/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
 * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80:
 * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "frontend/Frontend2.h"

#include "mozilla/Maybe.h"                  // mozilla::Maybe
#include "mozilla/OperatorNewExtensions.h"  // mozilla::KnownNotNull
#include "mozilla/Range.h"                  // mozilla::Range
#include "mozilla/Span.h"                   // mozilla::{Span, Span}
#include "mozilla/Variant.h"                // mozilla::AsVariant

#include <stddef.h>  // size_t
#include <stdint.h>  // uint8_t, uint32_t

#include "jsapi.h"

#include "frontend/AbstractScopePtr.h"  // ScopeIndex
#include "frontend/BytecodeSection.h"   // EmitScriptThingsVector
#include "frontend/CompilationInfo.h"   // CompilationState, CompilationStencil
#include "frontend/Parser.h"  // NewEmptyLexicalScopeData, NewEmptyGlobalScopeData, NewEmptyVarScopeData, NewEmptyFunctionScopeData
#include "frontend/ParserAtom.h"        // ParserAtomsTable
#include "frontend/ScriptIndex.h"       // ScriptIndex
#include "frontend/smoosh_generated.h"  // CVec, Smoosh*, smoosh_*
#include "frontend/SourceNotes.h"       // SrcNote
#include "frontend/Stencil.h"           // ScopeStencil, RegExpIndex
#include "frontend/TokenStream.h"       // TokenStreamAnyChars
#include "irregexp/RegExpAPI.h"         // irregexp::CheckPatternSyntax
#include "js/CharacterEncoding.h"  // JS::UTF8Chars, UTF8CharsToNewTwoByteCharsZ
#include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h"  // js::GetErrorMessage, JSMSG_*
#include "js/GCAPI.h"                 // JS::AutoCheckCannotGC
#include "js/HeapAPI.h"               // JS::GCCellPtr
#include "js/RegExpFlags.h"           // JS::RegExpFlag, JS::RegExpFlags
#include "js/RootingAPI.h"            // JS::MutableHandle
#include "js/UniquePtr.h"             // js::UniquePtr
#include "js/Utility.h"    // JS::UniqueTwoByteChars, StringBufferArena
#include "vm/JSScript.h"   // JSScript
#include "vm/ScopeKind.h"  // ScopeKind
#include "vm/SharedStencil.h"  // ImmutableScriptData, ScopeNote, TryNote, GCThingIndex

using mozilla::Utf8Unit;

using namespace js::gc;
using namespace js::frontend;
using namespace js;

namespace js {

namespace frontend {

// Given the result of SmooshMonkey's parser, Convert the list of atoms into
// the list of ParserAtoms.
bool ConvertAtoms(JSContext* cx, const SmooshResult& result,
                  CompilationState& compilationState,
                  Vector<const ParserAtom*>& allAtoms) {
  size_t numAtoms = result.all_atoms_len;

  if (!allAtoms.reserve(numAtoms)) {
    return false;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < numAtoms; i++) {
    auto s = reinterpret_cast<const mozilla::Utf8Unit*>(
        smoosh_get_atom_at(result, i));
    auto len = smoosh_get_atom_len_at(result, i);
    const ParserAtom* atom =
        compilationState.parserAtoms.internUtf8(cx, s, len);
    if (!atom) {
      return false;

  return true;

void CopyBindingNames(JSContext* cx, CVec<SmooshBindingName>& from,
                      Vector<const ParserAtom*>& allAtoms,
                      ParserBindingName* to) {
  // We're setting trailing array's content before setting its length.
  JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc(cx);

  size_t numBindings = from.len;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numBindings; i++) {
    SmooshBindingName& name = from.data[i];
    new (mozilla::KnownNotNull, &to[i])
        ParserBindingName(allAtoms[name.name]->toIndex(), name.is_closed_over,

void CopyBindingNames(JSContext* cx, CVec<COption<SmooshBindingName>>& from,
                      Vector<const ParserAtom*>& allAtoms,
                      ParserBindingName* to) {
  // We're setting trailing array's content before setting its length.
  JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc(cx);

  size_t numBindings = from.len;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < numBindings; i++) {
    COption<SmooshBindingName>& maybeName = from.data[i];
    if (maybeName.IsSome()) {
      SmooshBindingName& name = maybeName.AsSome();
      new (mozilla::KnownNotNull, &to[i])
          ParserBindingName(allAtoms[name.name]->toIndex(), name.is_closed_over,
    } else {
      new (mozilla::KnownNotNull, &to[i])
          ParserBindingName(TaggedParserAtomIndex::null(), false, false);

