/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef jit_IonIC_h #define jit_IonIC_h #include "jit/CacheIR.h" #include "jit/shared/Assembler-shared.h" namespace js { namespace jit { class CacheIRStubInfo; // An optimized stub attached to an IonIC. class IonICStub { // Code to jump to when this stub fails. This is either the next optimized // stub or the OOL fallback path. uint8_t* nextCodeRaw_; // The next optimized stub in this chain, or nullptr if this is the last // one. IonICStub* next_; // Info about this stub. CacheIRStubInfo* stubInfo_; public: IonICStub(uint8_t* fallbackCode, CacheIRStubInfo* stubInfo) : nextCodeRaw_(fallbackCode), next_(nullptr), stubInfo_(stubInfo) {} uint8_t* nextCodeRaw() const { return nextCodeRaw_; } uint8_t** nextCodeRawPtr() { return &nextCodeRaw_; } CacheIRStubInfo* stubInfo() const { return stubInfo_; } IonICStub* next() const { return next_; } uint8_t* stubDataStart(); void setNext(IonICStub* next, uint8_t* nextCodeRaw) { MOZ_ASSERT(!next_); MOZ_ASSERT(next && nextCodeRaw); next_ = next; nextCodeRaw_ = nextCodeRaw; } // Null out pointers when we unlink stubs, to ensure we never use // discarded stubs. void poison() { nextCodeRaw_ = nullptr; next_ = nullptr; stubInfo_ = nullptr; } }; class IonGetPropertyIC; class IonSetPropertyIC; class IonGetPropSuperIC; class IonGetNameIC; class IonBindNameIC; class IonGetIteratorIC; class IonHasOwnIC; class IonCheckPrivateFieldIC; class IonInIC; class IonInstanceOfIC; class IonCompareIC; class IonUnaryArithIC; class IonBinaryArithIC; class IonToPropertyKeyIC; class IonOptimizeSpreadCallIC; class IonIC { // This either points at the OOL path for the fallback path, or the code for // the first stub. uint8_t* codeRaw_; // The first optimized stub, or nullptr. IonICStub* firstStub_; // Location of this IC. JSScript* script_; jsbytecode* pc_; // The offset of the rejoin location in the IonScript's code (stubs jump to // this location). uint32_t rejoinOffset_; // The offset of the OOL path in the IonScript's code that calls the IC's // update function. uint32_t fallbackOffset_; CacheKind kind_; ICState state_; protected: explicit IonIC(CacheKind kind) : codeRaw_(nullptr), firstStub_(nullptr), script_(nullptr), pc_(nullptr), rejoinOffset_(0), fallbackOffset_(0), kind_(kind), state_() {} void attachStub(IonICStub* newStub, JitCode* code); public: void setScriptedLocation(JSScript* script, jsbytecode* pc) { MOZ_ASSERT(!script_ && !pc_); MOZ_ASSERT(script && pc); script_ = script; pc_ = pc; } JSScript* script() const { MOZ_ASSERT(script_); return script_; } jsbytecode* pc() const { MOZ_ASSERT(pc_); return pc_; } // Discard all stubs. void discardStubs(Zone* zone, IonScript* ionScript); // Discard all stubs and reset the ICState. void reset(Zone* zone, IonScript* ionScript); ICState& state() { return state_; } CacheKind kind() const { return kind_; } uint8_t** codeRawPtr() { return &codeRaw_; } void setFallbackOffset(CodeOffset offset) { fallbackOffset_ = offset.offset(); } void setRejoinOffset(CodeOffset offset) { rejoinOffset_ = offset.offset(); } void resetCodeRaw(IonScript* ionScript); uint8_t* fallbackAddr(IonScript* ionScript) const; uint8_t* rejoinAddr(IonScript* ionScript) const; IonGetPropertyIC* asGetPropertyIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::GetProp || kind_ == CacheKind::GetElem); return (IonGetPropertyIC*)this; } IonSetPropertyIC* asSetPropertyIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::SetProp || kind_ == CacheKind::SetElem); return (IonSetPropertyIC*)this; } IonGetPropSuperIC* asGetPropSuperIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::GetPropSuper || kind_ == CacheKind::GetElemSuper); return (IonGetPropSuperIC*)this; } IonGetNameIC* asGetNameIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::GetName); return (IonGetNameIC*)this; } IonBindNameIC* asBindNameIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::BindName); return (IonBindNameIC*)this; } IonGetIteratorIC* asGetIteratorIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::GetIterator); return (IonGetIteratorIC*)this; } IonOptimizeSpreadCallIC* asOptimizeSpreadCallIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::OptimizeSpreadCall); return (IonOptimizeSpreadCallIC*)this; } IonHasOwnIC* asHasOwnIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::HasOwn); return (IonHasOwnIC*)this; } IonCheckPrivateFieldIC* asCheckPrivateFieldIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::CheckPrivateField); return (IonCheckPrivateFieldIC*)this; } IonInIC* asInIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::In); return (IonInIC*)this; } IonInstanceOfIC* asInstanceOfIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::InstanceOf); return (IonInstanceOfIC*)this; } IonCompareIC* asCompareIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::Compare); return (IonCompareIC*)this; } IonUnaryArithIC* asUnaryArithIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::UnaryArith); return (IonUnaryArithIC*)this; } IonBinaryArithIC* asBinaryArithIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::BinaryArith); return (IonBinaryArithIC*)this; } IonToPropertyKeyIC* asToPropertyKeyIC() { MOZ_ASSERT(kind_ == CacheKind::ToPropertyKey); return (IonToPropertyKeyIC*)this; } // Returns the Register to use as scratch when entering IC stubs. This // should either be an output register or a temp. Register scratchRegisterForEntryJump(); void