function setupChromeSandbox() { this.chromeObj = {a: 2, __exposedProps__: {a: "rw", b: "rw"} }; this.chromeArr = [4, 2, 1]; } function checkDefineThrows(sb, obj, prop, desc) { var result = Cu.evalInSandbox('(function() { try { Object.defineProperty(' + obj + ', "' + prop + '", ' + desc.toSource() + '); return "nothrow"; } catch (e) { return e.toString(); }})();', sb); Assert.notEqual(result, 'nothrow'); Assert.ok(!!/denied|prohibited/.exec(result)); Assert.ok(result.includes(prop)); // Make sure the prop name is in the error message. } function run_test() { var chromeSB = new Cu.Sandbox(this); var contentSB = new Cu.Sandbox(''); Cu.evalInSandbox('(' + setupChromeSandbox.toSource() + ')()', chromeSB); contentSB.chromeObj = chromeSB.chromeObj; contentSB.chromeArr = chromeSB.chromeArr; Assert.equal(Cu.evalInSandbox('chromeObj.a', contentSB), undefined); try { Cu.evalInSandbox('chromeArr[1]', contentSB); Assert.ok(false); } catch (e) { Assert.ok(/denied|insecure/.test(e)); } checkDefineThrows(contentSB, 'chromeObj', 'a', {get: function() { return 2; }}); checkDefineThrows(contentSB, 'chromeObj', 'a', {configurable: true, get: function() { return 2; }}); checkDefineThrows(contentSB, 'chromeObj', 'b', {configurable: true, get: function() { return 2; }, set: function() {}}); checkDefineThrows(contentSB, 'chromeArr', '1', {configurable: true, get: function() { return 2; }}); }