/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=4 et : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef dom_plugins_PluginInstanceParent_h #define dom_plugins_PluginInstanceParent_h 1 #include "mozilla/plugins/PPluginInstanceParent.h" #include "mozilla/plugins/PluginScriptableObjectParent.h" #if defined(OS_WIN) # include "mozilla/gfx/SharedDIBWin.h" # include # include "nsRefPtrHashtable.h" # include "mozilla/layers/LayersSurfaces.h" #elif defined(MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA) # include "mozilla/gfx/QuartzSupport.h" #endif #include "npfunctions.h" #include "nsDataHashtable.h" #include "nsHashKeys.h" #include "nsRect.h" #include "mozilla/Unused.h" #include "mozilla/EventForwards.h" class gfxASurface; class gfxContext; class nsPluginInstanceOwner; namespace mozilla { namespace layers { class Image; class ImageContainer; class TextureClientRecycleAllocator; } // namespace layers namespace plugins { class PBrowserStreamParent; class PluginModuleParent; class D3D11SurfaceHolder; class PluginInstanceParent : public PPluginInstanceParent { friend class PluginModuleParent; friend class BrowserStreamParent; friend class StreamNotifyParent; friend class PPluginInstanceParent; #if defined(XP_WIN) public: /** * Helper method for looking up instances based on a supplied id. */ static PluginInstanceParent* LookupPluginInstanceByID(uintptr_t aId); #endif // defined(XP_WIN) public: typedef mozilla::gfx::DrawTarget DrawTarget; PluginInstanceParent(PluginModuleParent* parent, NPP npp, const nsCString& mimeType, const NPNetscapeFuncs* npniface); virtual ~PluginInstanceParent(); bool InitMetadata(const nsACString& aMimeType, const nsACString& aSrcAttribute); NPError Destroy(); virtual void ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason why) override; PPluginScriptableObjectParent* AllocPPluginScriptableObjectParent(); virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvPPluginScriptableObjectConstructor( PPluginScriptableObjectParent* aActor) override; bool DeallocPPluginScriptableObjectParent( PPluginScriptableObjectParent* aObject); PBrowserStreamParent* AllocPBrowserStreamParent( const nsCString& url, const uint32_t& length, const uint32_t& lastmodified, PStreamNotifyParent* notifyData, const nsCString& headers); bool DeallocPBrowserStreamParent(PBrowserStreamParent* stream); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_GetValue_NPNVnetscapeWindow( NativeWindowHandle* value, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_GetValue_NPNVWindowNPObject( PPluginScriptableObjectParent** value, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_GetValue_NPNVPluginElementNPObject( PPluginScriptableObjectParent** value, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_GetValue_NPNVprivateModeBool( bool* value, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_GetValue_DrawingModelSupport( const NPNVariable& model, bool* value); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_GetValue_NPNVdocumentOrigin( nsCString* value, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_GetValue_SupportsAsyncBitmapSurface( bool* value); static bool SupportsPluginDirectDXGISurfaceDrawing(); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_GetValue_SupportsAsyncDXGISurface( bool* value) { *value = SupportsPluginDirectDXGISurfaceDrawing(); return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_GetValue_PreferredDXGIAdapter( DxgiAdapterDesc* desc); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginWindow( const bool& windowed, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginTransparent( const bool& transparent, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginUsesDOMForCursor( const bool& useDOMForCursor, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginDrawingModel( const int& drawingModel, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginEventModel( const int& eventModel, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_SetValue_NPPVpluginIsPlayingAudio( const bool& isAudioPlaying, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_GetURL(const nsCString& url, const nsCString& target, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_PostURL(const nsCString& url, const nsCString& target, const nsCString& buffer, const bool& file, NPError* result); PStreamNotifyParent* AllocPStreamNotifyParent( const nsCString& url, const nsCString& target, const bool& post, const nsCString& buffer, const bool& file, NPError* result); virtual mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerPStreamNotifyConstructor( PStreamNotifyParent* actor, const