/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: sw=2 ts=2 et : * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "PluginScriptableObjectParent.h" #include "jsapi.h" #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h" #include "mozilla/plugins/PluginTypes.h" #include "mozilla/Unused.h" #include "nsNPAPIPlugin.h" #include "PluginScriptableObjectUtils.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::plugins; using namespace mozilla::plugins::parent; /** * NPIdentifiers in the chrome process are stored as jsids. The difficulty is in * ensuring that string identifiers are rooted without pinning them all. We * assume that all NPIdentifiers passed into nsJSNPRuntime will not be used * outside the scope of the NPAPI call (i.e., they won't be stored in the * heap). Rooting is done using the StackIdentifier class, which roots the * identifier via RootedId. * * This system does not allow jsids to be moved, as would be needed for * generational or compacting GC. When Firefox implements a moving GC for * strings, we will need to ensure that no movement happens while NPAPI code is * on the stack: although StackIdentifier roots all identifiers used, the GC has * no way to know that a jsid cast to an NPIdentifier needs to be fixed up if it * is moved. */ class MOZ_STACK_CLASS StackIdentifier { public: explicit StackIdentifier(const PluginIdentifier& aIdentifier, bool aAtomizeAndPin = false); bool Failed() const { return mFailed; } NPIdentifier ToNPIdentifier() const { return mIdentifier; } private: bool mFailed; NPIdentifier mIdentifier; AutoSafeJSContext mCx; JS::RootedId mId; }; StackIdentifier::StackIdentifier(const PluginIdentifier& aIdentifier, bool aAtomizeAndPin) : mFailed(false), mId(mCx) { if (aIdentifier.type() == PluginIdentifier::TnsCString) { // We don't call _getstringidentifier because we may not want to intern the // string. NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 utf16name(aIdentifier.get_nsCString()); JS::RootedString str( mCx, JS_NewUCStringCopyN(mCx, utf16name.get(), utf16name.Length())); if (!str) { NS_ERROR("Id can't be allocated"); mFailed = true; return; } if (aAtomizeAndPin) { str = JS_AtomizeAndPinJSString(mCx, str); if (!str) { NS_ERROR("Id can't be allocated"); mFailed = true; return; } } if (!JS_StringToId(mCx, str, &mId)) { NS_ERROR("Id can't be allocated"); mFailed = true; return; } mIdentifier = JSIdToNPIdentifier(mId); return; } mIdentifier = mozilla::plugins::parent::_getintidentifier(aIdentifier.get_int32_t()); } static bool FromNPIdentifier(NPIdentifier aIdentifier, PluginIdentifier* aResult) { if (mozilla::plugins::parent::_identifierisstring(aIdentifier)) { nsCString string; NPUTF8* chars = mozilla::plugins::parent::_utf8fromidentifier(aIdentifier); if (!chars) { return false; } string.Adopt(chars); *aResult = PluginIdentifier(string); return true; } else { int32_t intval = mozilla::plugins::parent::_intfromidentifier(aIdentifier); *aResult = PluginIdentifier(intval); return true; } } namespace { inline void ReleaseVariant(NPVariant& aVariant, PluginInstanceParent* aInstance) { const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(aInstance); if (npn) { npn->releasevariantvalue(&aVariant); } } } // namespace // static NPObject* PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableAllocate(NPP aInstance, NPClass* aClass) { if (aClass != GetClass()) { NS_ERROR("Huh?! Wrong class!"); return nullptr; } return new ParentNPObject(); } // static void PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableInvalidate(NPObject* aObject) { if (aObject->_class != GetClass()) { NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!"); return; } ParentNPObject* object = reinterpret_cast(aObject); if (object->invalidated) { // This can happen more than once, and is just fine. return; } object->invalidated = true; // |object->parent| may be null already if the instance has gone away. if (object->parent && !object->parent->CallInvalidate()) { NS_ERROR("Failed to send message!"); } } // static void PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableDeallocate(NPObject* aObject) { if (aObject->_class != GetClass()) { NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!"); return; } ParentNPObject* object = reinterpret_cast(aObject); if (object->asyncWrapperCount > 0) { // In this case we should just drop the refcount to the asyncWrapperCount // instead of deallocating because there