// This is a list of all interfaces that are exposed to workers. // Please only add things to this list with great care and proper review // from the associated module peers. // This file lists global interfaces we want exposed and verifies they // are what we intend. Each entry in the arrays below can either be a // simple string with the interface name, or an object with a 'name' // property giving the interface name as a string, and additional // properties which qualify the exposure of that interface. For example: // // [ // "AGlobalInterface", // { name: "ExperimentalThing", release: false }, // { name: "ReallyExperimentalThing", nightly: true }, // { name: "DesktopOnlyThing", desktop: true }, // { name: "FancyControl", xbl: true }, // { name: "DisabledEverywhere", disabled: true }, // ]; // // See createInterfaceMap() below for a complete list of properties. // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from // a JavaScript Engine peer! var ecmaGlobals = [ "AggregateError", "Array", "ArrayBuffer", "Atomics", "Boolean", "BigInt", "BigInt64Array", "BigUint64Array", { name: "ByteLengthQueuingStrategy", optional: true }, { name: "CountQueuingStrategy", optional: true }, "DataView", "Date", "Error", "EvalError", "FinalizationRegistry", "Float32Array", "Float64Array", "Function", "Infinity", "Int16Array", "Int32Array", "Int8Array", "InternalError", "Intl", "JSON", "Map", "Math", "NaN", "Number", "Object", "Promise", "Proxy", "RangeError", { name: "ReadableStream", optional: true }, "ReferenceError", "Reflect", "RegExp", "Set", { name: "SharedArrayBuffer", crossOriginIsolated: true, }, "String", "Symbol", "SyntaxError", "TypeError", "Uint16Array", "Uint32Array", "Uint8Array", "Uint8ClampedArray", "URIError", "WeakMap", "WeakRef", "WeakSet", { name: "WebAssembly", optional: true }, ]; // IMPORTANT: Do not change the list above without review from // a JavaScript Engine peer! // IMPORTANT: Do not change the list below without review from a DOM peer! var interfaceNamesInGlobalScope = [ // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "AbortController", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "AbortSignal", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Blob", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "BroadcastChannel", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Cache", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "CacheStorage", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Client", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Clients", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "CloseEvent", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Crypto", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "CustomEvent", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Directory", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "DOMException", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "DOMMatrix", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "DOMMatrixReadOnly", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "DOMPoint", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "DOMPointReadOnly", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "DOMQuad", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "DOMRect", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "DOMRectReadOnly", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "DOMRequest", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "DOMStringList", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "ErrorEvent", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Event", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "EventTarget", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "ExtendableEvent", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "ExtendableMessageEvent", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "FetchEvent", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "File", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "FileList", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "FileReader", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "FormData", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Headers", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "IDBCursor", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "IDBCursorWithValue", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "IDBDatabase", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "IDBFactory", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "IDBIndex", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "IDBKeyRange", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "IDBObjectStore", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "IDBOpenDBRequest", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "IDBRequest", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "IDBTransaction", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "IDBVersionChangeEvent", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "ImageBitmap", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "ImageBitmapRenderingContext", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "ImageData", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "MediaCapabilities", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "MediaCapabilitiesInfo", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "MessageChannel", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "MessageEvent", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "MessagePort", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! { name: "NetworkInformation", android: true }, // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Notification", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "NotificationEvent", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Performance", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "PerformanceEntry", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "PerformanceMark", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "PerformanceMeasure", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "PerformanceObserver", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "PerformanceObserverEntryList", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "PerformanceResourceTiming", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "PerformanceServerTiming", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "ProgressEvent", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "PromiseRejectionEvent", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! { name: "PushEvent" }, // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! { name: "PushManager" }, // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! { name: "PushMessageData" }, // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! { name: "PushSubscription" }, // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! { name: "PushSubscriptionOptions" }, // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! { name: "Report", nightly: true }, // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! { name: "ReportBody", nightly: true }, // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! { name: "ReportingObserver", nightly: true }, // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Request", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "Response", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "ServiceWorker", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "ServiceWorkerGlobalScope", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "ServiceWorkerRegistration", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! { name: "StorageManager", fennec: false }, // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "SubtleCrypto", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "TextDecoder", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "TextEncoder", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "URL", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "URLSearchParams", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "WebSocket", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "WindowClient", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "WorkerGlobalScope", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "WorkerLocation", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! "WorkerNavigator", // IMPORTANT: Do not change this list without review from a DOM peer! ]; // IMPORTANT: Do not change the list above without review from a DOM peer! function createInterfaceMap({ isNightly, isEarlyBetaOrEarlier, isRelease, isDesktop, isAndroid, isInsecureContext, isFennec, isCrossOriginIsolated, }) { var interfaceMap = {}; function addInterfaces(interfaces) { for (var entry of interfaces) { if (typeof entry === "string") { interfaceMap[entry] = true; } else { ok(!("pref" in entry), "Bogus pref annotation for " + entry.name); if ( entry.nightly === !isNightly || (entry.nightlyAndroid === !(isAndroid && isNightly) && isAndroid) || (entry.nonReleaseAndroid === !(isAndroid && !isRelease) && isAndroid) || entry.desktop === !isDesktop || (entry.android === !isAndroid && !entry.nonReleaseAndroid && !entry.nightlyAndroid) || entry.fennecOrDesktop === (isAndroid && !isFennec) || entry.fennec === !isFennec || entry.release === !isRelease || entry.earlyBetaOrEarlier === !isEarlyBetaOrEarlier || entry.crossOriginIsolated === !isCrossOriginIsolated || entry.disabled ) { interfaceMap[entry.name] = false; } else if (entry.optional) { interfaceMap[entry.name] = "optional"; } else { interfaceMap[entry.name] = true; } } } } addInterfaces(ecmaGlobals); addInterfaces(interfaceNamesInGlobalScope); return interfaceMap; } function runTest(data) { var interfaceMap = createInterfaceMap(data); for (var name of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(self)) { // An interface name should start with an upper case character. if (!/^[A-Z]/.test(name)) { continue; } ok( interfaceMap[name] === "optional" || interfaceMap[name], "If this is failing: DANGER, are you sure you want to expose the new interface " + name + " to all webpages as a property on the service worker? Do not make a change to this file without a " + " review from a DOM peer for that specific change!!! (or a JS peer for changes to ecmaGlobals)" ); delete interfaceMap[name]; } for (var name of Object.keys(interfaceMap)) { if (interfaceMap[name] === "optional") { delete interfaceMap[name]; } else { ok( name in self === interfaceMap[name], name + " should " + (interfaceMap[name] ? "" : " NOT") + " be defined on the global scope" ); if (!interfaceMap[name]) { delete interfaceMap[name]; } } } is( Object.keys(interfaceMap).length, 0, "The following interface(s) are not enumerated: " + Object.keys(interfaceMap).join(", ") ); } workerTestGetHelperData(function(data) { runTest(data); workerTestDone(); });