// Test PushCrypto.encrypt() "use strict"; Cu.importGlobalProperties(["crypto"]); const { PushCrypto } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/PushCrypto.jsm" ); let from64 = v => { // allow whitespace in the strings. let stripped = v.replace(/ |\t|\r|\n/g, ""); return new Uint8Array( ChromeUtils.base64URLDecode(stripped, { padding: "reject" }) ); }; let to64 = v => ChromeUtils.base64URLEncode(v, { pad: false }); // A helper function to take a public key (as a buffer containing a 65-byte // buffer of uncompressed EC points) and a private key (32byte buffer) and // return 2 crypto keys. async function importKeyPair(publicKeyBuffer, privateKeyBuffer) { let jwk = { kty: "EC", crv: "P-256", x: to64(publicKeyBuffer.slice(1, 33)), y: to64(publicKeyBuffer.slice(33, 65)), ext: true, }; let publicKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey( "jwk", jwk, { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: "P-256" }, true, [] ); jwk.d = to64(privateKeyBuffer); let privateKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey( "jwk", jwk, { name: "ECDH", namedCurve: "P-256" }, true, ["deriveBits"] ); return { publicKey, privateKey }; } // The example from draft-ietf-webpush-encryption-09. add_task(async function static_aes128gcm() { let fixture = { ciphertext: from64(`DGv6ra1nlYgDCS1FRnbzlwAAEABBBP4z9KsN6nGRTbVYI_c7VJSPQTBtkgcy27ml mlMoZIIgDll6e3vCYLocInmYWAmS6TlzAC8wEqKK6PBru3jl7A_yl95bQpu6cVPT pK4Mqgkf1CXztLVBSt2Ks3oZwbuwXPXLWyouBWLVWGNWQexSgSxsj_Qulcy4a-fN`), plaintext: new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode( "When I grow up, I want to be a watermelon" ), authSecret: from64("BTBZMqHH6r4Tts7J_aSIgg"), receiver: { private: from64("q1dXpw3UpT5VOmu_cf_v6ih07Aems3njxI-JWgLcM94"), public: from64(`BCVxsr7N_eNgVRqvHtD0zTZsEc6-VV-JvLexhqUzORcx aOzi6-AYWXvTBHm4bjyPjs7Vd8pZGH6SRpkNtoIAiw4`), }, sender: { private: from64("yfWPiYE-n46HLnH0KqZOF1fJJU3MYrct3AELtAQ-oRw"), public: from64(`BP4z9KsN6nGRTbVYI_c7VJSPQTBtkgcy27mlmlMoZIIg Dll6e3vCYLocInmYWAmS6TlzAC8wEqKK6PBru3jl7A8`), }, salt: from64("DGv6ra1nlYgDCS1FRnbzlw"), }; let options = { senderKeyPair: await importKeyPair( fixture.sender.public, fixture.sender.private ), salt: fixture.salt, }; let { ciphertext, encoding } = await PushCrypto.encrypt( fixture.plaintext, fixture.receiver.public, fixture.authSecret, options ); Assert.deepEqual(ciphertext, fixture.ciphertext); Assert.equal(encoding, "aes128gcm"); // and for fun, decrypt it and check the plaintext. let recvKeyPair = await importKeyPair( fixture.receiver.public, fixture.receiver.private ); let jwk = await crypto.subtle.exportKey("jwk", recvKeyPair.privateKey); let plaintext = await PushCrypto.decrypt( jwk, fixture.receiver.public, fixture.authSecret, { encoding: "aes128gcm" }, ciphertext ); Assert.deepEqual(plaintext, fixture.plaintext); }); // This is how we expect real code to interact with .encrypt. add_task(async function aes128gcm_simple() { let [recvPublicKey, recvPrivateKey] = await PushCrypto.generateKeys(); let message = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode("Fast for good."); let authSecret = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)); let { ciphertext, encoding } = await PushCrypto.encrypt( message, recvPublicKey, authSecret ); Assert.equal(encoding, "aes128gcm"); // and decrypt it. let plaintext = await PushCrypto.decrypt( recvPrivateKey, recvPublicKey, authSecret, { encoding }, ciphertext ); deepEqual(message, plaintext); }); // Variable record size tests add_task(async function aes128gcm_rs() { let [recvPublicKey, recvPrivateKey] = await PushCrypto.generateKeys(); for (let rs of [-1, 0, 1, 17]) { let payload = "x".repeat(1024); info(`testing expected failure with rs=${rs}`); let message = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(payload); let authSecret = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)); await Assert.rejects( PushCrypto.encrypt(message, recvPublicKey, authSecret, { rs }), /recordsize is too small/ ); } for (let rs of [18, 50, 1024, 4096, 16384]) { info(`testing expected success with rs=${rs}`); let payload = "x".repeat(rs * 3); let message = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode(payload); let authSecret = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)); let { ciphertext, encoding } = await PushCrypto.encrypt( message, recvPublicKey, authSecret, { rs } ); Assert.equal(encoding, "aes128gcm"); // and decrypt it. let plaintext = await PushCrypto.decrypt( recvPrivateKey, recvPublicKey, authSecret, { encoding }, ciphertext ); deepEqual(message, plaintext); } }); // And try and hit some edge-cases. add_task(async function aes128gcm_edgecases() { let [recvPublicKey, recvPrivateKey] = await PushCrypto.generateKeys(); for (let size of [ 0, 4096 - 16, 4096 - 16 - 1, 4096 - 16 + 1, 4095, 4096, 4097, 10240, ]) { info(`testing encryption of ${size} byte payload`); let message = new TextEncoder("utf-8").encode("x".repeat(size)); let authSecret = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(16)); let { ciphertext, encoding } = await PushCrypto.encrypt( message, recvPublicKey, authSecret ); Assert.equal(encoding, "aes128gcm"); // and decrypt it. let plaintext = await PushCrypto.decrypt( recvPrivateKey, recvPublicKey, authSecret, { encoding }, ciphertext ); deepEqual(message, plaintext); } });