/* * Tests for imgITools */ const { NetUtil } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm"); /* * dumpToFile() * * For test development, dumps the specified array to a file. * Call |dumpToFile(outData);| in a test to file to a file. */ function dumpToFile(aData) { var outputFile = do_get_tempdir(); outputFile.append("testdump.png"); var outputStream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream); // WR_ONLY|CREATE|TRUNC outputStream.init(outputFile, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, 0o644, null); var bos = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryoutputstream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIBinaryOutputStream ); bos.setOutputStream(outputStream); bos.writeByteArray(aData); outputStream.close(); } /* * getFileInputStream() * * Returns an input stream for the specified file. */ function getFileInputStream(aFile) { var inputStream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/file-input-stream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIFileInputStream); // init the stream as RD_ONLY, -1 == default permissions. inputStream.init(aFile, 0x01, -1, null); // Blah. The image decoders use ReadSegments, which isn't implemented on // file input streams. Use a buffered stream to make it work. var bis = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/buffered-input-stream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIBufferedInputStream ); bis.init(inputStream, 1024); return bis; } /* * streamToArray() * * Consumes an input stream, and returns its bytes as an array. */ function streamToArray(aStream) { var size = aStream.available(); // use a binary input stream to grab the bytes. var bis = Cc["@mozilla.org/binaryinputstream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIBinaryInputStream ); bis.setInputStream(aStream); var bytes = bis.readByteArray(size); if (size != bytes.length) { throw new Error("Didn't read expected number of bytes"); } return bytes; } /* * compareArrays * * Compares two arrays, and throws if there's a difference. */ function compareArrays(aArray1, aArray2) { Assert.equal(aArray1.length, aArray2.length); for (var i = 0; i < aArray1.length; i++) { if (aArray1[i] != aArray2[i]) { throw new Error("arrays differ at index " + i); } } } /* * checkExpectedError * * Checks to see if a thrown error was expected or not, and if it * matches the expected value. */ function checkExpectedError(aExpectedError, aActualError) { if (aExpectedError) { if (!aActualError) { throw new Error("Didn't throw as expected (" + aExpectedError + ")"); } if (!aExpectedError.test(aActualError)) { throw new Error("Threw (" + aActualError + "), not (" + aExpectedError); } // We got the expected error, so make a note in the test log. dump("...that error was expected.\n\n"); } else if (aActualError) { throw new Error("Threw unexpected error: " + aActualError); } } function run_test() { try { /* ========== 0 ========== */ var testnum = 0; var testdesc = "imgITools setup"; var err = null; var imgTools = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"].getService(Ci.imgITools); if (!imgTools) { throw new Error("Couldn't get imgITools service"); } // Ugh, this is an ugly hack. The pixel values we get in Windows are sometimes // +/- 1 value compared to other platforms, so we need to compare against a // different set of reference images. nsIXULRuntime.OS doesn't seem to be // available in xpcshell, so we'll use this as a kludgy way to figure out if // we're running on Windows. var isWindows = mozinfo.os == "win"; /* ========== 1 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test decoding a PNG"; // 64x64 png, 8415 bytes. var imgName = "image1.png"; var inMimeType = "image/png"; var imgFile = do_get_file(imgName); var istream = getFileInputStream(imgFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 8415); var buffer = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(istream, istream.available()); var container = imgTools.decodeImageFromBuffer( buffer, buffer.length, inMimeType ); // It's not easy to look at the pixel values from JS, so just // check the container's size. Assert.equal(container.width, 64); Assert.equal(container.height, 64); /* ========== 2 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test encoding a scaled JPEG"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeScaledImage(container, "image/jpeg", 16, 16); var encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result var refName = "image1png16x16.jpg"; var refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 1050); var referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 3 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test encoding an unscaled JPEG"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeImage(container, "image/jpeg"); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image1png64x64.jpg"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 4507); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 4 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test decoding a JPEG"; // 32x32 jpeg, 3494 bytes. imgName = "image2.jpg"; inMimeType = "image/jpeg"; imgFile = do_get_file(imgName); istream = getFileInputStream(imgFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 3494); buffer = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(istream, istream.available()); container = imgTools.decodeImageFromBuffer( buffer, buffer.length, inMimeType ); // It's not easy to look at the pixel values from JS, so just // check the container's size. Assert.equal(container.width, 32); Assert.equal(container.height, 32); /* ========== 5 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test encoding a scaled PNG"; if (!isWindows) { // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeScaledImage(container, "image/png", 16, 16); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = isWindows ? "image2jpg16x16-win.png" : "image2jpg16x16.png"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 950); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); } /* ========== 6 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test