// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others. // License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License sk{ Version{"37"} durationUnits{ hm{"h:mm"} hms{"h:mm:ss"} ms{"m:ss"} } units{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"jednotky preťaženia"} few{"{0} jednotky preťaženia"} many{"{0} jednotky preťaženia"} one{"{0} jednotka preťaženia"} other{"{0} jednotiek preťaženia"} } meter-per-square-second{ dnam{"metre za sekundu na druhú"} few{"{0} metre za sekundu na druhú"} many{"{0} metra za sekundu na druhú"} one{"{0} meter za sekundu na druhú"} other{"{0} metrov za sekundu na druhú"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"minúty"} few{"{0} minúty"} many{"{0} minúty"} one{"{0} minúta"} other{"{0} minút"} } arc-second{ dnam{"sekundy"} few{"{0} sekundy"} many{"{0} sekundy"} one{"{0} sekunda"} other{"{0} sekúnd"} } degree{ dnam{"stupne"} few{"{0} stupne"} many{"{0} stupňa"} one{"{0} stupeň"} other{"{0} stupňov"} } radian{ dnam{"radiány"} few{"{0} radiány"} many{"{0} radiánu"} one{"{0} radián"} other{"{0} radiánov"} } revolution{ dnam{"otáčky"} few{"{0} otáčky"} many{"{0} otáčky"} one{"{0} otáčka"} other{"{0} otáčok"} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"akre"} few{"{0} akre"} many{"{0} akra"} one{"{0} aker"} other{"{0} akrov"} } dunam{ dnam{"dunamy"} few{"{0} dunamy"} many{"{0} dunamu"} one{"{0} dunam"} other{"{0} dunamov"} } hectare{ dnam{"hektáre"} few{"{0} hektáre"} many{"{0} hektára"} one{"{0} hektár"} other{"{0} hektárov"} } square-centimeter{ dnam{"štvorcové centimetre"} few{"{0} centimetre štvorcové"} many{"{0} centimetra štvorcového"} one{"{0} centimeter štvorcový"} other{"{0} centimetrov štvorcových"} per{"{0} na centimeter štvorcový"} } square-foot{ dnam{"štvorcové stopy"} few{"{0} štvorcové stopy"} many{"{0} štvorcovej stopy"} one{"{0} štvorcová stopa"} other{"{0} štvorcových stôp"} } square-inch{ dnam{"štvorcové palce"} few{"{0} štvorcové palce"} many{"{0} štvorcového palca"} one{"{0} štvorcový palec"} other{"{0} štvorcových palcov"} per{"{0} na štvorcový palec"} } square-kilometer{ dnam{"štvorcové kilometre"} few{"{0} kilometre štvorcové"} many{"{0} kilometra štvorcového"} one{"{0} kilometer štvorcový"} other{"{0} kilometrov štvorcových"} per{"{0} na kilometer štvorcový"} } square-meter{ dnam{"štvorcové metre"} few{"{0} metre štvorcové"} many{"{0} metra štvorcového"} one{"{0} meter štvorcový"} other{"{0} metrov štvorcových"} per{"{0} na meter štvorcový"} } square-mile{ dnam{"štvorcové míle"} few{"{0} míle štvorcové"} many{"{0} míle štvorcovej"} one{"{0} míľa štvorcová"} other{"{0} míľ štvorcových"} per{"{0} na míľu štvorcovú"} } square-yard{ dnam{"štvorcové