/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /// Command line tool to convert logged tile cache files into a visualization. /// /// Steps to use this: /// 1. enable webrender; enable gfx.webrender.debug.tile-cache-logging /// 2. take a capture using ctrl-shift-3 /// if all is well, there will be a .../wr-capture/tilecache folder with *.ron files /// 3. run tileview with that folder as the first parameter and some empty output folder as the /// 2nd: /// cargo run --release -- /foo/bar/wr-capture/tilecache /tmp/tilecache /// 4. open /tmp/tilecache/index.html /// /// Note: accurate interning info requires that the circular buffer doesn't wrap around. /// So for best results, use this workflow: /// a. start up blank browser; in about:config enable logging; close browser /// b. start new browser, quickly load the repro /// c. capture. /// /// If that's tricky, you can also just throw more memory at it: in render_backend.rs, /// increase the buffer size here: 'TileCacheLogger::new(500usize)' /// /// Note: some features don't work when opening index.html directly due to cross-scripting /// protections. Instead use a HTTP server: /// python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 use webrender::{TileNode, TileNodeKind, InvalidationReason, TileOffset}; use webrender::{TileSerializer, TileCacheInstanceSerializer, TileCacheLoggerUpdateLists}; use webrender::{PrimitiveCompareResultDetail, CompareHelperResult, ItemUid}; use serde::Deserialize; use std::fs::File; use std::io::prelude::*; use std::path::Path; use std::ffi::OsString; use std::collections::HashMap; use webrender::enumerate_interners; use webrender::api::ColorF; use euclid::{Rect, Transform3D}; use webrender_api::units::{PicturePoint, PictureSize, PicturePixel, WorldPixel}; static RES_JAVASCRIPT: &'static str = include_str!("tilecache.js"); static RES_BASE_CSS: &'static str = include_str!("tilecache_base.css"); #[derive(Deserialize)] pub struct Slice { pub transform: Transform3D, pub tile_cache: TileCacheInstanceSerializer } // invalidation reason CSS colors static CSS_FRACTIONAL_OFFSET: &str = "fill:#4040c0;fill-opacity:0.1;"; static CSS_BACKGROUND_COLOR: &str = "fill:#10c070;fill-opacity:0.1;"; static CSS_SURFACE_OPACITY_CHANNEL: &str = "fill:#c040c0;fill-opacity:0.1;"; static CSS_NO_TEXTURE: &str = "fill:#c04040;fill-opacity:0.1;"; static CSS_NO_SURFACE: &str = "fill:#40c040;fill-opacity:0.1;"; static CSS_PRIM_COUNT: &str = "fill:#40f0f0;fill-opacity:0.1;"; static CSS_CONTENT: &str = "fill:#f04040;fill-opacity:0.1;"; static CSS_COMPOSITOR_KIND_CHANGED: &str = "fill:#f0c070;fill-opacity:0.1;"; static CSS_VALID_RECT_CHANGED: &str = "fill:#ff00ff;fill-opacity:0.1;"; static CSS_SCALE_CHANGED: &str = "fill:#ff80ff;fill-opacity:0.1;"; // parameters to tweak the SVG generation struct SvgSettings { pub scale: f32, pub x: f32, pub y: f32, } fn tile_node_to_svg(node: &TileNode, transform: &Transform3D, svg_settings: &SvgSettings) -> String { match &node.kind { TileNodeKind::Leaf { .. } => { let rect_world = transform.outer_transformed_rect(&node.rect.to_rect()).unwrap(); format!("\n", rect_world.origin.x * svg_settings.scale + svg_settings.x, rect_world.origin.y * svg_settings.scale + svg_settings.y, rect_world.size.width * svg_settings.scale, rect_world.size.height * svg_settings.scale) }, TileNodeKind::Node { children } => { children.iter().fold(String::new(), |acc, child| acc + &tile_node_to_svg(child, transform, svg_settings) ) } } } fn tile_to_svg(key: TileOffset, tile: &TileSerializer, slice: &Slice, prev_tile: Option<&TileSerializer>, itemuid_to_string: &HashMap, tile_stroke: &str, prim_class: &str, invalidation_report: &mut String, svg_width: &mut i32, svg_height: &mut i32, svg_settings: &SvgSettings) -> String { let mut svg = format!