trace(JSTracer* trc, IonScript* ionScript); void attachCacheIRStub(JSContext* cx, const CacheIRWriter& writer, CacheKind kind, IonScript* ionScript, bool* attached); }; class IonGetPropertyIC : public IonIC { private: LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; TypedOrValueRegister value_; ConstantOrRegister id_; ValueOperand output_; public: IonGetPropertyIC(CacheKind kind, LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, TypedOrValueRegister value, const ConstantOrRegister& id, ValueOperand output) : IonIC(kind), liveRegs_(liveRegs), value_(value), id_(id), output_(output) {} TypedOrValueRegister value() const { return value_; } ConstantOrRegister id() const { return id_; } ValueOperand output() const { return output_; } LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonGetPropertyIC* ic, HandleValue val, HandleValue idVal, MutableHandleValue res); }; class IonGetPropSuperIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; Register object_; TypedOrValueRegister receiver_; ConstantOrRegister id_; ValueOperand output_; public: IonGetPropSuperIC(CacheKind kind, LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, Register object, TypedOrValueRegister receiver, const ConstantOrRegister& id, ValueOperand output) : IonIC(kind), liveRegs_(liveRegs), object_(object), receiver_(receiver), id_(id), output_(output) {} Register object() const { return object_; } TypedOrValueRegister receiver() const { return receiver_; } ConstantOrRegister id() const { return id_; } ValueOperand output() const { return output_; } LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonGetPropSuperIC* ic, HandleObject obj, HandleValue receiver, HandleValue idVal, MutableHandleValue res); }; class IonSetPropertyIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; Register object_; Register temp_; ConstantOrRegister id_; ConstantOrRegister rhs_; bool strict_ : 1; public: IonSetPropertyIC(CacheKind kind, LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, Register object, Register temp, const ConstantOrRegister& id, const ConstantOrRegister& rhs, bool strict) : IonIC(kind), liveRegs_(liveRegs), object_(object), temp_(temp), id_(id), rhs_(rhs), strict_(strict) {} LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } Register object() const { return object_; } ConstantOrRegister id() const { return id_; } ConstantOrRegister rhs() const { return rhs_; } Register temp() const { return temp_; } bool strict() const { return strict_; } [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonSetPropertyIC* ic, HandleObject obj, HandleValue idVal, HandleValue rhs); }; class IonGetNameIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; Register environment_; ValueOperand output_; Register temp_; public: IonGetNameIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, Register environment, ValueOperand output, Register temp) : IonIC(CacheKind::GetName), liveRegs_(liveRegs), environment_(environment), output_(output), temp_(temp) {} Register environment() const { return environment_; } ValueOperand output() const { return output_; } Register temp() const { return temp_; } LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonGetNameIC* ic, HandleObject envChain, MutableHandleValue res); }; class IonBindNameIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; Register environment_; Register output_; Register temp_; public: IonBindNameIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, Register environment, Register output, Register temp) : IonIC(CacheKind::BindName), liveRegs_(liveRegs), environment_(environment), output_(output), temp_(temp) {} Register environment() const { return environment_; } Register output() const { return output_; } Register temp() const { return temp_; } LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } static JSObject* update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonBindNameIC* ic, HandleObject envChain); }; class IonGetIteratorIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; TypedOrValueRegister value_; Register output_; Register temp1_; Register temp2_; public: IonGetIteratorIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, TypedOrValueRegister value, Register output, Register temp1, Register temp2) : IonIC(CacheKind::GetIterator), liveRegs_(liveRegs), value_(value), output_(output), temp1_(temp1), temp2_(temp2) {} TypedOrValueRegister value() const { return value_; } Register output() const { return output_; } Register temp1() const { return temp1_; } Register temp2() const { return temp2_; } LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } static JSObject* update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonGetIteratorIC* ic, HandleValue value); }; class IonOptimizeSpreadCallIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; ValueOperand value_; Register output_; Register temp_; public: IonOptimizeSpreadCallIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, ValueOperand value, Register output, Register temp) : IonIC(CacheKind::OptimizeSpreadCall), liveRegs_(liveRegs), value_(value), output_(output), temp_(temp) {} ValueOperand value() const { return value_; } Register output() const { return output_; } Register temp() const { return temp_; } LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonOptimizeSpreadCallIC* ic, HandleValue value, bool* result); }; class IonHasOwnIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; TypedOrValueRegister