yardy"} few{"{0} štvorcové yardy"} many{"{0} štvorcového yardu"} one{"{0} štvorcový yard"} other{"{0} štvorcových yardov"} } } compound{ per{"{0}/{1}"} times{"{0}{1}"} } concentr{ karat{ dnam{"karáty"} few{"{0} karáty"} many{"{0} karátu"} one{"{0} karát"} other{"{0} karátov"} } milligram-per-deciliter{ dnam{"miligramy na deciliter"} few{"{0} miligramy na deciliter"} many{"{0} miligramu na 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} day{ dnam{"dni"} few{"{0} dni"} many{"{0} dňa"} one{"{0} deň"} other{"{0} dní"} per{"{0} za deň"} } decade{ dnam{"desaťročia"} few{"{0} desaťročia"} many{"{0} desaťročia"} one{"{0} desaťročie"} other{"{0} desaťročí"} } hour{ dnam{"hodiny"} few{"{0} hodiny"} many{"{0} hodiny"} one{"{0} hodina"} other{"{0} hodín"} per{"{0} za hodinu"} } microsecond{ dnam{"mikrosekundy"} few{"{0} mikrosekundy"} many{"{0} mikrosekundy"} one{"{0} mikrosekunda"} other{"{0} mikrosekúnd"} } millisecond{ dnam{"milisekundy"} few{"{0} milisekundy"} many{"{0} milisekundy"} one{"{0} milisekunda"} other{"{0} milisekúnd"} } minute{ dnam{"minúty"} few{"{0} minúty"} many{"{0} minúty"} one{"{0} minúta"} other{"{0} minút"} per{"{0} za minútu"} } month{ dnam{"mesiace"} few{"{0} mesiace"} many{"{0} mesiaca"} one{"{0} mesiac"} other{"{0} mesiacov"} per{"{0} za mesiac"} } nanosecond{ dnam{"nanosekundy"} few{"{0} nanosekundy"} many{"{0} nanosekundy"} one{"{0} nanosekunda"} other{"{0} nanosekúnd"} } second{ dnam{"sekundy"} 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many{"{0} mikrogramu"} one{"{0} mikrogram"} other{"{0} mikrogramov"} } milligram{ dnam{"miligramy"} few{"{0} miligramy"} many{"{0} miligramu"} one{"{0} miligram"} other{"{0} miligramov"} } ounce{ dnam{"unce"} few{"{0} unce"} many{"{0} unce"} one{"{0} unca"} other{"{0} uncí"} per{"{0} na uncu"} } ounce-troy{ dnam{"trojské unce"} few{"{0} trojské unce"} many{"{0} trojskej unce"} one{"{0} trojská unca"} other{"{0} trojských uncí"} } pound{ dnam{"libry"} few{"{0} libry"} many{"{0} libry"} one{"{0} libra"} other{"{0} libier"} per{"{0} na libru"} } solar-mass{ dnam{"hmotnosti Slnka"} few{"{0} hmotnosti Slnka"} many{"{0} hmotnosti Slnka"} one{"{0} hmotnosť Slnka"} other{"{0} hmotností Slnka"} } stone{ dnam{"kamene"} few{"{0} kamene"} many{"{0} kameňa"} one{"{0} kameň"} other{"{0} kameňov"} } ton{ dnam{"americké tony"} few{"{0} americké tony"} many{"{0} americkej tony"} one{"{0} americká tona"} other{"{0} amerických ton"} } } power{ gigawatt{ dnam{"gigawatty"} few{"{0} gigawatty"} many{"{0} 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inch-ofhg{ dnam{"palce ortuťového stĺpca"} few{"{0} palce ortuťového stĺpca"} many{"{0} palca ortuťového stĺpca"} one{"{0} palec ortuťového