("\n\n", key.x, key.y); let tile_fill = match tile.invalidation_reason { Some(InvalidationReason::FractionalOffset { .. }) => CSS_FRACTIONAL_OFFSET.to_string(), Some(InvalidationReason::BackgroundColor { .. }) => CSS_BACKGROUND_COLOR.to_string(), Some(InvalidationReason::SurfaceOpacityChanged { .. }) => CSS_SURFACE_OPACITY_CHANNEL.to_string(), Some(InvalidationReason::NoTexture) => CSS_NO_TEXTURE.to_string(), Some(InvalidationReason::NoSurface) => CSS_NO_SURFACE.to_string(), Some(InvalidationReason::PrimCount { .. }) => CSS_PRIM_COUNT.to_string(), Some(InvalidationReason::CompositorKindChanged) => CSS_COMPOSITOR_KIND_CHANGED.to_string(), Some(InvalidationReason::Content { .. } ) => CSS_CONTENT.to_string(), Some(InvalidationReason::ValidRectChanged) => CSS_VALID_RECT_CHANGED.to_string(), Some(InvalidationReason::ScaleChanged) => CSS_SCALE_CHANGED.to_string(), None => { let mut background = tile.background_color; if background.is_none() { background = slice.tile_cache.background_color } match background { Some(color) => { let rgb = ( (color.r * 255.0) as u8, (color.g * 255.0) as u8, (color.b * 255.0) as u8 ); format!("fill:rgb({},{},{});fill-opacity:0.3;", rgb.0, rgb.1, rgb.2) } None => "fill:none;".to_string() } } }; //let tile_style = format!("{}{}", tile_fill, tile_stroke); let tile_style = format!("{}stroke:none;", tile_fill); let title = match tile.invalidation_reason { Some(_) => format!("slice {} tile ({},{}) - {:?}", slice.tile_cache.slice, key.x, key.y, tile.invalidation_reason), None => String::new() }; if let Some(reason) = &tile.invalidation_reason { invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("
slice {} key ({},{})
", slice.tile_cache.slice, key.x, key.y)); // go through most reasons individually so we can print something nicer than // the default debug formatting of old and new: match reason { InvalidationReason::FractionalOffset { old, new } => { invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("FractionalOffset changed from ({},{}) to ({},{})", old.x, old.y, new.x, new.y)); }, InvalidationReason::BackgroundColor { old, new } => { fn to_str(c: &Option) -> String { if let Some(c) = c { format!("({},{},{},{})", c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) } else { "none".to_string() } } invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("BackGroundColor changed from {} to {}", to_str(old), to_str(new))); }, InvalidationReason::SurfaceOpacityChanged { became_opaque } => { invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("SurfaceOpacityChanged changed from {} to {}", !became_opaque, became_opaque)); }, InvalidationReason::PrimCount { old, new } => { // diff the lists to find removed and added ItemUids, // and convert them to strings to pretty-print what changed: let old = old.as_ref().unwrap(); let new = new.as_ref().unwrap(); let removed = old.iter() .filter(|i| !new.contains(i)) .fold(String::new(), |acc, i| acc + "
  • " + &(i.get_uid()).to_string() + "..." + &itemuid_to_string.get(i).unwrap_or(&String::new()) + "
  • \n"); let added = new.iter() .filter(|i| !old.contains(i)) .fold(String::new(), |acc, i| acc + "
  • " + &(i.get_uid()).to_string() + "..." + &itemuid_to_string.get(i).unwrap_or(&String::new()) + "
  • \n"); invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("PrimCount changed from {} to {}:
    \ removed:
    ", old.len(), new.len(), removed, added)); }, InvalidationReason::Content { prim_compare_result, prim_compare_result_detail } => { let _ = prim_compare_result; match prim_compare_result_detail { Some(PrimitiveCompareResultDetail::Descriptor { old, new }) => { if old.prim_uid == new.prim_uid { // if the prim uid hasn't changed then try to print something useful invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("Content: Descriptor changed for uid {}
    ", old.prim_uid.get_uid())); let mut changes = String::new(); if old.prim_clip_box != new.prim_clip_box { changes += &format!("
  • prim_clip_rect changed from {},{} -> {},{}", old.prim_clip_box.min.x, old.prim_clip_box.min.y, old.prim_clip_box.max.x, old.prim_clip_box.max.y); changes += &format!(" to {},{} -> {},{}
  • ", new.prim_clip_box.min.x, new.prim_clip_box.min.y, new.prim_clip_box.max.x, new.prim_clip_box.max.y); } invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("
    • Item: {}
    ", changes, &itemuid_to_string.get(&old.prim_uid).unwrap_or(&String::new()))); } else { // .. if prim UIDs have changed, just dump both items and descriptors. invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("Content: Descriptor changed; old uid {}, new uid {}:
    ", old.prim_uid.get_uid(), new.prim_uid.get_uid())); invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("old:
    • Desc: {:?}
    • Item: {}
    ", old, &itemuid_to_string.get(&old.prim_uid).unwrap_or(&String::new()))); invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("new:
    • Desc: {:?}
    • Item: {}
    ", new, &itemuid_to_string.get(&new.prim_uid).unwrap_or(&String::new()))); } }, Some(PrimitiveCompareResultDetail::Clip { detail }) => { match detail { CompareHelperResult::Count { prev_count, curr_count } => { invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("Content: Clip count changed from {} to {}
    ", prev_count, curr_count )); }, CompareHelperResult::NotEqual { prev, curr } => { invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("Content: Clip ItemUids changed from {} to {}:
    ", prev.get_uid(), curr.get_uid() )); invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("old:
    • {}
    ", &itemuid_to_string.get(&prev).unwrap_or(&String::new()))); invalidation_report.push_str( &format!("new:
    • {}
    ", &itemuid_to_string.get(&curr).unwrap_or(&String::new()))); }, reason => { invalidation_report.push_str(&format!("{:?}", reason)); }, } }, reason => { invalidation_report.push_str(&format!("{:?}", reason)); }, } }, reason => { invalidation_report.push_str(&format!("{:?}", reason)); }, } invalidation_report.push_str("
    \n"); } svg += &format!(r#""#, tile.rect.origin.x * svg_settings.scale + svg_settings.x, tile.rect.origin.y * svg_settings.scale + svg_settings.y, tile.rect.size.width * svg_settings.scale, tile.rect.size.height * svg_settings.scale, tile_style); svg += &format!("\n\n\n{}\n", tile_node_to_svg(&tile.root, &slice.transform, svg_settings)); let right = (tile.rect.origin.x + tile.rect.size.width) as i32; let bottom = (tile.rect.origin.y + tile.rect.size.height) as i32; *svg_width = if right > *svg_width { right } else { *svg_width }; *svg_height = if bottom > *svg_height { bottom } else { *svg_height }; svg += "\n\n"; svg += &format!("\n\t", prim_class); let rect_visual_id = Rect { origin: tile.rect.origin, size: PictureSize::new(1.0, 1.0) }; let rect_visual_id_world = slice.transform.outer_transformed_rect(&rect_visual_id).unwrap(); svg += &format!("\n{},{} ({})", rect_visual_id_world.origin.x * svg_settings.scale + svg_settings.x, (rect_visual_id_world.origin.y + 110.0) * svg_settings.scale + svg_settings.y, key.x, key.y, slice.tile_cache.slice); for prim in &tile.current_descriptor.prims { let rect = prim.prim_clip_box; // the transform could also be part of the CSS, let the browser do it; // might be a bit faster and also enable actual 3D transforms. let rect_pixel = Rect { origin: PicturePoint::new(rect.min.x, rect.min.y), size: PictureSize::new(rect.max.x - rect.min.x, rect.max.y - rect.min.y), }; let rect_world = slice.transform.outer_transformed_rect(&rect_pixel).unwrap(); let style = if let Some(prev_tile) = prev_tile { // when this O(n^2) gets too slow, stop brute-forcing and use a set or something if prev_tile.current_descriptor.prims.iter().find(|&prim| prim.prim_clip_box == rect).is_some() { "" } else { "class=\"svg_changed_prim\" " } } else { "class=\"svg_changed_prim\" " }; svg += &format!("", rect_world.origin.x * svg_settings.scale + svg_settings.x, rect_world.origin.y * svg_settings.scale + svg_settings.y, rect_world.size.width * svg_settings.scale, rect_world.size.height * svg_settings.scale, style); svg += "\n\t"; } svg += "\n\n"; // nearly invisible, all we want is the toolip really let style = "style=\"fill-opacity:0.001;"; svg += &format!("{}<\u{2f}rect>", tile.rect.origin.x * svg_settings.scale + svg_settings.x, tile.rect.origin.y * svg_settings.scale + svg_settings.y, tile.rect.size.width * svg_settings.scale, tile.rect.size.height * svg_settings.scale, style, tile_stroke, title); svg } fn slices_to_svg(slices: &[Slice], prev_slices: Option>, itemuid_to_string: &HashMap, svg_width: &mut i32, svg_height: &mut i32, max_slice_index: &mut usize, svg_settings: &SvgSettings) -> (String, String) { let svg_begin = "\n\ \n"; let mut svg = String::new(); let mut invalidation_report = "
