/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "HTMLEditor.h" #include "HTMLEditUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/PresShell.h" #include "mozilla/PresShellInlines.h" #include "mozilla/dom/BindContext.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Element.h" #include "mozilla/dom/EventTarget.h" #include "mozilla/mozalloc.h" #include "nsAString.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsComputedDOMStyle.h" #include "nsDebug.h" #include "nsError.h" #include "nsGenericHTMLElement.h" #include "nsGkAtoms.h" #include "nsAtom.h" #include "nsIContent.h" #include "nsID.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Document.h" #include "nsIDocumentObserver.h" #include "nsStubMutationObserver.h" #include "nsINode.h" #include "nsISupportsImpl.h" #include "nsISupportsUtils.h" #include "nsLiteralString.h" #include "nsPresContext.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsStringFwd.h" #include "nsStyledElement.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "nscore.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" // for nsAutoScriptBlocker #include "nsROCSSPrimitiveValue.h" class nsIDOMEventListener; namespace mozilla { using namespace dom; // Retrieve the rounded number of CSS pixels from a computed CSS property. // // Note that this should only be called for properties whose resolved value // is CSS pixels (like width, height, left, top, right, bottom, margin, padding, // border-*-width, ...). // // See: https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#resolved-values static int32_t GetCSSFloatValue(nsComputedDOMStyle* aComputedStyle, const nsACString& aProperty) { MOZ_ASSERT(aComputedStyle); // get the computed CSSValue of the property nsAutoCString value; nsresult rv = aComputedStyle->GetPropertyValue(aProperty, value); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("nsComputedDOMStyle::GetPropertyValue() failed"); return 0; } // We only care about resolved values, not a big deal if the element is // undisplayed, for example, and the value is "auto" or what not. int32_t val = value.ToInteger(&rv); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "nsAString::ToInteger() failed"); return NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) ? val : 0; } class ElementDeletionObserver final : public nsStubMutationObserver { public: ElementDeletionObserver(nsIContent* aNativeAnonNode, Element* aObservedElement) : mNativeAnonNode(aNativeAnonNode), mObservedElement(aObservedElement) {} NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIMUTATIONOBSERVER_PARENTCHAINCHANGED NS_DECL_NSIMUTATIONOBSERVER_NODEWILLBEDESTROYED protected: ~ElementDeletionObserver() = default; nsIContent* mNativeAnonNode; Element* mObservedElement; }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(ElementDeletionObserver, nsIMutationObserver) void ElementDeletionObserver::ParentChainChanged(nsIContent* aContent) { // If the native anonymous content has been unbound already in // DeleteRefToAnonymousNode, mNativeAnonNode's parentNode is null. if (aContent != mObservedElement || !mNativeAnonNode || mNativeAnonNode->GetParent() != aContent) { return; } ManualNACPtr::RemoveContentFromNACArray(mNativeAnonNode); mObservedElement->RemoveMutationObserver(this); mObservedElement = nullptr; mNativeAnonNode->RemoveMutationObserver(this); mNativeAnonNode = nullptr; NS_RELEASE_THIS(); } void ElementDeletionObserver::NodeWillBeDestroyed(const nsINode* aNode) { NS_ASSERTION(aNode == mNativeAnonNode || aNode == mObservedElement, "Wrong aNode!"); if (aNode == mNativeAnonNode) { mObservedElement->RemoveMutationObserver(this); mObservedElement = nullptr; } else { mNativeAnonNode->RemoveMutationObserver(this); mNativeAnonNode->UnbindFromTree(); mNativeAnonNode = nullptr; } NS_RELEASE_THIS(); } ManualNACPtr HTMLEditor::CreateAnonymousElement(nsAtom* aTag, nsIContent& aParentContent, const nsAString& aAnonClass, bool