const { Instance, Module, LinkError } = WebAssembly; // Locally-defined globals assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(`(module (global))`), SyntaxError, /wasm text error/); // A global field in the text format is valid with an empty expression, but this produces an invalid module assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(`(module (global i32))`), WebAssembly.CompileError, /unexpected initializer expression/); assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(`(module (global (mut i32)))`), WebAssembly.CompileError, /unexpected initializer expression/); // Initializer expressions. wasmFailValidateText(`(module (global i32 (f32.const 13.37)))`, /type mismatch/); wasmFailValidateText(`(module (global f64 (f32.const 13.37)))`, /type mismatch/); wasmFailValidateText(`(module (global i32 (i32.add (i32.const 13) (i32.const 37))))`, /failed to read end/); wasmFailValidateText(`(module (global i32 (global.get 0)))`, /out of range/); wasmFailValidateText(`(module (global i32 (global.get 1)) (global i32 (i32.const 1)))`, /out of range/); // Test a well-defined global section. function testInner(type, initialValue, nextValue, coercion) { var module = wasmEvalText(`(module (global (mut ${type}) (${type}.const ${initialValue})) (global ${type} (${type}.const ${initialValue})) (func $get (result ${type}) (global.get 0)) (func $set (param ${type}) (global.set 0 (local.get 0))) (func $get_cst (result ${type}) (global.get 1)) (export "get" (func $get)) (export "get_cst" (func $get_cst)) (export "set" (func $set)) )`).exports; assertEq(module.get(), coercion(initialValue)); assertEq(module.set(coercion(nextValue)), undefined); assertEq(module.get(), coercion(nextValue)); assertEq(module.get_cst(), coercion(initialValue)); } testInner('i32', 13, 37, x => x|0); testInner('f32', 13.37, 0.1989, Math.fround); testInner('f64', 13.37, 0.1989, x => +x); // Semantic errors. wasmFailValidateText(`(module (global (mut i32) (i32.const 1337)) (func (global.set 1 (i32.const 0))))`, /(out of range)|(global index out of bounds)/); wasmFailValidateText(`(module (global i32 (i32.const 1337)) (func (global.set 0 (i32.const 0))))`, /(can't write an immutable global)|(global is immutable)/); // Big module with many variables: test that setting one doesn't overwrite the // other ones. function get_set(i, type) { return ` (func $get_${i} (result ${type}) (global.get ${i})) (func $set_${i} (param ${type}) (global.set ${i} (local.get 0))) `; } var module = wasmEvalText(`(module (global (mut i32) (i32.const 42)) (global (mut i32) (i32.const 10)) (global (mut f32) (f32.const 13.37)) (global (mut f64) (f64.const 13.37)) (global (mut i32) (i32.const -18)) ${get_set(0, 'i32')} ${get_set(1, 'i32')} ${get_set(2, 'f32')} ${get_set(3, 'f64')} ${get_set(4, 'i32')} (export "get0" (func $get_0)) (export "set0" (func $set_0)) (export "get1" (func $get_1)) (export "set1" (func $set_1)) (export "get2" (func $get_2)) (export "set2" (func $set_2)) (export "get3" (func $get_3)) (export "set3" (func $set_3)) (export "get4" (func $get_4)) (export "set4" (func $set_4)) )`).exports; let values = [42, 10, Math.fround(13.37), 13.37, -18]; let nextValues = [13, 37, Math.fround(-17.89), 9.3, -13]; for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { assertEq(module[`get${i}`](), values[i]); assertEq(module[`set${i}`](nextValues[i]), undefined); assertEq(module[`get${i}`](), nextValues[i]); for (let j = 0; j < 5; j++) { if (i === j) continue; assertEq(module[`get${j}`](), values[j]); } assertEq(module[`set${i}`](values[i]), undefined); assertEq(module[`get${i}`](), values[i]); } // Initializer expressions