/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "TextureSync.h" #include #include "base/process_util.h" #include "chrome/common/mach_ipc_mac.h" #include "mozilla/ipc/SharedMemoryBasic.h" #include "mozilla/layers/CompositorThread.h" #include "mozilla/StaticMonitor.h" #include "mozilla/StaticPtr.h" #ifdef DEBUG # define LOG_ERROR(str, args...) \ PR_BEGIN_MACRO \ mozilla::SmprintfPointer msg = mozilla::Smprintf(str, ##args); \ NS_WARNING(msg.get()); \ PR_END_MACRO #else # define LOG_ERROR(str, args...) \ do { /* nothing */ \ } while (0) #endif namespace mozilla { namespace layers { // Hold raw pointers and trust that TextureSourceProviders will be // unregistered in their destructors - we don't want to keep these // alive, and destroying them from the main thread will be an // error anyway. StaticAutoPtr> gTextureSourceProviders; static std::map> gProcessTextureIds; static StaticMonitor gTextureLockMonitor; const int kSendMessageTimeout = 1000; const int kTextureLockTimeout = 32; // We really don't want to wait more than // two frames for a texture to unlock. This // will in any case be very uncommon. struct WaitForTexturesReply { bool success; }; struct WaitForTexturesRequest { pid_t pid; }; static std::unordered_set* GetLockedTextureIdsForProcess(pid_t pid) { gTextureLockMonitor.AssertCurrentThreadOwns(); if (gProcessTextureIds.find(pid) == gProcessTextureIds.end()) { gProcessTextureIds[pid] = std::unordered_set(); } return &gProcessTextureIds.at(pid); } static bool WaitForTextureIdsToUnlock(pid_t pid, const Span& textureIds) { { StaticMonitorAutoLock lock(gTextureLockMonitor); std::unordered_set* freedTextureIds = GetLockedTextureIdsForProcess(pid); TimeStamp start = TimeStamp::Now(); while (true) { bool allCleared = true; for (uint64_t textureId : textureIds) { if (freedTextureIds->find(textureId) != freedTextureIds->end()) { allCleared = false; } } if (allCleared) { return true; } if (lock.Wait(TimeDuration::FromMilliseconds(kTextureLockTimeout)) == CVStatus::Timeout) { return false; } // In case the monitor gets signaled multiple times, each less than // kTextureLockTimeout. This ensures that the total time we wait is // < 2 * kTextureLockTimeout if ((TimeStamp::Now() - start).ToMilliseconds() > (double)kTextureLockTimeout) { return false; } } } } static void CheckTexturesForUnlock() { if (gTextureSourceProviders) { for (auto it = gTextureSourceProviders->begin(); it != gTextureSourceProviders->end(); ++it) { (*it)->TryUnlockTextures(); } } } void TextureSync::DispatchCheckTexturesForUnlock() { RefPtr task = NS_NewRunnableFunction("CheckTexturesForUnlock", &CheckTexturesForUnlock); CompositorThread()->Dispatch(task.forget()); } void TextureSync::HandleWaitForTexturesMessage(MachReceiveMessage* rmsg, ipc::MemoryPorts* ports) { WaitForTexturesRequest* req = reinterpret_cast(rmsg->GetData()); uint64_t* textureIds = (uint64_t*)(req + 1); uint32_t textureIdsLength = (rmsg->GetDataLength() - sizeof(WaitForTexturesRequest)) / sizeof(uint64_t); bool success = WaitForTextureIdsToUnlock(req->pid, Span(textureIds, textureIdsLength)); if (!success) { LOG_ERROR("Waiting for textures to unlock failed.