# General Conventions This page describes general conventions used in the [`Debugger`][debugger] API, and defines some terminology used throughout the specification. ## Properties Properties of objects that comprise the `Debugger` interface, and those that the interface creates, follow some general conventions: - Instances and prototypes are extensible; you can add your own properties and methods to them. - Properties are configurable. This applies to both "own" and prototype properties, and to both methods and data properties. (Leaving these properties open to redefinition will hopefully make it easier for JavaScript debugger code to cope with bugs, bug fixes, and changes in the interface over time.) - Method properties are writable. - We prefer inherited accessor properties to own data properties. Both are read using the same syntax, but inherited accessors seem like a more accurate reflection of what's going on. Unless otherwise noted, these properties have getters but no setters, as they cannot meaningfully be assigned to. ## Debuggee Values The `Debugger` interface follows some conventions to help debuggers safely inspect and modify the debuggee's objects and values. Primitive values are passed freely between debugger and debuggee; copying or wrapping is handled transparently. Objects received from the debuggee (including host objects like DOM elements) are fronted in the debugger by `Debugger.Object` instances, which provide reflection-oriented methods for inspecting their referents; see `Debugger.Object`, below. Of the debugger's objects, only `Debugger.Object` instances may be passed to the debuggee: when this occurs, the debuggee receives the `Debugger.Object`'s referent, not the `Debugger.Object` instance itself. In the descriptions below, the term "debuggee value" means either a primitive value or a `Debugger.Object` instance; it is a value that might be received from the debuggee, or that could be passed to the debuggee. ## Debuggee Code Each `Debugger` instance maintains a set of global objects that, taken together, comprise the debuggee. Code evaluated in the scope of a debuggee global object, directly or indirectly, is considered *debuggee code*. Similarly: - a *debuggee frame* is a frame running debuggee code; - a *debuggee function* is a function that closes over a debuggee global object (and thus the function's code is debuggee code); - a *debuggee environment* is an environment whose outermost enclosing environment is a debuggee global object; and - a *debuggee script* is a script containing debuggee code. ## Completion Values The `Debugger` API often needs to convey the result of running some JS code. For example, suppose you get a `frame.onPop` callback telling you that a method in the debuggee just finished. Did it return successfully? Did it throw? What did it return? The debugger passes the `onPop` handler a *completion value* that tells what happened. A completion value is one of these: * `{ return: value }` The code completed normally, returning value. Value is a debuggee value. * `{ throw: value, stack: stack }` The code threw value as an exception. Value is a debuggee value. stack is a `SavedFrame` representing the location from which the value was thrown, and may be missing. * `null` The code was terminated, as if by the "slow script" ribbon. Generators and async functions add a wrinkle: they can suspend themselves (with `yield` or `await`), which removes their frame from the stack. Later, the generator or async frame might be returned to the stack and continue running where it left off. Does it count as "completion" when a generator suspends itself? The `Debugger` API says yes. `yield` and `await` do trigger the `frame.onPop` handler, passing a completion value that explains why the frame is being suspended. The completion value gets an extra `.yield` or `.await` property, to distinguish this kind of completion from a normal `return`. ```js { return: value, yield: true } ``` where *value* is a debuggee value for the iterator result object, like `{ value: 1, done: false }`, for the yield. When a generator function is called, it first evaluates any default argument expressions and destructures its arguments. Then its frame is suspended, and the new generator object is returned to the caller. This initial suspension is reported to any `onPop` handlers as a completion value of the form: ```js { return: generatorObject, yield: true, initial: true } ``` where *generatorObject* is a debuggee value for the generator object being returned to the caller. When an async function awaits a promise, its suspension is reported to any `onPop` handlers as a completion value of the form: ```js { return: promise, await: true } ``` where *promise* is a debuggee value for the promise being returned to the caller. The first time a call to an async function awaits, returns, or throws, a promise of its result is returned to the caller. Subsequent resumptions of the async call, if any, are initiated directly from the job queue's event loop, with no calling frame on the stack. Thus, if needed, an `onPop` handler can distinguish an async call's initial suspension, which returns the promise, from any subsequent suspensions by checking the `Debugger.Frame`'s `older` property: if that is `null`, the call was resumed directly from the event loop. Async generators are a combination of async functions and generators that can use both `yield` and `await` expressions. Suspensions of async