// Given the result of SmooshMonkey's parser, convert a list of scope data
// into a list of ScopeStencil.
bool ConvertScopeStencil(JSContext* cx, const SmooshResult& result,
                         Vector<const ParserAtom*>& allAtoms,
                         CompilationStencil& stencil,
                         CompilationState& compilationState) {
  LifoAlloc& alloc = stencil.alloc;

  if (result.scopes.len > TaggedScriptThingIndex::IndexLimit) {
    return false;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < result.scopes.len; i++) {
    SmooshScopeData& scopeData = result.scopes.data[i];
    ScopeIndex index;

    switch (scopeData.tag) {
      case SmooshScopeData::Tag::Global: {
        auto& global = scopeData.AsGlobal();

        size_t numBindings = global.bindings.len;
        GlobalScope::ParserData* data =
            NewEmptyGlobalScopeData(cx, alloc, numBindings);
        if (!data) {
          return false;

        CopyBindingNames(cx, global.bindings, allAtoms,

        data->slotInfo.letStart = global.let_start;
        data->slotInfo.constStart = global.const_start;
        data->slotInfo.length = numBindings;

        if (!ScopeStencil::createForGlobalScope(cx, stencil, compilationState,
                                                ScopeKind::Global, data,
                                                &index)) {
          return false;
      case SmooshScopeData::Tag::Var: {
        auto& var = scopeData.AsVar();

        size_t numBindings = var.bindings.len;

        VarScope::ParserData* data =
            NewEmptyVarScopeData(cx, alloc, numBindings);
        if (!data) {
          return false;

        CopyBindingNames(cx, var.bindings, allAtoms,

        // NOTE: data->slotInfo.nextFrameSlot is set in
        // ScopeStencil::createForVarScope.

        data->slotInfo.length = numBindings;

        uint32_t firstFrameSlot = var.first_frame_slot;
        ScopeIndex enclosingIndex(var.enclosing);
        if (!ScopeStencil::createForVarScope(
                cx, stencil, compilationState, ScopeKind::FunctionBodyVar, data,
                firstFrameSlot, var.function_has_extensible_scope,
                mozilla::Some(enclosingIndex), &index)) {
          return false;
      case SmooshScopeData::Tag::Lexical: {
        auto& lexical = scopeData.AsLexical();

        size_t numBindings = lexical.bindings.len;
        LexicalScope::ParserData* data =
            NewEmptyLexicalScopeData(cx, alloc, numBindings);
        if (!data) {
          return false;

        CopyBindingNames(cx, lexical.bindings, allAtoms,

        // NOTE: data->slotInfo.nextFrameSlot is set in
        // ScopeStencil::createForLexicalScope.

        data->slotInfo.constStart = lexical.const_start;
        data->slotInfo.length = numBindings;

        uint32_t firstFrameSlot = lexical.first_frame_slot;
        ScopeIndex enclosingIndex(lexical.enclosing);
        if (!ScopeStencil::createForLexicalScope(
                cx, stencil, compilationState, ScopeKind::Lexical, data,
                firstFrameSlot, mozilla::Some(enclosingIndex), &index)) {
          return false;
      case SmooshScopeData::Tag::Function: {
        auto& function = scopeData.AsFunction();

        size_t numBindings = function.bindings.len;
        FunctionScope::ParserData* data =
            NewEmptyFunctionScopeData(cx, alloc, numBindings);
        if (!data) {
          return false;

