/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "DOMSecurityMonitor.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsIChannel.h" #include "nsILoadInfo.h" #include "nsIPrincipal.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "nsJSUtils.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPrefs_dom.h" /* static */ void DOMSecurityMonitor::AuditParsingOfHTMLXMLFragments( nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal, const nsAString& aFragment) { // if the fragment parser (e.g. innerHTML()) is not called in chrome: code // or any of our about: pages, then there is nothing to do here. if (!aPrincipal->IsSystemPrincipal() && !aPrincipal->SchemeIs("about")) { return; } // check if the fragment is empty, if so, we can return early. if (aFragment.IsEmpty()) { return; } // check if there is a JS caller, if not, then we can can return early here // because we only care about calls to the fragment parser (e.g. innerHTML) // originating from JS code. nsAutoString filename; uint32_t lineNum = 0; uint32_t columnNum = 0; JSContext* cx = nsContentUtils::GetCurrentJSContext(); if (!nsJSUtils::GetCallingLocation(cx, filename, &lineNum, &columnNum)) { return; } // check if we should skip assertion. Please only ever set this pref to // true if really needed for testing purposes. if (mozilla::StaticPrefs::dom_security_skip_html_fragment_assertion()) { return; } /* * WARNING: Do not add any new entries to the htmlFragmentAllowlist * withiout proper review from a dom:security peer! */ static nsLiteralCString htmlFragmentAllowlist[] = { "chrome://global/content/elements/marquee.js"_ns, nsLiteralCString( "chrome://pocket/content/panels/js/vendor/jquery-2.1.1.min.js"), "chrome://browser/content/aboutNetError.js"_ns, nsLiteralCString("chrome://devtools/content/shared/sourceeditor/" "codemirror/codemirror.bundle.js"), nsLiteralCString( "chrome://devtools-startup/content/aboutdevtools/aboutdevtools.js"), nsLiteralCString( "resource://activity-stream/data/content/activity-stream.bundle.js"), nsLiteralCString("resource://devtools/client/debugger/src/components/" "Editor/Breakpoint.js"), nsLiteralCString("resource://devtools/client/debugger/src/components/" "Editor/ColumnBreakpoint.js"), nsLiteralCString( "resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/fluent-react.js"), "resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom.js"_ns, nsLiteralCString( "resource://devtools/client/shared/vendor/react-dom-dev.js"), nsLiteralCString( "resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/FilterWidget.js"), nsLiteralCString("resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/tooltip/" "inactive-css-tooltip-helper.js"), "resource://devtools/client/shared/widgets/Spectrum.js"_ns, "resource://gre/modules/narrate/VoiceSelect.jsm"_ns, "resource://normandy-vendor/ReactDOM.js"_ns, // ------------------------------------------------------------------ // test pages // ------------------------------------------------------------------ "chrome://mochikit/content/harness.xhtml"_ns, "chrome://mochikit/content/tests/"_ns, "chrome://mochitests/content/"_ns, "chrome://reftest/content/"_ns, }; for (const nsLiteralCString& allowlistEntry : htmlFragmentAllowlist) { if (StringBeginsWith(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(filename), allowlistEntry)) { return; } } nsAutoCString uriSpec; aPrincipal->GetAsciiSpec(uriSpec); // Ideally we should not call the fragment parser (e.g. innerHTML()) in // chrome: code or any of our about: pages. If you hit that assertion, // please do *not* add your filename to the allowlist above, but rather // refactor your code. fprintf(stderr, "Do not call the fragment parser (e.g innerHTML()) in chrome code " "or in about: pages, (uri: %s), (caller: %s, line: %d, col: %d), " "(fragment: %s)", uriSpec.get(), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(filename).get(), lineNum, columnNum, NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aFragment).get()); MOZ_ASSERT(false); } /* static */ void DOMSecurityMonitor::AuditUseOfJavaScriptURI(nsIChannel* aChannel) { nsCOMPtr loadInfo = aChannel->LoadInfo(); nsCOMPtr loadingPrincipal = loadInfo->GetLoadingPrincipal(); // We only ever have no loadingPrincipal in case of a new top-level load. // The purpose of this assertion is to make sure we do not allow loading // javascript: URIs in system privileged contexts. Hence there is nothing // to do here in case there is no loadingPrincipal. if (!loadingPrincipal) { return; } // if the javascript: URI is not loaded by a system privileged context // or an about: page, there there is nothing to do here. if (!loadingPrincipal->IsSystemPrincipal() && !loadingPrincipal->SchemeIs("about")) { return; } MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Do not use javascript: URIs in chrome code or in about: pages"); }