can also be used in elem section initializers. wasmFailValidateText(`(module (import "globals" "a" (global f32)) (table 4 funcref) (elem (global.get 0) $f) (func $f))`, /type mismatch/); module = wasmEvalText(`(module (import "globals" "a" (global i32)) (table (export "tbl") 4 funcref) (elem (global.get 0) $f) (func $f) (export "f" (func $f)) )`, { globals: { a: 1 } }).exports; assertEq(module.f, module.tbl.get(1)); // Import/export semantics. module = wasmEvalText(`(module (import "globals" "x" (global $g i32)) (func $get (result i32) (global.get $g)) (export "getter" (func $get)) (export "value" (global 0)) )`, { globals: {x: 42} }).exports; assertEq(module.getter(), 42); // assertEq() will not trigger @@toPrimitive, so we must have a cast here. assertEq(Number(module.value), 42); // Can only import numbers (no implicit coercions). module = new Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (global (import "globs" "i32") i32) (global (import "globs" "f32") f32) (global (import "globs" "f64") f32) )`)); const assertLinkFails = (m, imp, err) => { assertErrorMessage(() => new Instance(m, imp), LinkError, err); } var imp = { globs: { i32: 0, f32: Infinity, f64: NaN } }; let i = new Instance(module, imp); for (let v of [ null, {}, "42", /not a number/, false, undefined, Symbol(), { valueOf() { return 42; } } ]) { imp.globs.i32 = v; assertLinkFails(module, imp, /not a Number/); imp.globs.i32 = 0; imp.globs.f32 = v; assertLinkFails(module, imp, /not a Number/); imp.globs.f32 = Math.fround(13.37); imp.globs.f64 = v; assertLinkFails(module, imp, /not a Number/); imp.globs.f64 = 13.37; } // Imported globals and locally defined globals use the same index space. module = wasmEvalText(`(module (import "globals" "x" (global i32)) (global i32 (i32.const 1337)) (export "imported" (global 0)) (export "defined" (global 1)) )`, { globals: {x: 42} }).exports; assertEq(Number(module.imported), 42); assertEq(Number(module.defined), 1337); // Initializer expressions can reference an imported immutable global. wasmFailValidateText(`(module (global f32 (f32.const 13.37)) (global i32 (global.get 0)))`, /must reference a global immutable import/); wasmFailValidateText(`(module (global (mut f32) (f32.const 13.37)) (global i32 (global.get 0)))`, /must reference a global immutable import/); wasmFailValidateText(`(module (global (mut i32) (i32.const 0)) (global i32 (global.get 0)))`, /must reference a global immutable import/); wasmFailValidateText(`(module (import "globals" "a" (global f32)) (global i32 (global.get 0)))`, /type mismatch/); function testInitExpr(type, initialValue, nextValue, coercion, assertFunc = assertEq) { var module = wasmEvalText(`(module (import "globals" "a" (global ${type})) (global $glob_mut (mut ${type}) (global.get 0)) (global $glob_imm ${type} (global.get 0)) (func $get0 (result ${type}) (global.get 0)) (func $get1 (result ${type}) (global.get 1)) (func $set1 (param ${type}) (global.set 1 (local.get 0))) (func $get_cst (result ${type}) (global.get 2)) (export "get0" (func $get0)) (export "get1" (func $get1)) (export "get_cst" (func $get_cst)) (export "set1" (func $set1)) (export "global_imm" (global $glob_imm)) )`, { globals: { a: coercion(initialValue) } }).exports; assertFunc(module.get0(), coercion(initialValue)); assertFunc(module.get1(), coercion(initialValue)); assertFunc(Number(module.global_imm), coercion(initialValue)); assertEq(module.set1(coercion(nextValue)), undefined); assertFunc(module.get1(), coercion(nextValue)); assertFunc(module.get0(), coercion(initialValue)); assertFunc(Number(module.global_imm), coercion(initialValue)); assertFunc(module.get_cst(), coercion(initialValue)); } testInitExpr('i32', 