/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifdef JS_CACHEIR_SPEW # include "jit/CacheIRSpewer.h" # include "mozilla/Sprintf.h" # include # ifdef XP_WIN # include # define getpid _getpid # else # include # endif # include # include "jsmath.h" # include "js/ScalarType.h" // js::Scalar::Type # include "util/Text.h" # include "vm/JSFunction.h" # include "vm/JSObject.h" # include "vm/JSScript.h" # include "vm/JSObject-inl.h" # include "vm/Realm-inl.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::jit; // Text spewer for CacheIR ops that can be used with JitSpew. // Output looks like this: // // GuardToInt32 inputId 0, resultId 2 // GuardToInt32 inputId 1, resultId 3 // CompareInt32Result op JSOp::Lt, lhsId 2, rhsId 3 // ReturnFromIC class MOZ_RAII CacheIROpsJitSpewer { GenericPrinter& out_; // String prepended to each line. Can be used for indentation. const char* prefix_; CACHE_IR_SPEWER_GENERATED void spewOp(CacheOp op) { const char* opName = CacheIROpNames[size_t(op)]; out_.printf("%s%-30s", prefix_, opName); } void spewOpEnd() { out_.printf("\n"); } void spewArgSeparator() { out_.printf(", "); } void spewOperandId(const char* name, OperandId id) { spewRawOperandId(name, id.id()); } void spewRawOperandId(const char* name, uint32_t id) { out_.printf("%s %u", name, id); } void spewField(const char* name, uint32_t offset) { out_.printf("%s %u", name, offset); } void spewBoolImm(const char* name, bool b) { out_.printf("%s %s", name, b ? "true" : "false"); } void spewByteImm(const char* name, uint8_t val) { out_.printf("%s %u", name, val); } void spewJSOpImm(const char* name, JSOp op) { out_.printf("%s JSOp::%s", name, CodeName(op)); } void spewStaticStringImm(const char* name, const char* str) { out_.printf("%s \"%s\"", name, str); } void spewInt32Imm(const char* name, int32_t val) { out_.printf("%s %d", name, val); } void spewUInt32Imm(const char* name, uint32_t val) { out_.printf("%s %u", name, val); } void spewCallFlagsImm(const char* name, CallFlags flags) { out_.printf( "%s (format %u%s%s%s)", name, flags.getArgFormat(), flags.isConstructing() ? ", isConstructing" : "", flags.isSameRealm() ? ", isSameRealm" : "", flags.needsUninitializedThis() ? ", needsUninitializedThis" : ""); } void spewJSWhyMagicImm(const char* name, JSWhyMagic magic) { out_.printf("%s JSWhyMagic(%u)", name, unsigned(magic)); } void spewScalarTypeImm(const char* name, Scalar::Type type) { out_.printf("%s Scalar::Type(%u)", name, unsigned(type)); } void spewUnaryMathFunctionImm(const char* name, UnaryMathFunction fun) { const char* funName = GetUnaryMathFunctionName(fun); out_.printf("%s UnaryMathFunction::%s", name, funName); } void spewValueTypeImm(const char* name, ValueType type) { out_.printf("%s ValueType(%u)", name, unsigned(type)); } void spewJSNativeImm(const char* name, JSNative native) { out_.printf("%s %p", name, native); } void spewGuardClassKindImm(const char* name, GuardClassKind kind) { out_.printf("%s GuardClassKind(%u)", name, unsigned(kind)); } void spewWasmValTypeImm(const char* name, wasm::ValType::Kind kind) { out_.printf("%s WasmValTypeKind(%u)", name, unsigned(kind)); } public: CacheIROpsJitSpewer(GenericPrinter& out, const char* prefix) : out_(out), prefix_(prefix) {} void spew(CacheIRReader& reader) { do { switch (reader.readOp()) { # define SPEW_OP(op, ...) \ case CacheOp::op: \ spew##op(reader); \ break; CACHE_IR_OPS(SPEW_OP) # undef SPEW_OP default: MOZ_CRASH("Invalid op"); } } while (reader.more()); } }; void js::jit::SpewCacheIROps(GenericPrinter& out, const char* prefix, const CacheIRStubInfo* info) { CacheIRReader reader(info); CacheIROpsJitSpewer spewer(out, prefix); spewer.spew(reader); } // JSON spewer for