are still some async wrappers // out there that are referencing this object. object->referenceCount = object->asyncWrapperCount; return; } PluginScriptableObjectParent* actor = object->parent; if (actor) { NS_ASSERTION(actor->Type() == Proxy, "Bad type!"); actor->DropNPObject(); } delete object; } // static bool PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableHasMethod(NPObject* aObject, NPIdentifier aName) { if (aObject->_class != GetClass()) { NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!"); return false; } ParentNPObject* object = reinterpret_cast(aObject); if (object->invalidated) { NS_WARNING("Calling method on an invalidated object!"); return false; } ProtectedActor actor(object->parent); if (!actor) { return false; } PluginIdentifier identifier; if (!FromNPIdentifier(aName, &identifier)) { return false; } NS_ASSERTION(actor->Type() == Proxy, "Bad type!"); bool result; if (!actor->CallHasMethod(identifier, &result)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to send message!"); return false; } return result; } // static bool PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableInvoke(NPObject* aObject, NPIdentifier aName, const NPVariant* aArgs, uint32_t aArgCount, NPVariant* aResult) { if (aObject->_class != GetClass()) { NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!"); return false; } ParentNPObject* object = reinterpret_cast(aObject); if (object->invalidated) { NS_WARNING("Calling method on an invalidated object!"); return false; } ProtectedActor actor(object->parent); if (!actor) { return false; } PluginIdentifier identifier; if (!FromNPIdentifier(aName, &identifier)) { return false; } NS_ASSERTION(actor->Type() == Proxy, "Bad type!"); ProtectedVariantArray args(aArgs, aArgCount, actor->GetInstance()); if (!args.IsOk()) { NS_ERROR("Failed to convert arguments!"); return false; } Variant remoteResult; bool success; if (!actor->CallInvoke(identifier, args, &remoteResult, &success)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to send message!"); return false; } if (!success) { return false; } if (!ConvertToVariant(remoteResult, *aResult, actor->GetInstance())) { NS_WARNING("Failed to convert result!"); return false; } return true; } // static bool PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableInvokeDefault( NPObject* aObject, const NPVariant* aArgs, uint32_t aArgCount, NPVariant* aResult) { if (aObject->_class != GetClass()) { NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!"); return false; } ParentNPObject* object = reinterpret_cast(aObject); if (object->invalidated) { NS_WARNING("Calling method on an invalidated object!"); return false; } ProtectedActor actor(object->parent); if (!actor) { return false; } NS_ASSERTION(actor->Type() == Proxy, "Bad type!"); ProtectedVariantArray args(aArgs, aArgCount, actor->GetInstance()); if (!args.IsOk()) { NS_ERROR("Failed to convert arguments!"); return false; } Variant remoteResult; bool success; if (!actor->CallInvokeDefault(args, &remoteResult, &success)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to send message!"); return false; } if (!success) { return false; } if (!ConvertToVariant(remoteResult, *aResult, actor->GetInstance())) { NS_WARNING("Failed to convert result!"); return false; } return true; } // static bool PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableHasProperty(NPObject* aObject, NPIdentifier aName) { if (aObject->_class != GetClass()) { NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!"); return false; } ParentNPObject* object = reinterpret_cast(aObject); if (object->invalidated) { NS_WARNING("Calling method on an invalidated object!"); return false; } ProtectedActor actor(object->parent); if (!actor) { return false; } PluginIdentifier identifier; if (!FromNPIdentifier(aName, &identifier)) { return false; } NS_ASSERTION(actor->Type() == Proxy, "Bad type!"); bool result; if (!actor->CallHasProperty(identifier, &result)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to send message!"); return false; } return result; } // static bool PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableGetProperty(NPObject* aObject, NPIdentifier aName, NPVariant* aResult) { // See GetPropertyHelper below. MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Shouldn't ever call this directly!"); return false; } // static bool PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableSetProperty( NPObject* aObject, NPIdentifier