/** * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; if (!("self" in this)) { throw new Error("No 'self' exists on SharedWorkerGlobalScope!"); } if (this !== self) { throw new Error("'self' not equal to global object!"); } if (!(self instanceof SharedWorkerGlobalScope)) { throw new Error("self not a SharedWorkerGlobalScope instance!"); } var propsToCheck = [ "location", "navigator", "close", "importScripts", "setTimeout", "clearTimeout", "setInterval", "clearInterval", "dump", "atob", "btoa", ]; for (var index = 0; index < propsToCheck.length; index++) { var prop = propsToCheck[index]; if (!(prop in self)) { throw new Error("SharedWorkerGlobalScope has no '" + prop + "' property!"); } } onconnect = function(event) { if (!("SharedWorkerGlobalScope" in self)) { throw new Error("SharedWorkerGlobalScope should be visible!"); } if (!(self instanceof SharedWorkerGlobalScope)) { throw new Error("The global should be a SharedWorkerGlobalScope!"); } if (!(self instanceof WorkerGlobalScope)) { throw new Error("The global should be a WorkerGlobalScope!"); } if ("DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope" in self) { throw new Error("DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope should not be visible!"); } if (!(event instanceof MessageEvent)) { throw new Error("'connect' event is not a MessageEvent!"); } if (!("ports" in event)) { throw new Error("'connect' event doesn't have a 'ports' property!"); } if (event.ports.length != 1) { throw new Error( "'connect' event has a 'ports' property with length '" + event.ports.length + "'!" ); } if (!event.ports[0]) { throw new Error("'connect' event has a null 'ports[0]' property!"); } if (!(event.ports[0] instanceof MessagePort)) { throw new Error( "'connect' event has a 'ports[0]' property that isn't a " + "MessagePort!" ); } if (!(event.ports[0] == event.source)) { throw new Error("'connect' event source property is incorrect!"); } if (event.data) { throw new Error("'connect' event has data: " + event.data); } // Statement after return should trigger a warning, but NOT fire error events // at us. (function() { return; 1; }); event.ports[0].onmessage = function(msg) { if (!(msg instanceof MessageEvent)) { throw new Error("'message' event is not a MessageEvent!"); } if (!("ports" in msg)) { throw new Error("'message' event doesn't have a 'ports' property!"); } if (msg.ports === null) { throw new Error("'message' event has a null 'ports' property!"); } msg.target.postMessage(msg.data); throw new Error(msg.data); }; };