nsCString& url, const nsCString& target, const bool& post, const nsCString& buffer, const bool& file, NPError* result) override; bool DeallocPStreamNotifyParent(PStreamNotifyParent* notifyData); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvNPN_InvalidateRect(const NPRect& rect); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRevokeCurrentDirectSurface(); /** * Windows async plugin rendering uses DXGI surface objects, entirely * maintained by the compositor process, to back the rendering of plugins. * The expected mechanics are: * - The PluginInstanceChild (PIC) in the plugin process sends * InitDXGISurface to us, the content process' PluginInstanceParent (PIP). * - The PIP uses the ImageBridge to tell the compositor to create 2 * surfaces -- one to be written to by the plugin process and another * to be displayed by the compositor. The PIP returns the plugin * surface to the PIC. * - The PIC repeatedly issues ShowDirectDXGISurface calls to tell the * PIP to blit the plugin surface to the display surface. These * requests are forwarded to the compositor via the ImageBridge. * - The PIC sends FinalizeDXGISurface tio the PIP when it no longer needs * the surface. The PIP then tells the compositor to destroy the * plugin surface. After this, the PIP will tell the compositor to * also destroy the display surface as soon as the ImageBridge says it * no longer needs it. */ mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvInitDXGISurface(const gfx::SurfaceFormat& format, const gfx::IntSize& size, WindowsHandle* outHandle, NPError* outError); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvShowDirectDXGISurface(const WindowsHandle& handle, const gfx::IntRect& rect); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvFinalizeDXGISurface(const WindowsHandle& handle); // -- mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvShowDirectBitmap(Shmem&& buffer, const gfx::SurfaceFormat& format, const uint32_t& stride, const gfx::IntSize& size, const gfx::IntRect& dirty); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvShow(const NPRect& updatedRect, const SurfaceDescriptor& newSurface, SurfaceDescriptor* prevSurface); PPluginSurfaceParent* AllocPPluginSurfaceParent( const WindowsSharedMemoryHandle& handle, const mozilla::gfx::IntSize& size, const bool& transparent); bool DeallocPPluginSurfaceParent(PPluginSurfaceParent* s); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_PushPopupsEnabledState(const bool& aState); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_PopPopupsEnabledState(); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_GetValueForURL( const NPNURLVariable& variable, const nsCString& url, nsCString* value, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_SetValueForURL( const NPNURLVariable& variable, const nsCString& url, const nsCString& value, NPError* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerNPN_ConvertPoint( const double& sourceX, const bool& ignoreDestX, const double& sourceY, const bool& ignoreDestY, const NPCoordinateSpace& sourceSpace, const NPCoordinateSpace& destSpace, double* destX, double* destY, bool* result); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRedrawPlugin(); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvSetNetscapeWindowAsParent( const NativeWindowHandle& childWindow); NPError NPP_SetWindow(const NPWindow* aWindow); NPError NPP_GetValue(NPPVariable variable, void* retval); NPError NPP_SetValue(NPNVariable variable, void* value); void NPP_URLRedirectNotify(const char* url, int32_t status, void* notifyData); NPError NPP_NewStream(NPMIMEType type, NPStream* stream, NPBool seekable, uint16_t* stype); NPError NPP_DestroyStream(NPStream* stream, NPReason reason); void NPP_Print(NPPrint* platformPrint); int16_t NPP_HandleEvent(void* event); void NPP_URLNotify(const char* url, NPReason reason, void* notifyData); PluginModuleParent* Module() { return mParent; } const NPNetscapeFuncs* GetNPNIface() { return mNPNIface; } bool RegisterNPObjectForActor(NPObject* aObject, PluginScriptableObjectParent* aActor); void UnregisterNPObject(NPObject* aObject); PluginScriptableObjectParent* GetActorForNPObject(NPObject* aObject); NPP GetNPP() { return mNPP; } void GetSrcAttribute(nsACString& aOutput) const { aOutput = mSrcAttribute; } MOZ_CAN_RUN_SCRIPT_BOUNDARY mozilla::ipc::IPCResult AnswerPluginFocusChange( const bool& gotFocus); nsresult AsyncSetWindow(NPWindow* window); nsresult GetImageContainer(mozilla::layers::ImageContainer** aContainer); nsresult