"use strict"; const DIRPATH = getRootDirectory(gTestPath).replace( "chrome://mochitests/content/", "" ); const PATH = DIRPATH + "file_coop_coep.html"; const ORIGIN = "https://test1.example.com"; const URL = `${ORIGIN}/${PATH}`; add_task(async function() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab(URL, async function(browser) { BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(browser, URL); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [ORIGIN], async origin => { is( content.window.origin, origin, `Opened a tab and navigated to ${origin}` ); ok( content.window.crossOriginIsolated, `Should have been cross-origin-isolated env` ); let hostIds = []; function createShadowDOMAndTriggerSlotChange(host) { var shadow = host.attachShadow({ mode: "closed" }); let promise = new Promise(resolve => { shadow.addEventListener("slotchange", function() { hostIds.push(host.id); resolve(); }); }); shadow.innerHTML = ""; host.appendChild(host.ownerDocument.createElement("span")); return promise; } let host1 = content.document.getElementById("host1"); let dataDoc = content.document.implementation.createHTMLDocument(); dataDoc.body.innerHTML = "
"; let host2 = dataDoc.body.firstChild; let host3 = content.document.getElementById("host3"); let promises = []; promises.push(createShadowDOMAndTriggerSlotChange(host1)); promises.push(createShadowDOMAndTriggerSlotChange(host2)); promises.push(createShadowDOMAndTriggerSlotChange(host3)); await Promise.all(promises); is(hostIds.length, 3, `Got 3 slot change events`); is(hostIds[0], "host1", `The first one was host1`); is(hostIds[1], "host2", `The second one was host2`); is(hostIds[2], "host3", `The third one was host3`); }); }); });