13, 37, x => x|0); testInitExpr('f32', 13.37, 0.1989, Math.fround); testInitExpr('f64', 13.37, 0.1989, x => +x); // Int64. // Import and export // Test inner var initialValue = '0x123456789abcdef0'; var nextValue = '0x531642753864975F'; wasmAssert(`(module (global (mut i64) (i64.const ${initialValue})) (global i64 (i64.const ${initialValue})) (func $get (result i64) (global.get 0)) (func $set (param i64) (global.set 0 (local.get 0))) (func $get_cst (result i64) (global.get 1)) (export "get" (func $get)) (export "get_cst" (func $get_cst)) (export "set" (func $set)) )`, [ {type: 'i64', func: '$get', expected: initialValue}, {type: 'i64', func: '$set', args: [`i64.const ${nextValue}`]}, {type: 'i64', func: '$get', expected: nextValue}, {type: 'i64', func: '$get_cst', expected: initialValue}, ]); // Custom NaN. { let dv = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8)); module = wasmEvalText(`(module (global $g f64 (f64.const -nan:0xe7ffff1591120)) (global $h f32 (f32.const -nan:0x651234)) (export "nan64" (global $g))(export "nan32" (global $h)) )`, {}).exports; dv.setFloat64(0, module.nan64, true); assertEq(dv.getUint32(4, true), 0x7ff80000); assertEq(dv.getUint32(0, true), 0x00000000); dv.setFloat32(0, module.nan32, true); assertEq(dv.getUint32(0, true), 0x7fc00000); } // WebAssembly.Global { const Global = WebAssembly.Global; // These types should work: assertEq(new Global({value: "i32"}) instanceof Global, true); assertEq(new Global({value: "f32"}) instanceof Global, true); assertEq(new Global({value: "f64"}) instanceof Global, true); assertEq(new Global({value: "i64"}) instanceof Global, true); // No initial value works // Coercion of init value; ".value" accessor assertEq((new Global({value: "i32"}, 3.14)).value, 3); assertEq((new Global({value: "f32"}, { valueOf: () => 33.5 })).value, 33.5); assertEq((new Global({value: "f64"}, "3.25")).value, 3.25); // Nothing special about NaN, it coerces just fine assertEq((new Global({value: "i32"}, NaN)).value, 0); // The default init value is zero. assertEq((new Global({value: "i32"})).value, 0); assertEq((new Global({value: "f32"})).value, 0); assertEq((new Global({value: "f64"})).value, 0); let mod = wasmEvalText(`(module (import "" "g" (global i64)) (func (export "f") (result i32) (i64.eqz (global.get 0))))`, {"":{g: new Global({value: "i64"})}}); assertEq(mod.exports.f(), 1); { // "value" is enumerable let x = new Global({value: "i32"}); let s = ""; for ( let i in x ) s = s + i + ","; if (getBuildConfiguration().release_or_beta) { assertEq(s, "valueOf,value,"); } else { assertEq(s, "type,valueOf,value,"); } } // "value" is defined on the prototype, not on the object assertEq("value" in Global.prototype, true); // Can't set the value of an immutable global assertErrorMessage(() => (new Global({value: "i32"})).value = 10, TypeError, /can't set value of immutable global/); { // Can set the value of a mutable global let g = new Global({value: "i32", mutable: true}, 37); g.value = 10; assertEq(g.value, 10); } { // Misc internal conversions let g = new Global({value: "i32"}, 42); // valueOf assertEq(g - 5, 37); // @@toStringTag assertEq(g.toString(), "[object WebAssembly.Global]"); } { // An exported global should appear as a Global instance: let i = wasmEvalText(`(module (global (export "g") i32 (i32.const 42)))`); assertEq(typeof i.exports.g, "object"); assertEq(i.exports.g instanceof Global, true); // An exported global can be imported into another instance even if // it is an object: let j = wasmEvalText(`(module (global (import "" "g") i32) (func (export "f") (result i32) (global.get 