// the worker won't shut down between events because we increased // the timeout values. var client; var window_count = 0; var expected_window_count = 9; var isolated_window_count = 0; var expected_isolated_window_count = 2; var resolve_got_all_windows = null; var got_all_windows = new Promise(function(res, rej) { resolve_got_all_windows = res; }); // |expected_window_count| needs to be updated for every new call that's // expected to actually open a new window regardless of what |clients.openWindow| // returns. function testForUrl(url, throwType, clientProperties, resultsArray) { return clients .openWindow(url) .then(function(e) { if (throwType != null) { resultsArray.push({ result: false, message: "openWindow should throw " + throwType, }); } else if (clientProperties) { resultsArray.push({ result: e instanceof WindowClient, message: "openWindow should resolve to a WindowClient", }); resultsArray.push({ result: e.url == clientProperties.url, message: "Client url should be " + clientProperties.url, }); // Add more properties } else { resultsArray.push({ result: e == null, message: "Open window should resolve to null. Got: " + e, }); } }) .catch(function(err) { if (throwType == null) { resultsArray.push({ result: false, message: "Unexpected throw: " + err, }); } else { resultsArray.push({ result: err.toString().includes(throwType), message: "openWindow should throw: " + err, }); } }); } onmessage = function(event) { if (event.data == "testNoPopup") { client = event.source; var results = []; var promises = []; promises.push(testForUrl("about:blank", "TypeError", null, results)); promises.push( testForUrl("http://example.com", "InvalidAccessError", null, results) ); promises.push( testForUrl("_._*`InvalidURL", "InvalidAccessError", null, results) ); event.waitUntil( Promise.all(promises).then(function(e) { client.postMessage(results); }) ); } if (event.data == "NEW_WINDOW" || event.data == "NEW_ISOLATED_WINDOW") { window_count += 1; if (event.data == "NEW_ISOLATED_WINDOW") { isolated_window_count += 1; } if (window_count == expected_window_count) { resolve_got_all_windows(); } } if (event.data == "CHECK_NUMBER_OF_WINDOWS") { event.waitUntil( got_all_windows .then(function() { return clients.matchAll(); }) .then(function(cl) { event.source.postMessage([ { result: cl.length == expected_window_count, message: `The number of windows is correct. ${cl.length} == ${expected_window_count}`, }, { result: isolated_window_count == expected_isolated_window_count, message: `The number of isolated windows is correct. ${isolated_window_count} == ${expected_isolated_window_count}`, }, ]); for (i = 0; i < cl.length; i++) { cl[i].postMessage("CLOSE"); } }) ); } }; onnotificationclick = function(e) { var results = []; var promises = []; var redirect = "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/serviceworkers/test/redirect.sjs?"; var redirect_xorigin = "http://example.com/tests/dom/serviceworkers/test/redirect.sjs?"; var same_origin = "http://mochi.test:8888/tests/dom/serviceworkers/test/open_window/client.sjs"; var different_origin = "http://example.com/tests/dom/serviceworkers/test/open_window/client.sjs"; promises.push(testForUrl("about:blank", "TypeError", null, results)); promises.push(testForUrl(different_origin, null, null, results)); promises.push(testForUrl(same_origin, null, { url: same_origin }, results)); promises.push( testForUrl("open_window/client.sjs", null, { url: same_origin }, results) ); // redirect tests promises.push( testForUrl( redirect + "open_window/client.sjs", null, { url: same_origin }, results ) ); promises.push(testForUrl(redirect + different_origin, null, null, results)); promises.push( testForUrl(redirect_xorigin + "open_window/client.sjs", null, null, results) ); promises.push( testForUrl( redirect_xorigin + same_origin, null, { url: same_origin }, results ) ); // coop+coep tests promises.push( testForUrl( same_origin + "?crossOriginIsolated=true", null, { url: same_origin + "?crossOriginIsolated=true" }, results ) ); promises.push( testForUrl( different_origin + "?crossOriginIsolated=true", null, null, results ) ); e.waitUntil( Promise.all(promises).then(function() { client.postMessage(results); }) ); };