/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef jit_InlinableNatives_h #define jit_InlinableNatives_h #include // For uint16_t #include "jspubtd.h" // For JSClass #define INLINABLE_NATIVE_LIST(_) \ _(Array) \ _(ArrayIsArray) \ _(ArrayJoin) \ _(ArrayPop) \ _(ArrayShift) \ _(ArrayPush) \ _(ArraySlice) \ \ _(AtomicsCompareExchange) \ _(AtomicsExchange) \ _(AtomicsLoad) \ _(AtomicsStore) \ _(AtomicsAdd) \ _(AtomicsSub) \ _(AtomicsAnd) \ _(AtomicsOr) \ _(AtomicsXor) \ _(AtomicsIsLockFree) \ \ _(BigIntAsIntN) \ _(BigIntAsUintN) \ \ _(Boolean) \ \ _(DataViewGetInt8) \ _(DataViewGetUint8) \ _(DataViewGetInt16) \ _(DataViewGetUint16) \ _(DataViewGetInt32) \ _(DataViewGetUint32) \ _(DataViewGetFloat32) \ _(DataViewGetFloat64) \ _(DataViewGetBigInt64) \ _(DataViewGetBigUint64) \ _(DataViewSetInt8) \ _(DataViewSetUint8) \ _(DataViewSetInt16) \ _(DataViewSetUint16) \ _(DataViewSetInt32) \ _(DataViewSetUint32) \ _(DataViewSetFloat32) \ _(DataViewSetFloat64) \ _(DataViewSetBigInt64) \ _(DataViewSetBigUint64) \ \ _(IntlGuardToCollator) \ _(IntlGuardToDateTimeFormat) \ _(IntlGuardToDisplayNames) \ _(IntlGuardToListFormat) \ _(IntlGuardToNumberFormat) \ _(IntlGuardToPluralRules) \ _(IntlGuardToRelativeTimeFormat) \ \ _(MathAbs) \ _(MathFloor) \ _(MathCeil) \ _(MathRound) \ _(MathClz32) \ _(MathSqrt) \ _(MathATan2) \ _(MathHypot) \ _(MathMax) \ _(MathMin) \ _(MathPow) \ _(MathRandom) \ _(MathImul) \ _(MathFRound) \ _(MathSin) \ _(MathTan) \ _(MathCos) \ _(MathExp) \ _(MathLog) \ _(MathASin) \ _(MathATan) \ _(MathACos) \ _(MathLog10) \ _(MathLog2) \ _(MathLog1P) \ _(MathExpM1) \ _(MathSinH) \ _(MathTanH) \ _(MathCosH) \ _(MathASinH) \ _(MathATanH) \ _(MathACosH) \ _(MathSign) \ _(MathTrunc) \ _(MathCbrt) \ \ _(NumberToString) \ \ _(ReflectGetPrototypeOf) \ \ _(RegExpMatcher) \ _(RegExpSearcher) \ _(RegExpTester) \ _(IsRegExpObject) \ _(IsPossiblyWrappedRegExpObject) \ _(RegExpPrototypeOptimizable) \ _(RegExpInstanceOptimizable) \ _(GetFirstDollarIndex) \ \ _(String) \ _(StringToString) \ _(StringValueOf) \ _(StringCharCodeAt) \ _(StringFromCharCode) \ _(StringFromCodePoint) \ _(StringCharAt) \ _(StringToLowerCase) \ _(StringToUpperCase) \ \ _(IntrinsicStringReplaceString) \ _(IntrinsicStringSplitString) \ \ _(Object) \ _(ObjectCreate) \ _(ObjectIs) \ _(ObjectIsPrototypeOf) \ _(ObjectToString) \ \ _(TestBailout) \ _(TestAssertFloat32) \ _(TestAssertRecoveredOnBailout) \ \ _(IntrinsicUnsafeSetReservedSlot) \ _(IntrinsicUnsafeGetReservedSlot) \ _(IntrinsicUnsafeGetObjectFromReservedSlot) \ _(IntrinsicUnsafeGetInt32FromReservedSlot) \ _(IntrinsicUnsafeGetStringFromReservedSlot) \ _(IntrinsicUnsafeGetBooleanFromReservedSlot) \ \ _(IntrinsicIsCallable) \ _(IntrinsicIsConstructor) \ _(IntrinsicToObject) \ _(IntrinsicIsObject) \ _(IntrinsicIsCrossRealmArrayConstructor) \ _(IntrinsicToInteger) \ _(IntrinsicToLength) \ _(IntrinsicIsConstructing) \ _(IntrinsicSubstringKernel) \ _(IntrinsicObjectHasPrototype) \ _(IntrinsicFinishBoundFunctionInit) \ _(IntrinsicIsPackedArray) \ \ _(IntrinsicIsSuspendedGenerator) \ \ _(IntrinsicGuardToArrayIterator) \ _(IntrinsicGuardToMapIterator) \ _(IntrinsicGuardToSetIterator) \ _(IntrinsicGuardToStringIterator) \ _(IntrinsicGuardToRegExpStringIterator) \ _(IntrinsicGuardToWrapForValidIterator) \ _(IntrinsicGuardToIteratorHelper) \ _(IntrinsicGuardToAsyncIteratorHelper) \ \ _(IntrinsicGuardToMapObject) \ _(IntrinsicGetNextMapEntryForIterator) \ \ _(IntrinsicGuardToSetObject) \ _(IntrinsicGetNextSetEntryForIterator) \ \ _(IntrinsicNewArrayIterator) \ _(IntrinsicNewStringIterator) \ _(IntrinsicNewRegExpStringIterator) \ _(IntrinsicArrayIteratorPrototypeOptimizable) \ \ _(IntrinsicGuardToArrayBuffer) \ _(IntrinsicArrayBufferByteLength) \ _(IntrinsicPossiblyWrappedArrayBufferByteLength) \ \ _(IntrinsicGuardToSharedArrayBuffer) \ \ _(TypedArrayConstructor) \ _(IntrinsicIsTypedArrayConstructor) \ _(IntrinsicIsTypedArray) \ _(IntrinsicIsPossiblyWrappedTypedArray) \ _(IntrinsicTypedArrayLength) \ _(IntrinsicPossiblyWrappedTypedArrayLength) \ _(IntrinsicTypedArrayByteOffset) \ _(IntrinsicTypedArrayElementShift) class JSJitInfo; namespace js { namespace jit { enum class InlinableNative : uint16_t { #define ADD_NATIVE(native) native, INLINABLE_NATIVE_LIST(ADD_NATIVE) #undef ADD_NATIVE Limit }; #define ADD_NATIVE(native) extern const JSJitInfo JitInfo_##native; INLINABLE_NATIVE_LIST(ADD_NATIVE) #undef ADD_NATIVE const JSClass* InlinableNativeGuardToClass(InlinableNative native); bool CanInlineNativeCrossRealm(InlinableNative native); } // namespace jit } // namespace js #endif /* jit_InlinableNatives_h */