    \n".to_string(); for slice in slices { let tile_cache = &slice.tile_cache; *max_slice_index = if tile_cache.slice > *max_slice_index { tile_cache.slice } else { *max_slice_index }; invalidation_report.push_str(&format!("
    \n", tile_cache.slice)); let prim_class = format!("tile_slice{}", tile_cache.slice); svg += &format!("\n", tile_cache.slice); //println!("slice {}", tile_cache.slice); svg += &format!("\n\n", tile_cache.slice); //let tile_stroke = "stroke:grey;stroke-width:1;".to_string(); let tile_stroke = "stroke:none;".to_string(); let mut prev_slice = None; if let Some(prev) = &prev_slices { for prev_search in prev { if prev_search.tile_cache.slice == tile_cache.slice { prev_slice = Some(prev_search); break; } } } for (key, tile) in &tile_cache.tiles { let mut prev_tile = None; if let Some(prev) = prev_slice { prev_tile = prev.tile_cache.tiles.get(key); } svg += &tile_to_svg(*key, &tile, &slice, prev_tile, itemuid_to_string, &tile_stroke, &prim_class, &mut invalidation_report, svg_width, svg_height, svg_settings); } svg += "\n"; invalidation_report.push_str("
    \n"); } ( format!("{}", svg_begin, svg_width, svg_height) + "\n" + "\n" + &svg + "\n\n", invalidation_report ) } fn write_html(output_dir: &Path, max_slice_index: usize, svg_files: &[String], intern_files: &[String]) { let html_head = "\n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n" .to_string(); let html_body = "\n" .to_string(); let mut script = "\n\n\n", script); script = format!("{}\n\n", script); let html_end = "\n\ \n" .to_string(); let mut html_slices_form = "\n
    \n\ Slice\n".to_string(); for ix in 0..max_slice_index + 1 { html_slices_form += &format!( "\n\ \n", ix, max_slice_index + 1, ix, ix ); } html_slices_form += "\n"; let html_body = format!( "{}\n\
    \n\ \n\ \n\
    \n\ \n\
    \n\ \n\
    \n\ \n\
    Spacebar to Play
    Use Left/Right to Step
    \n\ {}
    ", html_body, svg_files[0], svg_files[0], intern_files[0], svg_files[0], svg_files.len(), html_slices_form ); let html = format!("{}{}{}{}", html_head, html_body, script, html_end); let output_file = output_dir.join("index.html"); let mut html_output = File::create(output_file).unwrap(); html_output.write_all(html.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } fn write_css(output_dir: &Path, max_slice_index: usize, svg_settings: &SvgSettings) { let mut css = String::new(); for ix in 0..max_slice_index + 1 { let color = ( ix % 7 ) + 1; let rgb = format!("rgb({},{},{})", if color & 2 != 0 { 205 } else { 90 }, if color & 4 != 0 { 205 } else { 90 }, if color & 1 != 0 { 225 } else { 90 }); let prim_class = format!("tile_slice{}", ix); css += &format!("#{} {{\n\ fill: {};\n\ fill-opacity: 0.03;\n\ stroke-width: {};\n\ stroke: {};\n\ }}\n\n", prim_class, //rgb, "none", 0.8 * svg_settings.scale, rgb); } css += &format!(".svg_tile_visual_id {{\n\ font: {}px sans-serif;\n\ fill: rgb(50,50,50);\n\ }}\n\n", 150.0 * svg_settings.scale); let output_file = output_dir.join("tilecache.css"); let mut css_output = File::create(output_file).unwrap(); css_output.write_all(css.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } macro_rules! updatelist_to_html_macro { ( $( $name:ident: $ty:ty, )+ ) => { fn updatelist_to_html(update_lists: &TileCacheLoggerUpdateLists, invalidation_report: String) -> String { let mut html = "\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\ \n\
    \n".to_string(); html += &invalidation_report; html += "
    \n"; $( html += &format!("
    \n", stringify!($name)); for list in &update_lists.$name.1 { for insertion in &list.insertions { html += &format!("
    {} {}
    \n", insertion.uid.get_uid(), format!("({:?})", insertion.value)); } for removal in &list.removals { html += &format!("
    \n", removal.uid.get_uid()); } } html += "

    \n"; )+ html += "