0)))`, { "": { "g": i.exports.g }}); // And when it is then accessed it has the right value: assertEq(j.exports.f(), 42); } // Identity of Global objects (independent of mutablity). { // When a global is exported twice, the two objects are the same. let i = wasmEvalText(`(module (global i32 (i32.const 0)) (export "a" (global 0)) (export "b" (global 0)))`); assertEq(i.exports.a, i.exports.b); // When a global is imported and then exported, the exported object is // the same as the imported object. let j = wasmEvalText(`(module (import "" "a" (global i32)) (export "x" (global 0)))`, { "": {a: i.exports.a}}); assertEq(i.exports.a, j.exports.x); // When a global is imported twice (ie aliased) and then exported twice, // the exported objects are the same, and are also the same as the // imported object. let k = wasmEvalText(`(module (import "" "a" (global i32)) (import "" "b" (global i32)) (export "x" (global 0)) (export "y" (global 1)))`, { "": {a: i.exports.a, b: i.exports.a}}); assertEq(i.exports.a, k.exports.x); assertEq(k.exports.x, k.exports.y); } // Mutability { let i = wasmEvalText(`(module (global (export "g") (mut i32) (i32.const 37)) (func (export "getter") (result i32) (global.get 0)) (func (export "setter") (param i32) (global.set 0 (local.get 0))))`); let j = wasmEvalText(`(module (import "" "g" (global (mut i32))) (func (export "getter") (result i32) (global.get 0)) (func (export "setter") (param i32) (global.set 0 (local.get 0))))`, {"": {g: i.exports.g}}); // Initial values assertEq(i.exports.g.value, 37); assertEq(i.exports.getter(), 37); assertEq(j.exports.getter(), 37); // Set in i, observe everywhere i.exports.setter(42); assertEq(i.exports.g.value, 42); assertEq(i.exports.getter(), 42); assertEq(j.exports.getter(), 42); // Set in j, observe everywhere j.exports.setter(78); assertEq(i.exports.g.value, 78); assertEq(i.exports.getter(), 78); assertEq(j.exports.getter(), 78); // Set on global object, observe everywhere i.exports.g.value = 197; assertEq(i.exports.g.value, 197); assertEq(i.exports.getter(), 197); assertEq(j.exports.getter(), 197); } // Mutability of import declaration and imported value have to match { const mutErr = /imported global mutability mismatch/; let m1 = new Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (import "m" "g" (global i32)))`)); // Mutable Global matched to immutable import let gm = new Global({value: "i32", mutable: true}, 42); assertErrorMessage(() => new Instance(m1, {m: {g: gm}}), LinkError, mutErr); let m2 = new Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (import "m" "g" (global (mut i32))))`)); // Immutable Global matched to mutable import let gi = new Global({value: "i32", mutable: false}, 42); assertErrorMessage(() => new Instance(m2, {m: {g: gi}}), LinkError, mutErr); // Constant value is the same as immutable Global assertErrorMessage(() => new Instance(m2, {m: {g: 42}}), LinkError, mutErr); } // TEST THIS LAST // "value" is deletable assertEq(delete Global.prototype.value, true); assertEq("value" in Global.prototype, false); // ADD NO MORE TESTS HERE! } // Standard wat syntax: the parens around the initializer expression are // optional. { let i1 = wasmEvalText( `(module (global $g i32 i32.const 37) (func (export "f") (result i32) (global.get $g)))`); assertEq(i1.exports.f(), 37); let i2 = wasmEvalText( `(module (global $g (mut f64) f64.const 42.0) (func (export "f") (result f64) (global.get $g)))`); assertEq(i2.exports.f(), 42); let i3 = wasmEvalText( `(module (global $x (import "m" "x") i32) (global $g i32 global.get $x) (func (export "f") (result i32) (global.get $g)))`, {m:{x:86}}); assertEq(i3.exports.f(), 86); }