<?xml version="1.0"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin" type="text/css"?> <?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/test.css" type="text/css"?> <!-- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=533596 --> <window title="Mozilla Bug 533596" xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"> <script src="chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script> <!-- test results are displayed in the html:body --> <body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <iframe src="http://example.org/tests/js/xpconnect/tests/mochitest/file_evalInSandbox.html" onload="checkCrossOrigin(this)"> </iframe> <iframe src="chrome://mochitests/content/chrome/js/xpconnect/tests/chrome/file_evalInSandbox.html" onload="checkSameOrigin(this)"> </iframe> </body> <!-- test code goes here --> <script type="application/javascript"><![CDATA[ const utils = window.windowUtils; function checkCrossOriginSandbox(sandbox) { is(utils.getClassName(sandbox), "Proxy", "sandbox was wrapped correctly"); is(utils.getClassName(Cu.evalInSandbox("this.document", sandbox)), "Proxy", "return value was rewrapped correctly"); } function checkCrossOriginXrayedSandbox(sandbox) { ok(Cu.evalInSandbox("!('windowfoo' in window);", sandbox), "the window itself Xray is an XrayWrapper"); ok(Cu.evalInSandbox("('wrappedJSObject' in this.document);", sandbox), "wrappers inside eIS are Xrays"); ok(Cu.evalInSandbox("!('foo' in this.document);", sandbox), "must not see expandos"); ok('wrappedJSObject' in Cu.evalInSandbox("this.document", sandbox), "wrappers returned from the sandbox are Xrays"); ok(!("foo" in Cu.evalInSandbox("this.document", sandbox)), "must not see expandos in wrappers returned from the sandbox"); ok('wrappedJSObject' in sandbox.document, "values obtained from the sandbox are Xrays"); ok(!("foo" in sandbox.document), "must not see expandos in wrappers obtained from the sandbox"); } function checkCrossOrigin(ifr) { var win = ifr.contentWindow; var sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(win, { sandboxPrototype: win, wantXrays: true } ); checkCrossOriginSandbox(sandbox); checkCrossOriginXrayedSandbox(sandbox); sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(win, { sandboxPrototype: win } ); checkCrossOriginSandbox(sandbox); checkCrossOriginXrayedSandbox(sandbox); sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(win, { sandboxPrototype: win, wantXrays: false } ); checkCrossOriginSandbox(sandbox); ok(Cu.evalInSandbox("('foo' in this.document);", sandbox), "can see expandos"); ok(!("foo" in Cu.evalInSandbox("this.document", sandbox)), "must not see expandos in wrappers returned from the sandbox"); ok(("foo" in Cu.waiveXrays(Cu.evalInSandbox("this.document", sandbox))), "must see expandos in waived wrappers returned from the sandbox"); ok(!("foo" in sandbox.document), "must not see expandos in wrappers obtained from the sandbox"); ok("foo" in Cu.waiveXrays(sandbox.document), "must see expandos in wrappers obtained from the sandbox"); testDone(); } function checkSameOrigin(ifr) { var win = ifr.contentWindow; var sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(win, { sandboxPrototype: win, wantXrays: true } ); ok(Cu.evalInSandbox("('foo' in this.document);", sandbox), "must see expandos for a chrome sandbox"); sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(win, { sandboxPrototype: win } ); ok(Cu.evalInSandbox("('foo' in this.document);", sandbox), "must see expandos for a chrome sandbox"); sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(win, { sandboxPrototype: win, wantXrays: false } ); ok(Cu.evalInSandbox("('foo' in this.document);", sandbox), "can see expandos for a chrome sandbox"); testDone(); } var testsRun = 0; function testDone() { if (++testsRun == 2) SimpleTest.finish(); } SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); try { var sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(this, { sandboxPrototype: undefined } ); ok(false, "undefined is not a valid prototype"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "undefined is not a valid prototype"); } try { var sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(this, { wantXrays: undefined } ); ok(false, "undefined is not a valid value for wantXrays"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "undefined is not a valid value for wantXrays"); } // Crash test for bug 601829. try { Cu.evalInSandbox('', null); } catch (e) { ok(true, "didn't crash on a null sandbox object"); } try { var sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(this, { sameZoneAs: this } ); ok(true, "sameZoneAs works"); } catch (e) { ok(false, "sameZoneAs works"); } // The 'let' keyword only appears with JS 1.7 and above. We use this fact // to make sure that sandboxes get explict JS versions and don't inherit // them from the most recent scripted frame. function checkExplicitVersions() { var sb = new Cu.Sandbox(sop); Cu.evalInSandbox('let someVariable = 42', sb, '1.7'); ok(true, "Didn't throw with let"); try { Cu.evalInSandbox('let someVariable = 42', sb); ok(false, "Should have thrown with let"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "Threw with let: " + e); } try { Cu.evalInSandbox('let someVariable = 42', sb, '1.5'); ok(false, "Should have thrown with let"); } catch (e) { ok(true, "Threw with let: " + e); } } var outerSB = new Cu.Sandbox(this); Cu.evalInSandbox(checkExplicitVersions.toSource(), outerSB, '1.7'); outerSB.ok = ok; outerSB.sop = this; Cu.evalInSandbox('checkExplicitVersions();', outerSB); const {addDebuggerToGlobal} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/jsdebugger.jsm"); addDebuggerToGlobal(this); try { let dbg = new Debugger(); let sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(this, { invisibleToDebugger: false, freshCompartment: true, }); dbg.addDebuggee(sandbox); ok(true, "debugger added visible value"); } catch(e) { ok(false, "debugger could not add visible value"); } try { let dbg = new Debugger(); let sandbox = new Cu.Sandbox(this, { invisibleToDebugger: true }); dbg.addDebuggee(sandbox); ok(false, "debugger added invisible value"); } catch(e) { ok(true, "debugger did not add invisible value"); } ]]></script> </window>