stĺpca"} other{"{0} palcov ortuťového stĺpca"} } kilopascal{ dnam{"kilopascaly"} few{"{0} kilopascaly"} many{"{0} kilopascala"} one{"{0} kilopascal"} other{"{0} kilopascalov"} } megapascal{ dnam{"megapascaly"} few{"{0} megapascaly"} many{"{0} megapascala"} one{"{0} megapascal"} other{"{0} megapascalov"} } millibar{ dnam{"milibary"} few{"{0} milibary"} many{"{0} milibaru"} one{"{0} milibar"} other{"{0} milibarov"} } millimeter-ofhg{ dnam{"milimetre ortuťového stĺpca"} few{"{0} milimetre ortuťového stĺpca"} many{"{0} milimetra ortuťového stĺpca"} one{"{0} milimeter ortuťového stĺpca"} other{"{0} milimetrov ortuťového stĺpca"} } pascal{ dnam{"pascaly"} few{"{0} pascaly"} many{"{0} pascala"} one{"pascal"} other{"{0} pascalov"} } pound-force-per-square-inch{ dnam{"libry sily na štvorcový palec"} few{"{0} libry sily na štvorcový palec"} many{"{0} libry 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one{"{0} B"} other{"{0} B"} } } duration{ century{ dnam{"stor."} few{"{0} stor."} many{"{0} stor."} one{"{0} stor."} other{"{0} stor."} } day{ dnam{"d."} few{"{0} d."} many{"{0} d."} one{"{0} d."} other{"{0} d."} per{"{0}/d."} } hour{ dnam{"h"} few{"{0} h"} many{"{0} h"} one{"{0} h"} other{"{0} h"} per{"{0}/h"} } microsecond{ dnam{"μs"} few{"{0} μs"} many{"{0} μs"} one{"{0} μs"} other{"{0} μs"} } millisecond{ dnam{"ms"} few{"{0} ms"} many{"{0} ms"} one{"{0} ms"} other{"{0} ms"} } minute{ dnam{"min"} few{"{0} min"} many{"{0} min"} one{"{0} min"} other{"{0} min"} per{"{0}/min"} } month{ dnam{"m."} few{"{0} m."} many{"{0} m."} one{"{0} m."} other{"{0} m."} per{"{0}/m."} } nanosecond{ dnam{"ns"} few{"{0} ns"} many{"{0} ns"} one{"{0} ns"} other{"{0} ns"} } second{ dnam{"s"} few{"{0} s"} many{"{0} s"} one{"{0} s"} other{"{0} s"} per{"{0}/s"} } week{ dnam{"t."} few{"{0} t."} many{"{0} t."} one{"{0} t."} other{"{0} t."} per{"{0}/t."} } year{ dnam{"r."} few{"{0} r."} many{"{0} r."} one{"{0} r."} other{"{0} r."} per{"{0}/r."} } } length{ astronomical-unit{ dnam{"au"} few{"{0} au"} many{"{0} au"} one{"{0} au"} other{"{0} au"} } centimeter{ dnam{"cm"} few{"{0} cm"} many{"{0} cm"} one{"{0} cm"} other{"{0} cm"} per{"{0}/cm"} } decimeter{ dnam{"dm"} few{"{0} dm"} many{"{0} dm"} one{"{0} dm"} other{"{0} dm"} } foot{ dnam{"ft"} few{"{0}′"} many{"{0}′"} one{"{0}′"} other{"{0}′"} per{"{0}/ft"} } inch{ dnam{"in"} few{"{0}″"} many{"{0}″"} one{"{0}″"} other{"{0}″"} per{"{0}/in"} } kilometer{ dnam{"km"} few{"{0} km"} many{"{0} km"} one{"{0} km"} other{"{0} km"} per{"{0}/km"} } light-year{ dnam{"ly"} few{"{0} ly"} many{"{0} ly"} one{"{0} ly"} other{"{0} ly"} } meter{ dnam{"m"} few{"{0} m"} many{"{0} m"} one{"{0} m"} other{"{0} m"} per{"{0}/m"} } micrometer{ dnam{"µm"} few{"{0} µm"} many{"{0} µm"} one{"{0} µm"} other{"{0} µm"} } mile{ dnam{"mi"} few{"{0} mi"} many{"{0} mi"} one{"{0} mi"} other{"{0} mi"} } mile-scandinavian{ dnam{"ŠM"} few{"{0} ŠM"} many{"{0} ŠM"} one{"{0} ŠM"} other{"{0} ŠM"} } millimeter{ dnam{"mm"} few{"{0} mm"} many{"{0} mm"} one{"{0} mm"} other{"{0} mm"} } nanometer{ dnam{"nm"} few{"{0} nm"} many{"{0} nm"} one{"{0} nm"} other{"{0} nm"} } nautical-mile{ dnam{"NM"} few{"{0} NM"} many{"{0} NM"} one{"{0} NM"} other{"{0} NM"} } parsec{ dnam{"pc"} few{"{0} pc"} many{"{0} pc"} one{"{0} pc"} other{"{0} pc"} } picometer{ dnam{"pm"} few{"{0} pm"} many{"{0} pm"} one{"{0} pm"} other{"{0} pm"} } point{ dnam{"pt"} few{"{0} pt"} many{"{0} pt"} one{"{0} pt"} other{"{0} pt"} } yard{ dnam{"yd"} few{"{0} yd"} many{"{0} yd"} one{"{0} yd"} other{"{0} yd"} } } light{ lux{ few{"{0} lx"} many{"{0} lx"} one{"{0} lx"} other{"{0} lx"} } } mass{ carat{ dnam{"ct"} few{"{0} ct"} many{"{0} ct"} one{"{0} ct"} other{"{0} ct"} } gram{ dnam{"g"} few{"{0} g"} many{"{0} g"} one{"{0} g"} other{"{0} g"} per{"{0}/g"} } kilogram{ dnam{"kg"} few{"{0} kg"} many{"{0} kg"} one{"{0} kg"} other{"{0} kg"} per{"{0}/kg"} } metric-ton{ dnam{"t"} few{"{0} t"} many{"{0} t"} one{"{0} t"} other{"{0} t"} } microgram{ dnam{"µg"} few{"{0} µg"} many{"{0} µg"} one{"{0} µg"} other{"{0} µg"} } milligram{ dnam{"mg"} few{"{0} mg"} many{"{0} mg"} one{"{0} mg"} other{"{0} mg"} } ounce{ dnam{"oz"} few{"{0} oz"} many{"{0} oz"} one{"{0} oz"} other{"{0} oz"} per{"{0}/oz"} } ounce-troy{ dnam{"oz t"} few{"{0} oz t"} many{"{0} oz t"} one{"{0} oz t"} other{"{0} oz t"} } pound{ dnam{"lb"} few{"{0} lb"} many{"{0} lb"} one{"{0} lb"} other{"{0} lb"} per{"{0}/lb"} } stone{ dnam{"st"} few{"{0} st"} many{"{0} st"} one{"{0} st"} other{"{0} st"} } ton{ dnam{"to"} few{"{0} to"} many{"{0} to"} one{"{0} to"} other{"{0} to"} } } power{ horsepower{ few{"{0}hp"} many{"{0}hp"} one{"{0}hp"} other{"{0}hp"} } kilowatt{ few{"{0}kW"} many{"{0}kW"} one{"{0}kW"} other{"{0}kW"} } megawatt{ few{"{0} MW"} many{"{0} MW"} one{"{0} MW"} other{"{0} MW"} } milliwatt{ few{"{0} mW"} many{"{0} mW"} one{"{0} mW"} other{"{0} mW"} } watt{ few{"{0}W"} many{"{0}W"} one{"{0}W"} other{"{0}W"} } } pressure{ hectopascal{ dnam{"hPa"} few{"{0} 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other{"{0} dl"} } fluid-ounce{ few{"{0} fl oz"} many{"{0} fl oz"} one{"{0} fl oz"} other{"{0} fl oz"} } gallon{ few{"{0} gal"} many{"{0} gal"} one{"{0} gal"} other{"{0} gal"} } hectoliter{ few{"{0} hl"} many{"{0} hl"} one{"{0} hl"} other{"{0} hl"} } liter{ dnam{"l"} few{"{0} l"} many{"{0} l"} one{"{0} l"} other{"{0} l"} } megaliter{ few{"{0} Ml"} many{"{0} Ml"} one{"{0} Ml"} other{"{0} Ml"} } milliliter{ few{"{0} ml"} many{"{0} ml"} one{"{0} ml"} other{"{0} ml"} } pint{ few{"{0} pt"} many{"{0} pt"} one{"{0} pt"} other{"{0} pt"} } quart{ few{"{0} qt"} many{"{0} qt"} one{"{0} qt"} other{"{0} qt"} } tablespoon{ few{"{0} tbsp"} many{"{0} tbsp"} one{"{0} tbsp"} other{"{0} tbsp"} } teaspoon{ few{"{0} tsp"} many{"{0} tsp"} one{"{0} tsp"} other{"{0} tsp"} } } } unitsShort{ acceleration{ g-force{ dnam{"jednotka preťaženia"} few{"{0} G"} many{"{0} G"} one{"{0} G"} other{"{0} G"} } meter-per-square-second{ dnam{"m/s²"} few{"{0} m/s²"} many{"{0} m/s²"} one{"{0} m/s²"} other{"{0} m/s²"} } } angle{ arc-minute{ dnam{"′"} few{"{0}′"} many{"{0}′"} one{"{0}′"} other{"{0}′"} } arc-second{ dnam{"″"} few{"{0}″"} many{"{0}″"} one{"{0}″"} other{"{0}″"} } degree{ dnam{"°"} few{"{0}°"} many{"{0}°"} one{"{0}°"} other{"{0}°"} } radian{ dnam{"rad"} few{"{0} rad"} many{"{0} rad"} one{"{0} rad"} other{"{0} rad"} } revolution{ dnam{"ot."} few{"{0} ot."} many{"{0} ot."} one{"{0} ot."} other{"{0} ot."} } } area{ acre{ dnam{"akre"} few{"{0} ac"} many{"{0} ac"} one{"{0} ac"} other{"{0} ac"} } dunam{ dnam{"dun."} few{"{0} dun."} many{"{0} dun."} one{"{0} dun."} other{"{0} dun."} } hectare{ dnam{"hektáre"} few{"{0} ha"} many{"{0} ha"} one{"{0} ha"} other{"{0} ha"} } square-centimeter{ dnam{"cm²"} few{"{0} cm²"} many{"{0} cm²"} one{"{0} cm²"} other{"{0} cm²"} per{"{0}/cm²"} } square-foot{ dnam{"ft²"} few{"{0} ft²"} many{"{0} ft²"} one{"{0} ft²"} other{"{0} ft²"} } square-inch{ dnam{"in²"} few{"{0} in²"} many{"{0} in²"} one{"{0} in²"} other{"{0} in²"} per{"{0}/in²"} } square-kilometer{ dnam{"km²"} 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} volt{ dnam{"V"} few{"{0} V"} many{"{0} V"} one{"{0} V"} other{"{0} V"} } } energy{ british-thermal-unit{ dnam{"BTU"} few{"{0} BTU"} many{"{0} BTU"} one{"{0} BTU"} other{"{0} BTU"} } calorie{ dnam{"cal"} few{"{0} cal"} many{"{0} cal"} one{"{0} cal"} other{"{0} cal"} } electronvolt{ dnam{"eV"} few{"{0} eV"} many{"{0} eV"} one{"{0} eV"} other{"{0} eV"} } foodcalorie{ dnam{"cal"} few{"{0} cal"} many{"{0} cal"} one{"{0} cal"} other{"{0} cal"} } joule{ dnam{"J"} few{"{0} J"} many{"{0} J"} one{"{0} J"} other{"{0} J"} } kilocalorie{ dnam{"kcal"} few{"{0} kcal"} many{"{0} kcal"} one{"{0} kcal"} other{"{0} kcal"} } kilojoule{ dnam{"kJ"} few{"{0} kJ"} many{"{0} kJ"} one{"{0} kJ"} other{"{0} kJ"} } kilowatt-hour{ dnam{"kWh"} few{"{0} kWh"} many{"{0} kWh"} one{"{0} kWh"} other{"{0} kWh"} } therm-us{ dnam{"thm"} few{"{0} thm"} many{"{0} thm"} one{"{0} thm"} other{"{0} thm"} } } force{ newton{ dnam{"N"} few{"{0} N"} many{"{0} N"} one{"{0} N"} other{"{0} N"} } pound-force{ dnam{"lbf"} few{"{0} lbf"} 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