/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "jit/BaselineCodeGen.h" #include "mozilla/Casting.h" #include "jit/ABIFunctions.h" #include "jit/BaselineIC.h" #include "jit/BaselineJIT.h" #include "jit/CalleeToken.h" #include "jit/FixedList.h" #include "jit/IonAnalysis.h" #include "jit/IonOptimizationLevels.h" #include "jit/JitcodeMap.h" #include "jit/JitFrames.h" #include "jit/JitRuntime.h" #include "jit/JitSpewer.h" #include "jit/Linker.h" #ifdef JS_ION_PERF # include "jit/PerfSpewer.h" #endif #include "jit/SharedICHelpers.h" #include "jit/TrialInlining.h" #include "jit/VMFunctions.h" #include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" // JSMSG_* #include "js/UniquePtr.h" #include "vm/AsyncFunction.h" #include "vm/AsyncIteration.h" #include "vm/BuiltinObjectKind.h" #include "vm/EnvironmentObject.h" #include "vm/FunctionFlags.h" // js::FunctionFlags #include "vm/Interpreter.h" #include "vm/JSFunction.h" #include "vm/TraceLogging.h" #ifdef MOZ_VTUNE # include "vtune/VTuneWrapper.h" #endif #include "debugger/DebugAPI-inl.h" #include "jit/ABIFunctionList-inl.h" #include "jit/BaselineFrameInfo-inl.h" #include "jit/JitScript-inl.h" #include "jit/MacroAssembler-inl.h" #include "jit/SharedICHelpers-inl.h" #include "jit/VMFunctionList-inl.h" #include "vm/Interpreter-inl.h" #include "vm/JSScript-inl.h" #include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::jit; using JS::TraceKind; using mozilla::AssertedCast; using mozilla::Maybe; namespace js { class PlainObject; namespace jit { BaselineCompilerHandler::BaselineCompilerHandler(JSContext* cx, MacroAssembler& masm, TempAllocator& alloc, JSScript* script) : frame_(script, masm), alloc_(alloc), analysis_(alloc, script), #ifdef DEBUG masm_(masm), #endif script_(script), pc_(script->code()), icEntryIndex_(0), compileDebugInstrumentation_(script->isDebuggee()), ionCompileable_(IsIonEnabled(cx) && CanIonCompileScript(cx, script)) { } BaselineInterpreterHandler::BaselineInterpreterHandler(JSContext* cx, MacroAssembler& masm) : frame_(masm) {} template template BaselineCodeGen::BaselineCodeGen(JSContext* cx, HandlerArgs&&... args) : handler(cx, masm, std::forward(args)...), cx(cx), frame(handler.frame()), traceLoggerToggleOffsets_(cx) {} BaselineCompiler::BaselineCompiler(JSContext* cx, TempAllocator& alloc, JSScript* script) : BaselineCodeGen(cx, /* HandlerArgs = */ alloc, script), profilerPushToggleOffset_(), traceLoggerScriptTextIdOffset_() { #ifdef JS_CODEGEN_NONE MOZ_CRASH(); #endif } BaselineInterpreterGenerator::BaselineInterpreterGenerator(JSContext* cx) : BaselineCodeGen(cx /* no handlerArgs */) {} bool BaselineCompilerHandler::init(JSContext* cx) { if (!analysis_.init(alloc_)) { return false; } uint32_t len = script_->length(); if (!labels_.init(alloc_, len)) { return false; } for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { new (&labels_[i]) Label(); } if (!frame_.init(alloc_)) { return false; } return true; } bool BaselineCompiler::init() { if (!handler.init(cx)) { return false; } return true; } bool BaselineCompilerHandler::recordCallRetAddr(JSContext* cx, RetAddrEntry::Kind kind, uint32_t retOffset) { uint32_t pcOffset = script_->pcToOffset(pc_); // Entries must be sorted by pcOffset for binary search to work. // See BaselineScript::retAddrEntryFromPCOffset. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!retAddrEntries_.empty(), retAddrEntries_.back().pcOffset() <= pcOffset); // Similarly, entries must be sorted by return offset and this offset must be // unique. See BaselineScript::retAddrEntryFromReturnOffset. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!retAddrEntries_.empty() && !masm_.oom(), retAddrEntries_.back().returnOffset().offset() < retOffset); if (!retAddrEntries_.emplaceBack(pcOffset, kind, CodeOffset(retOffset))) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } return true; } bool BaselineInterpreterHandler::recordCallRetAddr(JSContext* cx, RetAddrEntry::Kind kind, uint32_t retOffset) { switch (kind) { case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugPrologue: MOZ_ASSERT(callVMOffsets_.debugPrologueOffset == 0, "expected single DebugPrologue call"); callVMOffsets_.debugPrologueOffset = retOffset; break; case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugEpilogue: MOZ_ASSERT(callVMOffsets_.debugEpilogueOffset == 0, "expected single DebugEpilogue call"); callVMOffsets_.debugEpilogueOffset = retOffset; break; case RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugAfterYield: MOZ_ASSERT(callVMOffsets_.debugAfterYieldOffset == 0, "expected single DebugAfterYield call"); callVMOffsets_.debugAfterYieldOffset = retOffset; break; default: break; } return true; } bool BaselineInterpreterHandler::addDebugInstrumentationOffset( JSContext* cx, CodeOffset offset) { if (!debugInstrumentationOffsets_.append(offset.offset())) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } return true; } MethodStatus BaselineCompiler::compile() { JSScript* script = handler.script(); JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineScripts, "Baseline compiling script %s:%u:%u (%p)", script->filename(), script->lineno(), script->column(), script); JitSpew(JitSpew_Codegen, "# Emitting baseline code for script %s:%u:%u", script->filename(), script->lineno(), script->column()); AutoIncrementalTimer timer(cx->realm()->timers.baselineCompileTime); TraceLoggerThread* logger = TraceLoggerForCurrentThread(cx); TraceLoggerEvent scriptEvent(TraceLogger_AnnotateScripts, script); AutoTraceLog logScript(logger, scriptEvent); AutoTraceLog logCompile(logger, TraceLogger_BaselineCompilation); AutoKeepJitScripts keepJitScript(cx); if (!script->ensureHasJitScript(cx, keepJitScript)) { return Method_Error; } // When code coverage is enabled, we have to create the ScriptCounts if they // do not exist. if (!script->hasScriptCounts() && cx->realm()->collectCoverageForDebug()) { if (!script->initScriptCounts(cx)) { return Method_Error; } } // Suppress GC during compilation. gc::AutoSuppressGC suppressGC(cx); MOZ_ASSERT(!script->hasBaselineScript()); if (!emitPrologue()) { return Method_Error; } MethodStatus status = emitBody(); if (status != Method_Compiled) { return status; } if (!emitEpilogue()) { return Method_Error; } if (!emitOutOfLinePostBarrierSlot()) { return Method_Error; } Linker linker(masm); if (masm.oom()) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return Method_Error; } JitCode* code = linker.newCode(cx, CodeKind::Baseline); if (!code) { return Method_Error; } UniquePtr baselineScript( BaselineScript::New( cx, warmUpCheckPrologueOffset_.offset(), profilerEnterFrameToggleOffset_.offset(), profilerExitFrameToggleOffset_.offset(), handler.retAddrEntries().length(), handler.osrEntries().length(), debugTrapEntries_.length(), script->resumeOffsets().size(), traceLoggerToggleOffsets_.length()), JS::DeletePolicy(cx->runtime())); if (!baselineScript) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return Method_Error; } baselineScript->setMethod(code); JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineScripts, "Created BaselineScript %p (raw %p) for %s:%u:%u", (void*)baselineScript.get(), (void*)code->raw(), script->filename(), script->lineno(), script->column()); baselineScript->copyRetAddrEntries(handler.retAddrEntries().begin()); baselineScript->copyOSREntries(handler.osrEntries().begin()); baselineScript->copyDebugTrapEntries(debugTrapEntries_.begin()); // If profiler instrumentation is enabled, toggle instrumentation on. if (cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->isProfilerInstrumentationEnabled( cx->runtime())) { baselineScript->toggleProfilerInstrumentation(true); } #ifdef JS_TRACE_LOGGING // Initialize the tracelogger instrumentation. if (JS::TraceLoggerSupported()) { baselineScript->initTraceLogger(script, traceLoggerToggleOffsets_); } #endif // Compute native resume addresses for the script's resume offsets. baselineScript->computeResumeNativeOffsets(script, resumeOffsetEntries_); if (compileDebugInstrumentation()) { baselineScript->setHasDebugInstrumentation(); } // Always register a native => bytecode mapping entry, since profiler can be // turned on with baseline jitcode on stack, and baseline jitcode cannot be // invalidated. { JitSpew(JitSpew_Profiling, "Added JitcodeGlobalEntry for baseline script %s:%u:%u (%p)", script->filename(), script->lineno(), script->column(), baselineScript.get()); // Generate profiling string. UniqueChars str = GeckoProfilerRuntime::allocProfileString(cx, script); if (!str) { return Method_Error; } JitcodeGlobalEntry::BaselineEntry entry; entry.init(code, code->raw(), code->rawEnd(), script, str.release()); JitcodeGlobalTable* globalTable = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->getJitcodeGlobalTable(); if (!globalTable->addEntry(entry)) { entry.destroy(); ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return Method_Error; } // Mark the jitcode as having a bytecode map. code->setHasBytecodeMap(); } script->jitScript()->setBaselineScript(script, baselineScript.release()); #ifdef JS_ION_PERF writePerfSpewerBaselineProfile(script, code); #endif #ifdef MOZ_VTUNE vtune::MarkScript(code, script, "baseline"); #endif return Method_Compiled; } // On most platforms we use a dedicated bytecode PC register to avoid many // dependent loads and stores for sequences of simple bytecode ops. This // register must be saved/restored around VM and IC calls. // // On 32-bit x86 we don't have enough registers for this (because R0-R2 require // 6 registers) so there we always store the pc on the frame. static constexpr bool HasInterpreterPCReg() { return InterpreterPCReg != InvalidReg; } static Register LoadBytecodePC(MacroAssembler& masm, Register scratch) { if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { return InterpreterPCReg; } Address pcAddr(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfInterpreterPC()); masm.loadPtr(pcAddr, scratch); return scratch; } static void LoadInt8Operand(MacroAssembler& masm, Register dest) { Register pc = LoadBytecodePC(masm, dest); masm.load8SignExtend(Address(pc, sizeof(jsbytecode)), dest); } static void LoadUint8Operand(MacroAssembler& masm, Register dest) { Register pc = LoadBytecodePC(masm, dest); masm.load8ZeroExtend(Address(pc, sizeof(jsbytecode)), dest); } static void LoadUint16Operand(MacroAssembler& masm, Register dest) { Register pc = LoadBytecodePC(masm, dest); masm.load16ZeroExtend(Address(pc, sizeof(jsbytecode)), dest); } static void LoadInt32Operand(MacroAssembler& masm, Register dest) { Register pc = LoadBytecodePC(masm, dest); masm.load32(Address(pc, sizeof(jsbytecode)), dest); } static void LoadInt32OperandSignExtendToPtr(MacroAssembler& masm, Register pc, Register dest) { masm.load32SignExtendToPtr(Address(pc, sizeof(jsbytecode)), dest); } static void LoadUint24Operand(MacroAssembler& masm, size_t offset, Register dest) { // Load the opcode and operand, then left shift to discard the opcode. Register pc = LoadBytecodePC(masm, dest); masm.load32(Address(pc, offset), dest); masm.rshift32(Imm32(8), dest); } static void LoadInlineValueOperand(MacroAssembler& masm, ValueOperand dest) { // Note: the Value might be unaligned but as above we rely on all our // platforms having appropriate support for unaligned accesses (except for // floating point instructions on ARM). Register pc = LoadBytecodePC(masm, dest.scratchReg()); masm.loadUnalignedValue(Address(pc, sizeof(jsbytecode)), dest); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::loadScript(Register dest) { masm.movePtr(ImmGCPtr(handler.script()), dest); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::loadScript(Register dest) { masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfInterpreterScript(), dest); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::saveInterpreterPCReg() {} template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::saveInterpreterPCReg() { if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { masm.storePtr(InterpreterPCReg, frame.addressOfInterpreterPC()); } } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::restoreInterpreterPCReg() {} template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::restoreInterpreterPCReg() { if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfInterpreterPC(), InterpreterPCReg); } } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitInitializeLocals() { // Initialize all locals to |undefined|. Lexical bindings are temporal // dead zoned in bytecode. size_t n = frame.nlocals(); if (n == 0) { return; } // Use R0 to minimize code size. If the number of locals to push is < // LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR, then the initialization pushes are emitted directly // and inline. Otherwise, they're emitted in a partially unrolled loop. static const size_t LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR = 4; size_t toPushExtra = n % LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR; masm.moveValue(UndefinedValue(), R0); // Handle any extra pushes left over by the optional unrolled loop below. for (size_t i = 0; i < toPushExtra; i++) { masm.pushValue(R0); } // Partially unrolled loop of pushes. if (n >= LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR) { size_t toPush = n - toPushExtra; MOZ_ASSERT(toPush % LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR == 0); MOZ_ASSERT(toPush >= LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR); masm.move32(Imm32(toPush), R1.scratchReg()); // Emit unrolled loop with 4 pushes per iteration. Label pushLoop; masm.bind(&pushLoop); for (size_t i = 0; i < LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR; i++) { masm.pushValue(R0); } masm.branchSub32(Assembler::NonZero, Imm32(LOOP_UNROLL_FACTOR), R1.scratchReg(), &pushLoop); } } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitInitializeLocals() { // Push |undefined| for all locals. Register scratch = R0.scratchReg(); loadScript(scratch); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch, JSScript::offsetOfSharedData()), scratch); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch, SharedImmutableScriptData::offsetOfISD()), scratch); masm.load32(Address(scratch, ImmutableScriptData::offsetOfNfixed()), scratch); Label top, done; masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, scratch, scratch, &done); masm.bind(&top); { masm.pushValue(UndefinedValue()); masm.branchSub32(Assembler::NonZero, Imm32(1), scratch, &top); } masm.bind(&done); } // On input: // R2.scratchReg() contains object being written to. // Called with the baseline stack synced, except for R0 which is preserved. // All other registers are usable as scratch. // This calls: // void PostWriteBarrier(JSRuntime* rt, JSObject* obj); template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitOutOfLinePostBarrierSlot() { if (!postBarrierSlot_.used()) { return true; } masm.bind(&postBarrierSlot_); saveInterpreterPCReg(); Register objReg = R2.scratchReg(); AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet regs(GeneralRegisterSet::All()); regs.take(R0); regs.take(objReg); regs.take(BaselineFrameReg); Register scratch = regs.takeAny(); #if defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM64) // On ARM, save the link register before calling. It contains the return // address. The |masm.ret()| later will pop this into |pc| to return. masm.push(lr); #elif defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS64) masm.push(ra); #endif masm.pushValue(R0); using Fn = void (*)(JSRuntime * rt, js::gc::Cell * cell); masm.setupUnalignedABICall(scratch); masm.movePtr(ImmPtr(cx->runtime()), scratch); masm.passABIArg(scratch); masm.passABIArg(objReg); masm.callWithABI(); restoreInterpreterPCReg(); masm.popValue(R0); masm.ret(); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitNextIC() { // Emit a call to an IC stored in JitScript. Calls to this must match the // ICEntry order in JitScript: first the non-op IC entries for |this| and // formal arguments, then the for-op IC entries for JOF_IC ops. JSScript* script = handler.script(); uint32_t pcOffset = script->pcToOffset(handler.pc()); // We don't use every ICEntry and we can skip unreachable ops, so we have // to loop until we find an ICEntry for the current pc. const ICEntry* entry; uint32_t entryIndex; do { entry = &script->jitScript()->icEntry(handler.icEntryIndex()); entryIndex = handler.icEntryIndex(); handler.moveToNextICEntry(); } while (entry->pcOffset() < pcOffset); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(entry->pcOffset() == pcOffset); MOZ_ASSERT(BytecodeOpHasIC(JSOp(*handler.pc()))); // Load stub pointer into ICStubReg. masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfICScript(), ICStubReg); size_t firstStubOffset = ICScript::offsetOfFirstStub(entryIndex); masm.loadPtr(Address(ICStubReg, firstStubOffset), ICStubReg); CodeOffset returnOffset; EmitCallIC(masm, &returnOffset); RetAddrEntry::Kind kind = RetAddrEntry::Kind::IC; if (!handler.retAddrEntries().emplaceBack(pcOffset, kind, returnOffset)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitNextIC() { saveInterpreterPCReg(); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfInterpreterICEntry(), ICStubReg); masm.loadPtr(Address(ICStubReg, ICEntry::offsetOfFirstStub()), ICStubReg); masm.call(Address(ICStubReg, ICStub::offsetOfStubCode())); uint32_t returnOffset = masm.currentOffset(); restoreInterpreterPCReg(); // If this is an IC for a bytecode op where Ion may inline scripts, we need to // record the return offset for Ion bailouts. if (handler.currentOp()) { JSOp op = *handler.currentOp(); MOZ_ASSERT(BytecodeOpHasIC(op)); if (IsIonInlinableOp(op)) { if (!handler.icReturnOffsets().emplaceBack(returnOffset, op)) { return false; } } } return true; } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::computeFrameSize(Register dest) { MOZ_ASSERT(!inCall_, "must not be called in the middle of a VM call"); masm.move32(Imm32(frame.frameSize()), dest); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::computeFrameSize(Register dest) { // dest = FramePointer + BaselineFrame::FramePointerOffset - StackPointer. MOZ_ASSERT(!inCall_, "must not be called in the middle of a VM call"); masm.computeEffectiveAddress( Address(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::FramePointerOffset), dest); masm.subStackPtrFrom(dest); } template void BaselineCodeGen::prepareVMCall() { pushedBeforeCall_ = masm.framePushed(); #ifdef DEBUG inCall_ = true; #endif // Ensure everything is synced. frame.syncStack(0); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::storeFrameSizeAndPushDescriptor( uint32_t argSize, Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { uint32_t frameFullSize = frame.frameSize(); #ifdef DEBUG masm.store32(Imm32(frameFullSize), frame.addressOfDebugFrameSize()); #endif uint32_t descriptor = MakeFrameDescriptor( frameFullSize + argSize, FrameType::BaselineJS, ExitFrameLayout::Size()); masm.push(Imm32(descriptor)); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::storeFrameSizeAndPushDescriptor( uint32_t argSize, Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { // scratch1 = FramePointer + BaselineFrame::FramePointerOffset - StackPointer. masm.computeEffectiveAddress( Address(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::FramePointerOffset), scratch1); masm.subStackPtrFrom(scratch1); #ifdef DEBUG // Store the frame size without VMFunction arguments in debug builds. masm.