/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef util_StringBuffer_h #define util_StringBuffer_h #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" #include "mozilla/MaybeOneOf.h" #include "mozilla/Utf8.h" #include "js/Vector.h" #include "vm/JSContext.h" namespace js { namespace frontend { class ParserAtom; class ParserAtomsTable; } // namespace frontend class StringBufferAllocPolicy { TempAllocPolicy impl_; const arena_id_t& arenaId_; public: StringBufferAllocPolicy(JSContext* cx, const arena_id_t& arenaId) : impl_(cx), arenaId_(arenaId) {} template T* maybe_pod_malloc(size_t numElems) { return impl_.maybe_pod_arena_malloc(arenaId_, numElems); } template T* maybe_pod_calloc(size_t numElems) { return impl_.maybe_pod_arena_calloc(arenaId_, numElems); } template T* maybe_pod_realloc(T* p, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize) { return impl_.maybe_pod_arena_realloc(arenaId_, p, oldSize, newSize); } template T* pod_malloc(size_t numElems) { return impl_.pod_arena_malloc(arenaId_, numElems); } template T* pod_calloc(size_t numElems) { return impl_.pod_arena_calloc(arenaId_, numElems); } template T* pod_realloc(T* p, size_t oldSize, size_t newSize) { return impl_.pod_arena_realloc(arenaId_, p, oldSize, newSize); } template void free_(T* p, size_t numElems = 0) { impl_.free_(p, numElems); } void reportAllocOverflow() const { impl_.reportAllocOverflow(); } bool checkSimulatedOOM() const { return impl_.checkSimulatedOOM(); } }; /* * String builder that eagerly checks for over-allocation past the maximum * string length. * * Any operation which would exceed the maximum string length causes an * exception report on the context and results in a failed return value. * * Well-sized extractions (which waste no more than 1/4 of their char * buffer space) are guaranteed for strings built by this interface. * See |extractWellSized|. */ class StringBuffer { protected: template using BufferType = Vector; /* * The Vector's buffer may be either stolen or copied, so we need to use * TempAllocPolicy and account for the memory manually when stealing. */ using Latin1CharBuffer = BufferType; using TwoByteCharBuffer = BufferType; JSContext* cx_; const arena_id_t& arenaId_; /* * If Latin1 strings are enabled, cb starts out as a Latin1CharBuffer. When * a TwoByte char is appended, inflateChars() constructs a TwoByteCharBuffer * and copies the Latin1 chars. */ mozilla::MaybeOneOf cb; /* Number of reserve()'d chars, see inflateChars. */ size_t reserved_; StringBuffer(const StringBuffer& other) = delete; void operator=(const StringBuffer& other) = delete; template MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isCharType() const { return cb.constructed>(); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isLatin1() const { return isCharType(); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE bool isTwoByte() const { return isCharType(); } template MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE BufferType& chars() { MOZ_ASSERT(isCharType()); return cb.ref>(); } template MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const BufferType& chars() const { MOZ_ASSERT(isCharType()); return cb.ref>(); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE TwoByteCharBuffer& twoByteChars() { return chars(); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const TwoByteCharBuffer& twoByteChars() const { return chars(); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE Latin1CharBuffer& latin1Chars() { return chars(); } MOZ_ALWAYS_INLINE const Latin1CharBuffer& latin1Chars() const { return chars(); } MOZ_MUST_USE bool inflateChars(); template JSLinearString* finishStringInternal(JSContext* cx); public: explicit StringBuffer(JSContext* cx, const arena_id_t& arenaId = js::MallocArena) : cx_(cx), arenaId_(arenaId), reserved_(0) { cb.construct(StringBufferAllocPolicy{cx_, arenaId_}); } void clear() { if (isLatin1()) { latin1Chars().clear(); } else { twoByteChars().clear(); } } MOZ_MUST_USE bool reserve(size_t len) { if (len > reserved_) { reserved_ = len; } return isLatin1() ? latin1Chars().reserve(len) : twoByteChars().reserve(len); } MOZ_MUST_USE