function postAll(data) { self.clients.matchAll().then(function(clients) { if (clients.length == 0) { dump( "***************** NO CLIENTS FOUND! Test messages are being lost *******************\n" ); } clients.forEach(function(client) { client.postMessage(data); }); }); } function ok(a, msg) { postAll({ type: "status", status: !!a, msg: a + ": " + msg }); } function is(a, b, msg) { postAll({ type: "status", status: a === b, msg: a + " === " + b + ": " + msg, }); } function done() { postAll({ type: "finish" }); } onmessage = function(e) { dump("%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% MESSAGE " + + "\n"); var start; if ( == "create") { start = registration.showNotification("This is a title"); } else { start = Promise.resolve(); } start.then(function() { dump("CALLING getNotification\n"); registration.getNotifications().then(function(notifications) { dump("RECD getNotification\n"); is(notifications.length, 1, "There should be one stored notification"); var notification = notifications[0]; if (!notification) { done(); return; } ok(notification instanceof Notification, "Should be a Notification"); is(notification.title, "This is a title", "Title should match"); notification.close(); done(); }); }); };