\n"); } MachSendMessage msg(ipc::kReturnWaitForTexturesMsg); WaitForTexturesReply replydata; replydata.success = success; msg.SetData(&replydata, sizeof(WaitForTexturesReply)); kern_return_t err = ports->mSender->SendMessage(msg, kSendMessageTimeout); if (KERN_SUCCESS != err) { LOG_ERROR("SendMessage failed 0x%x %s\n", err, mach_error_string(err)); } } void TextureSync::RegisterTextureSourceProvider( TextureSourceProvider* textureSourceProvider) { if (!gTextureSourceProviders) { gTextureSourceProviders = new nsTArray(); } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!gTextureSourceProviders->Contains(textureSourceProvider)); gTextureSourceProviders->AppendElement(textureSourceProvider); } void TextureSync::UnregisterTextureSourceProvider( TextureSourceProvider* textureSourceProvider) { if (gTextureSourceProviders) { MOZ_ASSERT(gTextureSourceProviders->Contains(textureSourceProvider)); gTextureSourceProviders->RemoveElement(textureSourceProvider); if (gTextureSourceProviders->Length() == 0) { gTextureSourceProviders = nullptr; } } } void TextureSync::SetTexturesLocked(pid_t pid, const nsTArray& textureIds) { StaticMonitorAutoLock mal(gTextureLockMonitor); std::unordered_set* lockedTextureIds = GetLockedTextureIdsForProcess(pid); for (uint64_t textureId : textureIds) { lockedTextureIds->insert(textureId); } } void TextureSync::SetTexturesUnlocked(pid_t pid, const nsTArray& textureIds) { bool oneErased = false; { StaticMonitorAutoLock mal(gTextureLockMonitor); std::unordered_set* lockedTextureIds = GetLockedTextureIdsForProcess(pid); for (uint64_t textureId : textureIds) { if (lockedTextureIds->erase(textureId)) { oneErased = true; } } } if (oneErased) { gTextureLockMonitor.NotifyAll(); } } void TextureSync::Shutdown() { { StaticMonitorAutoLock lock(gTextureLockMonitor); for (auto& lockedTextureIds : gProcessTextureIds) { lockedTextureIds.second.clear(); } } gTextureLockMonitor.NotifyAll(); { StaticMonitorAutoLock lock(gTextureLockMonitor); gProcessTextureIds.clear(); } } void TextureSync::UpdateTextureLocks(base::ProcessId aProcessId) { if (aProcessId == base::GetCurrentProcId()) { DispatchCheckTexturesForUnlock(); return; } MachSendMessage smsg(ipc::kUpdateTextureLocksMsg); smsg.SetData(&aProcessId, sizeof(aProcessId)); ipc::SharedMemoryBasic::SendMachMessage(aProcessId, smsg, NULL); } bool TextureSync::WaitForTextures(base::ProcessId aProcessId, const nsTArray& textureIds) { if (aProcessId == base::GetCurrentProcId()) { bool success = WaitForTextureIdsToUnlock(aProcessId, Span(textureIds)); if (!success) { LOG_ERROR("Failed waiting for textures to unlock.\n"); } return success; } MachSendMessage smsg(ipc::kWaitForTexturesMsg); size_t messageSize = sizeof(WaitForTexturesRequest) + textureIds.Length() * sizeof(uint64_t); UniquePtr messageData = MakeUnique(messageSize); WaitForTexturesRequest* req = (WaitForTexturesRequest*)messageData.get(); uint64_t* reqTextureIds = (uint64_t*)(req + 1); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < textureIds.Length(); ++i) { reqTextureIds[i] = textureIds[i]; } req->pid = base::GetCurrentProcId(); bool dataWasSet = smsg.SetData(req, messageSize); if (!dataWasSet) { LOG_ERROR("Data was too large: %zu\n", messageSize); return false; } MachReceiveMessage msg; bool success = ipc::SharedMemoryBasic::SendMachMessage(aProcessId, smsg, &msg); if (!success) { return false; } if (msg.GetDataLength() != sizeof(WaitForTexturesReply)) { LOG_ERROR("Improperly formatted reply\n"); return false; } WaitForTexturesReply* msg_data = reinterpret_cast(msg.GetData()); if (!msg_data->success) { LOG_ERROR("Failed waiting for textures to unlock.\n"); return false; } return true; } void TextureSync::CleanupForPid(base::ProcessId aProcessId) { { StaticMonitorAutoLock lock(gTextureLockMonitor); std::unordered_set* lockedTextureIds = GetLockedTextureIdsForProcess(aProcessId); lockedTextureIds->clear(); } gTextureLockMonitor.NotifyAll(); } } // namespace layers } // namespace mozilla