        CopyBindingNames(cx, function.bindings, allAtoms,

        // NOTE: data->slotInfo.nextFrameSlot is set in
        // ScopeStencil::createForFunctionScope.

        if (function.has_parameter_exprs) {
        data->slotInfo.nonPositionalFormalStart =
        data->slotInfo.varStart = function.var_start;
        data->slotInfo.length = numBindings;

        bool hasParameterExprs = function.has_parameter_exprs;
        bool needsEnvironment = function.non_positional_formal_start;
        ScriptIndex functionIndex = ScriptIndex(function.function_index);
        bool isArrow = function.is_arrow;

        ScopeIndex enclosingIndex(function.enclosing);
        if (!ScopeStencil::createForFunctionScope(
                cx, stencil, compilationState, data, hasParameterExprs,
                needsEnvironment, functionIndex, isArrow,
                mozilla::Some(enclosingIndex), &index)) {
          return false;

    // `ConvertGCThings` depends on this condition.
    MOZ_ASSERT(index == i);

  return true;

// Given the result of SmooshMonkey's parser, convert a list of RegExp data
// into a list of RegExpStencil.
bool ConvertRegExpData(JSContext* cx, const SmooshResult& result,
                       CompilationStencil& stencil,
                       CompilationState& compilationState) {
  auto len = result.regexps.len;
  if (len == 0) {
    return true;

  if (len > TaggedScriptThingIndex::IndexLimit) {
    return false;

  auto* p = stencil.alloc.newArrayUninitialized<RegExpStencil>(len);
  if (!p) {
    return false;
  stencil.regExpData = mozilla::Span(p, len);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    SmooshRegExpItem& item = result.regexps.data[i];
    auto s = smoosh_get_slice_at(result, item.pattern);
    auto len = smoosh_get_slice_len_at(result, item.pattern);

    JS::RegExpFlags::Flag flags = JS::RegExpFlag::NoFlags;
    if (item.global) {
      flags |= JS::RegExpFlag::Global;
    if (item.ignore_case) {
      flags |= JS::RegExpFlag::IgnoreCase;
    if (item.multi_line) {
      flags |= JS::RegExpFlag::Multiline;
    if (item.dot_all) {
      flags |= JS::RegExpFlag::DotAll;
    if (item.sticky) {
      flags |= JS::RegExpFlag::Sticky;
    if (item.unicode) {
      flags |= JS::RegExpFlag::Unicode;

    // FIXME: This check should be done at parse time.
    size_t length;
    JS::UniqueTwoByteChars pattern(
        UTF8CharsToNewTwoByteCharsZ(cx, JS::UTF8Chars(s, len), &length,
    if (!pattern) {
      return false;

    mozilla::Range<const char16_t> range(pattern.get(), length);

    TokenStreamAnyChars ts(cx, stencil.input.options,
                           /* smg = */ nullptr);

    // See Parser<FullParseHandler, Unit>::newRegExp.

    LifoAllocScope allocScope(&cx->tempLifoAlloc());
    if (!irregexp::CheckPatternSyntax(cx, ts, range, flags)) {
      return false;

    const mozilla::Utf8Unit* sUtf8 =
        reinterpret_cast<const mozilla::Utf8Unit*>(s);
    const ParserAtom* atom =
        compilationState.parserAtoms.internUtf8(cx, sUtf8, len);
    if (!atom) {
      return false;

    new (mozilla::KnownNotNull, &stencil.regExpData[i])
        RegExpStencil(atom->toIndex(), JS::RegExpFlags(flags));

  return true;