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(scratch1, -int32_t(argSize)), scratch2); masm.store32(scratch2, frame.addressOfDebugFrameSize()); #endif // Push frame descriptor based on the full frame size. masm.makeFrameDescriptor(scratch1, FrameType::BaselineJS, ExitFrameLayout::Size()); masm.push(scratch1); } static uint32_t GetVMFunctionArgSize(const VMFunctionData& fun) { return fun.explicitStackSlots() * sizeof(void*); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::callVMInternal(VMFunctionId id, RetAddrEntry::Kind kind, CallVMPhase phase) { #ifdef DEBUG // Assert prepareVMCall() has been called. MOZ_ASSERT(inCall_); inCall_ = false; #endif TrampolinePtr code = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->getVMWrapper(id); const VMFunctionData& fun = GetVMFunction(id); uint32_t argSize = GetVMFunctionArgSize(fun); // Assert all arguments were pushed. MOZ_ASSERT(masm.framePushed() - pushedBeforeCall_ == argSize); saveInterpreterPCReg(); if (phase == CallVMPhase::AfterPushingLocals) { storeFrameSizeAndPushDescriptor(argSize, R0.scratchReg(), R1.scratchReg()); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(phase == CallVMPhase::BeforePushingLocals); uint32_t frameBaseSize = BaselineFrame::frameSizeForNumValueSlots(0); #ifdef DEBUG masm.store32(Imm32(frameBaseSize), frame.addressOfDebugFrameSize()); #endif uint32_t descriptor = MakeFrameDescriptor(frameBaseSize + argSize, FrameType::BaselineJS, ExitFrameLayout::Size()); masm.push(Imm32(descriptor)); } MOZ_ASSERT(fun.expectTailCall == NonTailCall); // Perform the call. masm.call(code); uint32_t callOffset = masm.currentOffset(); // Pop arguments from framePushed. masm.implicitPop(argSize); restoreInterpreterPCReg(); return handler.recordCallRetAddr(cx, kind, callOffset); } template template bool BaselineCodeGen::callVM(RetAddrEntry::Kind kind, CallVMPhase phase) { VMFunctionId fnId = VMFunctionToId::id; return callVMInternal(fnId, kind, phase); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitStackCheck() { Label skipCall; if (handler.mustIncludeSlotsInStackCheck()) { // Subtract the size of script->nslots() first. Register scratch = R1.scratchReg(); masm.moveStackPtrTo(scratch); subtractScriptSlotsSize(scratch, R2.scratchReg()); masm.branchPtr(Assembler::BelowOrEqual, AbsoluteAddress(cx->addressOfJitStackLimit()), scratch, &skipCall); } else { masm.branchStackPtrRhs(Assembler::BelowOrEqual, AbsoluteAddress(cx->addressOfJitStackLimit()), &skipCall); } prepareVMCall(); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R1.scratchReg()); pushArg(R1.scratchReg()); const CallVMPhase phase = CallVMPhase::BeforePushingLocals; const RetAddrEntry::Kind kind = RetAddrEntry::Kind::StackCheck; using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); if (!callVM(kind, phase)) { return false; } masm.bind(&skipCall); return true; } static void EmitCallFrameIsDebuggeeCheck(MacroAssembler& masm) { using Fn = void (*)(BaselineFrame * frame); masm.setupUnalignedABICall(R0.scratchReg()); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); masm.passABIArg(R0.scratchReg()); masm.callWithABI(); } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitIsDebuggeeCheck() { if (handler.compileDebugInstrumentation()) { EmitCallFrameIsDebuggeeCheck(masm); } return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitIsDebuggeeCheck() { // Use a toggled jump to call FrameIsDebuggeeCheck only if the debugger is // enabled. // // TODO(bug 1522394): consider having a cx->realm->isDebuggee guard before the // call. Consider moving the callWithABI out-of-line. Label skipCheck; CodeOffset toggleOffset = masm.toggledJump(&skipCheck); { saveInterpreterPCReg(); EmitCallFrameIsDebuggeeCheck(masm); restoreInterpreterPCReg(); } masm.bind(&skipCheck); return handler.addDebugInstrumentationOffset(cx, toggleOffset); } static void MaybeIncrementCodeCoverageCounter(MacroAssembler& masm, JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc) { if (!script->hasScriptCounts()) { return; } PCCounts* counts = script->maybeGetPCCounts(pc); uint64_t* counterAddr = &counts->numExec(); masm.inc64(AbsoluteAddress(counterAddr)); } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitHandleCodeCoverageAtPrologue() { // If the main instruction is not a jump target, then we emit the // corresponding code coverage counter. JSScript* script = handler.script(); jsbytecode* main = script->main(); if (!BytecodeIsJumpTarget(JSOp(*main))) { MaybeIncrementCodeCoverageCounter(masm, script, main); } return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitHandleCodeCoverageAtPrologue() { Label skipCoverage; CodeOffset toggleOffset = masm.toggledJump(&skipCoverage); masm.call(handler.codeCoverageAtPrologueLabel()); masm.bind(&skipCoverage); return handler.codeCoverageOffsets().append(toggleOffset.offset()); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::subtractScriptSlotsSize(Register reg, Register scratch) { uint32_t slotsSize = handler.script()->nslots() * sizeof(Value); masm.subPtr(Imm32(slotsSize), reg); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::subtractScriptSlotsSize(Register reg, Register scratch) { // reg = reg - script->nslots() * sizeof(Value) MOZ_ASSERT(reg != scratch); loadScript(scratch); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch, JSScript::offsetOfSharedData()), scratch); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch, SharedImmutableScriptData::offsetOfISD()), scratch); masm.load32(Address(scratch, ImmutableScriptData::offsetOfNslots()), scratch); static_assert(sizeof(Value) == 8, "shift by 3 below assumes Value is 8 bytes"); masm.lshiftPtr(Imm32(3), scratch); masm.subPtr(scratch, reg); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::loadGlobalLexicalEnvironment(Register dest) { masm.movePtr(ImmGCPtr(&cx->global()->lexicalEnvironment()), dest); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::loadGlobalLexicalEnvironment(Register dest) { masm.loadPtr(AbsoluteAddress(cx->addressOfRealm()), dest); masm.loadPtr(Address(dest, Realm::offsetOfActiveLexicalEnvironment()), dest); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::pushGlobalLexicalEnvironmentValue( ValueOperand scratch) { frame.push(ObjectValue(cx->global()->lexicalEnvironment())); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::pushGlobalLexicalEnvironmentValue( ValueOperand scratch) { loadGlobalLexicalEnvironment(scratch.scratchReg()); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, scratch.scratchReg(), scratch); frame.push(scratch); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::loadGlobalThisValue(ValueOperand dest) { JSObject* thisObj = cx->global()->lexicalEnvironment().thisObject(); masm.moveValue(ObjectValue(*thisObj), dest); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::loadGlobalThisValue(ValueOperand dest) { Register scratch = dest.scratchReg(); loadGlobalLexicalEnvironment(scratch); static constexpr size_t SlotOffset = LexicalEnvironmentObject::offsetOfThisValueOrScopeSlot(); masm.loadValue(Address(scratch, SlotOffset), dest); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::pushScriptArg() { pushArg(ImmGCPtr(handler.script())); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::pushScriptArg() { pushArg(frame.addressOfInterpreterScript()); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::pushBytecodePCArg() { pushArg(ImmPtr(handler.pc())); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::pushBytecodePCArg() { if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { pushArg(InterpreterPCReg); } else { pushArg(frame.addressOfInterpreterPC()); } } static gc::Cell* GetScriptGCThing(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc, ScriptGCThingType type) { switch (type) { case ScriptGCThingType::Atom: return script->getAtom(pc); case ScriptGCThingType::RegExp: return script->getRegExp(pc); case ScriptGCThingType::Object: return script->getObject(pc); case ScriptGCThingType::Function: return script->getFunction(pc); case ScriptGCThingType::Scope: return script->getScope(pc); case ScriptGCThingType::BigInt: return script->getBigInt(pc); } MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected GCThing type"); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::loadScriptGCThing(ScriptGCThingType type, Register dest, Register scratch) { gc::Cell* thing = GetScriptGCThing(handler.script(), handler.pc(), type); masm.movePtr(ImmGCPtr(thing), dest); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::loadScriptGCThing(ScriptGCThingType type, Register dest, Register scratch) { MOZ_ASSERT(dest != scratch); // Load the index in |scratch|. LoadInt32Operand(masm, scratch); // Load the GCCellPtr. loadScript(dest); masm.loadPtr(Address(dest, JSScript::offsetOfPrivateData()), dest); masm.loadPtr(BaseIndex(dest, scratch, ScalePointer, PrivateScriptData::offsetOfGCThings()), dest); // Clear the tag bits. switch (type) { case ScriptGCThingType::Atom: // Use xorPtr with a 32-bit immediate because it's more efficient than // andPtr on 64-bit. static_assert(uintptr_t(TraceKind::String) == 2, "Unexpected tag bits for string GCCellPtr"); masm.xorPtr(Imm32(2), dest); break; case ScriptGCThingType::RegExp: case ScriptGCThingType::Object: case ScriptGCThingType::Function: // No-op because GCCellPtr tag bits are zero for objects. static_assert(uintptr_t(TraceKind::Object) == 0, "Unexpected tag bits for object GCCellPtr"); break; case ScriptGCThingType::BigInt: // Use xorPtr with a 32-bit immediate because it's more efficient than // andPtr on 64-bit. static_assert(uintptr_t(TraceKind::BigInt) == 1, "Unexpected tag bits for BigInt GCCellPtr"); masm.xorPtr(Imm32(1), dest); break; case ScriptGCThingType::Scope: // Use xorPtr with a 32-bit immediate because it's more efficient than // andPtr on 64-bit. static_assert(uintptr_t(TraceKind::Scope) >= JS::OutOfLineTraceKindMask, "Expected Scopes to have OutOfLineTraceKindMask tag"); masm.xorPtr(Imm32(JS::OutOfLineTraceKindMask), dest); break; } #ifdef DEBUG // Assert low bits are not set. Label ok; masm.branchTestPtr(Assembler::Zero, dest, Imm32(0b111), &ok); masm.assumeUnreachable("GC pointer with tag bits set"); masm.bind(&ok); #endif } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::pushScriptGCThingArg(ScriptGCThingType type, Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { gc::Cell* thing = GetScriptGCThing(handler.script(), handler.pc(), type); pushArg(ImmGCPtr(thing)); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::pushScriptGCThingArg(ScriptGCThingType type, Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { loadScriptGCThing(type, scratch1, scratch2); pushArg(scratch1); } template void BaselineCodeGen::pushScriptNameArg(Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { pushScriptGCThingArg(ScriptGCThingType::Atom, scratch1, scratch2); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::pushUint8BytecodeOperandArg(Register) { MOZ_ASSERT(JOF_OPTYPE(JSOp(*handler.pc())) == JOF_UINT8); pushArg(Imm32(GET_UINT8(handler.pc()))); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::pushUint8BytecodeOperandArg(Register scratch) { LoadUint8Operand(masm, scratch); pushArg(scratch); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::pushUint16BytecodeOperandArg(Register) { MOZ_ASSERT(JOF_OPTYPE(JSOp(*handler.pc())) == JOF_UINT16); pushArg(Imm32(GET_UINT16(handler.pc()))); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::pushUint16BytecodeOperandArg( Register scratch) { LoadUint16Operand(masm, scratch); pushArg(scratch); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::loadInt32LengthBytecodeOperand(Register dest) { uint32_t length = GET_UINT32(handler.pc()); MOZ_ASSERT(length <= INT32_MAX, "the bytecode emitter must fail to compile code that would " "produce a length exceeding int32_t range"); masm.move32(Imm32(AssertedCast(length)), dest); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::loadInt32LengthBytecodeOperand(Register dest) { LoadInt32Operand(masm, dest); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitDebugPrologue() { auto ifDebuggee = [this]() { // Load pointer to BaselineFrame in R0. masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); const RetAddrEntry::Kind kind = RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugPrologue; using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); if (!callVM(kind)) { return false; } return true; }; return emitDebugInstrumentation(ifDebuggee); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitInitFrameFields(Register nonFunctionEnv) { Register scratch = R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R2.scratchReg(); MOZ_ASSERT(nonFunctionEnv != scratch && nonFunctionEnv != scratch2); masm.store32(Imm32(0), frame.addressOfFlags()); if (handler.function()) { masm.loadFunctionFromCalleeToken(frame.addressOfCalleeToken(), scratch); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch, JSFunction::offsetOfEnvironment()), scratch); masm.storePtr(scratch, frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain()); } else { masm.storePtr(nonFunctionEnv, frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain()); } // If cx->inlinedICScript contains an inlined ICScript (passed from // the caller), take that ICScript and store it in the frame, then // overwrite cx->inlinedICScript with nullptr. Label notInlined, done; masm.movePtr(ImmPtr(cx->addressOfInlinedICScript()), scratch); Address inlinedAddr(scratch, 0); masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, inlinedAddr, ImmWord(0), ¬Inlined); masm.loadPtr(inlinedAddr, scratch2); masm.storePtr(scratch2, frame.addressOfICScript()); masm.storePtr(ImmPtr(nullptr), inlinedAddr); masm.jump(&done); // Otherwise, store this script's default ICSCript in the frame. masm.bind(¬Inlined); masm.storePtr(ImmPtr(handler.script()->jitScript()->icScript()), frame.addressOfICScript()); masm.bind(&done); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitInitFrameFields(Register nonFunctionEnv) { MOZ_ASSERT(nonFunctionEnv == R1.scratchReg(), "Don't clobber nonFunctionEnv below"); // If we have a dedicated PC register we use it as scratch1 to avoid a // register move below. Register scratch1 = HasInterpreterPCReg() ? InterpreterPCReg : R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R2.scratchReg(); masm.store32(Imm32(BaselineFrame::RUNNING_IN_INTERPRETER), frame.addressOfFlags()); // Initialize interpreterScript. Label notFunction, done; masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfCalleeToken(), scratch1); masm.branchTestPtr(Assembler::NonZero, scratch1, Imm32(CalleeTokenScriptBit), ¬Function); { // CalleeToken_Function or CalleeToken_FunctionConstructing. masm.andPtr(Imm32(uint32_t(CalleeTokenMask)), scratch1); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch1, JSFunction::offsetOfEnvironment()), scratch2); masm.storePtr(scratch2, frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain()); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch1, JSFunction::offsetOfScript()), scratch1); masm.jump(&done); } masm.bind(¬Function); { // CalleeToken_Script. masm.andPtr(Imm32(uint32_t(CalleeTokenMask)), scratch1); masm.storePtr(nonFunctionEnv, frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain()); } masm.bind(&done); masm.storePtr(scratch1, frame.addressOfInterpreterScript()); // Initialize icScript and interpreterICEntry masm.loadJitScript(scratch1, scratch2); masm.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(scratch2, JitScript::offsetOfICScript()), scratch2); masm.storePtr(scratch2, frame.addressOfICScript()); masm.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(scratch2, ICScript::offsetOfICEntries()), scratch2); masm.storePtr(scratch2, frame.addressOfInterpreterICEntry()); // Initialize interpreter pc. masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch1, JSScript::offsetOfSharedData()), scratch1); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch1, SharedImmutableScriptData::offsetOfISD()), scratch1); masm.addPtr(Imm32(ImmutableScriptData::offsetOfCode()), scratch1); if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { MOZ_ASSERT(scratch1 == InterpreterPCReg, "pc must be stored in the pc register"); } else { masm.storePtr(scratch1, frame.addressOfInterpreterPC()); } } template <> template bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::initEnvironmentChainHelper( const F& initFunctionEnv) { if (handler.function()) { return initFunctionEnv(); } return true; } template <> template bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::initEnvironmentChainHelper( const F& initFunctionEnv) { // For function scripts use the code emitted by initFunctionEnv. For other // scripts this is a no-op. Label done; masm.branchTestPtr(Assembler::NonZero, frame.addressOfCalleeToken(), Imm32(CalleeTokenScriptBit), &done); { if (!initFunctionEnv()) { return false; } } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::initEnvironmentChain() { auto initFunctionEnv = [this]() { auto initEnv = [this]() { // Call into the VM to create the proper environment objects. prepareVMCall(); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); const CallVMPhase phase = CallVMPhase::BeforePushingLocals; using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); return callVMNonOp(phase); }; return emitTestScriptFlag( JSScript::ImmutableFlags::NeedsFunctionEnvironmentObjects, true, initEnv, R2.scratchReg()); }; return initEnvironmentChainHelper(initFunctionEnv); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitInterruptCheck() { frame.syncStack(0); Label done; masm.branch32(Assembler::Equal, AbsoluteAddress(cx->addressOfInterruptBits()), Imm32(0), &done); prepareVMCall(); // Use a custom RetAddrEntry::Kind so DebugModeOSR can distinguish this call // from other callVMs that might happen at this pc. const RetAddrEntry::Kind kind = RetAddrEntry::Kind::InterruptCheck; using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*); if (!callVM(kind)) { return false; } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitWarmUpCounterIncrement() { frame.assertSyncedStack(); // Record native code offset for OSR from Baseline Interpreter into Baseline // JIT code. This is right before the warm-up check in the Baseline JIT code, // to make sure we can immediately enter Ion if the script is warm enough or // if --ion-eager is used. JSScript* script = handler.script(); jsbytecode* pc = handler.pc(); if (JSOp(*pc) == JSOp::LoopHead) { uint32_t pcOffset = script->pcToOffset(pc); uint32_t nativeOffset = masm.currentOffset(); if (!handler.osrEntries().emplaceBack(pcOffset, nativeOffset)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } } // Emit no warm-up counter increments if Ion is not enabled or if the script // will never be Ion-compileable. if (!handler.maybeIonCompileable()) { return true; } Register scriptReg = R2.scratchReg(); Register countReg = R0.scratchReg(); // Load the ICScript* in scriptReg. masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfICScript(), scriptReg); // Bump warm-up counter. Address warmUpCounterAddr(scriptReg, ICScript::offsetOfWarmUpCount()); masm.load32(warmUpCounterAddr, countReg); masm.add32(Imm32(1), countReg); masm.store32(countReg, warmUpCounterAddr); if (!JitOptions.disableInlining) { // Consider trial inlining. // Note: unlike other warmup thresholds, where we try to enter a // higher tier whenever we are higher than a given warmup count, // trial inlining triggers once when reaching the threshold. Label noTrialInlining; masm.branch32(Assembler::NotEqual, countReg, Imm32(JitOptions.trialInliningWarmUpThreshold), &noTrialInlining); prepareVMCall(); masm.PushBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); if (!callVMNonOp()) { return false; } // Reload registers potentially clobbered by the call. masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfICScript(), scriptReg); masm.load32(warmUpCounterAddr, countReg); masm.bind(&noTrialInlining); } if (JSOp(*pc) == JSOp::LoopHead) { // If this is a loop where we can't OSR (for example because it's inside a // catch or finally block), increment the warmup counter but don't attempt // OSR (Ion/Warp only compiles the try block). if (!handler.analysis().info(pc).loopHeadCanOsr) { return true; } } Label done; const OptimizationInfo* info = IonOptimizations.get(OptimizationLevel::Normal); uint32_t warmUpThreshold = info->compilerWarmUpThreshold(script, pc); masm.branch32(Assembler::LessThan, countReg, Imm32(warmUpThreshold), &done); // Don't trigger Warp compilations from trial-inlined scripts. Address depthAddr(scriptReg, ICScript::offsetOfDepth()); masm.branch32(Assembler::NotEqual, depthAddr, Imm32(0), &done); // Load the IonScript* in scriptReg. We can load this from the ICScript* // because it must be an outer ICScript embedded in the JitScript. constexpr int32_t offset = -int32_t(JitScript::offsetOfICScript()) + int32_t(JitScript::offsetOfIonScript()); masm.loadPtr(Address(scriptReg, offset), scriptReg); // Do nothing if Ion is already compiling this script off-thread or if Ion has // been disabled for this script. masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, scriptReg, ImmPtr(IonCompilingScriptPtr), &done); masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, scriptReg, ImmPtr(IonDisabledScriptPtr), &done); // Try to compile and/or finish a compilation. if (JSOp(*pc) == JSOp::LoopHead) { // Try to OSR into Ion. computeFrameSize(R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); masm.PushBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, uint32_t, jsbytecode*, IonOsrTempData**); if (!callVM()) { return false; } // The return register holds the IonOsrTempData*. Perform OSR if it's not // nullptr. static_assert(ReturnReg != OsrFrameReg, "Code below depends on osrDataReg != OsrFrameReg"); Register osrDataReg = ReturnReg; masm.branchTestPtr(Assembler::Zero, osrDataReg, osrDataReg, &done); // Success! Switch from Baseline JIT code to Ion JIT code. // At this point, stack looks like: // // +-> [...Calling-Frame...] // | [...Actual-Args/ThisV/ArgCount/Callee...] // | [Descriptor] // | [Return-Addr] // +---[Saved-FramePtr] // [...Baseline-Frame...] // Restore the stack pointer so that the return address is on top of // the stack. masm.addToStackPtr(Imm32(frame.frameSize())); #ifdef DEBUG // Get a scratch register that's not osrDataReg or OsrFrameReg. AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet regs(GeneralRegisterSet::All()); regs.take(BaselineFrameReg); regs.take(osrDataReg); regs.take(OsrFrameReg); Register scratchReg = regs.takeAny(); // If profiler instrumentation is on, ensure that lastProfilingFrame is // the frame currently being OSR-ed { Label checkOk; AbsoluteAddress addressOfEnabled( cx->runtime()->geckoProfiler().addressOfEnabled()); masm.branch32(Assembler::Equal, addressOfEnabled, Imm32(0), &checkOk); masm.loadPtr(AbsoluteAddress((void*)&cx->jitActivation), scratchReg); masm.loadPtr( Address(scratchReg, JitActivation::offsetOfLastProfilingFrame()), scratchReg); // It may be the case that we entered the baseline frame with // profiling turned off on, then in a call within a loop (i.e. a // callee frame), turn on profiling, then return to this frame, // and then OSR with profiling turned on. In this case, allow for // lastProfilingFrame to be null. masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, scratchReg, ImmWord(0), &checkOk); masm.branchStackPtr(Assembler::Equal, scratchReg, &checkOk); masm.assumeUnreachable("Baseline OSR lastProfilingFrame mismatch."); masm.bind(&checkOk); } #endif // Jump into Ion. masm.loadPtr(Address(osrDataReg, IonOsrTempData::offsetOfBaselineFrame()), OsrFrameReg); masm.jump(Address(osrDataReg, IonOsrTempData::offsetOfJitCode())); } else { prepareVMCall(); masm.PushBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); if (!callVMNonOp()) { return false; } } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitWarmUpCounterIncrement() { Register scriptReg = R2.scratchReg(); Register countReg = R0.scratchReg(); // Load the JitScript* in scriptReg. loadScript(scriptReg); masm.loadJitScript(scriptReg, scriptReg); // Bump warm-up counter. Address warmUpCounterAddr(scriptReg, JitScript::offsetOfWarmUpCount()); masm.load32(warmUpCounterAddr, countReg); masm.add32(Imm32(1), countReg); masm.store32(countReg, warmUpCounterAddr); // If the script is warm enough for Baseline compilation, call into the VM to // compile it. Label done; masm.branch32(Assembler::BelowOrEqual, countReg, Imm32(JitOptions.baselineJitWarmUpThreshold), &done); masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, Address(scriptReg, JitScript::offsetOfBaselineScript()), ImmPtr(BaselineDisabledScriptPtr), &done); { prepareVMCall(); masm.PushBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, uint8_t**); if (!callVM()) { return false; } // If the function returned nullptr we either skipped compilation or were // unable to compile the script. Continue running in the interpreter. masm.branchTestPtr(Assembler::Zero, ReturnReg, ReturnReg, &done); // Success! Switch from interpreter to JIT code by jumping to the // corresponding code in the BaselineScript. // // This works because BaselineCompiler uses the same frame layout (stack is // synced at OSR points) and BaselineCompileFromBaselineInterpreter has // already cleared the RUNNING_IN_INTERPRETER flag for us. // See BaselineFrame::prepareForBaselineInterpreterToJitOSR. masm.jump(ReturnReg); } masm.bind(&done); return true; } bool BaselineCompiler::emitDebugTrap() { MOZ_ASSERT(compileDebugInstrumentation()); MOZ_ASSERT(frame.numUnsyncedSlots() == 0); JSScript* script = handler.script(); bool enabled = DebugAPI::stepModeEnabled(script) || DebugAPI::hasBreakpointsAt(script, handler.pc()); // Emit patchable call to debug trap handler. JitCode* handlerCode = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->debugTrapHandler( cx, DebugTrapHandlerKind::Compiler); if (!handlerCode) { return false; } CodeOffset nativeOffset = masm.toggledCall(handlerCode, enabled); uint32_t pcOffset = script->pcToOffset(handler.pc()); if (!debugTrapEntries_.emplaceBack(pcOffset, nativeOffset.offset())) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } // Add a RetAddrEntry for the return offset -> pc mapping. return handler.recordCallRetAddr(cx, RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugTrap, masm.currentOffset()); } #ifdef JS_TRACE_LOGGING template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitTraceLoggerEnter() { AllocatableRegisterSet regs(RegisterSet::Volatile()); Register loggerReg = regs.takeAnyGeneral(); Register scriptReg = regs.takeAnyGeneral(); Label noTraceLogger; if (!traceLoggerToggleOffsets_.append(masm.toggledJump(&noTraceLogger))) { return false; } masm.Push(loggerReg); masm.Push(scriptReg); masm.loadTraceLogger(loggerReg); // Script start. masm.movePtr(ImmPtr(handler.script()->jitScript()), scriptReg); masm.loadPtr(Address(scriptReg, JitScript::offsetOfBaselineScript()), scriptReg); Address scriptEvent(scriptReg, BaselineScript::offsetOfTraceLoggerScriptEvent()); masm.computeEffectiveAddress(scriptEvent, scriptReg); masm.tracelogStartEvent(loggerReg, scriptReg); // Engine start. masm.tracelogStartId(loggerReg, TraceLogger_Baseline, /* force = */ true); masm.Pop(scriptReg); masm.Pop(loggerReg); masm.bind(&noTraceLogger); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitTraceLoggerEnter() { if (JS::TraceLoggerSupported()) { MOZ_CRASH("NYI: interpreter emitTraceLoggerEnter"); } return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitTraceLoggerExit() { AllocatableRegisterSet regs(RegisterSet::Volatile()); Register loggerReg = regs.takeAnyGeneral(); Label noTraceLogger; if (!traceLoggerToggleOffsets_.append(masm.toggledJump(&noTraceLogger))) { return false; } masm.Push(loggerReg); masm.loadTraceLogger(loggerReg); masm.tracelogStopId(loggerReg, TraceLogger_Baseline, /* force = */ true); masm.tracelogStopId(loggerReg, TraceLogger_Scripts, /* force = */ true); masm.Pop(loggerReg); masm.bind(&noTraceLogger); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitTraceLoggerResume( Register baselineScript, AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet& regs) { Register scriptId = regs.takeAny(); Register loggerReg = regs.takeAny(); Label noTraceLogger; if (!traceLoggerToggleOffsets_.append(masm.toggledJump(&noTraceLogger))) { return false; } masm.loadTraceLogger(loggerReg); Address scriptEvent(baselineScript, BaselineScript::offsetOfTraceLoggerScriptEvent()); masm.computeEffectiveAddress(scriptEvent, scriptId); masm.tracelogStartEvent(loggerReg, scriptId); masm.tracelogStartId(loggerReg, TraceLogger_Baseline, /* force = */ true); regs.add(loggerReg); regs.add(scriptId); masm.bind(&noTraceLogger); return true; } #endif template void BaselineCodeGen::emitProfilerEnterFrame() { // Store stack position to lastProfilingFrame variable, guarded by a toggled // jump. Starts off initially disabled. Label noInstrument; CodeOffset toggleOffset = masm.toggledJump(&noInstrument); masm.profilerEnterFrame(masm.getStackPointer(), R0.scratchReg()); masm.bind(&noInstrument); // Store the start offset in the appropriate location. MOZ_ASSERT(!profilerEnterFrameToggleOffset_.bound()); profilerEnterFrameToggleOffset_ = toggleOffset; } template void BaselineCodeGen::emitProfilerExitFrame() { // Store previous frame to lastProfilingFrame variable, guarded by a toggled // jump. Starts off initially disabled. Label noInstrument; CodeOffset toggleOffset = masm.toggledJump(&noInstrument); masm.profilerExitFrame(); masm.bind(&noInstrument); // Store the start offset in the appropriate location. MOZ_ASSERT(!profilerExitFrameToggleOffset_.bound()); profilerExitFrameToggleOffset_ = toggleOffset; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Nop() { return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_NopDestructuring() { return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_TryDestructuring() { return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Pop() { frame.pop(); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_PopN() { frame.popn(GET_UINT16(handler.pc())); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_PopN() { LoadUint16Operand(masm, R0.scratchReg()); frame.popn(R0.scratchReg()); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_DupAt() { frame.syncStack(0); // DupAt takes a value on the stack and re-pushes it on top. It's like // GetLocal but it addresses from the top of the stack instead of from the // stack frame. int depth = -(GET_UINT24(handler.pc()) + 1); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(depth), R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_DupAt() { LoadUint24Operand(masm, 0, R0.scratchReg()); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(R0.scratchReg()), R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Dup() { // Keep top stack value in R0, sync the rest so that we can use R1. We use // separate registers because every register can be used by at most one // StackValue. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); masm.moveValue(R0, R1); // inc/dec ops use Dup followed by Inc/Dec. Push R0 last to avoid a move. frame.push(R1); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Dup2() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R1); frame.push(R0); frame.push(R1); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Swap() { // Keep top stack values in R0 and R1. frame.popRegsAndSync(2); frame.push(R1); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_Pick() { frame.syncStack(0); // Pick takes a value on the stack and moves it to the top. // For instance, pick 2: // before: A B C D E // after : A B D E C // First, move value at -(amount + 1) into R0. int32_t depth = -(GET_INT8(handler.pc()) + 1); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(depth), R0); // Move the other values down. depth++; for (; depth < 0; depth++) { Address source = frame.addressOfStackValue(depth); Address dest = frame.addressOfStackValue(depth - 1); masm.loadValue(source, R1); masm.storeValue(R1, dest); } // Push R0. frame.pop(); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_Pick() { // First, move the value to move up into R0. Register scratch = R2.scratchReg(); LoadUint8Operand(masm, scratch); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(scratch), R0); // Move the other values down. Label top, done; masm.bind(&top); masm.branchSub32(Assembler::Signed, Imm32(1), scratch, &done); { masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(scratch), R1); masm.storeValue(R1, frame.addressOfStackValue(scratch, sizeof(Value))); masm.jump(&top); } masm.bind(&done); // Replace value on top of the stack with R0. masm.storeValue(R0, frame.addressOfStackValue(-1)); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_Unpick() { frame.syncStack(0); // Pick takes the top of the stack value and moves it under the nth value. // For instance, unpick 2: // before: A B C D E // after : A B E C D // First, move value at -1 into R0. masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); MOZ_ASSERT(GET_INT8(handler.pc()) > 0, "Interpreter code assumes JSOp::Unpick operand > 0"); // Move the other values up. int32_t depth = -(GET_INT8(handler.pc()) + 1); for (int32_t i = -1; i > depth; i--) { Address source = frame.addressOfStackValue(i - 1); Address dest = frame.addressOfStackValue(i); masm.loadValue(source, R1); masm.storeValue(R1, dest); } // Store R0 under the nth value. Address dest = frame.addressOfStackValue(depth); masm.storeValue(R0, dest); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_Unpick() { Register scratch = R2.scratchReg(); LoadUint8Operand(masm, scratch); // Move the top value into R0. masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); // Overwrite the nth stack value with R0 but first save the old value in R1. masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(scratch), R1); masm.storeValue(R0, frame.addressOfStackValue(scratch)); // Now for each slot x in [n-1, 1] do the following: // // * Store the value in slot x in R0. // * Store the value in the previous slot (now in R1) in slot x. // * Move R0 to R1. #ifdef DEBUG // Assert the operand > 0 so the branchSub32 below doesn't "underflow" to // negative values. { Label ok; masm.branch32(Assembler::GreaterThan, scratch, Imm32(0), &ok); masm.assumeUnreachable("JSOp::Unpick with operand <= 0?"); masm.bind(&ok); } #endif Label top, done; masm.bind(&top); masm.branchSub32(Assembler::Zero, Imm32(1), scratch, &done); { // Overwrite stack slot x with slot x + 1, saving the old value in R1. masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(scratch), R0); masm.storeValue(R1, frame.addressOfStackValue(scratch)); masm.moveValue(R0, R1); masm.jump(&top); } // Finally, replace the value on top of the stack (slot 0) with R1. This is // the value that used to be in slot 1. masm.bind(&done); masm.storeValue(R1, frame.addressOfStackValue(-1)); return true; } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitJump() { jsbytecode* pc = handler.pc(); MOZ_ASSERT(IsJumpOpcode(JSOp(*pc))); frame.assertSyncedStack(); jsbytecode* target = pc + GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc); masm.jump(handler.labelOf(target)); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitJump() { // We have to add the current pc's jump offset to the current pc. We can use // R0 and R1 as scratch because we jump to the "next op" label so these // registers aren't in use at this point. Register scratch1 = R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R1.scratchReg(); Register pc = LoadBytecodePC(masm, scratch1); LoadInt32OperandSignExtendToPtr(masm, pc, scratch2); if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { masm.addPtr(scratch2, InterpreterPCReg); } else { masm.addPtr(pc, scratch2); masm.storePtr(scratch2, frame.addressOfInterpreterPC()); } masm.jump(handler.interpretOpWithPCRegLabel()); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitTestBooleanTruthy(bool branchIfTrue, ValueOperand val) { jsbytecode* pc = handler.pc(); MOZ_ASSERT(IsJumpOpcode(JSOp(*pc))); frame.assertSyncedStack(); jsbytecode* target = pc + GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc); masm.branchTestBooleanTruthy(branchIfTrue, val, handler.labelOf(target)); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitTestBooleanTruthy(bool branchIfTrue, ValueOperand val) { Label done; masm.branchTestBooleanTruthy(!branchIfTrue, val, &done); emitJump(); masm.bind(&done); } template <> template [[nodiscard]] bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitTestScriptFlag( JSScript::ImmutableFlags flag, const F1& ifSet, const F2& ifNotSet, Register scratch) { return handler.script()->hasFlag(flag) ? ifSet() : ifNotSet(); } template <> template [[nodiscard]] bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitTestScriptFlag( JSScript::ImmutableFlags flag, const F1& ifSet, const F2& ifNotSet, Register scratch) { Label flagNotSet, done; loadScript(scratch); masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, Address(scratch, JSScript::offsetOfImmutableFlags()), Imm32(uint32_t(flag)), &flagNotSet); { if (!ifSet()) { return false; } masm.jump(&done); } masm.bind(&flagNotSet); { if (!ifNotSet()) { return false; } } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template <> template [[nodiscard]] bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitTestScriptFlag( JSScript::ImmutableFlags flag, bool value, const F& emit, Register scratch) { if (handler.script()->hasFlag(flag) == value) { return emit(); } return true; } template <> template [[nodiscard]] bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitTestScriptFlag( JSScript::MutableFlags flag, bool value, const F& emit, Register scratch) { if (handler.script()->hasFlag(flag) == value) { return emit(); } return true; } template <> template [[nodiscard]] bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitTestScriptFlag( JSScript::ImmutableFlags flag, bool value, const F& emit, Register scratch) { Label done; loadScript(scratch); masm.branchTest32(value ? Assembler::Zero : Assembler::NonZero, Address(scratch, JSScript::offsetOfImmutableFlags()), Imm32(uint32_t(flag)), &done); { if (!emit()) { return false; } } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template <> template [[nodiscard]] bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitTestScriptFlag( JSScript::MutableFlags flag, bool value, const F& emit, Register scratch) { Label done; loadScript(scratch); masm.branchTest32(value ? Assembler::Zero : Assembler::NonZero, Address(scratch, JSScript::offsetOfMutableFlags()), Imm32(uint32_t(flag)), &done); { if (!emit()) { return false; } } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Goto() { frame.syncStack(0); emitJump(); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitToBoolean() { Label skipIC; masm.branchTestBoolean(Assembler::Equal, R0, &skipIC); // Call IC if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } masm.bind(&skipIC); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitTest(bool branchIfTrue) { bool knownBoolean = frame.stackValueHasKnownType(-1, JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN); // Keep top stack value in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); if (!knownBoolean && !emitToBoolean()) { return false; } // IC will leave a BooleanValue in R0, just need to branch on it. emitTestBooleanTruthy(branchIfTrue, R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_IfEq() { return emitTest(false); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_IfNe() { return emitTest(true); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitAndOr(bool branchIfTrue) { bool knownBoolean = frame.stackValueHasKnownType(-1, JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN); // And and Or leave the original value on the stack. frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); if (!knownBoolean && !emitToBoolean()) { return false; } emitTestBooleanTruthy(branchIfTrue, R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_And() { return emitAndOr(false); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Or() { return emitAndOr(true); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Coalesce() { // Coalesce leaves the original value on the stack. frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); Label undefinedOrNull; masm.branchTestUndefined(Assembler::Equal, R0, &undefinedOrNull); masm.branchTestNull(Assembler::Equal, R0, &undefinedOrNull); emitJump(); masm.bind(&undefinedOrNull); // fall through return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Not() { bool knownBoolean = frame.stackValueHasKnownType(-1, JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN); // Keep top stack value in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); if (!knownBoolean && !emitToBoolean()) { return false; } masm.notBoolean(R0); frame.push(R0, JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Pos() { return emitUnaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_ToNumeric() { return emitUnaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_LoopHead() { if (!emit_JumpTarget()) { return false; } if (!emitInterruptCheck()) { return false; } if (!emitWarmUpCounterIncrement()) { return false; } return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Void() { frame.pop(); frame.push(UndefinedValue()); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Undefined() { // If this ever changes, change what JSOp::GImplicitThis does too. frame.push(UndefinedValue()); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Hole() { frame.push(MagicValue(JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE)); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Null() { frame.push(NullValue()); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CheckIsObj() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); Label ok; masm.branchTestObject(Assembler::Equal, R0, &ok); prepareVMCall(); pushUint8BytecodeOperandArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, CheckIsObjectKind); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.bind(&ok); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CheckThis() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); return emitCheckThis(R0); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CheckThisReinit() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); return emitCheckThis(R0, /* reinit = */ true); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitCheckThis(ValueOperand val, bool reinit) { Label thisOK; if (reinit) { masm.branchTestMagic(Assembler::Equal, val, &thisOK); } else { masm.branchTestMagic(Assembler::NotEqual, val, &thisOK); } prepareVMCall(); if (reinit) { using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*); if (!callVM()) { return false; } } else { using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*); if (!callVM()) { return false; } } masm.bind(&thisOK); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CheckReturn() { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(handler.maybeScript(), handler.maybeScript()->isDerivedClassConstructor()); // Load |this| in R0, return value in R1. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); emitLoadReturnValue(R1); Label done, returnOK; masm.branchTestObject(Assembler::Equal, R1, &done); masm.branchTestUndefined(Assembler::Equal, R1, &returnOK); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R1); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.assumeUnreachable("Should throw on bad derived constructor return"); masm.bind(&returnOK); if (!emitCheckThis(R0)) { return false; } // Store |this| in the return value slot. masm.storeValue(R0, frame.addressOfReturnValue()); masm.or32(Imm32(BaselineFrame::HAS_RVAL), frame.addressOfFlags()); masm.bind(&done); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_FunctionThis() { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(handler.maybeFunction(), !handler.maybeFunction()->isArrow()); frame.pushThis(); auto boxThis = [this]() { // Load |thisv| in R0. Skip the call if it's already an object. Label skipCall; frame.popRegsAndSync(1); masm.branchTestObject(Assembler::Equal, R0, &skipCall); prepareVMCall(); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R1.scratchReg()); pushArg(R1.