/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "txList.h" //----------------------------/ //- Implementation of txList -/ //----------------------------/ /** * Default constructor for a txList; **/ txList::txList() { firstItem = 0; lastItem = 0; itemCount = 0; } //-- txList; /** * txList destructor, cleans up ListItems, but will not delete the Object * references */ txList::~txList() { clear(); } //-- ~txList void txList::add(void* objPtr) { insertBefore(objPtr, 0); } //-- add /** * Returns the number of items in this txList **/ int32_t List::getLength() { return itemCount; } //-- getLength /** * Inserts the given Object pointer as the item just after refItem. * If refItem is a null pointer the Object will be inserted at the * beginning of the txList (ie, insert after nothing). * This method assumes refItem is a member of this list, and since this * is a private method, I feel that's a valid assumption **/ void txList::insertAfter(void* objPtr, ListItem* refItem) { //-- if refItem == null insert at front if (!refItem) { insertBefore(objPtr, firstItem); } else { insertBefore(objPtr, refItem->nextItem); } } //-- insertAfter /** * Inserts the given Object pointer as the item just before refItem. * If refItem is a null pointer the Object will be inserted at the * end of the txList (ie, insert before nothing). * This method assumes refItem is a member of this list, and since this * is a private method, I feel that's a valid assumption **/ void txList::insertBefore(void* objPtr, ListItem* refItem) { ListItem* item = new ListItem; item->objPtr = objPtr; item->nextItem = 0; item->prevItem = 0; //-- if refItem == null insert at end if (!refItem) { //-- add to back of list if (lastItem) { lastItem->nextItem = item; item->prevItem = lastItem; } lastItem = item; if (!firstItem) firstItem = item; } else { //-- insert before given item item->nextItem = refItem; item->prevItem = refItem->prevItem; refItem->prevItem = item; if (item->prevItem) item->prevItem->nextItem = item; else firstItem = item; } // increase the item count ++itemCount; } //-- insertBefore txList::ListItem* txList::remove(ListItem* item) { if (!item) return item; //-- adjust the previous item's next pointer if (item->prevItem) { item->prevItem->nextItem = item->nextItem; } //-- adjust the next item's previous pointer if (item->nextItem) { item->nextItem->prevItem = item->prevItem; } //-- adjust first and last items if (item == firstItem) firstItem = item->nextItem; if (item == lastItem) lastItem = item->prevItem; //-- decrease Item count --itemCount; return item; } //-- remove void txList::clear() { ListItem* item = firstItem; while (item) { ListItem* tItem = item; item = item->nextItem; delete tItem; } firstItem = 0; lastItem = 0; itemCount = 0; } //------------------------------------/ //- Implementation of txListIterator -/ //------------------------------------/ /** * Creates a new txListIterator for the given txList * @param list, the txList to create an Iterator for **/ txListIterator::txListIterator(txList* list) { this->list = list; currentItem = 0; atEndOfList = false; } //-- txListIterator /** * Adds the Object pointer to the txList pointed to by this txListIterator. * The Object pointer is inserted as the next item in the txList * based on the current position within the txList * @param objPtr the Object pointer to add to the list **/ void txListIterator::addAfter(void* objPtr) { if (currentItem || !atEndOfList) { list->insertAfter(objPtr, currentItem); } else { list->insertBefore(objPtr, 0); } } //-- addAfter /** * Adds the Object pointer to the txList pointed to by this txListIterator. * The Object pointer is inserted as the previous item in the txList * based on the current position within the txList * @param objPtr the Object pointer to add to the list **/ void txListIterator::addBefore(void* objPtr) { if (currentItem || atEndOfList) { list->insertBefore(objPtr, currentItem); } else { list->insertAfter(objPtr, 0); } } //-- addBefore /** * Returns true if a successful call to the next() method can be made * @return true if a successful call to the next() method can be made, * otherwise false **/ bool txListIterator::hasNext() { bool hasNext = false; if (currentItem) hasNext = (currentItem->nextItem != 0); else if (!atEndOfList) hasNext = (list->firstItem != 0); return hasNext; } //-- hasNext /** * Returns the next Object pointer in the list **/ void* txListIterator::next() { void* obj = 0; if (currentItem) currentItem = currentItem->nextItem; else if (!atEndOfList) currentItem = list->firstItem; if (currentItem) obj = currentItem->objPtr; else atEndOfList = true; return obj; } //-- next /** * Returns the previous Object in the list **/ void* txListIterator::previous() { void* obj = 0; if (currentItem) currentItem = currentItem->prevItem; else if (atEndOfList) currentItem = list->lastItem; if (currentItem) obj = currentItem->objPtr; atEndOfList = false; return obj; } //-- previous /** * Returns the current Object **/ void* txListIterator::current() { if (currentItem) return currentItem->objPtr; return 0; } //-- current /** * Removes the Object last returned by the next() or previous() methods; * @return the removed Object pointer **/ void* txListIterator::remove() { void* obj = 0; if (currentItem) { obj = currentItem->objPtr; txList::ListItem* item = currentItem; previous(); //-- make previous item the current item list->remove(item); delete item; } return obj; } //-- remove /** * Resets the current location within the txList to the beginning of the txList **/ void txListIterator::reset() { atEndOfList = false; currentItem = 0; } //-- reset /** * Move the iterator to right after the last element **/ void txListIterator::resetToEnd() { atEndOfList = true; currentItem = 0; } //-- moveToEnd