// Copyright 2009 the Sputnik authors. All rights reserved. // This code is governed by the BSD license found in the LICENSE file. /*--- info: | The production CharacterClass :: [ [lookahead \notin {^}] ClassRanges ] evaluates by evaluating ClassRanges to obtain a CharSet and returning that CharSet and the boolean false es5id: description: Execute /q[ax-zb](?=\s+)/.exec("tqaqy ") and check results ---*/ var __executed = /q[ax-zb](?=\s+)/.exec("tqaqy "); var __expected = ["qy"]; __expected.index = 3; __expected.input = "tqaqy "; //CHECK#1 if (__executed.length !== __expected.length) { $ERROR('#1: __executed = /q[ax-zb](?=\\s+)/.exec("tqaqy "); __executed.length === ' + __expected.length + '. Actual: ' + __executed.length); } //CHECK#2 if (__executed.index !== __expected.index) { $ERROR('#2: __executed = /q[ax-zb](?=\\s+)/.exec("tqaqy "); __executed.index === ' + __expected.index + '. Actual: ' + __executed.index); } //CHECK#3 if (__executed.input !== __expected.input) { $ERROR('#3: __executed = /q[ax-zb](?=\\s+)/.exec("tqaqy "); __executed.input === ' + __expected.input + '. Actual: ' + __executed.input); } //CHECK#4 for(var index=0; index<__expected.length; index++) { if (__executed[index] !== __expected[index]) { $ERROR('#4: __executed = /q[ax-zb](?=\\s+)/.exec("tqaqy "); __executed[' + index + '] === ' + __expected[index] + '. Actual: ' + __executed[index]); } } reportCompare(0, 0);