// Convert SmooshImmutableScriptData into ImmutableScriptData.
UniquePtr<ImmutableScriptData> ConvertImmutableScriptData(
    JSContext* cx, const SmooshImmutableScriptData& smooshScriptData,
    bool isFunction) {
  Vector<ScopeNote, 0, SystemAllocPolicy> scopeNotes;
  if (!scopeNotes.resize(smooshScriptData.scope_notes.len)) {
    return nullptr;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < smooshScriptData.scope_notes.len; i++) {
    SmooshScopeNote& scopeNote = smooshScriptData.scope_notes.data[i];
    scopeNotes[i].index = GCThingIndex(scopeNote.index);
    scopeNotes[i].start = scopeNote.start;
    scopeNotes[i].length = scopeNote.length;
    scopeNotes[i].parent = scopeNote.parent;

  return ImmutableScriptData::new_(
      cx, smooshScriptData.main_offset, smooshScriptData.nfixed,
      smooshScriptData.nslots, GCThingIndex(smooshScriptData.body_scope_index),
      smooshScriptData.num_ic_entries, isFunction, smooshScriptData.fun_length,
      mozilla::Span<const SrcNote>(), mozilla::Span<const uint32_t>(),
      scopeNotes, mozilla::Span<const TryNote>());

// Given the result of SmooshMonkey's parser, convert a list of GC things
// used by a script into ScriptThingsVector.
bool ConvertGCThings(JSContext* cx, const SmooshResult& result,
                     const SmooshScriptStencil& smooshScript,
                     CompilationStencil& stencil,
                     CompilationState& compilationState,
                     Vector<const ParserAtom*>& allAtoms,
                     ScriptIndex scriptIndex) {
  size_t ngcthings = smooshScript.gcthings.len;

  // If there are no things, avoid the allocation altogether.
  if (ngcthings == 0) {
    return true;

  TaggedScriptThingIndex* cursor = nullptr;
  if (!compilationState.allocateGCThingsUninitialized(cx, scriptIndex,
                                                      ngcthings, &cursor)) {
    return false;

  for (size_t i = 0; i < ngcthings; i++) {
    SmooshGCThing& item = smooshScript.gcthings.data[i];

    // Pointer to the uninitialized element.
    void* raw = &cursor[i];

    switch (item.tag) {
      case SmooshGCThing::Tag::Null: {
        new (raw) TaggedScriptThingIndex();
      case SmooshGCThing::Tag::Atom: {
        new (raw) TaggedScriptThingIndex(allAtoms[item.AsAtom()]->toIndex());
      case SmooshGCThing::Tag::Function: {
        new (raw) TaggedScriptThingIndex(ScriptIndex(item.AsFunction()));
      case SmooshGCThing::Tag::Scope: {
        new (raw) TaggedScriptThingIndex(ScopeIndex(item.AsScope()));
      case SmooshGCThing::Tag::RegExp: {
        new (raw) TaggedScriptThingIndex(RegExpIndex(item.AsRegExp()));

  return true;

// Given the result of SmooshMonkey's parser, convert a specific script
// or function to a StencilScript, given a fixed set of source atoms.
// The StencilScript would then be in charge of handling the lifetime and
// (until GC things gets removed from stencil) tracing API of the GC.
bool ConvertScriptStencil(JSContext* cx, const SmooshResult& result,
                          const SmooshScriptStencil& smooshScript,
                          Vector<const ParserAtom*>& allAtoms,
                          CompilationStencil& stencil,
                          CompilationState& compilationState,
                          ScriptIndex scriptIndex) {
  using ImmutableFlags = js::ImmutableScriptFlagsEnum;

  const JS::ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options = stencil.input.options;

  ScriptStencil& script = stencil.scriptData[scriptIndex];
  ScriptStencilExtra& scriptExtra = stencil.scriptExtra[scriptIndex];

  scriptExtra.immutableFlags = smooshScript.immutable_flags;

  // FIXME: The following flags should be set in jsparagus.

