/* * Browser-based Web Push client for the application server piece. * * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/licenses/publicdomain/ * * Uses the WebCrypto API. * * Note that this test file uses the old, deprecated aesgcm128 encryption * scheme. PushCrypto.encrypt() exists and uses the later aes128gcm, but * there's no good reason to upgrade this at this time (and having mochitests * use PushCrypto directly is easier said than done.) */ (function(g) { "use strict"; var P256DH = { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: "P-256", }; var webCrypto = g.crypto.subtle; var ENCRYPT_INFO = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode( "Content-Encoding: aesgcm128" ); var NONCE_INFO = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode("Content-Encoding: nonce"); function chunkArray(array, size) { var start = array.byteOffset || 0; array = array.buffer || array; var index = 0; var result = []; while (index + size <= array.byteLength) { result.push(new Uint8Array(array, start + index, size)); index += size; } if (index < array.byteLength) { result.push(new Uint8Array(array, start + index)); } return result; } /* I can't believe that this is needed here, in this day and age ... * Note: these are not efficient, merely expedient. */ var base64url = { _strmap: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_", encode(data) { data = new Uint8Array(data); var len = Math.ceil((data.length * 4) / 3); return chunkArray(data, 3) .map(chunk => [ chunk[0] >>> 2, ((chunk[0] & 0x3) << 4) | (chunk[1] >>> 4), ((chunk[1] & 0xf) << 2) | (chunk[2] >>> 6), chunk[2] & 0x3f, ] .map(v => base64url._strmap[v]) .join("") ) .join("") .slice(0, len); }, _lookup(s, i) { return base64url._strmap.indexOf(s.charAt(i)); }, decode(str) { var v = new Uint8Array(Math.floor((str.length * 3) / 4)); var vi = 0; for (var si = 0; si < str.length; ) { var w = base64url._lookup(str, si++); var x = base64url._lookup(str, si++); var y = base64url._lookup(str, si++); var z = base64url._lookup(str, si++); v[vi++] = (w << 2) | (x >>> 4); v[vi++] = (x << 4) | (y >>> 2); v[vi++] = (y << 6) | z; } return v; }, }; g.base64url = base64url; /* Coerces data into a Uint8Array */ function ensureView(data) { if (typeof data === "string") { return new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(data); } if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) { return new Uint8Array(data); } if (ArrayBuffer.isView(data)) { return new Uint8Array(data.buffer); } throw new Error("webpush() needs a string or BufferSource"); } function bsConcat(arrays) { var size = arrays.reduce((total, a) => total + a.byteLength, 0); var index = 0; return arrays.reduce((result, a) => { result.set(new Uint8Array(a), index); index += a.byteLength; return result; }, new Uint8Array(size)); } function hmac(key) { this.keyPromise = webCrypto.importKey( "raw", key, { name: "HMAC", hash: "SHA-256" }, false, ["sign"] ); } hmac.prototype.hash = function(input) { return this.keyPromise.then(k => webCrypto.sign("HMAC", k, input)); }; function hkdf(salt, ikm) { this.prkhPromise = new hmac(salt).hash(ikm).then(prk => new hmac(prk)); } hkdf.prototype.generate = function(info, len) { var input = bsConcat([info, new Uint8Array([1])]); return this.prkhPromise .then(prkh => prkh.hash(input)) .then(h => { if (h.byteLength < len) { throw new Error("Length is too long"); } return h.slice(0, len); }); }; /* generate a 96-bit IV for use in GCM, 48-bits of which are populated */ function generateNonce(base, index) { var nonce = base.slice(0, 12); for (var i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { nonce[nonce.length - 1 - i] ^= (index / Math.pow(256, i)) & 0xff; } return nonce; } function encrypt(localKey, remoteShare, salt, data) { return webCrypto .importKey("raw", remoteShare, P256DH, false, ["deriveBits"]) .then(remoteKey => webCrypto.deriveBits( { name: P256DH.name, public: remoteKey }, localKey, 256 ) ) .then(rawKey => { var kdf = new hkdf(salt, rawKey); return Promise.all([ kdf .generate(ENCRYPT_INFO, 16) .then(gcmBits => webCrypto.importKey("raw", gcmBits, "AES-GCM", false, ["encrypt"]) ), kdf.generate(NONCE_INFO, 12), ]); }) .then(([key, nonce]) => { if (data.byteLength === 0) { // Send an authentication tag for empty messages. return webCrypto .encrypt( { name: "AES-GCM", iv: generateNonce(nonce, 0), }, key, new Uint8Array([0]) ) .then(value => [value]); } // 4096 is the default size, though we burn 1 for padding return Promise.all( chunkArray(data, 4095).map((slice, index) => { var padded = bsConcat([new Uint8Array([0]), slice]); return webCrypto.encrypt( { name: "AES-GCM", iv: generateNonce(nonce, index), }, key, padded ); }) ); }) .then(bsConcat); } function webPushEncrypt(subscription, data) { data = ensureView(data); var salt = g.crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)); return webCrypto .generateKey(P256DH, false, ["deriveBits"]) .then(localKey => { return Promise.all([ encrypt( localKey.privateKey, subscription.getKey("p256dh"), salt, data ), // 1337 p-256 specific haxx to get the raw value out of the spki value webCrypto.exportKey("raw", localKey.publicKey), ]); }) .then(([payload, pubkey]) => { return { data: base64url.encode(payload), encryption: "keyid=p256dh;salt=" + base64url.encode(salt), encryption_key: "keyid=p256dh;dh=" + base64url.encode(pubkey), encoding: "aesgcm128", }; }); } g.webPushEncrypt = webPushEncrypt; })(this);