/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; const { PushDB } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/PushDB.jsm"); const { PushRecord } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/PushRecord.jsm" ); const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm" ); const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); const { NetUtil } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); const { clearTimeout, setTimeout } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm" ); const { PushCrypto } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/PushCrypto.jsm" ); var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["PushServiceHttp2"]; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "console", () => { let { ConsoleAPI } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Console.jsm"); return new ConsoleAPI({ maxLogLevelPref: "dom.push.loglevel", prefix: "PushServiceHttp2", }); }); const prefs = Services.prefs.getBranch("dom.push."); const kPUSHHTTP2DB_DB_NAME = "pushHttp2"; const kPUSHHTTP2DB_DB_VERSION = 5; // Change this if the IndexedDB format changes const kPUSHHTTP2DB_STORE_NAME = "pushHttp2"; /** * A proxy between the PushService and connections listening for incoming push * messages. The PushService can silence messages from the connections by * setting PushSubscriptionListener._pushService to null. This is required * because it can happen that there is an outstanding push message that will * be send on OnStopRequest but the PushService may not be interested in these. * It's easier to stop listening than to have checks at specific points. */ var PushSubscriptionListener = function(pushService, uri) { console.debug("PushSubscriptionListener()"); this._pushService = pushService; this.uri = uri; }; PushSubscriptionListener.prototype = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIHttpPushListener", "nsIStreamListener", ]), getInterface(aIID) { return this.QueryInterface(aIID); }, onStartRequest(aRequest) { console.debug("PushSubscriptionListener: onStartRequest()"); // We do not do anything here. }, onDataAvailable(aRequest, aStream, aOffset, aCount) { console.debug("PushSubscriptionListener: onDataAvailable()"); // Nobody should send data, but just to be sure, otherwise necko will // complain. if (aCount === 0) { return; } let inputStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream ); inputStream.init(aStream); inputStream.read(aCount); }, onStopRequest(aRequest, aStatusCode) { console.debug("PushSubscriptionListener: onStopRequest()"); if (!this._pushService) { return; } this._pushService.connOnStop( aRequest, Components.isSuccessCode(aStatusCode), this.uri ); }, onPush(associatedChannel, pushChannel) { console.debug("PushSubscriptionListener: onPush()"); var pushChannelListener = new PushChannelListener(this); pushChannel.asyncOpen(pushChannelListener); }, disconnect() { this._pushService = null; }, }; /** * The listener for pushed messages. The message data is collected in * OnDataAvailable and send to the app in OnStopRequest. */ var PushChannelListener = function(pushSubscriptionListener) { console.debug("PushChannelListener()"); this._mainListener = pushSubscriptionListener; this._message = []; this._ackUri = null; }; PushChannelListener.prototype = { onStartRequest(aRequest) { this._ackUri = aRequest.URI.spec; }, onDataAvailable(aRequest, aStream, aOffset, aCount) { console.debug("PushChannelListener: onDataAvailable()"); if (aCount === 0) { return; } let inputStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream ); inputStream.setInputStream(aStream); let chunk = new ArrayBuffer(aCount); inputStream.readArrayBuffer(aCount, chunk); this._message.push(chunk); }, onStopRequest(aRequest, aStatusCode) { console.debug( "PushChannelListener: onStopRequest()", "status code", aStatusCode ); if ( Components.isSuccessCode(aStatusCode) && this._mainListener && this._mainListener._pushService ) { let headers = { encryption_key: getHeaderField(aRequest, "Encryption-Key"), crypto_key: getHeaderField(aRequest, "Crypto-Key"), encryption: getHeaderField(aRequest, "Encryption"), encoding: getHeaderField(aRequest, "Content-Encoding"), }; let msg = PushCrypto.concatArray(this._message); this._mainListener._pushService._pushChannelOnStop( this._mainListener.uri, this._ackUri, headers, msg ); } }, }; function getHeaderField(aRequest, name) { try { return aRequest.getRequestHeader(name); } catch (e) { // getRequestHeader can throw. return null; } } var PushServiceDelete = function(resolve, reject) { this._resolve = resolve; this._reject = reject; }; PushServiceDelete.prototype = { onStartRequest(aRequest) {}, onDataAvailable(aRequest, aStream, aOffset, aCount) { // Nobody should send data, but just to be sure, otherwise necko will // complain. if (aCount === 0) { return; } let inputStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream ); inputStream.init(aStream); inputStream.read(aCount); }, onStopRequest(aRequest, aStatusCode) { if (Components.isSuccessCode(aStatusCode)) { this._resolve(); } else { this._reject(new Error("Error removing subscription: " + aStatusCode)); } }, }; var SubscriptionListener = function( aSubInfo, aResolve, aReject, aServerURI, aPushServiceHttp2 ) { console.debug("SubscriptionListener()"); this._subInfo = aSubInfo; this._resolve = aResolve; this._reject = aReject; this._serverURI = aServerURI; this._service = aPushServiceHttp2; this._ctime = Date.now(); this._retryTimeoutID = null; }; SubscriptionListener.prototype = { onStartRequest(aRequest) {}, onDataAvailable(aRequest, aStream, aOffset, aCount) {}, onStopRequest(aRequest, aStatus) { console.debug("SubscriptionListener: onStopRequest()"); // Check if pushService is still active. if (!this._service.hasmainPushService()) { this._reject(new Error("Push service unavailable")); return; } if (!Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus)) { this._reject(new Error("Error listening for messages: " + aStatus)); return; } var statusCode = aRequest.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel).responseStatus; if (Math.floor(statusCode / 100) == 5) { if (this._subInfo.retries < prefs.getIntPref("http2.maxRetries")) { this._subInfo.retries++; var retryAfter = retryAfterParser(aRequest); this._retryTimeoutID = setTimeout(_ => { this._reject({ retry: true, subInfo: this._subInfo, }); this._service.removeListenerPendingRetry(this); this._retryTimeoutID = null; }, retryAfter); this._service.addListenerPendingRetry(this); } else { this._reject(new Error("Unexpected server response: " + statusCode)); } return; } else if (statusCode != 201) { this._reject(new Error("Unexpected server response: " + statusCode)); return; } var subscriptionUri; try { subscriptionUri = aRequest.getResponseHeader("location"); } catch (err) { this._reject(new Error("Missing Location header")); return; } console.debug("onStopRequest: subscriptionUri", subscriptionUri); var linkList; try { linkList = aRequest.getResponseHeader("link"); } catch (err) { this._reject(new Error("Missing Link header")); return; } var linkParserResult; try { linkParserResult = linkParser(linkList, this._serverURI); } catch (e) { this._reject(e); return; } if (!subscriptionUri) { this._reject(new Error("Invalid Location header")); return; } try { Services.io.newURI(subscriptionUri); } catch (e) { console.error("onStopRequest: Invalid subscription URI", subscriptionUri); this._reject( new Error("Invalid subscription endpoint: " + subscriptionUri) ); return; } let reply = new PushRecordHttp2({ subscriptionUri, pushEndpoint: linkParserResult.pushEndpoint, pushReceiptEndpoint: linkParserResult.pushReceiptEndpoint, scope: this._subInfo.record.scope, originAttributes: this._subInfo.record.originAttributes, systemRecord: this._subInfo.record.systemRecord, appServerKey: this._subInfo.record.appServerKey, ctime: Date.now(), }); this._resolve(reply); }, abortRetry() { if (this._retryTimeoutID != null) { clearTimeout(this._retryTimeoutID); this._retryTimeoutID = null; } else { console.debug( "SubscriptionListener.abortRetry: aborting non-existent retry?" ); } }, }; function retryAfterParser(aRequest) { let retryAfter = 0; try { let retryField = aRequest.getResponseHeader("retry-after"); if (isNaN(retryField)) { retryAfter = Date.parse(retryField) - new Date().getTime(); } else { retryAfter = parseInt(retryField, 10) * 1000; } retryAfter = retryAfter > 0 ? retryAfter : 0; } catch (e) {} return retryAfter; } function linkParser(linkHeader, serverURI) { let linkList = linkHeader.split(","); if (linkList.length < 1) { throw new Error("Invalid Link header"); } let pushEndpoint; let pushReceiptEndpoint; linkList.forEach(link => { let linkElems = link.split(";"); if (linkElems.length == 2) { if (linkElems[1].trim() === 'rel="urn:ietf:params:push"') { pushEndpoint = linkElems[0].substring( linkElems[0].indexOf("<") + 1, linkElems[0].indexOf(">") ); } else if (linkElems[1].trim() === 'rel="urn:ietf:params:push:receipt"') { pushReceiptEndpoint = linkElems[0].substring( linkElems[0].indexOf("<") + 1, linkElems[0].indexOf(">") ); } } }); console.debug("linkParser: pushEndpoint", pushEndpoint); console.debug("linkParser: pushReceiptEndpoint", pushReceiptEndpoint); // Missing pushReceiptEndpoint is allowed. if (!pushEndpoint) { throw new Error("Missing push endpoint"); } const pushURI = Services.io.newURI(pushEndpoint, null, serverURI); let pushReceiptURI; if (pushReceiptEndpoint) { pushReceiptURI = Services.io.newURI(pushReceiptEndpoint, null, serverURI); } return { pushEndpoint: pushURI.spec, pushReceiptEndpoint: pushReceiptURI ? pushReceiptURI.spec : "", }; } /** * The implementation of the WebPush. */ var PushServiceHttp2 = { _mainPushService: null, _serverURI: null, // Keep information about all connections, e.g. the channel, listener... _conns: {}, _started: false, // Set of SubscriptionListeners that are pending a subscription retry attempt. _listenersPendingRetry: new Set(), newPushDB() { return new PushDB( kPUSHHTTP2DB_DB_NAME, kPUSHHTTP2DB_DB_VERSION, kPUSHHTTP2DB_STORE_NAME, "subscriptionUri", PushRecordHttp2 ); }, hasmainPushService() { return this._mainPushService !== null; }, async connect(broadcastListeners) { let subscriptions = await this._mainPushService.getAllUnexpired(); this.startConnections(subscriptions); }, async sendSubscribeBroadcast(serviceId, version) { // Not implemented yet }, isConnected() { return this._mainPushService != null; }, disconnect() { this._shutdownConnections(false); }, _makeChannel(aUri) { var chan = NetUtil.newChannel({ uri: aUri, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true, }).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel); var loadGroup = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/load-group;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsILoadGroup ); chan.loadGroup = loadGroup; return chan; }, /** * Subscribe new resource. */ register(aRecord) { console.debug("subscribeResource()"); return this._subscribeResourceInternal({ record: aRecord, retries: 0, }).then(result => PushCrypto.generateKeys().then(([publicKey, privateKey]) => { result.p256dhPublicKey = publicKey; result.p256dhPrivateKey = privateKey; result.authenticationSecret = PushCrypto.generateAuthenticationSecret(); this._conns[result.subscriptionUri] = { channel: null, listener: null, countUnableToConnect: 0, lastStartListening: 0, retryTimerID: 0, }; this._listenForMsgs(result.subscriptionUri); return result; }) ); }, _subscribeResourceInternal(aSubInfo) { console.debug("subscribeResourceInternal()"); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var listener = new SubscriptionListener( aSubInfo, resolve, reject, this._serverURI, this ); var chan = this._makeChannel(this._serverURI.spec); chan.requestMethod = "POST"; chan.asyncOpen(listener); }).catch(err => { if ("retry" in err) { return this._subscribeResourceInternal(err.subInfo); } throw err; }); }, _deleteResource(aUri) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { var chan = this._makeChannel(aUri); chan.requestMethod = "DELETE"; chan.asyncOpen(new PushServiceDelete(resolve, reject)); }); }, /** * Unsubscribe the resource with a subscription uri aSubscriptionUri. * We can't do anything about it if it fails, so we don't listen for response. */ _unsubscribeResource(aSubscriptionUri) { console.debug("unsubscribeResource()"); return