  if (&smooshScript == &result.scripts.data[0]) {

  bool isFunction =

  if (smooshScript.immutable_script_data.IsSome()) {
    auto index = smooshScript.immutable_script_data.AsSome();
    auto immutableScriptData = ConvertImmutableScriptData(
        cx, result.script_data_list.data[index], isFunction);
    if (!immutableScriptData) {
      return false;

    auto sharedData = SharedImmutableScriptData::createWith(
        cx, std::move(immutableScriptData));
    if (!sharedData) {
      return false;

    if (!stencil.sharedData.addAndShare(cx, scriptIndex, sharedData)) {
      return false;


  scriptExtra.extent.sourceStart = smooshScript.extent.source_start;
  scriptExtra.extent.sourceEnd = smooshScript.extent.source_end;
  scriptExtra.extent.toStringStart = smooshScript.extent.to_string_start;
  scriptExtra.extent.toStringEnd = smooshScript.extent.to_string_end;
  scriptExtra.extent.lineno = smooshScript.extent.lineno;
  scriptExtra.extent.column = smooshScript.extent.column;

  if (isFunction) {
    if (smooshScript.fun_name.IsSome()) {
      script.functionAtom = allAtoms[smooshScript.fun_name.AsSome()]->toIndex();
    script.functionFlags = FunctionFlags(smooshScript.fun_flags);
    scriptExtra.nargs = smooshScript.fun_nargs;
    if (smooshScript.lazy_function_enclosing_scope_index.IsSome()) {
    if (smooshScript.was_function_emitted) {

  if (!ConvertGCThings(cx, result, smooshScript, stencil, compilationState,
                       allAtoms, scriptIndex)) {
    return false;

  return true;

// Free given SmooshResult on leaving scope.
class AutoFreeSmooshResult {
  SmooshResult* result_;

  AutoFreeSmooshResult() = delete;

  explicit AutoFreeSmooshResult(SmooshResult* result) : result_(result) {}
  ~AutoFreeSmooshResult() {
    if (result_) {

// Free given SmooshParseResult on leaving scope.
class AutoFreeSmooshParseResult {
  SmooshParseResult* result_;

  AutoFreeSmooshParseResult() = delete;

  explicit AutoFreeSmooshParseResult(SmooshParseResult* result)
      : result_(result) {}
  ~AutoFreeSmooshParseResult() {
    if (result_) {

void InitSmoosh() { smoosh_init(); }

void ReportSmooshCompileError(JSContext* cx, ErrorMetadata&& metadata,
                              int errorNumber, ...) {
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, errorNumber);
  ReportCompileErrorUTF8(cx, std::move(metadata), /* notes = */ nullptr,
                         errorNumber, &args);

/* static */
bool Smoosh::compileGlobalScriptToStencil(JSContext* cx,
                                          CompilationStencil& stencil,
                                          JS::SourceText<Utf8Unit>& srcBuf,
                                          bool* unimplemented) {
  // FIXME: check info members and return with *unimplemented = true
  //        if any field doesn't match to smoosh_run.

  auto bytes = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(srcBuf.get());
  size_t length = srcBuf.length();

  const auto& options = stencil.input.options;
  SmooshCompileOptions compileOptions;
  compileOptions.no_script_rval = options.noScriptRval;

  SmooshResult result = smoosh_run(bytes, length, &compileOptions);
  AutoFreeSmooshResult afsr(&result);

  if (result.error.data) {
    *unimplemented = false;
    ErrorMetadata metadata;
    metadata.filename = "<unknown>";
    metadata.lineNumber = 1;
    metadata.columnNumber = 0;
    metadata.isMuted = false;
    ReportSmooshCompileError(cx, std::move(metadata),
                             reinterpret_cast<const char*>(result.error.data));
    return false;

  if (result.unimplemented) {
    *unimplemented = true;
    return false;

  *unimplemented = false;

  LifoAllocScope allocScope(&cx->tempLifoAlloc());

  Vector<const ParserAtom*> allAtoms(cx);
  CompilationState compilationState(cx, allocScope, stencil.input.options,
  if (!ConvertAtoms(cx, result, compilationState, allAtoms)) {
    return false;

  if (!ConvertScopeStencil(cx, result, allAtoms, stencil, compilationState)) {
    return false;

  if (!ConvertRegExpData(cx, result, stencil, compilationState)) {
    return false;

  auto len = result.scripts.len;
  if (len == 0) {
    return true;

  if (len > TaggedScriptThingIndex::IndexLimit) {
    return false;

  auto* pscript = stencil.alloc.newArrayUninitialized<ScriptStencil>(len);
  if (!pscript) {
    return false;
  stencil.scriptData = mozilla::Span(pscript, len);

  auto* pextra = stencil.alloc.newArrayUninitialized<ScriptStencilExtra>(len);
  if (!pextra) {
    return false;
  stencil.scriptExtra = mozilla::Span(pextra, len);