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, MutableHandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.bind(&skipCall); frame.push(R0); return true; }; // In strict mode code, |this| is left alone. return emitTestScriptFlag(JSScript::ImmutableFlags::Strict, false, boxThis, R2.scratchReg()); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GlobalThis() { frame.syncStack(0); auto getNonSyntacticThis = [this]() { prepareVMCall(); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = void (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, MutableHandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; }; auto getGlobalThis = [this]() { loadGlobalThisValue(R0); frame.push(R0); return true; }; return emitTestScriptFlag(JSScript::ImmutableFlags::HasNonSyntacticScope, getNonSyntacticThis, getGlobalThis, R2.scratchReg()); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_True() { frame.push(BooleanValue(true)); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_False() { frame.push(BooleanValue(false)); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Zero() { frame.push(Int32Value(0)); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_One() { frame.push(Int32Value(1)); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_Int8() { frame.push(Int32Value(GET_INT8(handler.pc()))); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_Int8() { LoadInt8Operand(masm, R0.scratchReg()); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, R0.scratchReg(), R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_Int32() { frame.push(Int32Value(GET_INT32(handler.pc()))); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_Int32() { LoadInt32Operand(masm, R0.scratchReg()); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, R0.scratchReg(), R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_Uint16() { frame.push(Int32Value(GET_UINT16(handler.pc()))); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_Uint16() { LoadUint16Operand(masm, R0.scratchReg()); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, R0.scratchReg(), R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_Uint24() { frame.push(Int32Value(GET_UINT24(handler.pc()))); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_Uint24() { LoadUint24Operand(masm, 0, R0.scratchReg()); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, R0.scratchReg(), R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_ResumeIndex() { return emit_Uint24(); } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_Double() { frame.push(GET_INLINE_VALUE(handler.pc())); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_Double() { LoadInlineValueOperand(masm, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_BigInt() { BigInt* bi = handler.script()->getBigInt(handler.pc()); frame.push(BigIntValue(bi)); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_BigInt() { Register scratch1 = R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R1.scratchReg(); loadScriptGCThing(ScriptGCThingType::BigInt, scratch1, scratch2); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_BIGINT, scratch1, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_String() { frame.push(StringValue(handler.script()->getAtom(handler.pc()))); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_String() { Register scratch1 = R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R1.scratchReg(); loadScriptGCThing(ScriptGCThingType::Atom, scratch1, scratch2); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, scratch1, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_Symbol() { unsigned which = GET_UINT8(handler.pc()); JS::Symbol* sym = cx->runtime()->wellKnownSymbols->get(which); frame.push(SymbolValue(sym)); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_Symbol() { Register scratch1 = R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R1.scratchReg(); LoadUint8Operand(masm, scratch1); masm.movePtr(ImmPtr(cx->runtime()->wellKnownSymbols), scratch2); masm.loadPtr(BaseIndex(scratch2, scratch1, ScalePointer), scratch1); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_SYMBOL, scratch1, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_Object() { frame.push(ObjectValue(*handler.script()->getObject(handler.pc()))); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_Object() { Register scratch1 = R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R1.scratchReg(); loadScriptGCThing(ScriptGCThingType::Object, scratch1, scratch2); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, scratch1, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_CallSiteObj() { RootedScript script(cx, handler.script()); JSObject* cso = ProcessCallSiteObjOperation(cx, script, handler.pc()); if (!cso) { return false; } frame.push(ObjectValue(*cso)); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_CallSiteObj() { prepareVMCall(); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushScriptArg(); using Fn = ArrayObject* (*)(JSContext*, HandleScript, jsbytecode*); if (!callVM()) { return false; } // Box and push return value. masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_RegExp() { prepareVMCall(); pushScriptGCThingArg(ScriptGCThingType::RegExp, R0.scratchReg(), R1.scratchReg()); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, Handle); if (!callVM()) { return false; } // Box and push return value. masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Lambda() { prepareVMCall(); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); pushScriptGCThingArg(ScriptGCThingType::Function, R0.scratchReg(), R1.scratchReg()); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, HandleFunction, HandleObject); if (!callVM()) { return false; } // Box and push return value. masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_LambdaArrow() { // Keep pushed newTarget in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); prepareVMCall(); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), R2.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0); pushArg(R2.scratchReg()); pushScriptGCThingArg(ScriptGCThingType::Function, R0.scratchReg(), R1.scratchReg()); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, HandleFunction, HandleObject, HandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } // Box and push return value. masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SetFunName() { frame.popRegsAndSync(2); frame.push(R0); frame.syncStack(0); masm.unboxObject(R0, R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushUint8BytecodeOperandArg(R2.scratchReg()); pushArg(R1); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleFunction, HandleValue, FunctionPrefixKind); return callVM(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_BitOr() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_BitXor() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_BitAnd() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Lsh() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Rsh() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Ursh() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Add() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Sub() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Mul() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Div() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Mod() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Pow() { return emitBinaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitBinaryArith() { // Keep top JSStack value in R0 and R2 frame.popRegsAndSync(2); // Call IC if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Mark R0 as pushed stack value. frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitUnaryArith() { // Keep top stack value in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); // Call IC if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Mark R0 as pushed stack value. frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_BitNot() { return emitUnaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Neg() { return emitUnaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Inc() { return emitUnaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Dec() { return emitUnaryArith(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Lt() { return emitCompare(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Le() { return emitCompare(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Gt() { return emitCompare(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Ge() { return emitCompare(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Eq() { return emitCompare(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Ne() { return emitCompare(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitCompare() { // CODEGEN // Keep top JSStack value in R0 and R1. frame.popRegsAndSync(2); // Call IC. if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Mark R0 as pushed stack value. frame.push(R0, JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictEq() { return emitCompare(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictNe() { return emitCompare(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Case() { frame.popRegsAndSync(1); Label done; masm.branchTestBooleanTruthy(/* branchIfTrue */ false, R0, &done); { // Pop the switch value if the case matches. masm.addToStackPtr(Imm32(sizeof(Value))); emitJump(); } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Default() { frame.pop(); return emit_Goto(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Lineno() { return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_NewArray() { frame.syncStack(0); // Pass length in R0. loadInt32LengthBytecodeOperand(R0.scratchReg()); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } static void MarkElementsNonPackedIfHoleValue(MacroAssembler& masm, Register elements, ValueOperand val) { Label notHole; masm.branchTestMagic(Assembler::NotEqual, val, ¬Hole); { Address elementsFlags(elements, ObjectElements::offsetOfFlags()); masm.or32(Imm32(ObjectElements::NON_PACKED), elementsFlags); } masm.bind(¬Hole); } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_InitElemArray() { // Pop value into R0, keep the object on the stack. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); // Load object in R2. Register obj = R2.scratchReg(); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), obj); // Load index in R1. Register index = R1.scratchReg(); LoadInt32Operand(masm, index); // Store the Value. No pre-barrier because this is an initialization. masm.loadPtr(Address(obj, NativeObject::offsetOfElements()), obj); masm.storeValue(R0, BaseObjectElementIndex(obj, index)); // Bump initialized length. Address initLength(obj, ObjectElements::offsetOfInitializedLength()); masm.add32(Imm32(1), index); masm.store32(index, initLength); // Mark elements as NON_PACKED if we stored the hole value. MarkElementsNonPackedIfHoleValue(masm, obj, R0); // Post-barrier. Label skipBarrier; Register scratch = index; masm.branchValueIsNurseryCell(Assembler::NotEqual, R0, scratch, &skipBarrier); { masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), obj); masm.branchPtrInNurseryChunk(Assembler::Equal, obj, scratch, &skipBarrier); MOZ_ASSERT(obj == R2.scratchReg(), "post barrier expects object in R2"); masm.call(&postBarrierSlot_); } masm.bind(&skipBarrier); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_InitElemArray() { // Pop value into R0, keep the object on the stack. Maybe knownValue = frame.knownStackValue(-1); frame.popRegsAndSync(1); // Load object in R2. Register obj = R2.scratchReg(); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), obj); uint32_t index = GET_UINT32(handler.pc()); MOZ_ASSERT(index <= INT32_MAX, "the bytecode emitter must fail to compile code that would " "produce an index exceeding int32_t range"); // Store the Value. No pre-barrier because this is an initialization. masm.loadPtr(Address(obj, NativeObject::offsetOfElements()), obj); masm.storeValue(R0, Address(obj, index * sizeof(Value))); // Bump initialized length. Address initLength(obj, ObjectElements::offsetOfInitializedLength()); masm.store32(Imm32(index + 1), initLength); // Mark elements as NON_PACKED if we stored the hole value. We know this // statically except when debugger instrumentation is enabled because that // forces a stack-sync (which discards constants and known types) for each op. if (knownValue && knownValue->isMagic(JS_ELEMENTS_HOLE)) { Address elementsFlags(obj, ObjectElements::offsetOfFlags()); masm.or32(Imm32(ObjectElements::NON_PACKED), elementsFlags); } else if (handler.compileDebugInstrumentation()) { MarkElementsNonPackedIfHoleValue(masm, obj, R0); } else { #ifdef DEBUG Label notHole; masm.branchTestMagic(Assembler::NotEqual, R0, ¬Hole); masm.assumeUnreachable("Unexpected hole value"); masm.bind(¬Hole); #endif } // Post-barrier. if (knownValue) { MOZ_ASSERT(JS::GCPolicy::isTenured(*knownValue)); } else { Label skipBarrier; Register scratch = R1.scratchReg(); masm.branchValueIsNurseryCell(Assembler::NotEqual, R0, scratch, &skipBarrier); { masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), obj); masm.branchPtrInNurseryChunk(Assembler::Equal, obj, scratch, &skipBarrier); MOZ_ASSERT(obj == R2.scratchReg(), "post barrier expects object in R2"); masm.call(&postBarrierSlot_); } masm.bind(&skipBarrier); } return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_NewObject() { return emitNewObject(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_NewInit() { return emitNewObject(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitNewObject() { frame.syncStack(0); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitElem() { // Store RHS in the scratch slot. frame.storeStackValue(-1, frame.addressOfScratchValue(), R2); frame.pop(); // Keep object and index in R0 and R1. frame.popRegsAndSync(2); // Push the object to store the result of the IC. frame.push(R0); frame.syncStack(0); // Keep RHS on the stack. frame.pushScratchValue(); // Call IC. if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Pop the rhs, so that the object is on the top of the stack. frame.pop(); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitHiddenElem() { return emit_InitElem(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitLockedElem() { return emit_InitElem(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_MutateProto() { // Keep values on the stack for the decompiler. frame.syncStack(0); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R0.scratchReg()); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R1); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R1); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandlePlainObject, HandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.pop(); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitProp() { // Load lhs in R0, rhs in R1. frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R1); // Call IC. if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Leave the object on the stack. frame.pop(); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitLockedProp() { return emit_InitProp(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitHiddenProp() { return emit_InitProp(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GetElem() { // Keep top two stack values in R0 and R1. frame.popRegsAndSync(2); // Call IC. if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Mark R0 as pushed stack value. frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GetElemSuper() { // Store obj in the scratch slot. frame.storeStackValue(-1, frame.addressOfScratchValue(), R2); frame.pop(); // Keep receiver and index in R0 and R1. frame.popRegsAndSync(2); // Keep obj on the stack. frame.pushScratchValue(); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.pop(); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SetElem() { // Store RHS in the scratch slot. frame.storeStackValue(-1, frame.addressOfScratchValue(), R2); frame.pop(); // Keep object and index in R0 and R1. frame.popRegsAndSync(2); // Keep RHS on the stack. frame.pushScratchValue(); // Call IC. if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictSetElem() { return emit_SetElem(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitSetElemSuper(bool strict) { // Incoming stack is |receiver, propval, obj, rval|. We need to shuffle // stack to leave rval when operation is complete. // Pop rval into R0, then load receiver into R1 and replace with rval. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-3), R1); masm.storeValue(R0, frame.addressOfStackValue(-3)); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(Imm32(strict)); pushArg(R1); // receiver pushArg(R0); // rval masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R0); pushArg(R0); // propval masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); // obj using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleValue, HandleValue, HandleValue, bool); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.popn(2); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SetElemSuper() { return emitSetElemSuper(/* strict = */ false); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictSetElemSuper() { return emitSetElemSuper(/* strict = */ true); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitDelElem(bool strict) { // Keep values on the stack for the decompiler. frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R1); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R1); pushArg(R0); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue, HandleValue, bool*); if (strict) { if (!callVM>()) { return false; } } else { if (!callVM>()) { return false; } } masm.boxNonDouble(JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, ReturnReg, R1); frame.popn(2); frame.push(R1); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_DelElem() { return emitDelElem(/* strict = */ false); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictDelElem() { return emitDelElem(/* strict = */ true); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_In() { frame.popRegsAndSync(2); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_HasOwn() { frame.popRegsAndSync(2); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CheckPrivateField() { // Keep key and val on the stack. frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R1); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::tryOptimizeGetGlobalName() { PropertyName* name = handler.script()->getName(handler.pc()); // These names are non-configurable on the global and cannot be shadowed. if (name == cx->names().undefined) { frame.push(UndefinedValue()); return true; } if (name == cx->names().NaN) { frame.push(JS::NaNValue()); return true; } if (name == cx->names().Infinity) { frame.push(JS::InfinityValue()); return true; } return false; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::tryOptimizeGetGlobalName() { // Interpreter doesn't optimize simple GETGNAMEs. return false; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GetGName() { auto getName = [this]() { return emit_GetName(); }; auto getGlobalName = [this]() { if (tryOptimizeGetGlobalName()) { return true; } frame.syncStack(0); loadGlobalLexicalEnvironment(R0.scratchReg()); // Call IC. if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Mark R0 as pushed stack value. frame.push(R0); return true; }; return emitTestScriptFlag(JSScript::ImmutableFlags::HasNonSyntacticScope, getName, getGlobalName, R2.scratchReg()); } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::tryOptimizeBindGlobalName() { JSScript* script = handler.script(); if (script->hasNonSyntacticScope()) { return false; } RootedGlobalObject global(cx, &script->global()); RootedPropertyName name(cx, script->getName(handler.pc())); if (JSObject* binding = MaybeOptimizeBindGlobalName(cx, global, name)) { frame.push(ObjectValue(*binding)); return true; } return false; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::tryOptimizeBindGlobalName() { // Interpreter doesn't optimize simple BINDGNAMEs. return false; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_BindGName() { if (tryOptimizeBindGlobalName()) { return true; } return emitBindName(JSOp::BindGName); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_BindVar() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, JSObject*); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SetProp() { // Keep lhs in R0, rhs in R1. frame.popRegsAndSync(2); // Keep RHS on the stack. frame.push(R1); frame.syncStack(0); // Call IC. if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictSetProp() { return emit_SetProp(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SetName() { return emit_SetProp(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictSetName() { return emit_SetProp(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SetGName() { return emit_SetProp(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictSetGName() { return emit_SetProp(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitSetPropSuper(bool strict) { // Incoming stack is |receiver, obj, rval|. We need to shuffle stack to // leave rval when operation is complete. // Pop rval into R0, then load receiver into R1 and replace with rval. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R1); masm.storeValue(R0, frame.addressOfStackValue(-2)); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(Imm32(strict)); pushArg(R0); // rval pushScriptNameArg(R0.scratchReg(), R2.scratchReg()); pushArg(R1); // receiver masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); // obj using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleValue, HandlePropertyName, HandleValue, bool); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.pop(); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SetPropSuper() { return emitSetPropSuper(/* strict = */ false); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictSetPropSuper() { return emitSetPropSuper(/* strict = */ true); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GetProp() { // Keep object in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); // Call IC. if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Mark R0 as pushed stack value. frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GetBoundName() { return emit_GetProp(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GetPropSuper() { // Receiver -> R1, Object -> R0 frame.popRegsAndSync(1); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R1); frame.pop(); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitDelProp(bool strict) { // Keep value on the stack for the decompiler. frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); prepareVMCall(); pushScriptNameArg(R1.scratchReg(), R2.