard.html] [test_basiccarderrors.html] [test_block_none10s.html] skip-if = e10s # Bug 1408250: Don't expose PaymentRequest Constructor in non-e10s [test_bug1478740.html] [test_bug1490698.html] [test_canMakePayment.html] run-if = nightly_build # Bug 1390737: Depends on the Nightly-only UI service skip-if = debug # Bug 1507251 - Leak [test_closePayment.html] [test_constructor.html] skip-if = (os == "linux") || (os == "mac") || (os == "win" && os_version == "10.0") # Bug 1514425 [test_currency_amount_validation.html] skip-if = (verify && debug) [test_payerDetails.html] [test_payment-request-in-iframe.html] [test_pmi_validation.html] skip-if = (verify && debug) [test_requestShipping.html] [test_retryPayment.html] [test_shippingOptions.html] [test_showPayment.html] [test_update_errors.html]