# Tutorial: Show Allocations Per Call Path This page shows how to use the [`Debugger` API][debugger] to show how many objects a web page allocates, sorted by the function call path that allocated them. 1. Visit the URL `about:config`, and set the `devtools.chrome.enabled` preference to `true`: ![Setting the 'devtools.chrome.enabled' preference][img-chrome-pref] 2. Open a developer Scratchpad (Menu button > Developer > Scratchpad), and select "Browser" from the "Environment" menu. (This menu will not be present unless you have changed the preference as explained above.) ![Selecting the 'browser' context in the Scratchpad][img-scratchpad-browser] 3. Enter the following code in the Scratchpad: ```js // This simply defines the 'Debugger' constructor in this // Scratchpad; it doesn't actually start debugging anything. Components.utils.import('resource://gre/modules/jsdebugger.jsm'); addDebuggerToGlobal(window); (function () { // The debugger we'll use to observe a tab's allocation. var dbg; // Start measuring the selected tab's main window's memory // consumption. This function is available in the browser // console. window.demoTrackAllocations = function() { dbg = new Debugger; // This makes hacking on the demo *much* more // pleasant. dbg.uncaughtExceptionHook = handleUncaughtException; // Find the current tab's main content window. var w = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.contentWindow; console.log("Tracking allocations in page: " + w.location.href); // Make that window a debuggee of our Debugger. dbg.addDebuggee(w.wrappedJSObject); // Enable allocation tracking in dbg's debuggees. dbg.memory.trackingAllocationSites = true; } window.demoPlotAllocations = function() { // Grab the allocation log. var log = dbg.memory.drainAllocationsLog(); // Neutralize the Debugger, and drop it on the floor // for the GC to collect. console.log("Stopping allocation tracking."); dbg.removeAllDebuggees(); dbg = undefined; // Analyze and display the allocation log. plot(log); } function handleUncaughtException(ex) { console.log('Debugger hook threw:'); console.log(ex.toString()); console.log('Stack:'); console.log(ex.stack); }; function plot(log) { // Given the log, compute a map from allocation sites to // allocation counts. Note that stack entries are '===' if // they represent the same site with the same callers. var counts = new Map; for (let site of log) { // This is a kludge, necessary for now. The saved stacks // are new, and Firefox doesn't yet understand that they // are safe for chrome code to use, so we must tell it // so explicitly. site = Components.utils.waiveXrays(site.frame); if (!counts.has(site)) counts.set(site, 0); counts.set(site, counts.get(site) + 1); } // Walk from each site that allocated something up to the // root, computing allocation totals that include // children. Remember that 'null' is a valid site, // representing the root. var totals = new Map; for (let [site, count] of counts) { for(;;) { if (!totals.has(site)) totals.set(site, 0); totals.set(site, totals.get(site) + count); if (!site) break; site = site.parent; } } // Compute parent-to-child links, since saved stack frames // have only parent links. var rootChildren = new Map; function childMapFor(site) { if (!site) return rootChildren; let parentMap = childMapFor(site.parent); if (parentMap.has(site)) return parentMap.get(site); var m = new Map; parentMap.set(site, m); return m; } for (let [site, total] of totals) { childMapFor(site); } // Print the allocation count for |site|. Print // |children|'s entries as |site|'s child nodes. Indent // the whole thing by |indent|. function walk(site, children, indent) { var name, place; if (site) { name = site.functionDisplayName; place = ' ' + site.source + ':' + site.line + ':' + site.column; } else { name = '(root)'; place = ''; } console.log(indent + totals.get(site) + ': ' + name + place); for (let [child, grandchildren] of children) walk(child, grandchildren, indent + ' '); } walk(null, rootChildren, ''); } })(); ``` 4. In the Scratchpad, ensure that no text is selected, and press the "Run" button. (If you get an error complaining that `Components.utils` is not defined, be sure you've selected `Browser` from the scratchpad's `Environment` menu, as described in step 2.) 5. Save the following HTML text to a file, and visit the file in your browser. Make sure the current browser tab is displaying this page. ```html