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue, HandlePropertyName, bool*); if (strict) { if (!callVM>()) { return false; } } else { if (!callVM>()) { return false; } } masm.boxNonDouble(JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, ReturnReg, R1); frame.pop(); frame.push(R1); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_DelProp() { return emitDelProp(/* strict = */ false); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictDelProp() { return emitDelProp(/* strict = */ true); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::getEnvironmentCoordinateObject(Register reg) { EnvironmentCoordinate ec(handler.pc()); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), reg); for (unsigned i = ec.hops(); i; i--) { masm.unboxObject( Address(reg, EnvironmentObject::offsetOfEnclosingEnvironment()), reg); } } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::getEnvironmentCoordinateObject(Register reg) { MOZ_CRASH("Shouldn't call this for interpreter"); } template <> Address BaselineCompilerCodeGen::getEnvironmentCoordinateAddressFromObject( Register objReg, Register reg) { EnvironmentCoordinate ec(handler.pc()); if (EnvironmentObject::nonExtensibleIsFixedSlot(ec)) { return Address(objReg, NativeObject::getFixedSlotOffset(ec.slot())); } uint32_t slot = EnvironmentObject::nonExtensibleDynamicSlotIndex(ec); masm.loadPtr(Address(objReg, NativeObject::offsetOfSlots()), reg); return Address(reg, slot * sizeof(Value)); } template <> Address BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::getEnvironmentCoordinateAddressFromObject( Register objReg, Register reg) { MOZ_CRASH("Shouldn't call this for interpreter"); } template Address BaselineCodeGen::getEnvironmentCoordinateAddress( Register reg) { getEnvironmentCoordinateObject(reg); return getEnvironmentCoordinateAddressFromObject(reg, reg); } // For a JOF_ENVCOORD op load the number of hops from the bytecode and skip this // number of environment objects. static void LoadAliasedVarEnv(MacroAssembler& masm, Register env, Register scratch) { static_assert(ENVCOORD_HOPS_LEN == 1, "Code assumes number of hops is stored in uint8 operand"); LoadUint8Operand(masm, scratch); Label top, done; masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, scratch, scratch, &done); masm.bind(&top); { Address nextEnv(env, EnvironmentObject::offsetOfEnclosingEnvironment()); masm.unboxObject(nextEnv, env); masm.branchSub32(Assembler::NonZero, Imm32(1), scratch, &top); } masm.bind(&done); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitGetAliasedVar(ValueOperand dest) { frame.syncStack(0); Address address = getEnvironmentCoordinateAddress(R0.scratchReg()); masm.loadValue(address, dest); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitGetAliasedVar(ValueOperand dest) { Register env = R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch = R1.scratchReg(); // Load the right environment object. masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), env); LoadAliasedVarEnv(masm, env, scratch); // Load the slot index. static_assert(ENVCOORD_SLOT_LEN == 3, "Code assumes slot is stored in uint24 operand"); LoadUint24Operand(masm, ENVCOORD_HOPS_LEN, scratch); // Load the Value from a fixed or dynamic slot. // See EnvironmentObject::nonExtensibleIsFixedSlot. Label isDynamic, done; masm.branch32(Assembler::AboveOrEqual, scratch, Imm32(NativeObject::MAX_FIXED_SLOTS), &isDynamic); { uint32_t offset = NativeObject::getFixedSlotOffset(0); masm.loadValue(BaseValueIndex(env, scratch, offset), dest); masm.jump(&done); } masm.bind(&isDynamic); { masm.loadPtr(Address(env, NativeObject::offsetOfSlots()), env); // Use an offset to subtract the number of fixed slots. int32_t offset = -int32_t(NativeObject::MAX_FIXED_SLOTS * sizeof(Value)); masm.loadValue(BaseValueIndex(env, scratch, offset), dest); } masm.bind(&done); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GetAliasedVar() { emitGetAliasedVar(R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_SetAliasedVar() { // Keep rvalue in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); Register objReg = R2.scratchReg(); getEnvironmentCoordinateObject(objReg); Address address = getEnvironmentCoordinateAddressFromObject(objReg, R1.scratchReg()); masm.guardedCallPreBarrier(address, MIRType::Value); masm.storeValue(R0, address); frame.push(R0); // Only R0 is live at this point. // Scope coordinate object is already in R2.scratchReg(). Register temp = R1.scratchReg(); Label skipBarrier; masm.branchPtrInNurseryChunk(Assembler::Equal, objReg, temp, &skipBarrier); masm.branchValueIsNurseryCell(Assembler::NotEqual, R0, temp, &skipBarrier); masm.call(&postBarrierSlot_); // Won't clobber R0 masm.bind(&skipBarrier); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_SetAliasedVar() { AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet regs(GeneralRegisterSet::All()); regs.take(BaselineFrameReg); regs.take(R2); if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { regs.take(InterpreterPCReg); } Register env = regs.takeAny(); Register scratch1 = regs.takeAny(); Register scratch2 = regs.takeAny(); Register scratch3 = regs.takeAny(); // Load the right environment object. masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), env); LoadAliasedVarEnv(masm, env, scratch1); // Load the slot index. static_assert(ENVCOORD_SLOT_LEN == 3, "Code assumes slot is stored in uint24 operand"); LoadUint24Operand(masm, ENVCOORD_HOPS_LEN, scratch1); // Store the RHS Value in R2. masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R2); // Load a pointer to the fixed or dynamic slot into scratch2. We want to call // guardedCallPreBarrierAnyZone once to avoid code bloat. // See EnvironmentObject::nonExtensibleIsFixedSlot. Label isDynamic, done; masm.branch32(Assembler::AboveOrEqual, scratch1, Imm32(NativeObject::MAX_FIXED_SLOTS), &isDynamic); { uint32_t offset = NativeObject::getFixedSlotOffset(0); BaseValueIndex slotAddr(env, scratch1, offset); masm.computeEffectiveAddress(slotAddr, scratch2); masm.jump(&done); } masm.bind(&isDynamic); { masm.loadPtr(Address(env, NativeObject::offsetOfSlots()), scratch2); // Use an offset to subtract the number of fixed slots. int32_t offset = -int32_t(NativeObject::MAX_FIXED_SLOTS * sizeof(Value)); BaseValueIndex slotAddr(scratch2, scratch1, offset); masm.computeEffectiveAddress(slotAddr, scratch2); } masm.bind(&done); // Pre-barrier and store. Address slotAddr(scratch2, 0); masm.guardedCallPreBarrierAnyZone(slotAddr, MIRType::Value, scratch3); masm.storeValue(R2, slotAddr); // Post barrier. Label skipBarrier; masm.branchPtrInNurseryChunk(Assembler::Equal, env, scratch1, &skipBarrier); masm.branchValueIsNurseryCell(Assembler::NotEqual, R2, scratch1, &skipBarrier); { // Post barrier code expects the object in R2. masm.movePtr(env, R2.scratchReg()); masm.call(&postBarrierSlot_); } masm.bind(&skipBarrier); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GetName() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), R0.scratchReg()); // Call IC. if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Mark R0 as pushed stack value. frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitBindName(JSOp op) { // If we have a BindGName without a non-syntactic scope, we pass the global // lexical environment to the IC instead of the frame's environment. frame.syncStack(0); auto loadGlobalLexical = [this]() { loadGlobalLexicalEnvironment(R0.scratchReg()); return true; }; auto loadFrameEnv = [this]() { masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), R0.scratchReg()); return true; }; if (op == JSOp::BindName) { if (!loadFrameEnv()) { return false; } } else { MOZ_ASSERT(op == JSOp::BindGName); if (!emitTestScriptFlag(JSScript::ImmutableFlags::HasNonSyntacticScope, loadFrameEnv, loadGlobalLexical, R2.scratchReg())) { return false; } } // Call IC. if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Mark R0 as pushed stack value. frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_BindName() { return emitBindName(JSOp::BindName); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_DelName() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); pushScriptNameArg(R1.scratchReg(), R2.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandlePropertyName, HandleObject, MutableHandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_GetImport() { JSScript* script = handler.script(); ModuleEnvironmentObject* env = GetModuleEnvironmentForScript(script); MOZ_ASSERT(env); jsid id = NameToId(script->getName(handler.pc())); ModuleEnvironmentObject* targetEnv; Shape* shape; MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(env->lookupImport(id, &targetEnv, &shape)); frame.syncStack(0); uint32_t slot = shape->slot(); Register scratch = R0.scratchReg(); masm.movePtr(ImmGCPtr(targetEnv), scratch); if (slot < targetEnv->numFixedSlots()) { masm.loadValue(Address(scratch, NativeObject::getFixedSlotOffset(slot)), R0); } else { masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch, NativeObject::offsetOfSlots()), scratch); masm.loadValue( Address(scratch, (slot - targetEnv->numFixedSlots()) * sizeof(Value)), R0); } // Imports are initialized by this point except in rare circumstances, so // don't emit a check unless we have to. if (targetEnv->getSlot(shape->slot()).isMagic(JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL)) { if (!emitUninitializedLexicalCheck(R0)) { return false; } } frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_GetImport() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushScriptArg(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleScript, jsbytecode*, MutableHandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GetIntrinsic() { frame.syncStack(0); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SetIntrinsic() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushScriptArg(); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, JSScript*, jsbytecode*, HandleValue); return callVM(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GlobalOrEvalDeclInstantiation() { frame.syncStack(0); prepareVMCall(); loadInt32LengthBytecodeOperand(R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); pushScriptArg(); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleScript, GCThingIndex); return callVM(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitInitPropGetterSetter() { // Keep values on the stack for the decompiler. frame.syncStack(0); prepareVMCall(); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0.scratchReg()); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R1.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); pushScriptNameArg(R0.scratchReg(), R2.scratchReg()); pushArg(R1.scratchReg()); pushBytecodePCArg(); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, jsbytecode*, HandleObject, HandlePropertyName, HandleObject); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.pop(); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitPropGetter() { return emitInitPropGetterSetter(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitHiddenPropGetter() { return emitInitPropGetterSetter(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitPropSetter() { return emitInitPropGetterSetter(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitHiddenPropSetter() { return emitInitPropGetterSetter(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitInitElemGetterSetter() { // Load index and value in R0 and R1, but keep values on the stack for the // decompiler. frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R0); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R1.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R1.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-3), R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); pushBytecodePCArg(); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, jsbytecode*, HandleObject, HandleValue, HandleObject); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.popn(2); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitElemGetter() { return emitInitElemGetterSetter(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitHiddenElemGetter() { return emitInitElemGetterSetter(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitElemSetter() { return emitInitElemGetterSetter(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitHiddenElemSetter() { return emitInitElemGetterSetter(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitElemInc() { // Keep the object and rhs on the stack. frame.syncStack(0); // Load object in R0, index in R1. masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-3), R0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R1); // Call IC. if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Pop the rhs frame.pop(); // Increment index Address indexAddr = frame.addressOfStackValue(-1); #ifdef DEBUG Label isInt32; masm.branchTestInt32(Assembler::Equal, indexAddr, &isInt32); masm.assumeUnreachable("INITELEM_INC index must be Int32"); masm.bind(&isInt32); #endif masm.incrementInt32Value(indexAddr); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_GetLocal() { frame.pushLocal(GET_LOCALNO(handler.pc())); return true; } static BaseValueIndex ComputeAddressOfLocal(MacroAssembler& masm, Register indexScratch) { // Locals are stored in memory at a negative offset from the frame pointer. We // negate the index first to effectively subtract it. masm.negPtr(indexScratch); return BaseValueIndex(BaselineFrameReg, indexScratch, BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfLocal(0)); } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_GetLocal() { Register scratch = R0.scratchReg(); LoadUint24Operand(masm, 0, scratch); BaseValueIndex addr = ComputeAddressOfLocal(masm, scratch); masm.loadValue(addr, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_SetLocal() { // Ensure no other StackValue refers to the old value, for instance i + (i = // 3). This also allows us to use R0 as scratch below. frame.syncStack(1); uint32_t local = GET_LOCALNO(handler.pc()); frame.storeStackValue(-1, frame.addressOfLocal(local), R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_SetLocal() { Register scratch = R0.scratchReg(); LoadUint24Operand(masm, 0, scratch); BaseValueIndex addr = ComputeAddressOfLocal(masm, scratch); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R1); masm.storeValue(R1, addr); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitFormalArgAccess(JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(op == JSOp::GetArg || op == JSOp::SetArg); uint32_t arg = GET_ARGNO(handler.pc()); // Fast path: the script does not use |arguments| or formals don't // alias the arguments object. if (!handler.script()->argumentsAliasesFormals()) { if (op == JSOp::GetArg) { frame.pushArg(arg); } else { // See the comment in emit_SetLocal. frame.syncStack(1); frame.storeStackValue(-1, frame.addressOfArg(arg), R0); } return true; } // Sync so that we can use R0. frame.syncStack(0); // If the script is known to have an arguments object, we can just use it. // Else, we *may* have an arguments object (because we can't invalidate // when needsArgsObj becomes |true|), so we have to test HAS_ARGS_OBJ. Label done; if (!handler.script()->needsArgsObj()) { Label hasArgsObj; masm.branchTest32(Assembler::NonZero, frame.addressOfFlags(), Imm32(BaselineFrame::HAS_ARGS_OBJ), &hasArgsObj); if (op == JSOp::GetArg) { masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfArg(arg), R0); } else { frame.storeStackValue(-1, frame.addressOfArg(arg), R0); } masm.jump(&done); masm.bind(&hasArgsObj); } // Load the arguments object data vector. Register reg = R2.scratchReg(); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfArgsObj(), reg); masm.loadPrivate(Address(reg, ArgumentsObject::getDataSlotOffset()), reg); // Load/store the argument. Address argAddr(reg, ArgumentsData::offsetOfArgs() + arg * sizeof(Value)); if (op == JSOp::GetArg) { masm.loadValue(argAddr, R0); frame.push(R0); } else { Register temp = R1.scratchReg(); masm.guardedCallPreBarrierAnyZone(argAddr, MIRType::Value, temp); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); masm.storeValue(R0, argAddr); MOZ_ASSERT(frame.numUnsyncedSlots() == 0); // Reload the arguments object. Register reg = R2.scratchReg(); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfArgsObj(), reg); Label skipBarrier; masm.branchPtrInNurseryChunk(Assembler::Equal, reg, temp, &skipBarrier); masm.branchValueIsNurseryCell(Assembler::NotEqual, R0, temp, &skipBarrier); masm.call(&postBarrierSlot_); masm.bind(&skipBarrier); } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitFormalArgAccess(JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(op == JSOp::GetArg || op == JSOp::SetArg); // Load the index. Register argReg = R1.scratchReg(); LoadUint16Operand(masm, argReg); // If the frame has no arguments object, this must be an unaliased access. Label isUnaliased, done; masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, frame.addressOfFlags(), Imm32(BaselineFrame::HAS_ARGS_OBJ), &isUnaliased); { Register reg = R2.scratchReg(); // If it's an unmapped arguments object, this is an unaliased access. loadScript(reg); masm.branchTest32( Assembler::Zero, Address(reg, JSScript::offsetOfImmutableFlags()), Imm32(uint32_t(JSScript::ImmutableFlags::HasMappedArgsObj)), &isUnaliased); // Load the arguments object data vector. masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfArgsObj(), reg); masm.loadPrivate(Address(reg, ArgumentsObject::getDataSlotOffset()), reg); // Load/store the argument. BaseValueIndex argAddr(reg, argReg, ArgumentsData::offsetOfArgs()); if (op == JSOp::GetArg) { masm.loadValue(argAddr, R0); frame.push(R0); } else { masm.guardedCallPreBarrierAnyZone(argAddr, MIRType::Value, R0.scratchReg()); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); masm.storeValue(R0, argAddr); // Reload the arguments object. masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfArgsObj(), reg); Register temp = R1.scratchReg(); masm.branchPtrInNurseryChunk(Assembler::Equal, reg, temp, &done); masm.branchValueIsNurseryCell(Assembler::NotEqual, R0, temp, &done); masm.call(&postBarrierSlot_); } masm.jump(&done); } masm.bind(&isUnaliased); { BaseValueIndex addr(BaselineFrameReg, argReg, BaselineFrame::offsetOfArg(0)); if (op == JSOp::GetArg) { masm.loadValue(addr, R0); frame.push(R0); } else { masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); masm.storeValue(R0, addr); } } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GetArg() { return emitFormalArgAccess(JSOp::GetArg); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SetArg() { return emitFormalArgAccess(JSOp::SetArg); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::loadNumFormalArguments(Register dest) { masm.move32(Imm32(handler.function()->nargs()), dest); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::loadNumFormalArguments(Register dest) { masm.loadFunctionFromCalleeToken(frame.addressOfCalleeToken(), dest); masm.load16ZeroExtend(Address(dest, JSFunction::offsetOfNargs()), dest); } template void BaselineCodeGen::emitPushNonArrowFunctionNewTarget() { // if (isConstructing()) push(argv[Max(numActualArgs, numFormalArgs)]) Label notConstructing, done; masm.branchTestPtr(Assembler::Zero, frame.addressOfCalleeToken(), Imm32(CalleeToken_FunctionConstructing), ¬Constructing); { Register argvLen = R0.scratchReg(); Register nformals = R1.scratchReg(); Address actualArgs(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::offsetOfNumActualArgs()); masm.loadPtr(actualArgs, argvLen); // If argvLen < nformals, set argvlen := nformals. loadNumFormalArguments(nformals); masm.cmp32Move32(Assembler::Below, argvLen, nformals, nformals, argvLen); BaseValueIndex newTarget(BaselineFrameReg, argvLen, BaselineFrame::offsetOfArg(0)); masm.loadValue(newTarget, R0); masm.jump(&done); } // else push(undefined) masm.bind(¬Constructing); masm.moveValue(UndefinedValue(), R0); masm.bind(&done); frame.push(R0); } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_NewTarget() { if (handler.script()->isForEval()) { frame.pushEvalNewTarget(); return true; } MOZ_ASSERT(handler.function()); frame.syncStack(0); if (handler.function()->isArrow()) { // Arrow functions store their |new.target| value in an // extended slot. Register scratch = R0.scratchReg(); masm.loadFunctionFromCalleeToken(frame.addressOfCalleeToken(), scratch); masm.loadValue( Address(scratch, FunctionExtended::offsetOfArrowNewTargetSlot()), R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } emitPushNonArrowFunctionNewTarget(); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_NewTarget() { Register scratch1 = R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R1.scratchReg(); Label isFunction, done; masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfCalleeToken(), scratch1); masm.branchTestPtr(Assembler::Zero, scratch1, Imm32(CalleeTokenScriptBit), &isFunction); { // Case 1: eval. frame.pushEvalNewTarget(); masm.jump(&done); } masm.bind(&isFunction); Label notArrow; masm.andPtr(Imm32(uint32_t(CalleeTokenMask)), scratch1); masm.branchFunctionKind(Assembler::NotEqual, FunctionFlags::FunctionKind::Arrow, scratch1, scratch2, ¬Arrow); { // Case 2: arrow function. masm.pushValue( Address(scratch1, FunctionExtended::offsetOfArrowNewTargetSlot())); masm.jump(&done); } masm.bind(¬Arrow); // Case 3: non-arrow function. emitPushNonArrowFunctionNewTarget(); masm.bind(&done); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_ThrowSetConst() { prepareVMCall(); pushArg(Imm32(JSMSG_BAD_CONST_ASSIGN)); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, unsigned); return callVM(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitUninitializedLexicalCheck( const ValueOperand& val) { Label done; masm.branchTestMagicValue(Assembler::NotEqual, val, JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL, &done); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(Imm32(JSMSG_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL)); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, unsigned); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CheckLexical() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); return emitUninitializedLexicalCheck(R0); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CheckAliasedLexical() { return emit_CheckLexical(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitLexical() { return emit_SetLocal(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitGLexical() { frame.popRegsAndSync(1); pushGlobalLexicalEnvironmentValue(R1); frame.push(R0); return emit_SetProp(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitAliasedLexical() { return emit_SetAliasedVar(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Uninitialized() { frame.push(MagicValue(JS_UNINITIALIZED_LEXICAL)); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitCall(JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsInvokeOp(op)); frame.syncStack(0); uint32_t argc = GET_ARGC(handler.pc()); masm.move32(Imm32(argc), R0.scratchReg()); // Call IC if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Update FrameInfo. bool construct = IsConstructOp(op); frame.popn(2 + argc + construct); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitCall(JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsInvokeOp(op)); // The IC expects argc in R0. LoadUint16Operand(masm, R0.scratchReg()); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Pop the arguments. We have to reload pc/argc because the IC clobbers them. // The return value is in R0 so we can't use that. Register scratch = R1.scratchReg(); uint32_t extraValuesToPop = IsConstructOp(op) ? 