# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.incompatible) %1$S is the add-on name, %2$S is brand name, %3$S is application version notification.incompatible=%1$S pe rwate kwede %2$S %3$S. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.unsigned, notification.unsignedAndDisabled) %1$S is the add-on name, %2$S is brand name notification.unsignedAndDisabled=pe onongo kiromo moko ada pa %1$S me tic kwede i %2$S kadong ki juko woko. notification.unsigned=pe onongo kiromo moko ada pa %1$S me tic kwede i %2$S. Mede ki diro. notification.unsigned.link=Ngec mapol #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.blocked) %1$S is the add-on name notification.blocked=%1$S kityeko kwanyo woko pi kelo kop ikom gwok onyo bedo mot. notification.blocked.link=Ngec Mukene #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.softblocked) %1$S is the add-on name notification.softblocked=%1$S ngene pi kelo kop ikom gwok onyo bedo mot. notification.softblocked.link=Ngec Mukene #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.outdated) %1$S is the add-on name notification.outdated=En manyen ma pire tek tye pi %1$S. notification.outdated.link=En manyen Kombedi #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.vulnerableUpdatable) %1$S is the add-on name notification.vulnerableUpdatable=%1$S ki ngeyo ni peko romo poto ikome oyot kadong omyero ki ket ngec manyen iye. notification.vulnerableUpdatable.link=Ket ngec manyen kombedi #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.vulnerableNoUpdate) %1$S is the add-on name notification.vulnerableNoUpdate=%1$S ki ngeyo ni peko romo poto ikome oyot. Tii kwede ma i gwokke. notification.vulnerableNoUpdate.link=Ngec mapol #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.restartless-uninstall) %1$S is the add-on name notification.restartless-uninstall=%1$S bikwanye woko inge loro dirica matidi man. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.downloadError) %1$S is the add-on name. notification.downloadError=Bal mo otime ikare me golo %1$S. notification.downloadError.retry=Tem doki notification.downloadError.retry.tooltip=Tem golo lamed ikome ma eni ni doki #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.installError) %1$S is the add-on name. notification.installError=Bal mo otime ikare me keto %1$S. notification.installError.retry=Tem doki notification.installError.retry.tooltip=Tem golo ki keto lamed ikome ma eni ni doki #LOCALIZATION NOTE (notification.gmpPending) %1$S is the add-on name. notification.gmpPending=%1$S bi kete ma cokcoki. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.incompatible) %1$S is the add-on name, %2$S is brand name, %3$S is application version details.notification.incompatible=%1$S pe rwate kwede %2$S %3$S. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.unsigned, details.notification.unsignedAndDisabled) %1$S is the add-on name, %2$S is brand name details.notification.unsignedAndDisabled=pe onongo kiromo moko ada pa %1$S me tic kwede i %2$S kadong ki juko woko. details.notification.unsigned=pe onongo kiromo moko ada pa %1$S me tic kwede i %2$S. Mede ki diro. details.notification.unsigned.link=Ngec mapol #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.blocked) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.blocked=%1$S kityeko kwanyo pi kelo kop ikom gwok onyo bedo mot. details.notification.blocked.link=Ngec Mukene #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.softblocked) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.softblocked=%1$S ngene pi kelo kop ikom gwok onyo bedo mot. details.notification.softblocked.link=Ngec Mukene #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.outdated) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.outdated=En mayen mapire tek tye pi %1$S. details.notification.outdated.link=En manyen Kombedi #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.vulnerableUpdatable) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.vulnerableUpdatable=%1$S ki ngeyo ni peko romo poto ikome oyot kadong omyero ki ket ngec manyen iye. details.notification.vulnerableUpdatable.link=Ket ngec manyen kombedi #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.vulnerableNoUpdate) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.vulnerableNoUpdate=%1$S ki ngeyo ni peko romo poto ikome oyot. Tii kwede ma i gwokke. details.notification.vulnerableNoUpdate.link=Ngec mapol #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.restartless-uninstall) %1$S is the add-on name. details.notification.restartless-uninstall=%1$S bikwanye woko inge loro dirica matidi man. #LOCALIZATION NOTE (details.notification.gmpPending) %1$S is the add-on name details.notification.gmpPending=%1$S bi kete ma cokcoki. type.extension.name=Kube pa tic a kompiuta type.themes.name=Theme type.locale.name=Leb type.plugin.name=Rwaki iyie type.dictionary.name=Buk me gonyo nyukta type.service.name=Tic type.unsupported.name=Pe kicwako