aName, const NPVariant* aValue) { if (aObject->_class != GetClass()) { NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!"); return false; } ParentNPObject* object = reinterpret_cast(aObject); if (object->invalidated) { NS_WARNING("Calling method on an invalidated object!"); return false; } ProtectedActor actor(object->parent); if (!actor) { return false; } PluginIdentifier identifier; if (!FromNPIdentifier(aName, &identifier)) { return false; } NS_ASSERTION(actor->Type() == Proxy, "Bad type!"); ProtectedVariant value(*aValue, actor->GetInstance()); if (!value.IsOk()) { NS_WARNING("Failed to convert variant!"); return false; } bool success; if (!actor->CallSetProperty(identifier, value, &success)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to send message!"); return false; } return success; } // static bool PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableRemoveProperty( NPObject* aObject, NPIdentifier aName) { if (aObject->_class != GetClass()) { NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!"); return false; } ParentNPObject* object = reinterpret_cast(aObject); if (object->invalidated) { NS_WARNING("Calling method on an invalidated object!"); return false; } ProtectedActor actor(object->parent); if (!actor) { return false; } PluginIdentifier identifier; if (!FromNPIdentifier(aName, &identifier)) { return false; } NS_ASSERTION(actor->Type() == Proxy, "Bad type!"); bool success; if (!actor->CallRemoveProperty(identifier, &success)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to send message!"); return false; } return success; } // static bool PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableEnumerate( NPObject* aObject, NPIdentifier** aIdentifiers, uint32_t* aCount) { if (aObject->_class != GetClass()) { NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!"); return false; } ParentNPObject* object = reinterpret_cast(aObject); if (object->invalidated) { NS_WARNING("Calling method on an invalidated object!"); return false; } ProtectedActor actor(object->parent); if (!actor) { return false; } NS_ASSERTION(actor->Type() == Proxy, "Bad type!"); const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(aObject); if (!npn) { NS_ERROR("No netscape funcs!"); return false; } AutoTArray identifiers; bool success; if (!actor->CallEnumerate(&identifiers, &success)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to send message!"); return false; } if (!success) { return false; } *aCount = identifiers.Length(); if (!*aCount) { *aIdentifiers = nullptr; return true; } *aIdentifiers = (NPIdentifier*)npn->memalloc(*aCount * sizeof(NPIdentifier)); if (!*aIdentifiers) { NS_ERROR("Out of memory!"); return false; } for (uint32_t index = 0; index < *aCount; index++) { // We pin the ID to avoid a GC hazard here. This could probably be fixed // if the interface with nsJSNPRuntime were smarter. StackIdentifier stackID(identifiers[index], true /* aAtomizeAndPin */); if (stackID.Failed()) { return false; } (*aIdentifiers)[index] = stackID.ToNPIdentifier(); } return true; } // static bool PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableConstruct(NPObject* aObject, const NPVariant* aArgs, uint32_t aArgCount, NPVariant* aResult) { if (aObject->_class != GetClass()) { NS_ERROR("Don't know what kind of object this is!"); return false; } ParentNPObject* object = reinterpret_cast(aObject); if (object->invalidated) { NS_WARNING("Calling method on an invalidated object!"); return false; } ProtectedActor actor(object->parent); if (!actor) { return false; } NS_ASSERTION(actor->Type() == Proxy, "Bad type!"); ProtectedVariantArray args(aArgs, aArgCount, actor->GetInstance()); if (!args.IsOk()) { NS_ERROR("Failed to convert arguments!"); return false; } Variant remoteResult; bool success; if (!actor->CallConstruct(args, &remoteResult, &success)) { NS_WARNING("Failed to send message!"); return false; } if (!success) { return false; } if (!ConvertToVariant(remoteResult, *aResult, actor->GetInstance())) { NS_WARNING("Failed to convert result!"); return false; } return true; } const NPClass PluginScriptableObjectParent::sNPClass = { NP_CLASS_STRUCT_VERSION, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableAllocate, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableDeallocate, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableInvalidate, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableHasMethod, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableInvoke, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableInvokeDefault, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableHasProperty, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableGetProperty, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableSetProperty, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableRemoveProperty, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableEnumerate, PluginScriptableObjectParent::ScriptableConstruct}; PluginScriptableObjectParent::PluginScriptableObjectParent( ScriptableObjectType aType) : mInstance(nullptr), mObject(nullptr), mProtectCount(0), mType(aType) {} PluginScriptableObjectParent::~PluginScriptableObjectParent() { if (mObject) { if (mObject->_class == GetClass()) { NS_ASSERTION(mType == Proxy, "Wrong type!"); static_cast(mObject)->parent = nullptr; } else { NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Wrong type!"); GetInstance()->GetNPNIface()->releaseobject(mObject); } } } void PluginScriptableObjectParent::InitializeProxy() { NS_ASSERTION(mType == Proxy, "Bad type!"); NS_ASSERTION(!mObject, "Calling Initialize more than once!"); mInstance = static_cast(Manager()); NS_ASSERTION(mInstance, "Null manager?!"); NPObject* object = CreateProxyObject(); NS_ASSERTION(object, "Failed to create object!"); if (!mInstance->RegisterNPObjectForActor(object, this)) { NS_ERROR("Out of memory?"); } mObject = object; } void PluginScriptableObjectParent::InitializeLocal(NPObject* aObject) { NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); NS_ASSERTION(!(mInstance && mObject), "Calling Initialize more than once!"); mInstance = static_cast(Manager()); NS_ASSERTION(mInstance, "Null manager?!"); mInstance->GetNPNIface()->retainobject(aObject); NS_ASSERTION(!mProtectCount, "Should be zero!"); mProtectCount++; if (!mInstance->RegisterNPObjectForActor(aObject, this)) { NS_ERROR("Out of memory?"); } mObject = aObject; } NPObject* PluginScriptableObjectParent::CreateProxyObject() { NS_ASSERTION(mInstance, "Must have an instance!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == Proxy, "Shouldn't call this for non-proxy object!"); const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(mInstance); NPObject* npobject = npn->createobject(mInstance->GetNPP(), const_cast(GetClass())); NS_ASSERTION(npobject, "Failed to create object?!"); NS_ASSERTION(npobject->_class == GetClass(), "Wrong kind of object!"); NS_ASSERTION(npobject->referenceCount == 1, "Some kind of live object!"); ParentNPObject* object = static_cast(npobject); NS_ASSERTION(!object->invalidated, "Bad object!"); NS_ASSERTION(!object->parent, "Bad object!"); // We don't want to have the actor own this object but rather let the object // own this actor. Set the reference count to 0 here so that when the object // dies we will send the destructor message to the child. object->referenceCount = 0; NS_LOG_RELEASE(object, 0, "BrowserNPObject"); object->parent = const_cast(this); return object; } bool PluginScriptableObjectParent::ResurrectProxyObject() { NS_ASSERTION(mInstance, "Must have an instance already!"); NS_ASSERTION(!mObject, "Should not have an object already!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == Proxy, "Shouldn't call this for non-proxy object!"); InitializeProxy(); NS_ASSERTION(mObject, "Initialize failed!"); if (!SendProtect()) { NS_WARNING("Failed to send message!"); return false; } return true; } NPObject* PluginScriptableObjectParent::GetObject(bool aCanResurrect) { if (!mObject && aCanResurrect && !ResurrectProxyObject()) { NS_ERROR("Null object!"); return nullptr; } return mObject; } void PluginScriptableObjectParent::Protect() { NS_ASSERTION(mObject, "No object!"); NS_ASSERTION(mProtectCount >= 0, "Negative protect count?!"); if (mType == LocalObject) { ++mProtectCount; } } void PluginScriptableObjectParent::Unprotect() { NS_ASSERTION(mObject, "No object!"); NS_ASSERTION(mProtectCount >= 0, "Negative protect count?!"); if (mType == LocalObject) { if (--mProtectCount == 0) { Unused << PluginScriptableObjectParent::Send__delete__(this); } } } void PluginScriptableObjectParent::DropNPObject() { NS_ASSERTION(mObject, "Invalidated object!"); NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class == GetClass(), "Wrong type of object!