this._deleteResource(aSubscriptionUri); }, /** * Start listening for messages. */ _listenForMsgs(aSubscriptionUri) { console.debug("listenForMsgs()", aSubscriptionUri); if (!this._conns[aSubscriptionUri]) { console.warn( "listenForMsgs: We do not have this subscription", aSubscriptionUri ); return; } var chan = this._makeChannel(aSubscriptionUri); var conn = {}; conn.channel = chan; var listener = new PushSubscriptionListener(this, aSubscriptionUri); conn.listener = listener; chan.notificationCallbacks = listener; try { chan.asyncOpen(listener); } catch (e) { console.error( "listenForMsgs: Error connecting to push server.", "asyncOpen failed", e ); conn.listener.disconnect(); chan.cancel(Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT); this._retryAfterBackoff(aSubscriptionUri, -1); return; } this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].lastStartListening = Date.now(); this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].channel = conn.channel; this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].listener = conn.listener; }, _ackMsgRecv(aAckUri) { console.debug("ackMsgRecv()", aAckUri); return this._deleteResource(aAckUri); }, init(aOptions, aMainPushService, aServerURL) { console.debug("init()"); this._mainPushService = aMainPushService; this._serverURI = aServerURL; return Promise.resolve(); }, _retryAfterBackoff(aSubscriptionUri, retryAfter) { console.debug("retryAfterBackoff()"); var resetRetryCount = prefs.getIntPref("http2.reset_retry_count_after_ms"); // If it was running for some time, reset retry counter. if ( Date.now() - this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].lastStartListening > resetRetryCount ) { this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].countUnableToConnect = 0; } let maxRetries = prefs.getIntPref("http2.maxRetries"); if (this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].countUnableToConnect >= maxRetries) { this._shutdownSubscription(aSubscriptionUri); this._resubscribe(aSubscriptionUri); return; } if (retryAfter !== -1) { // This is a 5xx response. this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].countUnableToConnect++; this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].retryTimerID = setTimeout( _ => this._listenForMsgs(aSubscriptionUri), retryAfter ); return; } retryAfter = prefs.getIntPref("http2.retryInterval") * Math.pow(2, this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].countUnableToConnect); retryAfter = retryAfter * (0.8 + Math.random() * 0.4); // add +/-20%. this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].countUnableToConnect++; this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].retryTimerID = setTimeout( _ => this._listenForMsgs(aSubscriptionUri), retryAfter ); console.debug("retryAfterBackoff: Retry in", retryAfter); }, // Close connections. _shutdownConnections(deleteInfo) { console.debug("shutdownConnections()"); for (let subscriptionUri in this._conns) { if (this._conns[subscriptionUri]) { if (this._conns[subscriptionUri].listener) { this._conns[subscriptionUri].listener._pushService = null; } if (this._conns[subscriptionUri].channel) { try { this._conns[subscriptionUri].channel.cancel(Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT); } catch (e) {} } this._conns[subscriptionUri].listener = null; this._conns[subscriptionUri].channel = null; if (this._conns[subscriptionUri].retryTimerID > 0) { clearTimeout(this._conns[subscriptionUri].retryTimerID); } if (deleteInfo) { delete this._conns[subscriptionUri]; } } } }, // Start listening if subscriptions present. startConnections(aSubscriptions) { console.debug("startConnections()", aSubscriptions.length); for (let i = 0; i < aSubscriptions.length; i++) { let record = aSubscriptions[i]; this._mainPushService.ensureCrypto(record).then( record => { this._startSingleConnection(record); }, error => { console.error( "startConnections: Error updating record", record.keyID, error ); } ); } }, _startSingleConnection(record) { console.debug("_startSingleConnection()"); if (typeof