  // NOTE: Currently we don't support delazification or standalone function.
  //       Once we support, fix the following loop to include 0-th item
  //       and check if it's function.
  MOZ_ASSERT_IF(result.scripts.len > 0, result.scripts.data[0].fun_flags == 0);
  for (size_t i = 1; i < result.scripts.len; i++) {
    auto& script = result.scripts.data[i];
    if (script.immutable_script_data.IsSome()) {

  stencil.prepareStorageFor(cx, compilationState);

  for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    new (mozilla::KnownNotNull, &stencil.scriptData[i])

    if (!ConvertScriptStencil(cx, result, result.scripts.data[i], allAtoms,
                              stencil, compilationState, ScriptIndex(i))) {
      return false;

  if (!compilationState.finish(cx, stencil)) {
    return true;

  return true;

/* static */
UniquePtr<CompilationStencil> Smoosh::compileGlobalScriptToStencil(
    JSContext* cx, const JS::ReadOnlyCompileOptions& options,
    JS::SourceText<Utf8Unit>& srcBuf, bool* unimplemented) {
  Rooted<UniquePtr<frontend::CompilationStencil>> stencil(
      cx, js_new<frontend::CompilationStencil>(cx, options));
  if (!stencil) {
    return nullptr;

  if (!stencil.get()->input.initForGlobal(cx)) {
    return nullptr;

  if (!compileGlobalScriptToStencil(cx, *stencil.get().get(), srcBuf,
                                    unimplemented)) {
    return nullptr;

  return std::move(stencil.get());

/* static */
bool Smoosh::compileGlobalScript(JSContext* cx, CompilationStencil& stencil,
                                 JS::SourceText<Utf8Unit>& srcBuf,
                                 CompilationGCOutput& gcOutput,
                                 bool* unimplemented) {
  if (!compileGlobalScriptToStencil(cx, stencil, srcBuf, unimplemented)) {
    return false;

  if (!CompilationStencil::instantiateStencils(cx, stencil, gcOutput)) {
    return false;

#if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_JITSPEW)
  Sprinter sprinter(cx);
  Rooted<JSScript*> script(cx, gcOutput.script);
  if (!sprinter.init()) {
    return false;
  if (!Disassemble(cx, script, true, &sprinter, DisassembleSkeptically::Yes)) {
    return false;
  printf("%s\n", sprinter.string());
  if (!Disassemble(cx, script, true, &sprinter, DisassembleSkeptically::No)) {
    return false;
  // (don't bother printing it)

  return true;

bool SmooshParseScript(JSContext* cx, const uint8_t* bytes, size_t length) {
  SmooshParseResult result = smoosh_test_parse_script(bytes, length);
  AutoFreeSmooshParseResult afspr(&result);
  if (result.error.data) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                             result.unimplemented ? JSMSG_SMOOSH_UNIMPLEMENTED
                                                  : JSMSG_SMOOSH_COMPILE_ERROR,
                             reinterpret_cast<const char*>(result.error.data));
    return false;

  return true;

bool SmooshParseModule(JSContext* cx, const uint8_t* bytes, size_t length) {
  SmooshParseResult result = smoosh_test_parse_module(bytes, length);
  AutoFreeSmooshParseResult afspr(&result);
  if (result.error.data) {
    JS_ReportErrorNumberUTF8(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr,
                             result.unimplemented ? JSMSG_SMOOSH_UNIMPLEMENTED
                                                  : JSMSG_SMOOSH_COMPILE_ERROR,
                             reinterpret_cast<const char*>(result.error.data));
    return false;

  return true;

}  // namespace frontend

}  // namespace js