encoding an unscaled PNG"; if (!isWindows) { // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeImage(container, "image/png"); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = isWindows ? "image2jpg32x32-win.png" : "image2jpg32x32.png"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 3105); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); } /* ========== 7 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test decoding a ICO"; // 16x16 ico, 1406 bytes. imgName = "image3.ico"; inMimeType = "image/x-icon"; imgFile = do_get_file(imgName); istream = getFileInputStream(imgFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 1406); buffer = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(istream, istream.available()); container = imgTools.decodeImageFromBuffer( buffer, buffer.length, inMimeType ); // It's not easy to look at the pixel values from JS, so just // check the container's size. Assert.equal(container.width, 16); Assert.equal(container.height, 16); /* ========== 8 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test encoding a scaled PNG"; // note that we're scaling UP // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeScaledImage(container, "image/png", 32, 32); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image3ico32x32.png"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 2285); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 9 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test encoding an unscaled PNG"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeImage(container, "image/png"); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image3ico16x16.png"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 330); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 10 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test decoding a GIF"; // 32x32 gif, 1809 bytes. imgName = "image4.gif"; inMimeType = "image/gif"; imgFile = do_get_file(imgName); istream = getFileInputStream(imgFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 1809); buffer = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(istream, istream.available()); container = imgTools.decodeImageFromBuffer( buffer, buffer.length, inMimeType ); // It's not easy to look at the pixel values from JS, so just // check the container's size. Assert.equal(container.width, 32); Assert.equal(container.height, 32); /* ========== 11 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test encoding an unscaled ICO with format options " + "(format=bmp;bpp=32)"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeImage( container, "image/vnd.microsoft.icon", "format=bmp;bpp=32" ); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image4gif32x32bmp32bpp.ico"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 4286); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 12 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-concat "test encoding a scaled ICO with format options " + "(format=bmp;bpp=32)"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeScaledImage( container, "image/vnd.microsoft.icon", 16, 16, "format=bmp;bpp=32" ); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image4gif16x16bmp32bpp.ico"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 1150); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 13 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test encoding an unscaled ICO with format options " + "(format=bmp;bpp=24)"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeImage( container, "image/vnd.microsoft.icon", "format=bmp;bpp=24" ); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image4gif32x32bmp24bpp.ico"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 3262); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 14 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = // eslint-disable-next-line no-useless-concat "test encoding a scaled ICO with format options " + "(format=bmp;bpp=24)"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeScaledImage( container, "image/vnd.microsoft.icon", 16, 16, "format=bmp;bpp=24" ); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image4gif16x16bmp24bpp.ico"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 894); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 15 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test cropping a JPG"; // 32x32 jpeg, 3494 bytes. imgName = "image2.jpg"; inMimeType = "image/jpeg"; imgFile = do_get_file(imgName); istream = getFileInputStream(imgFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 3494); buffer = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(istream, istream.available()); container = imgTools.decodeImageFromBuffer( buffer, buffer.length, inMimeType ); // It's not easy to look at the pixel values from JS, so just // check the container's size. Assert.equal(container.width, 32); Assert.equal(container.height, 32); // encode a cropped image istream = imgTools.encodeCroppedImage( container, "image/jpeg", 0, 0, 16, 16 ); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image2jpg16x16cropped.jpg"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 879); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 16 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test cropping a JPG with an offset"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeCroppedImage( container, "image/jpeg", 16, 16, 16, 16 ); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image2jpg16x16cropped2.jpg"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 878); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 17 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test cropping a JPG without a given height"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeCroppedImage(container, "image/jpeg", 0, 0, 16, 0); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image2jpg16x32cropped3.jpg"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 1127); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 18 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test cropping a JPG without a given width"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeCroppedImage(container, "image/jpeg", 