aIsCreatedHidden) { // Don't put anonymous editor element into non-HTML element. // It is mainly for avoiding other anonymous element being inserted // into , but in general we probably don't want to insert // some random HTML anonymous element into a non-HTML element. if (!aParentContent.IsHTMLElement()) { return nullptr; } if (NS_WARN_IF(!GetDocument())) { return nullptr; } RefPtr presShell = GetPresShell(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!presShell)) { return nullptr; } // Create a new node through the element factory RefPtr newElement = CreateHTMLContent(aTag); if (!newElement) { NS_WARNING("EditorBase::CreateHTMLContent() failed"); return nullptr; } // add the "hidden" class if needed if (aIsCreatedHidden) { nsresult rv = newElement->SetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::_class, u"hidden"_ns, true); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("Element::SetAttr(nsGkAtoms::_class, hidden) failed"); return nullptr; } } // add an _moz_anonclass attribute if needed if (!aAnonClass.IsEmpty()) { nsresult rv = newElement->SetAttr( kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::_moz_anonclass, aAnonClass, true); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("Element::SetAttr(nsGkAtoms::_moz_anonclass) failed"); return nullptr; } } { nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker; // establish parenthood of the element newElement->SetIsNativeAnonymousRoot(); BindContext context(*aParentContent.AsElement(), BindContext::ForNativeAnonymous); nsresult rv = newElement->BindToTree(context, aParentContent); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("Element::BindToTree(BindContext::ForNativeAnonymous) failed"); newElement->UnbindFromTree(); return nullptr; } } ManualNACPtr newNativeAnonymousContent(newElement.forget()); // Must style the new element, otherwise the PostRecreateFramesFor call // below will do nothing. ServoStyleSet* styleSet = presShell->StyleSet(); // Sometimes editor likes to append anonymous content to elements // in display:none subtrees, so avoid styling in those cases. if (ServoStyleSet::MayTraverseFrom(newNativeAnonymousContent)) { styleSet->StyleNewSubtree(newNativeAnonymousContent); } auto* observer = new ElementDeletionObserver(newNativeAnonymousContent, aParentContent.AsElement()); NS_ADDREF(observer); // NodeWillBeDestroyed releases. aParentContent.AddMutationObserver(observer); newNativeAnonymousContent->AddMutationObserver(observer); #ifdef DEBUG // Editor anonymous content gets passed to PostRecreateFramesFor... which // can't _really_ deal with anonymous content (because it can't get the frame // tree ordering right). But for us the ordering doesn't matter so this is // sort of ok. newNativeAnonymousContent->SetProperty(nsGkAtoms::restylableAnonymousNode, reinterpret_cast(true)); #endif // DEBUG // display the element presShell->PostRecreateFramesFor(newNativeAnonymousContent); return newNativeAnonymousContent; } // Removes event listener and calls DeleteRefToAnonymousNode. void HTMLEditor::RemoveListenerAndDeleteRef(const nsAString& aEvent, nsIDOMEventListener* aListener, bool aUseCapture, ManualNACPtr aElement, PresShell* aPresShell) { if (aElement) { aElement->RemoveEventListener(aEvent, aListener, aUseCapture); } DeleteRefToAnonymousNode(std::move(aElement), aPresShell); } // Deletes all references to an anonymous element void HTMLEditor::DeleteRefToAnonymousNode(ManualNACPtr aContent, PresShell* aPresShell) { // call ContentRemoved() for the anonymous content // node so its references get removed from the frame manager's // undisplay map, and its layout frames get destroyed! if (NS_WARN_IF(!aContent)) { return; } if (NS_WARN_IF(!aContent->GetParent())) { // aContent was already removed? return; } nsAutoScriptBlocker scriptBlocker; // Need to check whether aPresShell has been destroyed (but not yet deleted). // See bug 338129. if (aContent->IsInComposedDoc() && aPresShell && !aPresShell->IsDestroying()) { MOZ_ASSERT(aContent->IsRootOfNativeAnonymousSubtree()); MOZ_ASSERT(!aContent->GetPreviousSibling(), "NAC has no siblings"); // FIXME(emilio): This is the only caller to PresShell::ContentRemoved that // passes NAC into it. This is not great! aPresShell->ContentRemoved(aContent, nullptr); } // The ManualNACPtr destructor will invoke UnbindFromTree. } void HTMLEditor::HideAnonymousEditingUIs() { if (mAbsolutelyPositionedObject) { HideGrabberInternal(); NS_ASSERTION(!mAbsolutelyPositionedObject, "HTMLEditor::HideGrabberInternal() failed, but ignored"); } if (mInlineEditedCell) { HideInlineTableEditingUIInternal(); NS_ASSERTION( !mInlineEditedCell, "HTMLEditor::HideInlineTableEditingUIInternal() failed, but ignored"); } if (mResizedObject) { DebugOnly rvIgnored = HideResizersInternal(); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION( NS_SUCCEEDED(rvIgnored), "HTMLEditor::HideResizersInternal() failed, but ignored"); NS_ASSERTION(!mResizedObject, "HTMLEditor::HideResizersInternal() failed, but ignored"); } } void HTMLEditor::HideAnonymousEditingUIsIfUnnecessary() { // XXX Perhaps, this is wrong approach to hide multiple UIs because // hiding one UI may causes overwriting existing UI with newly // created one. In such case, we will leak ovewritten UI. if (!IsAbsolutePositionEditorEnabled() && mAbsolutelyPositionedObject) { // XXX If we're moving something, we need to cancel or commit the // operation now. HideGrabberInternal(); NS_ASSERTION(!mAbsolutelyPositionedObject, "HTMLEditor::HideGrabberInternal() failed, but ignored"); } if (!IsInlineTableEditorEnabled() && mInlineEditedCell) { // XXX If we're resizing a table element, we need to cancel or commit the // operation now. HideInlineTableEditingUIInternal(); NS_ASSERTION( !mInlineEditedCell, "HTMLEditor::HideInlineTableEditingUIInternal() failed, but ignored"); } if (!IsObjectResizerEnabled() && mResizedObject) { // XXX If we're resizing something, we need to cancel or commit the // operation now. DebugOnly rvIgnored = HideResizersInternal(); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION( NS_SUCCEEDED(rvIgnored), "HTMLEditor::HideResizersInternal() failed, but ignored"); NS_ASSERTION(!mResizedObject, "HTMLEditor::HideResizersInternal() failed, but ignored"); } } NS_IMETHODIMP HTMLEditor::CheckSelectionStateForAnonymousButtons() { AutoEditActionDataSetter editActionData(*this, EditAction::eNotEditing); if (NS_WARN_IF(!editActionData.CanHandle())) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } nsresult rv = RefreshEditingUI(); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "HTMLEditor::RefereshEditingUI() failed"); return EditorBase::ToGenericNSResult(rv); } nsresult HTMLEditor::RefreshEditingUI() { MOZ_ASSERT(IsEditActionDataAvailable()); // First, we need to remove unnecessary editing UI now since some of them // may be disabled while them are visible. HideAnonymousEditingUIsIfUnnecessary(); // early way out if all contextual UI extensions are disabled if (!IsObjectResizerEnabled() && !IsAbsolutePositionEditorEnabled() && !IsInlineTableEditorEnabled()) { return NS_OK; } // Don't change selection state if we're moving. if (mIsMoving) { return NS_OK; } // let's get the containing element of the selection RefPtr selectionContainerElement = GetSelectionContainerElement(); if (NS_WARN_IF(!selectionContainerElement)) { return NS_OK; } // If we're not in a document, don't try to add resizers if (!selectionContainerElement->IsInUncomposedDoc()) { return NS_OK; } // what's its tag? RefPtr focusElement = std::move(selectionContainerElement); nsAtom* focusTagAtom = focusElement->NodeInfo()->NameAtom(); RefPtr absPosElement; if (IsAbsolutePositionEditorEnabled()) { // Absolute Positioning support is enabled, is the selection contained // in an absolutely positioned element ? absPosElement = GetAbsolutelyPositionedSelectionContainer(); if (NS_WARN_IF(Destroyed())) { return NS_ERROR_EDITOR_DESTROYED; } } RefPtr cellElement; if (IsObjectResizerEnabled() || IsInlineTableEditorEnabled()) { // Resizing or Inline Table Editing is enabled, we need to check if the // selection is contained in a table cell cellElement = GetInclusiveAncestorByTagNameAtSelection(*nsGkAtoms::td); } if (IsObjectResizerEnabled() && cellElement) { // we are here because Resizing is enabled AND selection is contained in // a cell // get the enclosing table if (nsGkAtoms::img != focusTagAtom) { // the element container of the selection is not an image, so we'll show // the resizers around the table // XXX There may be a bug. cellElement may be not in in invalid // tree. So, perhaps, GetClosestAncestorTableElement() returns // nullptr, we should not set focusTagAtom to nsGkAtoms::table. focusElement = HTMLEditUtils::GetClosestAncestorTableElement(*cellElement); focusTagAtom = nsGkAtoms::table; } } // we allow resizers only around images, tables, and absolutely positioned // elements. If we don't have image/table, let's look at the latter case. if (nsGkAtoms::img != focusTagAtom && nsGkAtoms::table != focusTagAtom) { focusElement = absPosElement; } // at this point, focusElement contains the element for Resizing, // cellElement contains the element for InlineTableEditing // absPosElement contains the element for Positioning // Note: All the Hide/Show methods below may change attributes on real // content which means a DOMAttrModified handler may cause arbitrary // side effects while this code runs (bug 420439). if (IsAbsolutePositionEditorEnabled() && mAbsolutelyPositionedObject && absPosElement != mAbsolutelyPositionedObject) { HideGrabberInternal(); NS_ASSERTION(!mAbsolutelyPositionedObject, "HTMLEditor::HideGrabberInternal() failed, but ignored"); } if (IsObjectResizerEnabled() && mResizedObject && mResizedObject != focusElement) { // Perhaps, even if HideResizersInternal() failed, we should try to hide // inline table editing UI. However, it returns error only when we cannot // do anything. So, it's okay for now. nsresult rv = HideResizersInternal(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("HTMLEditor::HideResizersInternal() failed"); return rv; } NS_ASSERTION(!mResizedObject, "HTMLEditor::HideResizersInternal() failed, but ignored"); } if (IsInlineTableEditorEnabled() && mInlineEditedCell && mInlineEditedCell != cellElement) { HideInlineTableEditingUIInternal(); NS_ASSERTION( !mInlineEditedCell, "HTMLEditor::HideInlineTableEditingUIInternal failed, but ignored"); } // now, let's display all contextual UI for good nsIContent* hostContent = GetActiveEditingHost(); if (IsObjectResizerEnabled() && focusElement && HTMLEditUtils::IsSimplyEditableNode(*focusElement) && focusElement != hostContent) { if (nsGkAtoms::img == focusTagAtom) { mResizedObjectIsAnImage = true; } if (mResizedObject) { nsresult rv = RefreshResizersInternal(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("HTMLEditor::RefreshResizersInternal() failed"); return rv; } } else { nsresult rv = ShowResizersInternal(*focusElement); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("HTMLEditor::ShowResizersInternal() failed"); return rv; } } } if (IsAbsolutePositionEditorEnabled() && absPosElement && HTMLEditUtils::IsSimplyEditableNode(*absPosElement) && absPosElement != hostContent) { if (mAbsolutelyPositionedObject) { nsresult rv = RefreshGrabberInternal(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("HTMLEditor::RefreshGrabberInternal() failed"); return rv; } } else { nsresult rv = ShowGrabberInternal(*absPosElement); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("HTMLEditor::ShowGrabberInternal() failed"); return rv; } } } // XXX Shouldn't we check whether the `