3 : 2; Register spReg = AsRegister(masm.getStackPointer()); LoadUint16Operand(masm, scratch); masm.computeEffectiveAddress( BaseValueIndex(spReg, scratch, extraValuesToPop * sizeof(Value)), spReg); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitSpreadCall(JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsInvokeOp(op)); frame.syncStack(0); masm.move32(Imm32(1), R0.scratchReg()); // Call IC if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Update FrameInfo. bool construct = op == JSOp::SpreadNew || op == JSOp::SpreadSuperCall; frame.popn(3 + construct); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Call() { return emitCall(JSOp::Call); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CallIgnoresRv() { return emitCall(JSOp::CallIgnoresRv); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CallIter() { return emitCall(JSOp::CallIter); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_New() { return emitCall(JSOp::New); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SuperCall() { return emitCall(JSOp::SuperCall); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_FunCall() { return emitCall(JSOp::FunCall); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_FunApply() { return emitCall(JSOp::FunApply); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Eval() { return emitCall(JSOp::Eval); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictEval() { return emitCall(JSOp::StrictEval); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SpreadCall() { return emitSpreadCall(JSOp::SpreadCall); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SpreadNew() { return emitSpreadCall(JSOp::SpreadNew); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SpreadSuperCall() { return emitSpreadCall(JSOp::SpreadSuperCall); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SpreadEval() { return emitSpreadCall(JSOp::SpreadEval); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_StrictSpreadEval() { return emitSpreadCall(JSOp::StrictSpreadEval); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_OptimizeSpreadCall() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_ImplicitThis() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushScriptNameArg(R1.scratchReg(), R2.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandlePropertyName, MutableHandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GImplicitThis() { auto pushUndefined = [this]() { frame.push(UndefinedValue()); return true; }; auto emitImplicitThis = [this]() { return emit_ImplicitThis(); }; return emitTestScriptFlag(JSScript::ImmutableFlags::HasNonSyntacticScope, emitImplicitThis, pushUndefined, R2.scratchReg()); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Instanceof() { frame.popRegsAndSync(2); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Typeof() { frame.popRegsAndSync(1); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_TypeofExpr() { return emit_Typeof(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_ThrowMsg() { prepareVMCall(); pushUint8BytecodeOperandArg(R2.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, const unsigned); return callVM(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Throw() { // Keep value to throw in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue); return callVM(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Try() { return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Finally() { // JSOp::Finally has a def count of 2, but these values are already on the // stack (they're pushed by JSOp::Gosub). Update the compiler's stack state. frame.incStackDepth(2); // To match the interpreter, emit an interrupt check at the start of the // finally block. return emitInterruptCheck(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Gosub() { // Jump to the finally block. frame.syncStack(0); emitJump(); return true; } static void LoadBaselineScriptResumeEntries(MacroAssembler& masm, JSScript* script, Register dest, Register scratch) { MOZ_ASSERT(dest != scratch); masm.movePtr(ImmPtr(script->jitScript()), dest); masm.loadPtr(Address(dest, JitScript::offsetOfBaselineScript()), dest); masm.load32(Address(dest, BaselineScript::offsetOfResumeEntriesOffset()), scratch); masm.addPtr(scratch, dest); } template void BaselineCodeGen::emitInterpJumpToResumeEntry(Register script, Register resumeIndex, Register scratch) { // Load JSScript::immutableScriptData() into |script|. masm.loadPtr(Address(script, JSScript::offsetOfSharedData()), script); masm.loadPtr(Address(script, SharedImmutableScriptData::offsetOfISD()), script); // Load the resume pcOffset in |resumeIndex|. masm.load32( Address(script, ImmutableScriptData::offsetOfResumeOffsetsOffset()), scratch); masm.computeEffectiveAddress(BaseIndex(scratch, resumeIndex, TimesFour), scratch); masm.load32(BaseIndex(script, scratch, TimesOne), resumeIndex); // Add resume offset to PC, jump to it. masm.computeEffectiveAddress(BaseIndex(script, resumeIndex, TimesOne, ImmutableScriptData::offsetOfCode()), script); Address pcAddr(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfInterpreterPC()); masm.storePtr(script, pcAddr); emitJumpToInterpretOpLabel(); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::jumpToResumeEntry(Register resumeIndex, Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { LoadBaselineScriptResumeEntries(masm, handler.script(), scratch1, scratch2); masm.loadPtr( BaseIndex(scratch1, resumeIndex, ScaleFromElemWidth(sizeof(uintptr_t))), scratch1); masm.jump(scratch1); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::jumpToResumeEntry(Register resumeIndex, Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { loadScript(scratch1); emitInterpJumpToResumeEntry(scratch1, resumeIndex, scratch2); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Retsub() { frame.popRegsAndSync(2); Label isReturn; masm.branchTestBooleanTruthy(/* branchIfTrue = */ false, R0, &isReturn); // R0 is |true|. We need to throw R1. prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R1); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.bind(&isReturn); // R0 is |false|. R1 contains the resumeIndex to jump to. Register resumeIndexReg = R1.scratchReg(); masm.unboxInt32(R1, resumeIndexReg); Register scratch1 = R2.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R0.scratchReg(); jumpToResumeEntry(resumeIndexReg, scratch1, scratch2); return true; } template <> template [[nodiscard]] bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitDebugInstrumentation( const F1& ifDebuggee, const Maybe& ifNotDebuggee) { // The JIT calls either ifDebuggee or (if present) ifNotDebuggee, because it // knows statically whether we're compiling with debug instrumentation. if (handler.compileDebugInstrumentation()) { return ifDebuggee(); } if (ifNotDebuggee) { return (*ifNotDebuggee)(); } return true; } template <> template [[nodiscard]] bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitDebugInstrumentation( const F1& ifDebuggee, const Maybe& ifNotDebuggee) { // The interpreter emits both ifDebuggee and (if present) ifNotDebuggee // paths, with a toggled jump followed by a branch on the frame's DEBUGGEE // flag. Label isNotDebuggee, done; CodeOffset toggleOffset = masm.toggledJump(&isNotDebuggee); if (!handler.addDebugInstrumentationOffset(cx, toggleOffset)) { return false; } masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, frame.addressOfFlags(), Imm32(BaselineFrame::DEBUGGEE), &isNotDebuggee); if (!ifDebuggee()) { return false; } if (ifNotDebuggee) { masm.jump(&done); } masm.bind(&isNotDebuggee); if (ifNotDebuggee && !(*ifNotDebuggee)()) { return false; } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_PushLexicalEnv() { // Call a stub to push the block on the block chain. prepareVMCall(); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); pushScriptGCThingArg(ScriptGCThingType::Scope, R1.scratchReg(), R2.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, Handle); return callVM(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_PopLexicalEnv() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); auto ifDebuggee = [this]() { prepareVMCall(); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, jsbytecode*); return callVM(); }; auto ifNotDebuggee = [this]() { prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); return callVM(); }; return emitDebugInstrumentation(ifDebuggee, mozilla::Some(ifNotDebuggee)); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_FreshenLexicalEnv() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); auto ifDebuggee = [this]() { prepareVMCall(); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, jsbytecode*); return callVM(); }; auto ifNotDebuggee = [this]() { prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); return callVM(); }; return emitDebugInstrumentation(ifDebuggee, mozilla::Some(ifNotDebuggee)); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_RecreateLexicalEnv() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); auto ifDebuggee = [this]() { prepareVMCall(); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, jsbytecode*); return callVM(); }; auto ifNotDebuggee = [this]() { prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); return callVM(); }; return emitDebugInstrumentation(ifDebuggee, mozilla::Some(ifNotDebuggee)); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_DebugLeaveLexicalEnv() { auto ifDebuggee = [this]() { prepareVMCall(); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, jsbytecode*); return callVM(); }; return emitDebugInstrumentation(ifDebuggee); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_PushVarEnv() { prepareVMCall(); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); pushScriptGCThingArg(ScriptGCThingType::Scope, R1.scratchReg(), R2.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, HandleScope); return callVM(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_EnterWith() { // Pop "with" object to R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); // Call a stub to push the object onto the environment chain. prepareVMCall(); pushScriptGCThingArg(ScriptGCThingType::Scope, R1.scratchReg(), R2.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R1.scratchReg()); pushArg(R1.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, HandleValue, Handle); return callVM(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_LeaveWith() { // Call a stub to pop the with object from the environment chain. prepareVMCall(); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); return callVM(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Exception() { prepareVMCall(); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, MutableHandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Debugger() { prepareVMCall(); frame.assertSyncedStack(); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); if (!callVM()) { return false; } return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitDebugEpilogue() { auto ifDebuggee = [this]() { // Move return value into the frame's rval slot. masm.storeValue(JSReturnOperand, frame.addressOfReturnValue()); masm.or32(Imm32(BaselineFrame::HAS_RVAL), frame.addressOfFlags()); // Load BaselineFrame pointer in R0. frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); const RetAddrEntry::Kind kind = RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugEpilogue; using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, jsbytecode*); if (!callVM(kind)) { return false; } masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfReturnValue(), JSReturnOperand); return true; }; return emitDebugInstrumentation(ifDebuggee); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitReturn() { if (handler.shouldEmitDebugEpilogueAtReturnOp()) { if (!emitDebugEpilogue()) { return false; } } // Only emit the jump if this JSOp::RetRval is not the last instruction. // Not needed for last instruction, because last instruction flows // into return label. if (!handler.isDefinitelyLastOp()) { masm.jump(&return_); } return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Return() { frame.assertStackDepth(1); frame.popValue(JSReturnOperand); return emitReturn(); } template void BaselineCodeGen::emitLoadReturnValue(ValueOperand val) { Label done, noRval; masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, frame.addressOfFlags(), Imm32(BaselineFrame::HAS_RVAL), &noRval); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfReturnValue(), val); masm.jump(&done); masm.bind(&noRval); masm.moveValue(UndefinedValue(), val); masm.bind(&done); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_RetRval() { frame.assertStackDepth(0); masm.moveValue(UndefinedValue(), JSReturnOperand); if (!handler.maybeScript() || !handler.maybeScript()->noScriptRval()) { // Return the value in the return value slot, if any. Label done; Address flags = frame.addressOfFlags(); masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, flags, Imm32(BaselineFrame::HAS_RVAL), &done); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfReturnValue(), JSReturnOperand); masm.bind(&done); } return emitReturn(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_ToPropertyKey() { frame.popRegsAndSync(1); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_ToAsyncIter() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R0.scratchReg()); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R1); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R1); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, HandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.popn(2); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CanSkipAwait() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue, bool* canSkip); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_MaybeExtractAwaitValue() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R0); masm.unboxBoolean(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R1.scratchReg()); Label cantExtract; masm.branchIfFalseBool(R1.scratchReg(), &cantExtract); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue, MutableHandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.storeValue(R0, frame.addressOfStackValue(-2)); masm.bind(&cantExtract); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_AsyncAwait() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R1); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R1); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, Handle, HandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.popn(2); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_AsyncResolve() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-2), R1); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushUint8BytecodeOperandArg(R2.scratchReg()); pushArg(R1); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, Handle, HandleValue, AsyncFunctionResolveKind); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.popn(2); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CheckObjCoercible() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); Label fail, done; masm.branchTestUndefined(Assembler::Equal, R0, &fail); masm.branchTestNull(Assembler::NotEqual, R0, &done); masm.bind(&fail); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_ToString() { // Keep top stack value in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); // Inline path for string. Label done; masm.branchTestString(Assembler::Equal, R0, &done); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0); // Call ToStringSlow which doesn't handle string inputs. using Fn = JSString* (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue); if (!callVM>()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_STRING, ReturnReg, R0); masm.bind(&done); frame.push(R0); return true; } static constexpr uint32_t TableSwitchOpLowOffset = 1 * JUMP_OFFSET_LEN; static constexpr uint32_t TableSwitchOpHighOffset = 2 * JUMP_OFFSET_LEN; static constexpr uint32_t TableSwitchOpFirstResumeIndexOffset = 3 * JUMP_OFFSET_LEN; template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitGetTableSwitchIndex(ValueOperand val, Register dest, Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { jsbytecode* pc = handler.pc(); jsbytecode* defaultpc = pc + GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc); Label* defaultLabel = handler.labelOf(defaultpc); int32_t low = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc + TableSwitchOpLowOffset); int32_t high = GET_JUMP_OFFSET(pc + TableSwitchOpHighOffset); int32_t length = high - low + 1; // Jump to the 'default' pc if not int32 (tableswitch is only used when // all cases are int32). masm.branchTestInt32(Assembler::NotEqual, val, defaultLabel); masm.unboxInt32(val, dest); // Subtract 'low'. Bounds check. if (low != 0) { masm.sub32(Imm32(low), dest); } masm.branch32(Assembler::AboveOrEqual, dest, Imm32(length), defaultLabel); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitGetTableSwitchIndex(ValueOperand val, Register dest, Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { // Jump to the 'default' pc if not int32 (tableswitch is only used when // all cases are int32). Label done, jumpToDefault; masm.branchTestInt32(Assembler::NotEqual, val, &jumpToDefault); masm.unboxInt32(val, dest); Register pcReg = LoadBytecodePC(masm, scratch1); Address lowAddr(pcReg, sizeof(jsbytecode) + TableSwitchOpLowOffset); Address highAddr(pcReg, sizeof(jsbytecode) + TableSwitchOpHighOffset); // Jump to default if val > high. masm.branch32(Assembler::LessThan, highAddr, dest, &jumpToDefault); // Jump to default if val < low. masm.load32(lowAddr, scratch2); masm.branch32(Assembler::GreaterThan, scratch2, dest, &jumpToDefault); // index := val - low. masm.sub32(scratch2, dest); masm.jump(&done); masm.bind(&jumpToDefault); emitJump(); masm.bind(&done); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitTableSwitchJump(Register key, Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { // Jump to resumeEntries[firstResumeIndex + key]. // Note: BytecodeEmitter::allocateResumeIndex static_asserts // |firstResumeIndex * sizeof(uintptr_t)| fits in int32_t. uint32_t firstResumeIndex = GET_RESUMEINDEX(handler.pc() + TableSwitchOpFirstResumeIndexOffset); LoadBaselineScriptResumeEntries(masm, handler.script(), scratch1, scratch2); masm.loadPtr(BaseIndex(scratch1, key, ScaleFromElemWidth(sizeof(uintptr_t)), firstResumeIndex * sizeof(uintptr_t)), scratch1); masm.jump(scratch1); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitTableSwitchJump(Register key, Register scratch1, Register scratch2) { // Load the op's firstResumeIndex in scratch1. LoadUint24Operand(masm, TableSwitchOpFirstResumeIndexOffset, scratch1); masm.add32(key, scratch1); jumpToResumeEntry(scratch1, key, scratch2); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_TableSwitch() { frame.popRegsAndSync(1); Register key = R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch1 = R1.