generator frames are reported using any combination of the completion values above. ## Resumption Values As the debuggee runs, the `Debugger` interface calls various debugger-provided handler functions to report the debuggee's behavior. Some of these calls can return a value indicating how the debuggee's execution should continue; these are called *resumption values*. A resumption value has one of the following forms: * `undefined` The debuggee should continue execution normally. * `{ return: value }` Force the top frame of the debuggee to return value immediately, as if by executing a `return` statement. Value must be a debuggee value. (Most handler functions support this, except those whose descriptions say otherwise.) See the list of special cases below. * `{ throw: value }` Throw value as an exception from the current bytecode instruction. Value must be a debuggee value. Note that unlike completion values, resumption values do not specify a stack. When initiating an exceptional return from a handler, the current debuggee stack will be used. If a handler wants to avoid modifying the stack of an already-thrown exception, it should return `undefined`. * `null` Terminate the debuggee, as if it had been cancelled by the "slow script" dialog box. In some places, the JS language treats `return` statements specially or doesn't allow them at all. So there are a few special cases. * An arrow function without curly braces can't contain a return statement, but `{ return: value }` works anyway, returning the specified value. Likewise, if the top frame of the debuggee is not in a function at all—that is, it's running toplevel code in a `script` tag, or `eval` code—then value is returned even though `return` statements aren't legal in that kind of code. (In the case of a `script` tag, the browser discards the return value.) * If the debuggee is in a function that was called as a constructor (that is, via a `new` expression), then value serves as the value returned by the function's body, not that produced by the `new` expression: if the value is not an object, the `new` expression returns the frame's `this` value. Similarly, if the function is the constructor for a subclass, then a non-object value may result in a `TypeError`. * Returning from a generator simulates a `return`, not a `yield`; there is no way to force a debuggee generator to `yield`. The way generators execute is rather odd. When a generator-function is first called, it is put onto the stack and runs just a few bytecode instructions (or more, if the generator-function has any default argument values to compute), then performs the "initial suspend". At that point, a new generator object is created and returned to the caller. Thereafter, the caller may cause execution of the generator to resume at any time, by calling `genObj.next()`, and the generator may pause itself again using `yield`. JS generators normally can't return before the "initial suspend"—there’s no place to put a `return` statement—but `{ return: value }` there works anyway, replacing the generator object that the initial suspend would normally create and return. Returning from a generator that's been resumed via `genobj.next()` (or one of the other methods) closes the generator, and the `genobj.next()` or other method returns a new object of the form `{ done: true, value: value }`. If a debugger hook function throws an exception, rather than returning a resumption value, we never propagate such an exception to the debuggee; instead, we call the associated `Debugger` instance's `uncaughtExceptionHook` property, as described below. ## Timestamps Timestamps are expressed in units of milliseconds since an arbitrary, but fixed, epoch. The resolution of timestamps is generally greater than milliseconds, though no specific resolution is guaranteed. ## The `Debugger.DebuggeeWouldRun` Exception Some debugger operations that appear to simply inspect the debuggee's state may actually cause debuggee code to run. For example, reading a variable might run a getter function on the global or on a `with` expression's operand; and getting an object's property descriptor will run a handler trap if the object is a proxy. To protect the debugger's integrity, only methods whose stated purpose is to run debuggee code can do so. These methods are called [invocation functions][inv fr], and they follow certain common conventions to report the debuggee's behavior safely. For other methods, if their normal operation would cause debuggee code to run, they throw an instance of the `Debugger.DebuggeeWouldRun` exception. If there are debugger frames on stack from multiple Debugger instances, the thrown exception is an instance of the topmost locking debugger's global's `Debugger.DebuggeeWouldRun`. A `Debugger.DebuggeeWouldRun` exception may have a `cause` property, providing more detailed information on why the debuggee would have run. The `cause` property's value is one of the following strings: * `"proxy"`: Carrying out the operation would have caused a proxy handler to run. | * `"getter"`: Carrying out the operation would have caused an object property getter to run. | * `"setter"`: Carrying out the operation would have caused an object property setter to run. | If the system can't determine why control attempted to enter the debuggee, it will leave the exception's `cause` property undefined. [debugger]: Debugger-API.md [inv fr]: Debugger.Frame.html#invocation-functions-and-debugger-frames