/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ extern crate gleam; extern crate glutin; extern crate webrender; extern crate winit; #[path = "common/boilerplate.rs"] mod boilerplate; #[path = "common/image_helper.rs"] mod image_helper; use crate::boilerplate::{Example, HandyDandyRectBuilder}; use webrender::api::*; use webrender::render_api::*; use webrender::api::units::*; struct App { image_key: ImageKey, } impl Example for App { fn render( &mut self, _api: &mut RenderApi, builder: &mut DisplayListBuilder, txn: &mut Transaction, _device_size: DeviceIntSize, pipeline_id: PipelineId, _document_id: DocumentId, ) { let (image_descriptor, image_data) = image_helper::make_checkerboard(32, 32); txn.add_image( self.image_key, image_descriptor, image_data, None, ); let bounds = (0, 0).to(512, 512); let space_and_clip = SpaceAndClipInfo::root_scroll(pipeline_id); builder.push_simple_stacking_context( bounds.origin, space_and_clip.spatial_id, PrimitiveFlags::IS_BACKFACE_VISIBLE, ); let image_size = LayoutSize::new(100.0, 100.0); builder.push_image( &CommonItemProperties::new( LayoutRect::new(LayoutPoint::new(100.0, 100.0), image_size), space_and_clip, ), bounds, ImageRendering::Auto, AlphaType::PremultipliedAlpha, self.image_key, ColorF::WHITE, ); builder.push_image( &CommonItemProperties::new( LayoutRect::new(LayoutPoint::new(250.0, 100.0), image_size), space_and_clip, ), bounds, ImageRendering::Pixelated, AlphaType::PremultipliedAlpha, self.image_key, ColorF::WHITE, ); builder.pop_stacking_context(); } fn on_event(&mut self, event: winit::WindowEvent, api: &mut RenderApi, document_id: DocumentId) -> bool { match event { winit::WindowEvent::KeyboardInput { input: winit::KeyboardInput { state: winit::ElementState::Pressed, virtual_keycode: Some(winit::VirtualKeyCode::Space), .. }, .. } => { let mut image_data = Vec::new(); for y in 0 .. 64 { for x in 0 .. 64 { let r = 255 * ((y & 32) == 0) as u8; let g = 255 * ((x & 32) == 0) as u8; image_data.extend_from_slice(&[0, g, r, 0xff]); } } let mut txn = Transaction::new(); txn.update_image( self.image_key, ImageDescriptor::new(64, 64, ImageFormat::BGRA8, ImageDescriptorFlags::IS_OPAQUE), ImageData::new(image_data), &DirtyRect::All, ); let mut txn = Transaction::new(); txn.generate_frame(0); api.send_transaction(document_id, txn); } _ => {} } false } } fn main() { let mut app = App { image_key: ImageKey(IdNamespace(0), 0), }; boilerplate::main_wrapper(&mut app, None); }