#include #include "jsapi.h" #include "jsapi-tests/tests.h" #include "util/StringBuffer.h" // Tests for JS_GetErrorInterceptorCallback and JS_SetErrorInterceptorCallback. namespace { static JS::PersistentRootedString gLatestMessage; // An interceptor that stores the error in `gLatestMessage`. struct SimpleInterceptor : JSErrorInterceptor { virtual void interceptError(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue val) override { js::JSStringBuilder buffer(cx); if (!ValueToStringBuffer(cx, val, buffer)) { MOZ_CRASH("Could not convert to string buffer"); } gLatestMessage = buffer.finishString(); if (!gLatestMessage) { MOZ_CRASH("Could not convert to string"); } } }; bool equalStrings(JSContext* cx, JSString* a, JSString* b) { int32_t result = 0; if (!JS_CompareStrings(cx, a, b, &result)) { MOZ_CRASH("Could not compare strings"); } return result == 0; } } // namespace BEGIN_TEST(testErrorInterceptor) { // Run the following snippets. const char* SAMPLES[] = { "throw new Error('I am an Error')\0", "throw new TypeError('I am a TypeError')\0", "throw new ReferenceError('I am a ReferenceError')\0", "throw new SyntaxError('I am a SyntaxError')\0", "throw 5\0", "foo[0]\0", "b[\0", }; // With the simpleInterceptor, we should end up with the following error: const char* TO_STRING[] = { "Error: I am an Error\0", "TypeError: I am a TypeError\0", "ReferenceError: I am a ReferenceError\0", "SyntaxError: I am a SyntaxError\0", "5\0", "ReferenceError: foo is not defined\0", "SyntaxError: expected expression, got end of script\0", }; static_assert(std::size(SAMPLES) == std::size(TO_STRING)); // Save original callback. JSErrorInterceptor* original = JS_GetErrorInterceptorCallback(cx->runtime()); gLatestMessage.init(cx); // Test without callback. JS_SetErrorInterceptorCallback(cx->runtime(), nullptr); CHECK(gLatestMessage == nullptr); for (auto sample : SAMPLES) { if (execDontReport(sample, __FILE__, __LINE__)) { MOZ_CRASH("This sample should have failed"); } CHECK(JS_IsExceptionPending(cx)); CHECK(gLatestMessage == nullptr); JS_ClearPendingException(cx); } // Test with callback. SimpleInterceptor simpleInterceptor; JS_SetErrorInterceptorCallback(cx->runtime(), &simpleInterceptor); // Test that we return the right callback. CHECK_EQUAL(JS_GetErrorInterceptorCallback(cx->runtime()), &simpleInterceptor); // This shouldn't cause any error. EXEC("function bar() {}"); CHECK(gLatestMessage == nullptr); // Test error throwing with a callback that succeeds. for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(SAMPLES); ++i) { // This should cause the appropriate error. if (execDontReport(SAMPLES[i], __FILE__, __LINE__)) { MOZ_CRASH("This sample should have failed"); } CHECK(JS_IsExceptionPending(cx)); // Check result of callback. CHECK(gLatestMessage != nullptr); CHECK(js::StringEqualsAscii(&gLatestMessage->asLinear(), TO_STRING[i])); // Check the final error. JS::RootedValue exn(cx); CHECK(JS_GetPendingException(cx, &exn)); JS_ClearPendingException(cx); js::JSStringBuilder buffer(cx); CHECK(ValueToStringBuffer(cx, exn, buffer)); JS::Rooted linear(cx, buffer.finishString()); CHECK(equalStrings(cx, linear, gLatestMessage)); // Cleanup. gLatestMessage = nullptr; } // Test again without callback. JS_SetErrorInterceptorCallback(cx->runtime(), nullptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < std::size(SAMPLES); ++i) { if (execDontReport(SAMPLES[i], __FILE__, __LINE__)) { MOZ_CRASH("This sample should have failed"); } CHECK(JS_IsExceptionPending(cx)); // Check that the callback wasn't called. CHECK(gLatestMessage == nullptr); // Check the final error. JS::RootedValue exn(cx); CHECK(JS_GetPendingException(cx, &exn)); JS_ClearPendingException(cx); js::JSStringBuilder buffer(cx); CHECK(ValueToStringBuffer(cx, exn, buffer)); JS::Rooted linear(cx, buffer.finishString()); CHECK(js::StringEqualsAscii(linear, TO_STRING[i])); // Cleanup. gLatestMessage = nullptr; } // Cleanup JS_SetErrorInterceptorCallback(cx->runtime(), original); gLatestMessage = nullptr; JS_ClearPendingException(cx); return true; } END_TEST(testErrorInterceptor)