/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter( this, "PlacesTestUtils", "resource://testing-common/PlacesTestUtils.jsm" ); var PERMISSIONS_FILE_NAME = "permissions.sqlite"; function GetPermissionsFile(profile) { let file = profile.clone(); file.append(PERMISSIONS_FILE_NAME); return file; } add_task(async function test() { // Create and set up the permissions database. Services.prefs.setCharPref("permissions.manager.defaultsUrl", ""); let profile = do_get_profile(); // We need to execute a pm method to be sure that the DB is fully // initialized. var pm = Services.perms; Assert.equal(pm.all.length, 0, "No cookies"); let db = Services.storage.openDatabase(GetPermissionsFile(profile)); db.schemaVersion = 10; let stmt6Insert = db.createStatement( "INSERT INTO moz_perms (" + "id, origin, type, permission, expireType, expireTime, modificationTime" + ") VALUES (" + ":id, :origin, :type, :permission, :expireType, :expireTime, :modificationTime" + ")" ); let id = 0; function insertOrigin( origin, type, permission, expireType, expireTime, modificationTime ) { let thisId = id++; stmt6Insert.bindByName("id", thisId); stmt6Insert.bindByName("origin", origin); stmt6Insert.bindByName("type", type); stmt6Insert.bindByName("permission", permission); stmt6Insert.bindByName("expireType", expireType); stmt6Insert.bindByName("expireTime", expireTime); stmt6Insert.bindByName("modificationTime", modificationTime); try { stmt6Insert.execute(); } finally { stmt6Insert.reset(); } return { id: thisId, origin, type, permission, expireType, expireTime, modificationTime, }; } insertOrigin( "https://foo.com", "storageAccessAPI^https://foo.com", 2, 0, 0, 0 ); insertOrigin( "http://foo.com", "storageAccessAPI^https://bar.com^https://foo.com", 2, 0, 0, 0 ); insertOrigin( "http://foo.com", "storageAccessAPI^https://bar.com^https://baz.com", 2, 0, 0, 0 ); insertOrigin("http://foo.com^inBrowser=1", "A", 2, 0, 0, 0); // CLose the db connection stmt6Insert.finalize(); db.close(); db = null; let expected = [ ["https://foo.com", "storageAccessAPI^https://foo.com", 2, 0, 0, 0], ["http://foo.com", "storageAccessAPI^https://bar.com", 2, 0, 0, 0], ["http://foo.com", "storageAccessAPI^https://bar.com", 2, 0, 0, 0], ["http://foo.com^inBrowser=1", "A", 2, 0, 0, 0], ]; let found = expected.map(it => 0); // Add some places to the places database await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits( Services.io.newURI("https://foo.com/some/other/subdirectory") ); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits( Services.io.newURI("ftp://some.subdomain.of.foo.com:8000/some/subdirectory") ); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(Services.io.newURI("")); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(Services.io.newURI("https://localhost:8080")); // This will force the permission-manager to reload the data. Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "testonly-reload-permissions-from-disk"); // Force initialization of the PermissionManager for (let permission of Services.perms.all) { let isExpected = false; expected.forEach((it, i) => { if ( permission.principal.origin == it[0] && permission.type == it[1] && permission.capability == it[2] && permission.expireType == it[3] && permission.expireTime == it[4] ) { isExpected = true; found[i]++; } }); Assert.ok( isExpected, "Permission " + (isExpected ? "should" : "shouldn't") + " be in permission database: " + permission.principal.origin + ", " + permission.type + ", " + permission.capability + ", " + permission.expireType + ", " + permission.expireTime ); } found.forEach((count, i) => { Assert.ok( count == 1, "Expected count = 1, got count = " + count + " for permission " + expected[i] ); }); // Check to make sure that all of the tables which we care about are present { db = Services.storage.openDatabase(GetPermissionsFile(profile)); Assert.ok(db.tableExists("moz_perms")); Assert.ok(db.tableExists("moz_hosts")); Assert.ok(!db.tableExists("moz_perms_v6")); let mozHostsCount = db.createStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM moz_hosts"); try { mozHostsCount.executeStep(); Assert.equal(mozHostsCount.getInt64(0), 0); } finally { mozHostsCount.finalize(); } let mozPermsCount = db.createStatement("SELECT count(*) FROM moz_perms"); try { mozPermsCount.executeStep(); Assert.equal(mozPermsCount.getInt64(0), expected.length); } finally { mozPermsCount.finalize(); } db.close(); } });