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == Proxy, "Shouldn't call this for non-proxy object!"); // We think we're about to be deleted, but we could be racing with the other // process. PluginInstanceParent* instance = GetInstance(); NS_ASSERTION(instance, "Must have an instance!"); instance->UnregisterNPObject(mObject); mObject = nullptr; Unused << SendUnprotect(); } void PluginScriptableObjectParent::ActorDestroy(ActorDestroyReason aWhy) { // Implement me! Bug 1005163 } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::AnswerHasMethod( const PluginIdentifier& aId, bool* aHasMethod) { if (!mObject) { NS_WARNING("Calling AnswerHasMethod with an invalidated object!"); *aHasMethod = false; return IPC_OK(); } NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class != GetClass(), "Bad object type!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); PluginInstanceParent* instance = GetInstance(); if (!instance) { NS_ERROR("No instance?!"); *aHasMethod = false; return IPC_OK(); } const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(instance); if (!npn) { NS_ERROR("No netscape funcs?!"); *aHasMethod = false; return IPC_OK(); } StackIdentifier stackID(aId); if (stackID.Failed()) { *aHasMethod = false; return IPC_OK(); } *aHasMethod = npn->hasmethod(instance->GetNPP(), mObject, stackID.ToNPIdentifier()); return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::AnswerInvoke( const PluginIdentifier& aId, nsTArray&& aArgs, Variant* aResult, bool* aSuccess) { if (!mObject) { NS_WARNING("Calling AnswerInvoke with an invalidated object!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class != GetClass(), "Bad object type!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); PluginInstanceParent* instance = GetInstance(); if (!instance) { NS_ERROR("No instance?!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(instance); if (!npn) { NS_ERROR("No netscape funcs?!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } StackIdentifier stackID(aId); if (stackID.Failed()) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } AutoTArray convertedArgs; uint32_t argCount = aArgs.Length(); if (!convertedArgs.SetLength(argCount, fallible)) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } for (uint32_t index = 0; index < argCount; index++) { if (!ConvertToVariant(aArgs[index], convertedArgs[index], instance)) { // Don't leak things we've already converted! while (index-- > 0) { ReleaseVariant(convertedArgs[index], instance); } *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } } NPVariant result; bool success = npn->invoke(instance->GetNPP(), mObject, stackID.ToNPIdentifier(), convertedArgs.Elements(), argCount, &result); for (uint32_t index = 0; index < argCount; index++) { ReleaseVariant(convertedArgs[index], instance); } if (!success) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } Variant convertedResult; success = ConvertToRemoteVariant(result, convertedResult, GetInstance()); DeferNPVariantLastRelease(npn, &result); if (!success) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } *aResult = convertedResult; *aSuccess = true; return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::AnswerInvokeDefault( nsTArray&& aArgs, Variant* aResult, bool* aSuccess) { if (!mObject) { NS_WARNING("Calling AnswerInvoke with an invalidated object!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class != GetClass(), "Bad object type!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); PluginInstanceParent* instance = GetInstance(); if (!instance) { NS_ERROR("No instance?!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(instance); if (!npn) { NS_ERROR("No netscape funcs?!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } AutoTArray convertedArgs; uint32_t argCount = aArgs.Length(); if (!convertedArgs.SetLength(argCount, fallible)) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } for (uint32_t index = 0; index < argCount; index++) { if (!ConvertToVariant(aArgs[index], convertedArgs[index], instance)) { // Don't leak things we've already converted! while (index-- > 0) { ReleaseVariant(convertedArgs[index], instance); } *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } } NPVariant result; bool success = npn->invokeDefault( instance->GetNPP(), mObject, convertedArgs.Elements(), argCount, &result); for (uint32_t index = 0; index < argCount; index++) { ReleaseVariant(convertedArgs[index], instance); } if (!success) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } Variant convertedResult; success = ConvertToRemoteVariant(result, convertedResult, GetInstance()); DeferNPVariantLastRelease(npn, &result); if (!success) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } *aResult = convertedResult; *aSuccess = true; return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::AnswerHasProperty( const PluginIdentifier& aId, bool* aHasProperty) { if (!mObject) { NS_WARNING("Calling AnswerHasProperty with an invalidated object!"); *aHasProperty = false; return IPC_OK(); } NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class != GetClass(), "Bad object type!