GetImageSize(nsIntSize* aSize); #ifdef XP_MACOSX nsresult IsRemoteDrawingCoreAnimation(bool* aDrawing); #endif #if defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(XP_WIN) nsresult ContentsScaleFactorChanged(double aContentsScaleFactor); #endif nsresult SetBackgroundUnknown(); nsresult BeginUpdateBackground(const nsIntRect& aRect, DrawTarget** aDrawTarget); nsresult EndUpdateBackground(const nsIntRect& aRect); #if defined(XP_WIN) nsresult SetScrollCaptureId(uint64_t aScrollCaptureId); nsresult GetScrollCaptureContainer( mozilla::layers::ImageContainer** aContainer); #endif void DidComposite(); bool IsUsingDirectDrawing(); static PluginInstanceParent* Cast(NPP instance); // for IME hook mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvGetCompositionString(const uint32_t& aIndex, nsTArray* aBuffer, int32_t* aLength); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvRequestCommitOrCancel(const bool& aCommitted); // for reserved shortcut key handling with windowed plugin on Windows nsresult HandledWindowedPluginKeyEvent( const mozilla::NativeEventData& aKeyEventData, bool aIsConsumed); mozilla::ipc::IPCResult RecvOnWindowedPluginKeyEvent( const mozilla::NativeEventData& aKeyEventData); private: // Create an appropriate platform surface for a background of size // |aSize|. Return true if successful. bool CreateBackground(const nsIntSize& aSize); void DestroyBackground(); SurfaceDescriptor BackgroundDescriptor() /*const*/; typedef mozilla::layers::ImageContainer ImageContainer; ImageContainer* GetImageContainer(); PPluginBackgroundDestroyerParent* AllocPPluginBackgroundDestroyerParent(); bool DeallocPPluginBackgroundDestroyerParent( PPluginBackgroundDestroyerParent* aActor); bool InternalGetValueForNPObject(NPNVariable aVariable, PPluginScriptableObjectParent** aValue, NPError* aResult); nsPluginInstanceOwner* GetOwner(); void SetCurrentImage(layers::Image* aImage); // Update Telemetry with the current drawing model. void RecordDrawingModel(); private: PluginModuleParent* mParent; NPP mNPP; const NPNetscapeFuncs* mNPNIface; nsCString mSrcAttribute; NPWindowType mWindowType; int16_t mDrawingModel; // Since plugins may request different drawing models to find a compatible // one, we only record the drawing model after a SetWindow call and if the // drawing model has changed. int mLastRecordedDrawingModel; nsDataHashtable, PluginScriptableObjectParent*> mScriptableObjects; // This is used to tell the compositor that it should invalidate the // ImageLayer. uint32_t mFrameID; #if defined(XP_WIN) // Note: DXGI 1.1 surface handles are global across all processes, and are not // marshaled. As long as we haven't freed a texture its handle should be valid // as a unique cross-process identifier for the texture. nsRefPtrHashtable, D3D11SurfaceHolder> mD3D11Surfaces; #endif #if defined(OS_WIN) private: // Used in handling parent/child forwarding of events. static LRESULT CALLBACK PluginWindowHookProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); void SubclassPluginWindow(HWND aWnd); void UnsubclassPluginWindow(); bool MaybeCreateAndParentChildPluginWindow(); void MaybeCreateChildPopupSurrogate(); private: nsIntRect mPluginPort; nsIntRect mSharedSize; HWND mPluginHWND; // This is used for the normal child plugin HWND for windowed plugins and, // if needed, also the child popup surrogate HWND for windowless plugins. HWND mChildPluginHWND; HWND mChildPluginsParentHWND; WNDPROC mPluginWndProc; struct AsyncSurfaceInfo { layers::SurfaceDescriptorPlugin mSD; gfx::IntSize mSize; }; // Key is plugin surface's texture's handle HashMap mAsyncSurfaceMap; #endif // defined(OS_WIN) #if defined(MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA) private: Shmem mShSurface; uint16_t mShWidth; uint16_t mShHeight; CGColorSpaceRef mShColorSpace; RefPtr mIOSurface; RefPtr mFrontIOSurface; #endif // definied(MOZ_WIDGET_COCOA) // ObjectFrame layer wrapper RefPtr mFrontSurface; // For windowless+transparent instances, this surface contains a // "pretty recent" copy of the pixels under its frame. // On the plugin side, we use this surface to avoid doing alpha // recovery when possible. This surface is created and owned by // the browser, but a "read-only" reference is sent to the plugin. // // We have explicitly chosen not to provide any guarantees about // the consistency of the pixels in |mBackground|. A plugin may // be able to observe partial updates to the background. RefPtr mBackground; RefPtr mImageContainer; }; } // namespace plugins } // namespace mozilla #endif // ifndef dom_plugins_PluginInstanceParent_h