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R2.scratchReg(); // Call a stub to convert R0 from double to int32 if needed. // Note: this stub may clobber scratch1. masm.call(cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->getDoubleToInt32ValueStub()); // Load the index in the jump table in |key|, or branch to default pc if not // int32 or out-of-range. emitGetTableSwitchIndex(R0, key, scratch1, scratch2); // Jump to the target pc. emitTableSwitchJump(key, scratch1, scratch2); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Iter() { frame.popRegsAndSync(1); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_MoreIter() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R1.scratchReg()); masm.iteratorMore(R1.scratchReg(), R0, R2.scratchReg()); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitIsMagicValue() { frame.syncStack(0); Label isMagic, done; masm.branchTestMagic(Assembler::Equal, frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), &isMagic); masm.moveValue(BooleanValue(false), R0); masm.jump(&done); masm.bind(&isMagic); masm.moveValue(BooleanValue(true), R0); masm.bind(&done); frame.push(R0, JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_IsNoIter() { return emitIsMagicValue(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_EndIter() { // Pop iterator value. frame.pop(); // Pop the iterator object to close in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet regs(GeneralRegisterSet::All()); regs.take(BaselineFrameReg); if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { regs.take(InterpreterPCReg); } Register obj = R0.scratchReg(); regs.take(obj); masm.unboxObject(R0, obj); Register temp1 = regs.takeAny(); Register temp2 = regs.takeAny(); Register temp3 = regs.takeAny(); masm.iteratorClose(obj, temp1, temp2, temp3); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_IsGenClosing() { return emitIsMagicValue(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_GetRval() { frame.syncStack(0); emitLoadReturnValue(R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SetRval() { // Store to the frame's return value slot. frame.storeStackValue(-1, frame.addressOfReturnValue(), R2); masm.or32(Imm32(BaselineFrame::HAS_RVAL), frame.addressOfFlags()); frame.pop(); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Callee() { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(handler.maybeScript(), handler.maybeScript()->function()); frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadFunctionFromCalleeToken(frame.addressOfCalleeToken(), R0.scratchReg()); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, R0.scratchReg(), R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_EnvCallee() { frame.syncStack(0); uint8_t numHops = GET_UINT8(handler.pc()); Register scratch = R0.scratchReg(); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), scratch); for (unsigned i = 0; i < numHops; i++) { Address nextAddr(scratch, EnvironmentObject::offsetOfEnclosingEnvironment()); masm.unboxObject(nextAddr, scratch); } masm.loadValue(Address(scratch, CallObject::offsetOfCallee()), R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_EnvCallee() { Register scratch = R0.scratchReg(); Register env = R1.scratchReg(); static_assert(JSOpLength_EnvCallee - sizeof(jsbytecode) == ENVCOORD_HOPS_LEN, "op must have uint8 operand for LoadAliasedVarEnv"); // Load the right environment object. masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), env); LoadAliasedVarEnv(masm, env, scratch); masm.pushValue(Address(env, CallObject::offsetOfCallee())); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SuperBase() { frame.popRegsAndSync(1); Register scratch = R0.scratchReg(); Register proto = R1.scratchReg(); // Unbox callee. masm.unboxObject(R0, scratch); // Load [[HomeObject]] Address homeObjAddr(scratch, FunctionExtended::offsetOfMethodHomeObjectSlot()); #ifdef DEBUG Label isObject; masm.branchTestObject(Assembler::Equal, homeObjAddr, &isObject); masm.assumeUnreachable("[[HomeObject]] must be Object"); masm.bind(&isObject); #endif masm.unboxObject(homeObjAddr, scratch); // Load prototype from [[HomeObject]] masm.loadObjProto(scratch, proto); #ifdef DEBUG // We won't encounter a lazy proto, because the prototype is guaranteed to // either be a JSFunction or a PlainObject, and only proxy objects can have a // lazy proto. MOZ_ASSERT(uintptr_t(TaggedProto::LazyProto) == 1); Label proxyCheckDone; masm.branchPtr(Assembler::NotEqual, proto, ImmWord(1), &proxyCheckDone); masm.assumeUnreachable("Unexpected lazy proto in JSOp::SuperBase"); masm.bind(&proxyCheckDone); #endif Label hasProto; masm.branchPtr(Assembler::NotEqual, proto, ImmWord(0), &hasProto); // Throw an error if |proto| is null. prepareVMCall(); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*); if (!callVM()) { return false; } // Box prototype and return masm.bind(&hasProto); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, proto, R1); frame.push(R1); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_SuperFun() { frame.popRegsAndSync(1); Register callee = R0.scratchReg(); Register proto = R1.scratchReg(); #ifdef DEBUG Register scratch = R2.scratchReg(); #endif // Unbox callee. masm.unboxObject(R0, callee); #ifdef DEBUG Label classCheckDone; masm.branchTestObjClass(Assembler::Equal, callee, &JSFunction::class_, scratch, callee, &classCheckDone); masm.assumeUnreachable("Unexpected non-JSFunction callee in JSOp::SuperFun"); masm.bind(&classCheckDone); #endif // Load prototype of callee masm.loadObjProto(callee, proto); #ifdef DEBUG // We won't encounter a lazy proto, because |callee| is guaranteed to be a // JSFunction and only proxy objects can have a lazy proto. MOZ_ASSERT(uintptr_t(TaggedProto::LazyProto) == 1); Label proxyCheckDone; masm.branchPtr(Assembler::NotEqual, proto, ImmWord(1), &proxyCheckDone); masm.assumeUnreachable("Unexpected lazy proto in JSOp::SuperFun"); masm.bind(&proxyCheckDone); #endif Label nullProto, done; masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, proto, ImmWord(0), &nullProto); // Box prototype and return masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, proto, R1); masm.jump(&done); masm.bind(&nullProto); masm.moveValue(NullValue(), R1); masm.bind(&done); frame.push(R1); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Arguments() { frame.syncStack(0); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(handler.maybeScript(), handler.maybeScript()->argumentsHasVarBinding()); Label done; if (!handler.maybeScript() || !handler.maybeScript()->needsArgsObj()) { // We assume the script does not need an arguments object. However, this // assumption can be invalidated later, see argumentsOptimizationFailed // in JSScript. Guard on the script's NeedsArgsObj flag. masm.moveValue(MagicValue(JS_OPTIMIZED_ARGUMENTS), R0); // If we don't need an arguments object, skip the VM call. Register scratch = R1.scratchReg(); loadScript(scratch); masm.branchTest32( Assembler::Zero, Address(scratch, JSScript::offsetOfMutableFlags()), Imm32(uint32_t(JSScript::MutableFlags::NeedsArgsObj)), &done); } prepareVMCall(); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, MutableHandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.bind(&done); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Rest() { frame.syncStack(0); if (!emitNextIC()) { return false; } // Mark R0 as pushed stack value. frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Generator() { frame.assertStackDepth(0); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitSuspend(JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(op == JSOp::InitialYield || op == JSOp::Yield || op == JSOp::Await); // Load the generator object in R2, but leave the return value on the // expression stack. Register genObj = R2.scratchReg(); if (op == JSOp::InitialYield) { // Generator and return value are one and the same. frame.syncStack(0); frame.assertStackDepth(1); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), genObj); } else { frame.popRegsAndSync(1); masm.unboxObject(R0, genObj); } if (frame.hasKnownStackDepth(1) && !handler.canHaveFixedSlots()) { // If the expression stack is empty, we can inline the Yield. Note that this // branch is never taken for the interpreter because it doesn't know static // stack depths. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(op == JSOp::InitialYield && handler.maybePC(), GET_RESUMEINDEX(handler.maybePC()) == 0); Address resumeIndexSlot(genObj, AbstractGeneratorObject::offsetOfResumeIndexSlot()); Register temp = R1.scratchReg(); if (op == JSOp::InitialYield) { masm.storeValue(Int32Value(0), resumeIndexSlot); } else { jsbytecode* pc = handler.maybePC(); MOZ_ASSERT(pc, "compiler-only code never has a null pc"); masm.move32(Imm32(GET_RESUMEINDEX(pc)), temp); masm.storeValue(JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, temp, resumeIndexSlot); } Register envObj = R0.scratchReg(); Address envChainSlot( genObj, AbstractGeneratorObject::offsetOfEnvironmentChainSlot()); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), envObj); masm.guardedCallPreBarrierAnyZone(envChainSlot, MIRType::Value, temp); masm.storeValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, envObj, envChainSlot); Label skipBarrier; masm.branchPtrInNurseryChunk(Assembler::Equal, genObj, temp, &skipBarrier); masm.branchPtrInNurseryChunk(Assembler::NotEqual, envObj, temp, &skipBarrier); MOZ_ASSERT(genObj == R2.scratchReg()); masm.call(&postBarrierSlot_); masm.bind(&skipBarrier); } else { masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R1.scratchReg()); computeFrameSize(R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R1.scratchReg()); pushArg(genObj); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, BaselineFrame*, uint32_t, jsbytecode*); if (!callVM()) { return false; } } masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), JSReturnOperand); if (!emitReturn()) { return false; } // Three values are pushed onto the stack when resuming the generator, // replacing the one slot that holds the return value. frame.incStackDepth(2); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitialYield() { return emitSuspend(JSOp::InitialYield); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Yield() { return emitSuspend(JSOp::Yield); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Await() { return emitSuspend(JSOp::Await); } template <> template bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitAfterYieldDebugInstrumentation( const F& ifDebuggee, Register) { if (handler.compileDebugInstrumentation()) { return ifDebuggee(); } return true; } template <> template bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitAfterYieldDebugInstrumentation( const F& ifDebuggee, Register scratch) { // Note that we can't use emitDebugInstrumentation here because the frame's // DEBUGGEE flag hasn't been initialized yet. // If the current Realm is not a debuggee we're done. Label done; CodeOffset toggleOffset = masm.toggledJump(&done); if (!handler.addDebugInstrumentationOffset(cx, toggleOffset)) { return false; } masm.loadPtr(AbsoluteAddress(cx->addressOfRealm()), scratch); masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, Address(scratch, Realm::offsetOfDebugModeBits()), Imm32(Realm::debugModeIsDebuggeeBit()), &done); if (!ifDebuggee()) { return false; } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_AfterYield() { if (!emit_JumpTarget()) { return false; } auto ifDebuggee = [this]() { frame.assertSyncedStack(); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); const RetAddrEntry::Kind kind = RetAddrEntry::Kind::DebugAfterYield; using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*); if (!callVM(kind)) { return false; } return true; }; return emitAfterYieldDebugInstrumentation(ifDebuggee, R0.scratchReg()); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_FinalYieldRval() { // Store generator in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); masm.unboxObject(R0, R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, jsbytecode*); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfReturnValue(), JSReturnOperand); return emitReturn(); } template <> void BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emitJumpToInterpretOpLabel() { TrampolinePtr code = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->baselineInterpreter().interpretOpAddr(); masm.jump(code); } template <> void BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emitJumpToInterpretOpLabel() { masm.jump(handler.interpretOpLabel()); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitEnterGeneratorCode(Register script, Register resumeIndex, Register scratch) { // Resume in either the BaselineScript (if present) or Baseline Interpreter. static_assert(BaselineDisabledScript == 0x1, "Comparison below requires specific sentinel encoding"); // Initialize the icScript slot in the baseline frame. masm.loadJitScript(script, scratch); masm.computeEffectiveAddress(Address(scratch, JitScript::offsetOfICScript()), scratch); Address icScriptAddr(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfICScript()); masm.storePtr(scratch, icScriptAddr); Label noBaselineScript; masm.loadJitScript(script, scratch); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch, JitScript::offsetOfBaselineScript()), scratch); masm.branchPtr(Assembler::BelowOrEqual, scratch, ImmPtr(BaselineDisabledScriptPtr), &noBaselineScript); masm.load32(Address(scratch, BaselineScript::offsetOfResumeEntriesOffset()), script); masm.addPtr(scratch, script); masm.loadPtr( BaseIndex(script, resumeIndex, ScaleFromElemWidth(sizeof(uintptr_t))), scratch); masm.jump(scratch); masm.bind(&noBaselineScript); // Initialize interpreter frame fields. Address flagsAddr(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfFlags()); Address scriptAddr(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfInterpreterScript()); masm.or32(Imm32(BaselineFrame::RUNNING_IN_INTERPRETER), flagsAddr); masm.storePtr(script, scriptAddr); // Initialize pc and jump to it. emitInterpJumpToResumeEntry(script, resumeIndex, scratch); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_Resume() { frame.syncStack(0); masm.assertStackAlignment(sizeof(Value), 0); AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet regs(GeneralRegisterSet::All()); regs.take(BaselineFrameReg); if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { regs.take(InterpreterPCReg); } saveInterpreterPCReg(); // Load generator object. Register genObj = regs.takeAny(); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-3), genObj); // Load callee. Register callee = regs.takeAny(); masm.unboxObject( Address(genObj, AbstractGeneratorObject::offsetOfCalleeSlot()), callee); // Save a pointer to the JSOp::Resume operand stack Values. Register callerStackPtr = regs.takeAny(); masm.computeEffectiveAddress(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), callerStackPtr); // Branch to |interpret| to resume the generator in the C++ interpreter if the // script does not have a JitScript. Label interpret; Register scratch1 = regs.takeAny(); masm.loadPtr(Address(callee, JSFunction::offsetOfScript()), scratch1); masm.branchIfScriptHasNoJitScript(scratch1, &interpret); #ifdef JS_TRACE_LOGGING if (JS::TraceLoggerSupported()) { // TODO (bug 1565788): add Baseline Interpreter support. MOZ_CRASH("Unimplemented Baseline Interpreter TraceLogger support"); masm.loadJitScript(scratch1, scratch1); Address baselineAddr(scratch1, JitScript::offsetOfBaselineScript()); masm.loadPtr(baselineAddr, scratch1); if (!emitTraceLoggerResume(scratch1, regs)) { return false; } } #endif // Push |undefined| for all formals. Register scratch2 = regs.takeAny(); Label loop, loopDone; masm.load16ZeroExtend(Address(callee, JSFunction::offsetOfNargs()), scratch2); static_assert(sizeof(Value) == 8); static_assert(JitStackAlignment == 16 || JitStackAlignment == 8); // If JitStackValueAlignment == 1, then we were already correctly aligned on // entry, as guaranteed by the assertStackAlignment at the entry to this // function. if (JitStackValueAlignment > 1) { Register alignment = regs.takeAny(); masm.moveStackPtrTo(alignment); masm.alignJitStackBasedOnNArgs(scratch2, false); // Compute alignment adjustment. masm.subStackPtrFrom(alignment); // Some code, like BaselineFrame::trace, will inspect the whole range of // the stack frame. In order to ensure that garbage data left behind from // previous activations doesn't confuse other machinery, we zero out the // alignment bytes. Label alignmentZero; masm.branchPtr(Assembler::Equal, alignment, ImmWord(0), &alignmentZero); // Since we know prior to the stack alignment that the stack was 8 byte // aligned, and JitStackAlignment is 8 or 16 bytes, if we are doing an // alignment then we -must- have aligned by subtracting 8 bytes from // the stack pointer. // // So we can freely store a valid double here. masm.storeValue(DoubleValue(0), Address(masm.getStackPointer(), 0)); masm.bind(&alignmentZero); } masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, scratch2, scratch2, &loopDone); masm.bind(&loop); { masm.pushValue(UndefinedValue()); masm.branchSub32(Assembler::NonZero, Imm32(1), scratch2, &loop); } masm.bind(&loopDone); // Push |undefined| for |this|. masm.pushValue(UndefinedValue()); // Update BaselineFrame frameSize field and create the frame descriptor. masm.computeEffectiveAddress( Address(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::FramePointerOffset), scratch2); masm.subStackPtrFrom(scratch2); #ifdef DEBUG masm.store32(scratch2, frame.addressOfDebugFrameSize()); #endif masm.makeFrameDescriptor(scratch2, FrameType::BaselineJS, JitFrameLayout::Size()); masm.push(Imm32(0)); // actual argc masm.PushCalleeToken(callee, /* constructing = */ false); masm.push(scratch2); // frame descriptor // PushCalleeToken bumped framePushed. Reset it. MOZ_ASSERT(masm.framePushed() == sizeof(uintptr_t)); masm.setFramePushed(0); regs.add(callee); // Push a fake return address on the stack. We will resume here when the // generator returns. Label genStart, returnTarget; #ifdef JS_USE_LINK_REGISTER masm.call(&genStart); #else masm.callAndPushReturnAddress(&genStart); #endif // Record the return address so the return offset -> pc mapping works. if (!handler.recordCallRetAddr(cx, RetAddrEntry::Kind::IC, masm.currentOffset())) { return false; } masm.jump(&returnTarget); masm.bind(&genStart); #ifdef JS_USE_LINK_REGISTER masm.pushReturnAddress(); #endif // If profiler instrumentation is on, update lastProfilingFrame on // current JitActivation { Register scratchReg = scratch2; Label skip; AbsoluteAddress addressOfEnabled( cx->runtime()->geckoProfiler().addressOfEnabled()); masm.branch32(Assembler::Equal, addressOfEnabled, Imm32(0), &skip); masm.loadJSContext(scratchReg); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratchReg, JSContext::offsetOfProfilingActivation()), scratchReg); masm.storeStackPtr( Address(scratchReg, JitActivation::offsetOfLastProfilingFrame())); masm.bind(&skip); } // Construct BaselineFrame. masm.push(BaselineFrameReg); masm.moveStackPtrTo(BaselineFrameReg); masm.subFromStackPtr(Imm32(BaselineFrame::Size())); masm.assertStackAlignment(sizeof(Value), 0); // Store flags and env chain. masm.store32(Imm32(BaselineFrame::HAS_INITIAL_ENV), frame.addressOfFlags()); masm.unboxObject( Address(genObj, AbstractGeneratorObject::offsetOfEnvironmentChainSlot()), scratch2); masm.storePtr(scratch2, frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain()); // Store the arguments object if there is one. Label noArgsObj; Address argsObjSlot(genObj, AbstractGeneratorObject::offsetOfArgsObjSlot()); masm.fallibleUnboxObject(argsObjSlot, scratch2, &noArgsObj); { masm.storePtr(scratch2, frame.addressOfArgsObj()); masm.or32(Imm32(BaselineFrame::HAS_ARGS_OBJ), frame.addressOfFlags()); } masm.bind(&noArgsObj); // Push locals and expression slots if needed. Label noStackStorage; Address stackStorageSlot(genObj, AbstractGeneratorObject::offsetOfStackStorageSlot()); masm.fallibleUnboxObject(stackStorageSlot, scratch2, &noStackStorage); { Register initLength = regs.takeAny(); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch2, NativeObject::offsetOfElements()), scratch2); masm.load32(Address(scratch2, ObjectElements::offsetOfInitializedLength()), initLength); masm.store32( Imm32(0), Address(scratch2, ObjectElements::offsetOfInitializedLength())); Label loop, loopDone; masm.branchTest32(Assembler::Zero, initLength, initLength, &loopDone); masm.bind(&loop); { masm.pushValue(Address(scratch2, 0)); masm.guardedCallPreBarrierAnyZone(Address(scratch2, 0), MIRType::Value, scratch1); masm.addPtr(Imm32(sizeof(Value)), scratch2); masm.branchSub32(Assembler::NonZero, Imm32(1), initLength, &loop); } masm.bind(&loopDone); regs.add(initLength); } masm.bind(&noStackStorage); // Push arg, generator, resumeKind stack Values, in that order. masm.pushValue(Address(callerStackPtr, sizeof(Value))); masm.pushValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, genObj); masm.pushValue(Address(callerStackPtr, 0)); masm.switchToObjectRealm(genObj, scratch2); // Load script in scratch1. masm.unboxObject( Address(genObj, AbstractGeneratorObject::offsetOfCalleeSlot()), scratch1); masm.loadPtr(Address(scratch1, JSFunction::offsetOfScript()), scratch1); // Load resume index in scratch2 and mark generator as running. Address resumeIndexSlot(genObj, AbstractGeneratorObject::offsetOfResumeIndexSlot()); masm.unboxInt32(resumeIndexSlot, scratch2); masm.storeValue(Int32Value(AbstractGeneratorObject::RESUME_INDEX_RUNNING), resumeIndexSlot); if (!emitEnterGeneratorCode(scratch1, scratch2, regs.getAny())) { return false; } // Call into the VM to resume the generator in the C++ interpreter if there's // no JitScript. masm.bind(&interpret); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(callerStackPtr); pushArg(genObj); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject, Value*, MutableHandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } Label afterFrameRestore; masm.jump(&afterFrameRestore); masm.bind(&returnTarget); // When we call into a function which may end up in Warp/Ion, // we need to account for the possibility that BaselineFrameReg // is clobbered. So we recompute it based on the frame descriptor. // Load the frame descriptor into R2. masm.loadPtr(Address(masm.getStackPointer(), 0), BaselineFrameReg); // Compute Frame Size. masm.rshiftPtr(Imm32(FRAMESIZE_SHIFT), BaselineFrameReg); // Add to stack pointer. masm.addStackPtrTo(BaselineFrameReg); // This magic constant corresponds to the callee token and // actualArgc pushed before the frame descriptor was pushed. masm.addPtr(Imm32(2 * sizeof(void*)), BaselineFrameReg); masm.bind(&afterFrameRestore); // Restore Stack pointer masm.computeEffectiveAddress(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), masm.getStackPointer()); // After the generator returns, we restore the stack pointer, switch back to // the current realm, push the return value, and we're done. if (JSScript* script = handler.maybeScript()) { masm.switchToRealm(script->realm(), R2.scratchReg()); } else { masm.switchToBaselineFrameRealm(R2.scratchReg()); } restoreInterpreterPCReg(); frame.popn(3); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CheckResumeKind() { // Load resumeKind in R1, generator in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(2); #ifdef DEBUG Label ok; masm.branchTestInt32(Assembler::Equal, R1, &ok); masm.assumeUnreachable("Expected int32 resumeKind"); masm.bind(&ok); #endif // If resumeKind is 'next' we don't have to do anything. Label done; masm.unboxInt32(R1, R1.scratchReg()); masm.branch32(Assembler::Equal, R1.scratchReg(), Imm32(int32_t(GeneratorResumeKind::Next)), &done); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R1.scratchReg()); // resumeKind masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R2); pushArg(R2); // arg masm.unboxObject(R0, R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); // genObj masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R2.scratchReg()); pushArg(R2.scratchReg()); // frame using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, Handle, HandleValue, int32_t); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.bind(&done); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_ResumeKind() { GeneratorResumeKind resumeKind = ResumeKindFromPC(handler.pc()); frame.push(Int32Value(int32_t(resumeKind))); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_ResumeKind() { LoadUint8Operand(masm, R0.scratchReg()); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_INT32, R0.scratchReg(), R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_DebugCheckSelfHosted() { #ifdef DEBUG frame.syncStack(0); masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } #endif return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_IsConstructing() { frame.push(MagicValue(JS_IS_CONSTRUCTING)); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_JumpTarget() { MaybeIncrementCodeCoverageCounter(masm, handler.script(), handler.pc()); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_JumpTarget() { Register scratch1 = R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R1.scratchReg(); Label skipCoverage; CodeOffset toggleOffset = masm.toggledJump(&skipCoverage); masm.call(handler.codeCoverageAtPCLabel()); masm.bind(&skipCoverage); if (!handler.codeCoverageOffsets().append(toggleOffset.offset())) { return false; } // Load icIndex in scratch1. LoadInt32Operand(masm, scratch1); // scratch1 := scratch1 * sizeof(ICEntry) static_assert(sizeof(ICEntry) == 8 || sizeof(ICEntry) == 16, "shift below depends on ICEntry size"); uint32_t shift = (sizeof(ICEntry) == 16) ? 