"use strict"; const DIRPATH = getRootDirectory(gTestPath).replace( "chrome://mochitests/content/", "" ); const PATH = DIRPATH + "file_postMessage_parent.html"; const URL1 = `http://mochi.test:8888/${PATH}`; const URL2 = `http://example.com/${PATH}`; const URL3 = `http://example.org/${PATH}`; // A bunch of boilerplate which needs to be dealt with. add_task(async function() { // Turn on BC preservation and frameloader rebuilding to ensure that the // BrowsingContext is preserved. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["fission.preserve_browsing_contexts", true]], }); // Open a window with fission force-enabled in it. let win = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow({ fission: true, remote: true, }); try { // Get the tab & browser to perform the test in. let tab = win.gBrowser.selectedTab; let browser = tab.linkedBrowser; // Start loading the original URI, then wait until it is loaded. BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(browser, URL1); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser, false, URL1); info("Chrome script has loaded initial URI."); await SpecialPowers.spawn( browser, [{ URL1, URL2, URL3 }], async ({ URL1, URL2, URL3 }) => { let iframe = content.document.createElement("iframe"); content.document.body.appendChild(iframe); info("Chrome script created iframe"); // Here and below, we have to store references to things in the // iframes on the content window, because all chrome references // to content will be turned into dead wrappers when the iframes // are closed. content.win0 = iframe.contentWindow; content.bc0 = iframe.browsingContext; ok( !Cu.isDeadWrapper(content.win0), "win0 shouldn't be a dead wrapper before navigation" ); // Helper for waiting for a load. function waitLoad() { return new Promise(resolve => { iframe.addEventListener( "load", event => { info("Got an iframe load event!"); resolve(); }, { once: true } ); }); } function askLoad(url) { info("Chrome script asking for load of " + url); iframe.contentWindow.postMessage( { action: "navigate", location: url, }, "*" ); info("Chrome script done calling PostMessage"); } // Check that BC and WindowProxy are preserved across navigations. iframe.contentWindow.location = URL1; await waitLoad(); content.win1 = iframe.contentWindow; let chromeWin1 = iframe.contentWindow; let chromeWin1x = Cu.waiveXrays(iframe.contentWindow); content.win1x = Cu.waiveXrays(iframe.contentWindow); ok(chromeWin1 != chromeWin1x, "waiving xrays creates a new thing?"); content.bc1 = iframe.browsingContext; is( content.bc0, content.bc1, "same to same-origin BrowsingContext match" ); is(content.win0, content.win1, "same to same-origin WindowProxy match"); ok( !Cu.isDeadWrapper(content.win1), "win1 shouldn't be a dead wrapper before navigation" ); ok( !Cu.isDeadWrapper(chromeWin1), "chromeWin1 shouldn't be a dead wrapper before navigation" ); askLoad(URL2); await waitLoad(); content.win2 = iframe.contentWindow; content.bc2 = iframe.browsingContext; // When chrome accesses a remote window proxy in content, the result // should be a remote outer window proxy in the chrome compartment, not an // Xray wrapper around the content remote window proxy. The former will // throw a security error, because @@toPrimitive can't be called cross // process, while the latter will result in an opaque wrapper, because // XPConnect doesn't know what to do when trying to create an Xray wrapper // around a remote outer window proxy. See bug 1556845. Assert.throws( () => { dump("content.win1 " + content.win1 + "\n"); }, /SecurityError: Permission denied to access property Symbol.toPrimitive on cross-origin object/, "Should get a remote outer window proxy when accessing old window proxy" ); Assert.throws( () => { dump("content.win2 " + content.win2 + "\n"); }, /SecurityError: Permission denied to access property Symbol.toPrimitive on cross-origin object/, "Should get a remote outer window proxy when accessing new window proxy" ); // If we fail to transplant existing non-remote outer window proxies, then // after we navigate the iframe existing chrome references to the window will // become dead wrappers. Also check content.win1 for thoroughness, though // we don't nuke content-content references. ok( !Cu.isDeadWrapper(content.win1), "win1 shouldn't be a dead wrapper after navigation" ); ok( !Cu.isDeadWrapper(chromeWin1), "chromeWin1 shouldn't be a dead wrapper after navigation" ); ok( Cu.isDeadWrapper(chromeWin1x), "chromeWin1x should be a dead wrapper after navigation" ); ok( Cu.isDeadWrapper(content.win1x), "content.win1x should be a dead wrapper after navigation" ); is( content.bc1, content.bc2, "same to cross-origin navigation BrowsingContext match" ); is( content.win1, content.win2, "same to cross-origin navigation WindowProxy match" ); ok( !Cu.isDeadWrapper(content.win1), "win1 shouldn't be a dead wrapper after navigation" ); askLoad(URL3); await waitLoad(); content.win3 = iframe.contentWindow; content.bc3 = iframe.browsingContext; is( content.bc2, content.bc3, "cross to cross-origin navigation BrowsingContext match" ); is( content.win2, content.win3, "cross to cross-origin navigation WindowProxy match" ); askLoad(URL1); await waitLoad(); content.win4 = iframe.contentWindow; content.bc4 = iframe.browsingContext; is( content.bc3, content.bc4, "cross to same-origin navigation BrowsingContext match" ); is( content.win3, content.win4, "cross to same-origin navigation WindowProxy match" ); } ); } finally { await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win); } });