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); PluginInstanceParent* instance = GetInstance(); if (!instance) { NS_ERROR("No instance?!"); *aHasProperty = false; return IPC_OK(); } const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(instance); if (!npn) { NS_ERROR("No netscape funcs?!"); *aHasProperty = false; return IPC_OK(); } StackIdentifier stackID(aId); if (stackID.Failed()) { *aHasProperty = false; return IPC_OK(); } *aHasProperty = npn->hasproperty(instance->GetNPP(), mObject, stackID.ToNPIdentifier()); return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::AnswerGetParentProperty( const PluginIdentifier& aId, Variant* aResult, bool* aSuccess) { if (!mObject) { NS_WARNING("Calling AnswerGetProperty with an invalidated object!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class != GetClass(), "Bad object type!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); PluginInstanceParent* instance = GetInstance(); if (!instance) { NS_ERROR("No instance?!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(instance); if (!npn) { NS_ERROR("No netscape funcs?!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } StackIdentifier stackID(aId); if (stackID.Failed()) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } NPVariant result; if (!npn->getproperty(instance->GetNPP(), mObject, stackID.ToNPIdentifier(), &result)) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } Variant converted; if ((*aSuccess = ConvertToRemoteVariant(result, converted, instance))) { DeferNPVariantLastRelease(npn, &result); *aResult = converted; } else { *aResult = void_t(); } return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::AnswerSetProperty( const PluginIdentifier& aId, const Variant& aValue, bool* aSuccess) { if (!mObject) { NS_WARNING("Calling AnswerSetProperty with an invalidated object!"); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class != GetClass(), "Bad object type!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); PluginInstanceParent* instance = GetInstance(); if (!instance) { NS_ERROR("No instance?!"); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(instance); if (!npn) { NS_ERROR("No netscape funcs?!"); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } NPVariant converted; if (!ConvertToVariant(aValue, converted, instance)) { *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } StackIdentifier stackID(aId); if (stackID.Failed()) { *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } if ((*aSuccess = npn->setproperty(instance->GetNPP(), mObject, stackID.ToNPIdentifier(), &converted))) { ReleaseVariant(converted, instance); } return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::AnswerRemoveProperty( const PluginIdentifier& aId, bool* aSuccess) { if (!mObject) { NS_WARNING("Calling AnswerRemoveProperty with an invalidated object!"); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class != GetClass(), "Bad object type!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); PluginInstanceParent* instance = GetInstance(); if (!instance) { NS_ERROR("No instance?!"); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(instance); if (!npn) { NS_ERROR("No netscape funcs?!"); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } StackIdentifier stackID(aId); if (stackID.Failed()) { *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } *aSuccess = npn->removeproperty(instance->GetNPP(), mObject, stackID.ToNPIdentifier()); return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::AnswerEnumerate( nsTArray* aProperties, bool* aSuccess) { if (!mObject) { NS_WARNING("Calling AnswerEnumerate with an invalidated object!"); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class != GetClass(), "Bad object type!