this._conns[record.subscriptionUri] != "object") { this._conns[record.subscriptionUri] = { channel: null, listener: null, countUnableToConnect: 0, retryTimerID: 0, }; } if (!this._conns[record.subscriptionUri].conn) { this._listenForMsgs(record.subscriptionUri); } }, // Close connection and notify apps that subscription are gone. _shutdownSubscription(aSubscriptionUri) { console.debug("shutdownSubscriptions()"); if (typeof this._conns[aSubscriptionUri] == "object") { if (this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].listener) { this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].listener._pushService = null; } if (this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].channel) { try { this._conns[aSubscriptionUri].channel.cancel(Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT); } catch (e) {} } delete this._conns[aSubscriptionUri]; } }, uninit() { console.debug("uninit()"); this._abortPendingSubscriptionRetries(); this._shutdownConnections(true); this._mainPushService = null; }, _abortPendingSubscriptionRetries() { this._listenersPendingRetry.forEach(listener => listener.abortRetry()); this._listenersPendingRetry.clear(); }, unregister(aRecord) { this._shutdownSubscription(aRecord.subscriptionUri); return this._unsubscribeResource(aRecord.subscriptionUri); }, reportDeliveryError(messageID, reason) { console.warn( "reportDeliveryError: Ignoring message delivery error", messageID, reason ); }, /** Push server has deleted subscription. * Re-subscribe - if it succeeds send update db record and send * pushsubscriptionchange, * - on error delete record and send pushsubscriptionchange * TODO: maybe pushsubscriptionerror will be included. */ _resubscribe(aSubscriptionUri) { this._mainPushService.getByKeyID(aSubscriptionUri).then(record => this.register(record).then( recordNew => { if (this._mainPushService) { this._mainPushService .updateRegistrationAndNotifyApp(aSubscriptionUri, recordNew) .catch(Cu.reportError); } }, error => { if (this._mainPushService) { this._mainPushService .dropRegistrationAndNotifyApp(aSubscriptionUri) .catch(Cu.reportError); } } ) ); }, connOnStop(aRequest, aSuccess, aSubscriptionUri) { console.debug("connOnStop() succeeded", aSuccess); var conn = this._conns[aSubscriptionUri]; if (!conn) { // there is no connection description that means that we closed // connection, so do nothing. But we should have already deleted // the listener. return; } conn.channel = null; conn.listener = null; if (!aSuccess) { this._retryAfterBackoff(aSubscriptionUri, -1); } else if (Math.floor(aRequest.responseStatus / 100) == 5) { var retryAfter = retryAfterParser(aRequest); this._retryAfterBackoff(aSubscriptionUri, retryAfter); } else if (Math.floor(aRequest.responseStatus / 100) == 4) { this._shutdownSubscription(aSubscriptionUri); this._resubscribe(aSubscriptionUri); } else if (Math.floor(aRequest.responseStatus / 100) == 2) { // This should be 204 setTimeout(_ => this._listenForMsgs(aSubscriptionUri), 0); } else { this._retryAfterBackoff(aSubscriptionUri, -1); } }, addListenerPendingRetry(aListener) { this._listenersPendingRetry.add(aListener); }, removeListenerPendingRetry(aListener) { if (!this._listenersPendingRetry.remove(aListener)) { console.debug("removeListenerPendingRetry: listener not in list?"); } }, _pushChannelOnStop(aUri, aAckUri, aHeaders, aMessage) { console.debug("pushChannelOnStop()"); this._mainPushService .receivedPushMessage(aUri, "", aHeaders, aMessage, record => { // Always update the stored record. return record; }) .then(_ => this._ackMsgRecv(aAckUri)) .catch(err => { console.error("pushChannelOnStop: Error receiving message", err); }); }, }; function PushRecordHttp2(record) { PushRecord.call(this, record); this.subscriptionUri = record.subscriptionUri; this.pushReceiptEndpoint = record.pushReceiptEndpoint; } PushRecordHttp2.prototype = Object.create(PushRecord.prototype, { keyID: { get() { return this.subscriptionUri; }, }, }); PushRecordHttp2.prototype.toSubscription = function() { let subscription = PushRecord.prototype.toSubscription.call(this); subscription.pushReceiptEndpoint = this.pushReceiptEndpoint; return subscription; };