value_; TypedOrValueRegister id_; Register output_; public: IonHasOwnIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, TypedOrValueRegister value, TypedOrValueRegister id, Register output) : IonIC(CacheKind::HasOwn), liveRegs_(liveRegs), value_(value), id_(id), output_(output) {} TypedOrValueRegister value() const { return value_; } TypedOrValueRegister id() const { return id_; } Register output() const { return output_; } LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonHasOwnIC* ic, HandleValue val, HandleValue idVal, int32_t* res); }; class IonCheckPrivateFieldIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; TypedOrValueRegister value_; TypedOrValueRegister id_; Register output_; public: IonCheckPrivateFieldIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, TypedOrValueRegister value, TypedOrValueRegister id, Register output) : IonIC(CacheKind::CheckPrivateField), liveRegs_(liveRegs), value_(value), id_(id), output_(output) {} TypedOrValueRegister value() const { return value_; } TypedOrValueRegister id() const { return id_; } Register output() const { return output_; } LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonCheckPrivateFieldIC* ic, HandleValue val, HandleValue idVal, bool* res); }; class IonInIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; ConstantOrRegister key_; Register object_; Register output_; Register temp_; public: IonInIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, const ConstantOrRegister& key, Register object, Register output, Register temp) : IonIC(CacheKind::In), liveRegs_(liveRegs), key_(key), object_(object), output_(output), temp_(temp) {} ConstantOrRegister key() const { return key_; } Register object() const { return object_; } Register output() const { return output_; } Register temp() const { return temp_; } LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonInIC* ic, HandleValue key, HandleObject obj, bool* res); }; class IonInstanceOfIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; TypedOrValueRegister lhs_; Register rhs_; Register output_; public: IonInstanceOfIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, TypedOrValueRegister lhs, Register rhs, Register output) : IonIC(CacheKind::InstanceOf), liveRegs_(liveRegs), lhs_(lhs), rhs_(rhs), output_(output) {} LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } TypedOrValueRegister lhs() const { return lhs_; } Register rhs() const { return rhs_; } Register output() const { return output_; } // This signature mimics that of TryAttachInstanceOfStub in baseline [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonInstanceOfIC* ic, HandleValue lhs, HandleObject rhs, bool* attached); }; class IonCompareIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; TypedOrValueRegister lhs_; TypedOrValueRegister rhs_; Register output_; public: IonCompareIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, TypedOrValueRegister lhs, TypedOrValueRegister rhs, Register output) : IonIC(CacheKind::Compare), liveRegs_(liveRegs), lhs_(lhs), rhs_(rhs), output_(output) {} LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } TypedOrValueRegister lhs() const { return lhs_; } TypedOrValueRegister rhs() const { return rhs_; } Register output() const { return output_; } [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonCompareIC* stub, HandleValue lhs, HandleValue rhs, bool* res); }; class IonUnaryArithIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; TypedOrValueRegister input_; ValueOperand output_; public: IonUnaryArithIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, TypedOrValueRegister input, ValueOperand output) : IonIC(CacheKind::UnaryArith), liveRegs_(liveRegs), input_(input), output_(output) {} LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } TypedOrValueRegister input() const { return input_; } ValueOperand output() const { return output_; } [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonUnaryArithIC* stub, HandleValue val, MutableHandleValue res); }; class IonToPropertyKeyIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; ValueOperand input_; ValueOperand output_; public: IonToPropertyKeyIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, ValueOperand input, ValueOperand output) : IonIC(CacheKind::ToPropertyKey), liveRegs_(liveRegs), input_(input), output_(output) {} LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } ValueOperand input() const { return input_; } ValueOperand output() const { return output_; } [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonToPropertyKeyIC* ic, HandleValue val, MutableHandleValue res); }; class IonBinaryArithIC : public IonIC { LiveRegisterSet liveRegs_; TypedOrValueRegister lhs_; TypedOrValueRegister rhs_; ValueOperand output_; public: IonBinaryArithIC(LiveRegisterSet liveRegs, TypedOrValueRegister lhs, TypedOrValueRegister rhs, ValueOperand output) : IonIC(CacheKind::BinaryArith), liveRegs_(liveRegs), lhs_(lhs), rhs_(rhs), output_(output) {} LiveRegisterSet liveRegs() const { return liveRegs_; } TypedOrValueRegister lhs() const { return lhs_; } TypedOrValueRegister rhs() const { return rhs_; } ValueOperand output() const { return output_; } [[nodiscard]] static bool update(JSContext* cx, HandleScript outerScript, IonBinaryArithIC* stub, HandleValue lhs, HandleValue rhs, MutableHandleValue res); }; } // namespace jit } // namespace js #endif /* jit_IonIC_h */