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); PluginInstanceParent* instance = GetInstance(); if (!instance) { NS_ERROR("No instance?!"); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(instance); if (!npn) { NS_WARNING("No netscape funcs?!"); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } NPIdentifier* ids; uint32_t idCount; if (!npn->enumerate(instance->GetNPP(), mObject, &ids, &idCount)) { *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } aProperties->SetCapacity(idCount); for (uint32_t index = 0; index < idCount; index++) { PluginIdentifier id; if (!FromNPIdentifier(ids[index], &id)) { return IPC_FAIL_NO_REASON(this); } aProperties->AppendElement(id); } npn->memfree(ids); *aSuccess = true; return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::AnswerConstruct( nsTArray&& aArgs, Variant* aResult, bool* aSuccess) { if (!mObject) { NS_WARNING("Calling AnswerConstruct with an invalidated object!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class != GetClass(), "Bad object type!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); PluginInstanceParent* instance = GetInstance(); if (!instance) { NS_ERROR("No instance?!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(instance); if (!npn) { NS_ERROR("No netscape funcs?!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } AutoTArray convertedArgs; uint32_t argCount = aArgs.Length(); if (!convertedArgs.SetLength(argCount, fallible)) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } for (uint32_t index = 0; index < argCount; index++) { if (!ConvertToVariant(aArgs[index], convertedArgs[index], instance)) { // Don't leak things we've already converted! while (index-- > 0) { ReleaseVariant(convertedArgs[index], instance); } *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } } NPVariant result; bool success = npn->construct(instance->GetNPP(), mObject, convertedArgs.Elements(), argCount, &result); for (uint32_t index = 0; index < argCount; index++) { ReleaseVariant(convertedArgs[index], instance); } if (!success) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } Variant convertedResult; success = ConvertToRemoteVariant(result, convertedResult, instance); DeferNPVariantLastRelease(npn, &result); if (!success) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } *aSuccess = true; *aResult = convertedResult; return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::RecvProtect() { NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class != GetClass(), "Bad object type!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); Protect(); return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::RecvUnprotect() { NS_ASSERTION(mObject->_class != GetClass(), "Bad object type!"); NS_ASSERTION(mType == LocalObject, "Bad type!"); Unprotect(); return IPC_OK(); } mozilla::ipc::IPCResult PluginScriptableObjectParent::AnswerNPN_Evaluate( const nsCString& aScript, Variant* aResult, bool* aSuccess) { PluginInstanceParent* instance = GetInstance(); if (!instance) { NS_ERROR("No instance?!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } const NPNetscapeFuncs* npn = GetNetscapeFuncs(instance); if (!npn) { NS_ERROR("No netscape funcs?!"); *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } NPString script = {aScript.get(), aScript.Length()}; NPVariant result; bool success = npn->evaluate(instance->GetNPP(), mObject, &script, &result); if (!success) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } Variant convertedResult; success = ConvertToRemoteVariant(result, convertedResult, instance); DeferNPVariantLastRelease(npn, &result); if (!success) { *aResult = void_t(); *aSuccess = false; return IPC_OK(); } *aSuccess = true; *aResult = convertedResult; return IPC_OK(); } bool PluginScriptableObjectParent::GetPropertyHelper(NPIdentifier aName, bool* aHasProperty, bool* aHasMethod, NPVariant* aResult) { NS_ASSERTION(Type() == Proxy, "Bad type!"); ParentNPObject* object = static_cast(mObject); if (object->invalidated) { NS_WARNING("Calling method on an invalidated object!"); return false; } PluginIdentifier identifier; if (!FromNPIdentifier(aName, &identifier)) { return false; } bool hasProperty, hasMethod, success; Variant result; if (!CallGetChildProperty(identifier, &hasProperty, &hasMethod, &result, &success)) { return false; } if (!success) { return false; } if (!ConvertToVariant(result, *aResult, GetInstance())) { NS_WARNING("Failed to convert result!"); return false; } *aHasProperty = hasProperty; *aHasMethod = hasMethod; return true; }