bool resize(size_t len) { return isLatin1() ? latin1Chars().resize(len) : twoByteChars().resize(len); } MOZ_MUST_USE bool growByUninitialized(size_t incr) { return isLatin1() ? latin1Chars().growByUninitialized(incr) : twoByteChars().growByUninitialized(incr); } void shrinkTo(size_t newLength) { return isLatin1() ? latin1Chars().shrinkTo(newLength) : twoByteChars().shrinkTo(newLength); } bool empty() const { return isLatin1() ? latin1Chars().empty() : twoByteChars().empty(); } size_t length() const { return isLatin1() ? latin1Chars().length() : twoByteChars().length(); } char16_t getChar(size_t idx) const { return isLatin1() ? latin1Chars()[idx] : twoByteChars()[idx]; } MOZ_MUST_USE bool ensureTwoByteChars() { return isTwoByte() || inflateChars(); } MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(const char16_t c) { if (isLatin1()) { if (c <= JSString::MAX_LATIN1_CHAR) { return latin1Chars().append(Latin1Char(c)); } if (!inflateChars()) { return false; } } return twoByteChars().append(c); } MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(Latin1Char c) { return isLatin1() ? latin1Chars().append(c) : twoByteChars().append(c); } MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(char c) { return append(Latin1Char(c)); } inline MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(const char16_t* begin, const char16_t* end); MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(const char16_t* chars, size_t len) { return append(chars, chars + len); } MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(const Latin1Char* begin, const Latin1Char* end) { return isLatin1() ? latin1Chars().append(begin, end) : twoByteChars().append(begin, end); } MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(const Latin1Char* chars, size_t len) { return append(chars, chars + len); } /** * Interpret the provided count of UTF-8 code units as UTF-8, and append * the represented code points to this. If the code units contain invalid * UTF-8, leave the internal buffer in a consistent but unspecified state, * report an error, and return false. */ MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(const mozilla::Utf8Unit* units, size_t len); MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(const JS::ConstCharPtr chars, size_t len) { return append(chars.get(), chars.get() + len); } MOZ_MUST_USE bool appendN(Latin1Char c, size_t n) { return isLatin1() ? latin1Chars().appendN(c, n) : twoByteChars().appendN(c, n); } inline MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(JSString* str); inline MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(JSLinearString* str); inline MOZ_MUST_USE bool appendSubstring(JSString* base, size_t off, size_t len); inline MOZ_MUST_USE bool appendSubstring(JSLinearString* base, size_t off, size_t len); MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(const frontend::ParserAtom* atom); MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(const char* chars, size_t len) { return append(reinterpret_cast(chars), len); } template MOZ_MUST_USE bool append(const char (&array)[ArrayLength]) { return append(array, ArrayLength - 1); /* No trailing '\0'. */ } /* Infallible variants usable when the corresponding space is reserved. */ void infallibleAppend(Latin1Char c) { if (isLatin1()) { latin1Chars().infallibleAppend(c); } else { twoByteChars().infallibleAppend(c); } } void infallibleAppend(char c) { infallibleAppend(Latin1Char(c)); } void infallibleAppend(const Latin1Char* chars, size_t len) { if (isLatin1()) { latin1Chars().infallibleAppend(chars, len); } else { twoByteChars().infallibleAppend(chars, len); } } void infallibleAppend(const char* chars, size_t len) { infallibleAppend(reinterpret_cast(chars), len); } void infallibleAppendSubstring(JSLinearString* base, size_t off, size_t len); /* * Because inflation is fallible, these methods should only be used after * calling ensureTwoByteChars(). */ void infallibleAppend(const char16_t* chars, size_t len) { twoByteChars().infallibleAppend(chars, len); } void infallibleAppend(char16_t c) { twoByteChars().infallibleAppend(c); } bool