CacheIR ops. Output looks like this: // // ... // { // "op":"GuardToInt32", // "args":[ // { // "name":"inputId", // "type":"Id", // "value":0 // }, // { // "name":"resultId", // "type":"Id", // "value":1 // } // ] // }, // { // "op":"Int32IncResult", // "args":[ // { // "name":"inputId", // "type":"Id", // "value":1 // } // ] // } // ... class MOZ_RAII CacheIROpsJSONSpewer { JSONPrinter& j_; CACHE_IR_SPEWER_GENERATED void spewOp(CacheOp op) { const char* opName = CacheIROpNames[size_t(op)]; j_.beginObject(); j_.property("op", opName); j_.beginListProperty("args"); } void spewOpEnd() { j_.endList(); j_.endObject(); } void spewArgSeparator() {} template void spewArgImpl(const char* name, const char* type, T value) { j_.beginObject(); j_.property("name", name); j_.property("type", type); j_.property("value", value); j_.endObject(); } void spewOperandId(const char* name, OperandId id) { spewRawOperandId(name, id.id()); } void spewRawOperandId(const char* name, uint32_t id) { spewArgImpl(name, "Id", id); } void spewField(const char* name, uint32_t offset) { spewArgImpl(name, "Field", offset); } void spewBoolImm(const char* name, bool b) { spewArgImpl(name, "Imm", b); } void spewByteImm(const char* name, uint8_t val) { spewArgImpl(name, "Imm", val); } void spewJSOpImm(const char* name, JSOp op) { spewArgImpl(name, "JSOp", CodeName(op)); } void spewStaticStringImm(const char* name, const char* str) { spewArgImpl(name, "String", str); } void spewInt32Imm(const char* name, int32_t val) { spewArgImpl(name, "Imm", val); } void spewUInt32Imm(const char* name, uint32_t val) { spewArgImpl(name, "Imm", val); } void spewCallFlagsImm(const char* name, CallFlags flags) { spewArgImpl(name, "Imm", flags.toByte()); } void spewJSWhyMagicImm(const char* name, JSWhyMagic magic) { spewArgImpl(name, "Imm", unsigned(magic)); } void spewScalarTypeImm(const char* name, Scalar::Type type) { spewArgImpl(name, "Imm", unsigned(type)); } void spewUnaryMathFunctionImm(const char* name, UnaryMathFunction fun) { const char* funName = GetUnaryMathFunctionName(fun); spewArgImpl(name, "MathFunction", funName); } void spewValueTypeImm(const char* name, ValueType type) { spewArgImpl(name, "Imm", unsigned(type)); } void spewJSNativeImm(const char* name, JSNative native) { spewArgImpl(name, "Word", uintptr_t(native)); } void spewGuardClassKindImm(const char* name, GuardClassKind kind) { spewArgImpl(name, "Imm", unsigned(kind)); } void spewWasmValTypeImm(const char* name, wasm::ValType::Kind kind) { spewArgImpl(name, "Imm", unsigned(kind)); } public: explicit CacheIROpsJSONSpewer(JSONPrinter& j) : j_(j) {} void spew(CacheIRReader& reader) { do { switch (reader.readOp()) { # define SPEW_OP(op, ...) \ case CacheOp::op: \ spew##op(reader); \ break; CACHE_IR_OPS(SPEW_OP) # undef SPEW_OP default: MOZ_CRASH("Invalid op"); } } while (reader.more()); } }; CacheIRSpewer CacheIRSpewer::cacheIRspewer; CacheIRSpewer::CacheIRSpewer() : outputLock_(mutexid::CacheIRSpewer), guardCount_(0) { spewInterval_ = getenv("CACHEIR_LOG_FLUSH") ? atoi(getenv("CACHEIR_LOG_FLUSH")) : 10000; if (spewInterval_ < 1) { spewInterval_ = 1; } } CacheIRSpewer::~CacheIRSpewer() { if (!enabled()) { return; } json_.ref().endList(); output_.flush(); output_.finish(); } # ifndef JIT_SPEW_DIR # if defined(_WIN32) # define JIT_SPEW_DIR "." # elif defined(__ANDROID__) # define JIT_SPEW_DIR "/data/local/tmp" # else # define JIT_SPEW_DIR "/tmp" # endif # endif bool CacheIRSpewer::init(const char* filename) { if (enabled()) { return true; } char name[256]; uint32_t pid = getpid(); // Default to JIT_SPEW_DIR/cacheir${pid}.json if (filename[0] == '1') { SprintfLiteral(name, JIT_SPEW_DIR "/cacheir%" PRIu32 ".json", pid); } else { SprintfLiteral(name, "%s%" PRIu32 ".json", filename, pid); } if (!output_.init(name)) { return false; } json_.emplace(output_); json_->beginList(); return true; } void CacheIRSpewer::beginCache(const IRGenerator& gen) { MOZ_ASSERT(enabled()); JSONPrinter& j = json_.ref(); const char* filename = gen.script_->filename(); j.beginObject(); j.property("name", CacheKindNames[uint8_t(gen.cacheKind_)]); j.property("file", filename ? filename : "null"); j.property("mode", int(gen.mode_)); if (jsbytecode* pc = gen.pc_) { unsigned column; j.property("line", PCToLineNumber(gen.script_, pc, &column)); j.property("column", column); j.formatProperty("pc", "%p", pc); } } template static void QuoteString(GenericPrinter& out, const CharT* s, size_t length) { const CharT* end = s + length; for (const CharT* t = s; t < end; s = ++t) { // This quote implementation is probably correct, // but uses \u even when not strictly necessary. char16_t c = *t; if (c == '"' || c == '\\') { out.printf("\\"); out.printf("%c", char(c)); } else if (!IsAsciiPrintable(c)) { out.printf("\\u%04x", c); } else { out.printf("%c", char(c)); } } } static void QuoteString(GenericPrinter& out, JSLinearString* str) { JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; // Limit the string length to reduce the JSON file size. size_t length = std::min(str->length(), size_t(128)); if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) { QuoteString(out, str->latin1Chars(nogc), length); } else { QuoteString(out, str->twoByteChars(nogc), length); } } void CacheIRSpewer::valueProperty(const char* name, const Value& v) { MOZ_ASSERT(enabled()); JSONPrinter& j = json_.ref(); j.beginObjectProperty(name); const char* type = InformalValueTypeName(v); if (v.isInt32()) { type = "int32"; } j.property("type", type); if (v.isInt32()) { j.property("value", v.toInt32()); } else if (v.isDouble()) { j.floatProperty("value", v.toDouble(), 3); } else if (v.isString() || v.isSymbol()) { JSString* str = v.isString() ? v.toString() : v.toSymbol()->description(); if (str && str->isLinear()) { j.beginStringProperty("value"); QuoteString(output_, &str->asLinear()); j.endStringProperty(); } } else if (v.isObject()) { JSObject& object = v.toObject(); j.formatProperty("value", "%p (shape: %p)", &object, object.shape()); if (object.is()) { if (JSAtom* name = object.as().displayAtom()) { j.beginStringProperty("funName"); QuoteString(output_, name); j.endStringProperty(); } } if (NativeObject* nobj = object.isNative() ? &object.as() : nullptr) { j.beginListProperty("flags"); { if (nobj->isIndexed()) { j.value("indexed"); } if (nobj->inDictionaryMode()) { j.value("dictionaryMode"); } } j.endList(); if (nobj->isIndexed()) { j.beginObjectProperty("indexed"); { j.property("denseInitializedLength", nobj->getDenseInitializedLength()); j.property("denseCapacity", nobj->getDenseCapacity()); j.property("denseElementsAreSealed", nobj->denseElementsAreSealed()); j.property("denseElementsAreFrozen", nobj->denseElementsAreFrozen()); } j.endObject(); } } } j.endObject(); } void CacheIRSpewer::opcodeProperty(const char* name, const JSOp op) { MOZ_ASSERT(enabled()); JSONPrinter& j = json_.ref(); j.beginStringProperty(name); output_.put(CodeName(op)); j.endStringProperty(); } void CacheIRSpewer::cacheIRSequence(CacheIRReader& reader) { MOZ_ASSERT(enabled()); JSONPrinter& j = json_.ref(); j.beginListProperty("cacheIR"); CacheIROpsJSONSpewer spewer(j); spewer.spew(reader); j.endList(); } void CacheIRSpewer::attached(const char* name) { MOZ_ASSERT(enabled()); json_.ref().property("attached", name); } void CacheIRSpewer::endCache() { MOZ_ASSERT(enabled()); json_.ref().endObject(); } #endif /* JS_CACHEIR_SPEW */