` element is editable or not? if (IsInlineTableEditorEnabled() && cellElement && HTMLEditUtils::IsSimplyEditableNode(*cellElement) && cellElement != hostContent) { if (mInlineEditedCell) { nsresult rv = RefreshInlineTableEditingUIInternal(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("HTMLEditor::RefreshInlineTableEditingUIInternal() failed"); return rv; } } else { nsresult rv = ShowInlineTableEditingUIInternal(*cellElement); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("HTMLEditor::ShowInlineTableEditingUIInternal() failed"); return rv; } } } return NS_OK; } // Resizing and Absolute Positioning need to know everything about the // containing box of the element: position, size, margins, borders nsresult HTMLEditor::GetPositionAndDimensions(Element& aElement, int32_t& aX, int32_t& aY, int32_t& aW, int32_t& aH, int32_t& aBorderLeft, int32_t& aBorderTop, int32_t& aMarginLeft, int32_t& aMarginTop) { // Is the element positioned ? let's check the cheap way first... bool isPositioned = aElement.HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::_moz_abspos); if (!isPositioned) { // hmmm... the expensive way now... nsAutoString positionValue; DebugOnly rvIgnored = CSSEditUtils::GetComputedProperty( aElement, *nsGkAtoms::position, positionValue); if (NS_WARN_IF(Destroyed())) { return NS_ERROR_EDITOR_DESTROYED; } NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rvIgnored), "CSSEditUtils::GetComputedProperty(nsGkAtoms::" "position) failed, but ignored"); isPositioned = positionValue.EqualsLiteral("absolute"); } if (isPositioned) { // Yes, it is absolutely positioned mResizedObjectIsAbsolutelyPositioned = true; // Get the all the computed css styles attached to the element node RefPtr computedDOMStyle = CSSEditUtils::GetComputedStyle(&aElement); if (NS_WARN_IF(!computedDOMStyle)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } aBorderLeft = GetCSSFloatValue(computedDOMStyle, "border-left-width"_ns); aBorderTop = GetCSSFloatValue(computedDOMStyle, "border-top-width"_ns); aMarginLeft = GetCSSFloatValue(computedDOMStyle, "margin-left"_ns); aMarginTop = GetCSSFloatValue(computedDOMStyle, "margin-top"_ns); aX = GetCSSFloatValue(computedDOMStyle, "left"_ns) + aMarginLeft + aBorderLeft; aY = GetCSSFloatValue(computedDOMStyle, "top"_ns) + aMarginTop + aBorderTop; aW = GetCSSFloatValue(computedDOMStyle, "width"_ns); aH = GetCSSFloatValue(computedDOMStyle, "height"_ns); } else { mResizedObjectIsAbsolutelyPositioned = false; RefPtr htmlElement = nsGenericHTMLElement::FromNode(aElement); if (!htmlElement) { return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } DebugOnly rvIgnored = GetElementOrigin(aElement, aX, aY); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rvIgnored), "HTMLEditor::GetElementOrigin() failed, but ignored"); aW = htmlElement->OffsetWidth(); aH = htmlElement->OffsetHeight(); aBorderLeft = 0; aBorderTop = 0; aMarginLeft = 0; aMarginTop = 0; } return NS_OK; } nsresult HTMLEditor::SetAnonymousElementPositionWithoutTransaction( nsStyledElement& aStyledElement, int32_t aX, int32_t aY) { nsresult rv; rv = mCSSEditUtils->SetCSSPropertyPixelsWithoutTransaction( aStyledElement, *nsGkAtoms::left, aX); if (rv == NS_ERROR_EDITOR_DESTROYED) { NS_WARNING( "CSSEditUtils::SetCSSPropertyPixelsWithoutTransaction(nsGkAtoms::left) " "destroyed the editor"); return NS_ERROR_EDITOR_DESTROYED; } NS_WARNING_ASSERTION( NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "CSSEditUtils::SetCSSPropertyPixelsWithoutTransaction(nsGkAtoms::left) " "failed, but ignored"); rv = mCSSEditUtils->SetCSSPropertyPixelsWithoutTransaction( aStyledElement, *nsGkAtoms::top, aY); if (rv == NS_ERROR_EDITOR_DESTROYED) { NS_WARNING( "CSSEditUtils::SetCSSPropertyPixelsWithoutTransaction(nsGkAtoms::top) " "destroyed the editor"); return NS_ERROR_EDITOR_DESTROYED; } NS_WARNING_ASSERTION( NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "CSSEditUtils::SetCSSPropertyPixelsWithoutTransaction(nsGkAtoms::top) " "failed, but ignored"); return NS_OK; } } // namespace mozilla