4 : 3; masm.lshiftPtr(Imm32(shift), scratch1); // Compute ICEntry* and store to frame->interpreterICEntry. masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfICScript(), scratch2); masm.computeEffectiveAddress( BaseIndex(scratch2, scratch1, TimesOne, ICScript::offsetOfICEntries()), scratch2); masm.storePtr(scratch2, frame.addressOfInterpreterICEntry()); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_CheckClassHeritage() { frame.syncStack(0); // Leave the heritage value on the stack. masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue); return callVM(); } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_InitHomeObject() { // Load HomeObject in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); // Load function off stack Register func = R2.scratchReg(); masm.unboxObject(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), func); // Set HOMEOBJECT_SLOT Register temp = R1.scratchReg(); Address addr(func, FunctionExtended::offsetOfMethodHomeObjectSlot()); masm.guardedCallPreBarrierAnyZone(addr, MIRType::Value, temp); masm.storeValue(R0, addr); Label skipBarrier; masm.branchPtrInNurseryChunk(Assembler::Equal, func, temp, &skipBarrier); masm.branchValueIsNurseryCell(Assembler::NotEqual, R0, temp, &skipBarrier); masm.call(&postBarrierSlot_); masm.bind(&skipBarrier); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_BuiltinObject() { // Built-in objects are constants for a given global. auto kind = BuiltinObjectKind(GET_UINT8(handler.pc())); JSObject* builtin = BuiltinObjectOperation(cx, kind); if (!builtin) { return false; } frame.push(ObjectValue(*builtin)); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_BuiltinObject() { prepareVMCall(); pushUint8BytecodeOperandArg(R0.scratchReg()); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, BuiltinObjectKind); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_ObjWithProto() { frame.syncStack(0); // Leave the proto value on the stack for the decompiler masm.loadValue(frame.addressOfStackValue(-1), R0); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0); using Fn = PlainObject* (*)(JSContext*, HandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.pop(); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_FunWithProto() { frame.popRegsAndSync(1); masm.unboxObject(R0, R0.scratchReg()); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfEnvironmentChain(), R1.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); pushArg(R1.scratchReg()); pushScriptGCThingArg(ScriptGCThingType::Function, R0.scratchReg(), R1.scratchReg()); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, HandleFunction, HandleObject, HandleObject); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_ClassConstructor() { frame.syncStack(0); // Pass nullptr as prototype to MakeDefaultConstructor prepareVMCall(); pushArg(ImmPtr(nullptr)); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushScriptArg(); using Fn = JSFunction* (*)(JSContext*, HandleScript, jsbytecode*, HandleObject); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_DerivedConstructor() { frame.popRegsAndSync(1); masm.unboxObject(R0, R0.scratchReg()); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0.scratchReg()); pushBytecodePCArg(); pushScriptArg(); using Fn = JSFunction* (*)(JSContext*, HandleScript, jsbytecode*, HandleObject); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_ImportMeta() { // Note: this is like the interpreter implementation, but optimized a bit by // calling GetModuleObjectForScript at compile-time. RootedModuleObject module(cx, GetModuleObjectForScript(handler.script())); MOZ_ASSERT(module); frame.syncStack(0); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(ImmGCPtr(module)); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, HandleObject); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_ImportMeta() { prepareVMCall(); pushScriptArg(); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, HandleScript); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emit_DynamicImport() { // Put specifier value in R0. frame.popRegsAndSync(1); prepareVMCall(); pushArg(R0); pushScriptArg(); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*, HandleScript, HandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_InstrumentationActive() { frame.syncStack(0); // RealmInstrumentation cannot be removed from a global without destroying the // entire realm, so its active address can be embedded into jitcode. const int32_t* address = RealmInstrumentation::addressOfActive(cx->global()); Register scratch = R0.scratchReg(); masm.load32(AbsoluteAddress(address), scratch); masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN, scratch, R0); frame.push(R0, JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_InstrumentationActive() { prepareVMCall(); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, MutableHandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_InstrumentationCallback() { JSObject* obj = RealmInstrumentation::getCallback(cx->global()); MOZ_ASSERT(obj); frame.push(ObjectValue(*obj)); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_InstrumentationCallback() { prepareVMCall(); using Fn = JSObject* (*)(JSContext*); if (!callVM()) { return false; } masm.tagValue(JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT, ReturnReg, R0); frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_InstrumentationScriptId() { int32_t scriptId; RootedScript script(cx, handler.script()); if (!RealmInstrumentation::getScriptId(cx, cx->global(), script, &scriptId)) { return false; } frame.push(Int32Value(scriptId)); return true; } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_InstrumentationScriptId() { prepareVMCall(); pushScriptArg(); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, HandleScript, MutableHandleValue); if (!callVM()) { return false; } frame.push(R0); return true; } template <> bool BaselineCompilerCodeGen::emit_ForceInterpreter() { // Caller is responsible for checking script->hasForceInterpreterOp(). MOZ_CRASH("JSOp::ForceInterpreter in baseline"); } template <> bool BaselineInterpreterCodeGen::emit_ForceInterpreter() { masm.assumeUnreachable("JSOp::ForceInterpreter"); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitPrologue() { #ifdef JS_USE_LINK_REGISTER // Push link register from generateEnterJIT()'s BLR. masm.pushReturnAddress(); masm.checkStackAlignment(); #endif emitProfilerEnterFrame(); masm.push(BaselineFrameReg); masm.moveStackPtrTo(BaselineFrameReg); masm.subFromStackPtr(Imm32(BaselineFrame::Size())); // Initialize BaselineFrame. Also handles env chain pre-initialization (in // case GC gets run during stack check). For global and eval scripts, the env // chain is in R1. For function scripts, the env chain is in the callee. emitInitFrameFields(R1.scratchReg()); // When compiling with Debugger instrumentation, set the debuggeeness of // the frame before any operation that can call into the VM. if (!emitIsDebuggeeCheck()) { return false; } // Initialize the env chain before any operation that may call into the VM and // trigger a GC. if (!initEnvironmentChain()) { return false; } // Check for overrecursion before initializing locals. if (!emitStackCheck()) { return false; } emitInitializeLocals(); #ifdef JS_TRACE_LOGGING if (JS::TraceLoggerSupported() && !emitTraceLoggerEnter()) { return false; } #endif // Ion prologue bailouts will enter here in the Baseline Interpreter. masm.bind(&bailoutPrologue_); frame.assertSyncedStack(); if (JSScript* script = handler.maybeScript()) { masm.debugAssertContextRealm(script->realm(), R1.scratchReg()); } if (!emitDebugPrologue()) { return false; } if (!emitHandleCodeCoverageAtPrologue()) { return false; } if (!emitWarmUpCounterIncrement()) { return false; } warmUpCheckPrologueOffset_ = CodeOffset(masm.currentOffset()); return true; } template bool BaselineCodeGen::emitEpilogue() { masm.bind(&return_); if (!handler.shouldEmitDebugEpilogueAtReturnOp()) { if (!emitDebugEpilogue()) { return false; } } #ifdef JS_TRACE_LOGGING if (JS::TraceLoggerSupported() && !emitTraceLoggerExit()) { return false; } #endif masm.moveToStackPtr(BaselineFrameReg); masm.pop(BaselineFrameReg); emitProfilerExitFrame(); masm.ret(); return true; } MethodStatus BaselineCompiler::emitBody() { JSScript* script = handler.script(); MOZ_ASSERT(handler.pc() == script->code()); mozilla::DebugOnly prevpc = handler.pc(); while (true) { JSOp op = JSOp(*handler.pc()); JitSpew(JitSpew_BaselineOp, "Compiling op @ %d: %s", int(script->pcToOffset(handler.pc())), CodeName(op)); BytecodeInfo* info = handler.analysis().maybeInfo(handler.pc()); // Skip unreachable ops. if (!info) { // Test if last instructions and stop emitting in that case. handler.moveToNextPC(); if (handler.pc() >= script->codeEnd()) { break; } prevpc = handler.pc(); continue; } if (info->jumpTarget) { // Fully sync the stack if there are incoming jumps. frame.syncStack(0); frame.setStackDepth(info->stackDepth); masm.bind(handler.labelOf(handler.pc())); } else if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(compileDebugInstrumentation())) { // Also fully sync the stack if the debugger is enabled. frame.syncStack(0); } else { // At the beginning of any op, at most the top 2 stack-values are // unsynced. if (frame.stackDepth() > 2) { frame.syncStack(2); } } frame.assertValidState(*info); // If the script has a resume offset for this pc we need to keep track of // the native code offset. if (info->hasResumeOffset) { frame.assertSyncedStack(); uint32_t pcOffset = script->pcToOffset(handler.pc()); uint32_t nativeOffset = masm.currentOffset(); if (!resumeOffsetEntries_.emplaceBack(pcOffset, nativeOffset)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return Method_Error; } } // Emit traps for breakpoints and step mode. if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(compileDebugInstrumentation()) && !emitDebugTrap()) { return Method_Error; } #define EMIT_OP(OP, ...) \ case JSOp::OP: \ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(!this->emit_##OP())) return Method_Error; \ break; switch (op) { FOR_EACH_OPCODE(EMIT_OP) default: MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected op"); } #undef EMIT_OP MOZ_ASSERT(masm.framePushed() == 0); // Test if last instructions and stop emitting in that case. handler.moveToNextPC(); if (handler.pc() >= script->codeEnd()) { break; } #ifdef DEBUG prevpc = handler.pc(); #endif } MOZ_ASSERT(JSOp(*prevpc) == JSOp::RetRval); return Method_Compiled; } bool BaselineInterpreterGenerator::emitDebugTrap() { CodeOffset offset = masm.nopPatchableToCall(); if (!debugTrapOffsets_.append(offset.offset())) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } return true; } // Register holding the bytecode pc during dispatch. This exists so the debug // trap handler can reload the pc into this register when it's done. static constexpr Register InterpreterPCRegAtDispatch = HasInterpreterPCReg() ? InterpreterPCReg : R0.scratchReg(); bool BaselineInterpreterGenerator::emitInterpreterLoop() { Register scratch1 = R0.scratchReg(); Register scratch2 = R1.scratchReg(); // Entry point for interpreting a bytecode op. No registers are live except // for InterpreterPCReg. masm.bind(handler.interpretOpWithPCRegLabel()); // Emit a patchable call for debugger breakpoints/stepping. if (!emitDebugTrap()) { return false; } Label interpretOpAfterDebugTrap; masm.bind(&interpretOpAfterDebugTrap); // Load pc, bytecode op. Register pcReg = LoadBytecodePC(masm, scratch1); masm.load8ZeroExtend(Address(pcReg, 0), scratch1); // Jump to table[op]. { CodeOffset label = masm.moveNearAddressWithPatch(scratch2); if (!tableLabels_.append(label)) { return false; } BaseIndex pointer(scratch2, scratch1, ScalePointer); masm.branchToComputedAddress(pointer); } // At the end of each op, emit code to bump the pc and jump to the // next op (this is also known as a threaded interpreter). auto opEpilogue = [&](JSOp op, size_t opLength) -> bool { MOZ_ASSERT(masm.framePushed() == 0); if (!BytecodeFallsThrough(op)) { // Nothing to do. masm.assumeUnreachable("unexpected fall through"); return true; } // Bump frame->interpreterICEntry if needed. if (BytecodeOpHasIC(op)) { frame.bumpInterpreterICEntry(); } // Bump bytecode PC. if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { MOZ_ASSERT(InterpreterPCRegAtDispatch == InterpreterPCReg); masm.addPtr(Imm32(opLength), InterpreterPCReg); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(InterpreterPCRegAtDispatch == scratch1); masm.loadPtr(frame.addressOfInterpreterPC(), InterpreterPCRegAtDispatch); masm.addPtr(Imm32(opLength), InterpreterPCRegAtDispatch); masm.storePtr(InterpreterPCRegAtDispatch, frame.addressOfInterpreterPC()); } if (!emitDebugTrap()) { return false; } // Load the opcode, jump to table[op]. masm.load8ZeroExtend(Address(InterpreterPCRegAtDispatch, 0), scratch1); CodeOffset label = masm.moveNearAddressWithPatch(scratch2); if (!tableLabels_.append(label)) { return false; } BaseIndex pointer(scratch2, scratch1, ScalePointer); masm.branchToComputedAddress(pointer); return true; }; // Emit code for each bytecode op. Label opLabels[JSOP_LIMIT]; #define EMIT_OP(OP, ...) \ { \ masm.bind(&opLabels[uint8_t(JSOp::OP)]); \ handler.setCurrentOp(JSOp::OP); \ if (!this->emit_##OP()) { \ return false; \ } \ if (!opEpilogue(JSOp::OP, JSOpLength_##OP)) { \ return false; \ } \ handler.resetCurrentOp(); \ } FOR_EACH_OPCODE(EMIT_OP) #undef EMIT_OP // External entry point to start interpreting bytecode ops. This is used for // things like exception handling and OSR. DebugModeOSR patches JIT frames to // return here from the DebugTrapHandler. masm.bind(handler.interpretOpLabel()); interpretOpOffset_ = masm.currentOffset(); restoreInterpreterPCReg(); masm.jump(handler.interpretOpWithPCRegLabel()); // Second external entry point: this skips the debug trap for the first op // and is used by OSR. interpretOpNoDebugTrapOffset_ = masm.currentOffset(); restoreInterpreterPCReg(); masm.jump(&interpretOpAfterDebugTrap); // External entry point for Ion prologue bailouts. bailoutPrologueOffset_ = CodeOffset(masm.currentOffset()); restoreInterpreterPCReg(); masm.jump(&bailoutPrologue_); // Emit debug trap handler code (target of patchable call instructions). This // is just a tail call to the debug trap handler trampoline code. { JitRuntime* jrt = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime(); JitCode* handlerCode = jrt->debugTrapHandler(cx, DebugTrapHandlerKind::Interpreter); if (!handlerCode) { return false; } debugTrapHandlerOffset_ = masm.currentOffset(); masm.jump(handlerCode); } // Emit the table. masm.haltingAlign(sizeof(void*)); #if defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM64) size_t numInstructions = JSOP_LIMIT * (sizeof(uintptr_t) / sizeof(uint32_t)); AutoForbidPoolsAndNops afp(&masm, numInstructions); #endif tableOffset_ = masm.currentOffset(); for (size_t i = 0; i < JSOP_LIMIT; i++) { const Label& opLabel = opLabels[i]; MOZ_ASSERT(opLabel.bound()); CodeLabel cl; masm.writeCodePointer(&cl); cl.target()->bind(opLabel.offset()); masm.addCodeLabel(cl); } return true; } void BaselineInterpreterGenerator::emitOutOfLineCodeCoverageInstrumentation() { masm.bind(handler.codeCoverageAtPrologueLabel()); #ifdef JS_USE_LINK_REGISTER masm.pushReturnAddress(); #endif saveInterpreterPCReg(); using Fn1 = void (*)(BaselineFrame * frame); masm.setupUnalignedABICall(R0.scratchReg()); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); masm.passABIArg(R0.scratchReg()); masm.callWithABI(); restoreInterpreterPCReg(); masm.ret(); masm.bind(handler.codeCoverageAtPCLabel()); #ifdef JS_USE_LINK_REGISTER masm.pushReturnAddress(); #endif saveInterpreterPCReg(); using Fn2 = void (*)(BaselineFrame * frame, jsbytecode * pc); masm.setupUnalignedABICall(R0.scratchReg()); masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, R0.scratchReg()); masm.passABIArg(R0.scratchReg()); Register pcReg = LoadBytecodePC(masm, R2.scratchReg()); masm.passABIArg(pcReg); masm.callWithABI(); restoreInterpreterPCReg(); masm.ret(); } bool BaselineInterpreterGenerator::generate(BaselineInterpreter& interpreter) { if (!emitPrologue()) { return false; } if (!emitInterpreterLoop()) { return false; } if (!emitEpilogue()) { return false; } if (!emitOutOfLinePostBarrierSlot()) { return false; } emitOutOfLineCodeCoverageInstrumentation(); { Linker linker(masm); if (masm.oom()) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } JitCode* code = linker.newCode(cx, CodeKind::Other); if (!code) { return false; } // Register BaselineInterpreter code with the profiler's JitCode table. { JitcodeGlobalEntry::BaselineInterpreterEntry entry; entry.init(code, code->raw(), code->rawEnd()); JitcodeGlobalTable* globalTable = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->getJitcodeGlobalTable(); if (!globalTable->addEntry(entry)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } code->setHasBytecodeMap(); } // Patch loads now that we know the tableswitch base address. CodeLocationLabel tableLoc(code, CodeOffset(tableOffset_)); for (CodeOffset off : tableLabels_) { MacroAssembler::patchNearAddressMove(CodeLocationLabel(code, off), tableLoc); } #ifdef JS_ION_PERF writePerfSpewerJitCodeProfile(code, "BaselineInterpreter"); #endif #ifdef MOZ_VTUNE vtune::MarkStub(code, "BaselineInterpreter"); #endif interpreter.init( code, interpretOpOffset_, interpretOpNoDebugTrapOffset_, bailoutPrologueOffset_.offset(), profilerEnterFrameToggleOffset_.offset(), profilerExitFrameToggleOffset_.offset(), debugTrapHandlerOffset_, std::move(handler.debugInstrumentationOffsets()), std::move(debugTrapOffsets_), std::move(handler.codeCoverageOffsets()), std::move(handler.icReturnOffsets()), handler.callVMOffsets()); } if (cx->runtime()->geckoProfiler().enabled()) { interpreter.toggleProfilerInstrumentation(true); } if (coverage::IsLCovEnabled()) { interpreter.toggleCodeCoverageInstrumentationUnchecked(true); } return true; } JitCode* JitRuntime::generateDebugTrapHandler(JSContext* cx, DebugTrapHandlerKind kind) { StackMacroAssembler masm; AllocatableGeneralRegisterSet regs(GeneralRegisterSet::All()); regs.takeUnchecked(BaselineFrameReg); regs.takeUnchecked(ICStubReg); if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { regs.takeUnchecked(InterpreterPCReg); } #ifdef JS_CODEGEN_ARM regs.takeUnchecked(BaselineSecondScratchReg); masm.setSecondScratchReg(BaselineSecondScratchReg); #endif Register scratch1 = regs.takeAny(); Register scratch2 = regs.takeAny(); Register scratch3 = regs.takeAny(); if (kind == DebugTrapHandlerKind::Interpreter) { // The interpreter calls this for every script when debugging, so check if // the script has any breakpoints or is in step mode before calling into // C++. Label hasDebugScript; Address scriptAddr(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfInterpreterScript()); masm.loadPtr(scriptAddr, scratch1); masm.branchTest32(Assembler::NonZero, Address(scratch1, JSScript::offsetOfMutableFlags()), Imm32(int32_t(JSScript::MutableFlags::HasDebugScript)), &hasDebugScript); masm.abiret(); masm.bind(&hasDebugScript); if (HasInterpreterPCReg()) { // Update frame's bytecode pc because the debugger depends on it. Address pcAddr(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfInterpreterPC()); masm.storePtr(InterpreterPCReg, pcAddr); } } // Load the return address in scratch1. masm.loadAbiReturnAddress(scratch1); // Load BaselineFrame pointer in scratch2. masm.loadBaselineFramePtr(BaselineFrameReg, scratch2); // Enter a stub frame and call the HandleDebugTrap VM function. Ensure // the stub frame has a nullptr ICStub pointer, since this pointer is marked // during GC. masm.movePtr(ImmPtr(nullptr), ICStubReg); EmitBaselineEnterStubFrame(masm, scratch3); using Fn = bool (*)(JSContext*, BaselineFrame*, uint8_t*); VMFunctionId id = VMFunctionToId::id; TrampolinePtr code = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->getVMWrapper(id); masm.push(scratch1); masm.push(scratch2); EmitBaselineCallVM(code, masm); EmitBaselineLeaveStubFrame(masm); if (kind == DebugTrapHandlerKind::Interpreter) { // We have to reload the bytecode pc register. Address pcAddr(BaselineFrameReg, BaselineFrame::reverseOffsetOfInterpreterPC()); masm.loadPtr(pcAddr, InterpreterPCRegAtDispatch); } masm.abiret(); Linker linker(masm); JitCode* handlerCode = linker.newCode(cx, CodeKind::Other); if (!handlerCode) { return nullptr; } #ifdef JS_ION_PERF writePerfSpewerJitCodeProfile(handlerCode, "DebugTrapHandler"); #endif #ifdef MOZ_VTUNE vtune::MarkStub(handlerCode, "DebugTrapHandler"); #endif return handlerCode; } } // namespace jit } // namespace js