    \n"; html } } } enumerate_interners!(updatelist_to_html_macro); fn write_tile_cache_visualizer_svg(entry: &std::fs::DirEntry, output_dir: &Path, slices: &[Slice], prev_slices: Option>, itemuid_to_string: &HashMap, svg_width: &mut i32, svg_height: &mut i32, max_slice_index: &mut usize, svg_files: &mut Vec::, svg_settings: &SvgSettings) -> String { let (svg, invalidation_report) = slices_to_svg(&slices, prev_slices, itemuid_to_string, svg_width, svg_height, max_slice_index, svg_settings); let mut output_filename = OsString::from(entry.path().file_name().unwrap()); output_filename.push(".svg"); svg_files.push(output_filename.to_string_lossy().to_string()); output_filename = output_dir.join(output_filename).into_os_string(); let mut svg_output = File::create(output_filename).unwrap(); svg_output.write_all(svg.as_bytes()).unwrap(); invalidation_report } fn write_update_list_html(entry: &std::fs::DirEntry, output_dir: &Path, update_lists: &TileCacheLoggerUpdateLists, html_files: &mut Vec::, invalidation_report: String) { let html = updatelist_to_html(update_lists, invalidation_report); let mut output_filename = OsString::from(entry.path().file_name().unwrap()); output_filename.push(".html"); html_files.push(output_filename.to_string_lossy().to_string()); output_filename = output_dir.join(output_filename).into_os_string(); let mut html_output = File::create(output_filename).unwrap(); html_output.write_all(html.as_bytes()).unwrap(); } fn main() { let args: Vec = std::env::args().collect(); if args.len() < 3 { println!("Usage: tileview input_dir output_dir [scale [x y]]"); println!(" where input_dir is a tile_cache folder inside a wr-capture."); println!(" Scale is an optional scaling factor to compensate for high-DPI."); println!(" X, Y is an optional offset to shift the entire SVG by."); println!("\nexample: cargo run c:/Users/me/AppData/Local/wr-capture.6/tile_cache/ c:/temp/tilecache/"); std::process::exit(1); } let input_dir = Path::new(&args[1]); let output_dir = Path::new(&args[2]); std::fs::create_dir_all(output_dir).unwrap(); let scale = if args.len() >= 4 { args[3].parse::().unwrap() } else { 1.0 }; let x = if args.len() >= 6 { args[4].parse::().unwrap() } else { 0.0 }; // >= 6, requires X and Y let y = if args.len() >= 6 { args[5].parse::().unwrap() } else { 0.0 }; let svg_settings = SvgSettings { scale, x, y }; let mut svg_width = 100i32; let mut svg_height = 100i32; let mut max_slice_index = 0; let mut entries: Vec<_> = std::fs::read_dir(input_dir).unwrap() .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .collect(); // auto-fix a missing 'tile_cache' postfix on the input path -- easy to do when copy-pasting a // path to a wr-capture; there should at least be a frame00000.ron... let frame00000 = entries.iter().find(|&entry| entry.path().ends_with("frame00000.ron")); // ... and if not, try again with 'tile_cache' appended to the input folder if frame00000.is_none() { let new_path = input_dir.join("tile_cache"); entries = std::fs::read_dir(new_path).unwrap() .filter_map(|r| r.ok()) .collect(); } entries.sort_by_key(|dir| dir.path()); let mut svg_files: Vec:: = Vec::new(); let mut intern_files: Vec:: = Vec::new(); let mut prev_slices = None; let mut itemuid_to_string = HashMap::default(); for entry in &entries { if entry.path().is_dir() { continue; } print!("processing {:?}\t", entry.path()); let file_data = std::fs::read_to_string(entry.path()).unwrap(); let chunks: Vec<_> = file_data.split("// @@@ chunk @@@").collect(); let slices: Vec = match ron::de::from_str(&chunks[0]) { Ok(data) => { data } Err(e) => { println!("ERROR: failed to deserialize slicesg {:?}\n{:?}", entry.path(), e); prev_slices = None; continue; } }; let mut update_lists = TileCacheLoggerUpdateLists::new(); update_lists.from_ron(&chunks[1]); update_lists.insert_in_lookup(&mut itemuid_to_string); let invalidation_report = write_tile_cache_visualizer_svg( &entry, &output_dir, &slices, prev_slices, &itemuid_to_string, &mut svg_width, &mut svg_height, &mut max_slice_index, &mut svg_files, &svg_settings); write_update_list_html(&entry, &output_dir, &update_lists, &mut intern_files, invalidation_report); print!("\r"); prev_slices = Some(slices); } write_html(output_dir, max_slice_index, &svg_files, &intern_files); write_css(output_dir, max_slice_index, &svg_settings); std::fs::write(output_dir.join("tilecache.js"), RES_JAVASCRIPT).unwrap(); std::fs::write(output_dir.join("tilecache_base.css"), RES_BASE_CSS).unwrap(); println!("\n"); }