// |jit-test| skip-if: wasmCompilersPresent().match('cranelift') const oob = /index out of bounds/; const unaligned = /unaligned memory access/; const RuntimeError = WebAssembly.RuntimeError; // Test memory.atomic.notify unaligned access. const module = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (type (;0;) (func)) (func $main (type 0) i32.const -64 i32.const -63 memory.atomic.notify offset=1 unreachable) (memory (;0;) 4 4) (export "main" (func $main)))`)); const instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module); assertErrorMessage(() => instance.exports.main(), RuntimeError, unaligned); // Test memory.atomic.notify oob access. const module2 = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (type (;0;) (func)) (func $main (type 0) i32.const -64 i32.const -63 memory.atomic.notify offset=65536 unreachable) (memory (;0;) 4 4) (export "main" (func $main)))`)); const instance2 = new WebAssembly.Instance(module2); assertErrorMessage(() => instance2.exports.main(), RuntimeError, oob); // Test memory.atomic.wait32 and .wait64 unaligned access. const module3 = new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (type (;0;) (func)) (func $wait32 (type 0) i32.const -64 i32.const 42 i64.const 0 memory.atomic.wait32 offset=1 unreachable) (func $wait64 (type 0) i32.const -64 i64.const 43 i64.const 0 memory.atomic.wait64 offset=3 unreachable) (memory (;0;) 4 4 shared) (export "wait32" (func $wait32)) (export "wait64" (func $wait64)))`)); const instance3 = new WebAssembly.Instance(module3); assertErrorMessage(() => instance3.exports.wait32(), RuntimeError, unaligned); assertErrorMessage(() => instance3.exports.wait64(), RuntimeError, unaligned);