isUnderlyingBufferLatin1() const { return isLatin1(); } template CharT* begin() { return chars().begin(); } template CharT* end() { return chars().end(); } template const CharT* begin() const { return chars().begin(); } template const CharT* end() const { return chars().end(); } char16_t* rawTwoByteBegin() { return begin(); } char16_t* rawTwoByteEnd() { return end(); } const char16_t* rawTwoByteBegin() const { return begin(); } const char16_t* rawTwoByteEnd() const { return end(); } Latin1Char* rawLatin1Begin() { return begin(); } Latin1Char* rawLatin1End() { return end(); } const Latin1Char* rawLatin1Begin() const { return begin(); } const Latin1Char* rawLatin1End() const { return end(); } /* Identical to finishString() except that an atom is created. */ JSAtom* finishAtom(); const frontend::ParserAtom* finishParserAtom( frontend::ParserAtomsTable& parserAtoms); /* * Creates a raw string from the characters in this buffer. The string is * exactly the characters in this buffer (inflated to TwoByte), it is *not* * null-terminated unless the last appended character was '\0'. */ char16_t* stealChars(); }; class JSStringBuilder : public StringBuffer { public: explicit JSStringBuilder(JSContext* cx) : StringBuffer(cx, js::StringBufferArena) {} /* * Creates a string from the characters in this buffer, then (regardless * whether string creation succeeded or failed) empties the buffer. */ JSLinearString* finishString(); }; inline bool StringBuffer::append(const char16_t* begin, const char16_t* end) { MOZ_ASSERT(begin <= end); if (isLatin1()) { while (true) { if (begin >= end) { return true; } if (*begin > JSString::MAX_LATIN1_CHAR) { break; } if (!latin1Chars().append(*begin)) { return false; } ++begin; } if (!inflateChars()) { return false; } } return twoByteChars().append(begin, end); } inline bool StringBuffer::append(JSLinearString* str) { JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; if (isLatin1()) { if (str->hasLatin1Chars()) { return latin1Chars().append(str->latin1Chars(nogc), str->length()); } if (!inflateChars()) { return false; } } return str->hasLatin1Chars() ? twoByteChars().append(str->latin1Chars(nogc), str->length()) : twoByteChars().append(str->twoByteChars(nogc), str->length()); } inline void StringBuffer::infallibleAppendSubstring(JSLinearString* base, size_t off, size_t len) { MOZ_ASSERT(off + len <= base->length()); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(base->hasTwoByteChars(), isTwoByte()); JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; if (base->hasLatin1Chars()) { infallibleAppend(base->latin1Chars(nogc) + off, len); } else { infallibleAppend(base->twoByteChars(nogc) + off, len); } } inline bool StringBuffer::appendSubstring(JSLinearString* base, size_t off, size_t len) { MOZ_ASSERT(off + len <= base->length()); JS::AutoCheckCannotGC nogc; if (isLatin1()) { if (base->hasLatin1Chars()) { return latin1Chars().append(base->latin1Chars(nogc) + off, len); } if (!inflateChars()) { return false; } } return base->hasLatin1Chars() ? twoByteChars().append(base->latin1Chars(nogc) + off, len) : twoByteChars().append(base->twoByteChars(nogc) + off, len); } inline bool StringBuffer::appendSubstring(JSString* base, size_t off, size_t len) { JSLinearString* linear = base->ensureLinear(cx_); if (!linear) { return false; } return appendSubstring(linear, off, len); } inline bool StringBuffer::append(JSString* str) { JSLinearString* linear = str->ensureLinear(cx_); if (!linear) { return false; } return append(linear); } /* ES5 9.8 ToString, appending the result to the string buffer. */ extern bool ValueToStringBufferSlow(JSContext* cx, const Value& v, StringBuffer& sb); inline bool ValueToStringBuffer(JSContext* cx, const Value& v, StringBuffer& sb) { if (v.isString()) { return sb.append(v.toString()); } return ValueToStringBufferSlow(cx, v, sb); } /* ES5 9.8 ToString for booleans, appending the result to the string buffer. */ inline bool BooleanToStringBuffer(bool b, StringBuffer& sb) { return b ? sb.append("true") : sb.append("false"); } } /* namespace js */ #endif /* util_StringBuffer_h */