0, 0, 0, 16); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image2jpg32x16cropped4.jpg"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 1135); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 19 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test cropping a JPG without a given width and height"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeCroppedImage(container, "image/jpeg", 0, 0, 0, 0); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image2jpg32x32.jpg"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 1634); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 20 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test scaling a JPG without a given width"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeScaledImage(container, "image/jpeg", 0, 16); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image2jpg32x16scaled.jpg"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 1227); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 21 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test scaling a JPG without a given height"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeScaledImage(container, "image/jpeg", 16, 0); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image2jpg16x32scaled.jpg"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 1219); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 22 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test scaling a JPG without a given width and height"; // we'll reuse the container from the previous test istream = imgTools.encodeScaledImage(container, "image/jpeg", 0, 0); encodedBytes = streamToArray(istream); // Get bytes for expected result refName = "image2jpg32x32.jpg"; refFile = do_get_file(refName); istream = getFileInputStream(refFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 1634); referenceBytes = streamToArray(istream); // compare the encoder's output to the reference file. compareArrays(encodedBytes, referenceBytes); /* ========== 22 ========== */ testnum++; testdesc = "test invalid arguments for cropping"; var numErrors = 0; try { // width/height can't be negative imgTools.encodeScaledImage(container, "image/jpeg", -1, -1); } catch (e) { numErrors++; } try { // offsets can't be negative imgTools.encodeCroppedImage(container, "image/jpeg", -1, -1, 16, 16); } catch (e) { numErrors++; } try { // width/height can't be negative imgTools.encodeCroppedImage(container, "image/jpeg", 0, 0, -1, -1); } catch (e) { numErrors++; } try { // out of bounds imgTools.encodeCroppedImage(container, "image/jpeg", 17, 17, 16, 16); } catch (e) { numErrors++; } try { // out of bounds imgTools.encodeCroppedImage(container, "image/jpeg", 0, 0, 33, 33); } catch (e) { numErrors++; } try { // out of bounds imgTools.encodeCroppedImage(container, "image/jpeg", 1, 1, 0, 0); } catch (e) { numErrors++; } Assert.equal(numErrors, 6); /* ========== bug 363986 ========== */ testnum = 363986; testdesc = "test PNG and JPEG encoders' Read/ReadSegments methods"; var testData = [ { preImage: "image3.ico", preImageMimeType: "image/x-icon", refImage: "image3ico16x16.png", refImageMimeType: "image/png", }, { preImage: "image1.png", preImageMimeType: "image/png", refImage: "image1png64x64.jpg", refImageMimeType: "image/jpeg", }, ]; for (var i = 0; i < testData.length; ++i) { var dict = testData[i]; imgFile = do_get_file(dict.refImage); istream = getFileInputStream(imgFile); var refBytes = streamToArray(istream); imgFile = do_get_file(dict.preImage); istream = getFileInputStream(imgFile); buffer = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(istream, istream.available()); container = imgTools.decodeImageFromBuffer( buffer, buffer.length, dict.preImageMimeType ); istream = imgTools.encodeImage(container, dict.refImageMimeType); var sstream = Cc["@mozilla.org/storagestream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIStorageStream ); sstream.init(4096, 4294967295, null); var ostream = sstream.getOutputStream(0); var bostream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/network/buffered-output-stream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIBufferedOutputStream); // use a tiny buffer to make sure the image data doesn't fully fit in it bostream.init(ostream, 8); bostream.writeFrom(istream, istream.available()); bostream.flush(); bostream.close(); var encBytes = streamToArray(sstream.newInputStream(0)); compareArrays(refBytes, encBytes); } /* ========== bug 413512 ========== */ testnum = 413512; testdesc = "test decoding bad favicon (bug 413512)"; imgName = "bug413512.ico"; inMimeType = "image/x-icon"; imgFile = do_get_file(imgName); istream = getFileInputStream(imgFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 17759); var errsrc = "none"; try { buffer = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(istream, istream.available()); container = imgTools.decodeImageFromBuffer( buffer, buffer.length, inMimeType ); // We expect to hit an error during encoding because the ICO header of the // image is fine, but the actual resources are corrupt. Since // decodeImageFromBuffer() only performs a metadata decode, it doesn't decode // far enough to realize this, but we'll find out when we do a full decode // during encodeImage(). try { istream = imgTools.encodeImage(container, "image/png"); } catch (e) { err = e; errsrc = "encode"; } } catch (e) { err = e; errsrc = "decode"; } Assert.equal(errsrc, "encode"); checkExpectedError(/NS_ERROR_FAILURE/, err); /* ========== bug 815359 ========== */ testnum = 815359; testdesc = "test correct ico hotspots (bug 815359)"; imgName = "bug815359.ico"; inMimeType = "image/x-icon"; imgFile = do_get_file(imgName); istream = getFileInputStream(imgFile); Assert.equal(istream.available(), 4286); buffer = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(istream, istream.available()); container = imgTools.decodeImageFromBuffer( buffer, buffer.length, inMimeType ); Assert.equal(container.hotspotX, 10); Assert.equal(container.hotspotY, 9); /* ========== end ========== */ } catch (e) { throw new Error( "FAILED in test #" + testnum + " -- " + testdesc + ": " + e ); } }