// Copyright (C) 2016 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- esid: sec-regular-expressions-patterns es6id: B.1.4 description: Quantifiable assertions `?!` ("not followed by") info: | Term[U] :: [~U] QuantifiableAssertion Quantifier QuantifiableAssertion:: ( ?= Disjunction ) ( ?! Disjunction ) The production Term::QuantifiableAssertionQuantifier evaluates the same as the production Term::AtomQuantifier but with QuantifiableAssertion substituted for Atom. The production Assertion::QuantifiableAssertion evaluates by evaluating QuantifiableAssertion to obtain a Matcher and returning that Matcher. Assertion ( evaluation rules for the Assertion::(?=Disjunction) and Assertion::(?!Disjunction) productions are also used for the QuantifiableAssertion productions, but with QuantifiableAssertion substituted for Assertion. ---*/ var match; match = /[a-e](?!Z)*/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue(match[0], 'a', 'quantifier: *'); match = /[a-e](?!Z)+/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue(match[0], 'e', 'quantifier: +'); match = /[a-e](?!Z)?/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue(match[0], 'a', 'quantifier: ?'); match = /[a-e](?!Z){2}/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue(match[0], 'e', 'quantifier: { DecimalDigits }'); match = /[a-e](?!Z){2,}/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue(match[0], 'e', 'quantifier: { DecimalDigits , }'); match = /[a-e](?!Z){2,3}/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue( match[0], 'e', 'quantifier: { DecimalDigits , DecimalDigits }' ); match = /[a-e](?!Z)*?/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue(match[0], 'a', 'quantifier: * ?'); match = /[a-e](?!Z)+?/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue(match[0], 'e', 'quantifier: + ?'); match = /[a-e](?!Z)??/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue(match[0], 'a', 'quantifier: ? ?'); match = /[a-e](?!Z){2}?/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue(match[0], 'e', 'quantifier: { DecimalDigits } ?'); match = /[a-e](?!Z){2,}?/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue(match[0], 'e', 'quantifier: { DecimalDigits , } ?'); match = /[a-e](?!Z){2,3}?/.exec('aZZZZ bZZZ cZZ dZ e'); assert.sameValue( match[0], 'e', 'quantifier: { DecimalDigits , DecimalDigits } ?' ); reportCompare(0, 0);