# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # LOCALIZATION NOTE These strings are used inside the Performance Tools # which is available from the Web Developer sub-menu -> 'Performance'. # The correct localization of this file might be to keep it in # English, or another language commonly spoken among web developers. # You want to make that choice consistent across the developer tools. # A good criteria is the language in which you'd find the best # documentation on web development on the web. These strings # are specifically for marker names in the performance tool. # LOCALIZATION NOTE (marker.label.*): # These strings are displayed in the Performance Tool waterfall, identifying markers. # We want to use the same wording as Google Chrome when appropriate. marker.label.styles=أعِد حساب النمط marker.label.stylesApplyChanges=طبّق تغييرات الأنماط marker.label.reflow=التخطيط marker.label.paint=رسم marker.label.javascript=استدعاء دالّة marker.label.domevent=حدث DOM marker.label.consoleTime=مِعراض marker.label.garbageCollection2=تجميع المهملات marker.label.garbageCollection.incremental=جامع القمامة التزايدي marker.label.timestamp=ختم الوقت marker.label.worker=عامل marker.label.unknown=غير معروف # LOCALIZATION NOTE (marker.label.javascript.*): # These strings are displayed as JavaScript markers that have special # reasons that can be translated. marker.label.javascript.workerRunnable=عامل # LOCALIZATION NOTE (marker.field.*): # Strings used in the waterfall sidebar as property names. # General marker fields marker.field.start=ابدأ: marker.field.end=النهاية: marker.field.duration=المدة: # General "reason" for a marker (JavaScript, Garbage Collection) marker.field.causeName=السبب: # General "type" for a marker (Cycle Collection, Garbage Collection) marker.field.type=النوع: # General "label" for a marker (user defined) marker.field.label=التسمية: # Field names for stack values marker.field.stack=المكدّس: # %S is the "Async Cause" of a marker, and this signifies that the cause # was an asynchronous one in a displayed stack. # For console.time markers marker.field.consoleTimerName=اسم المؤقت: # For DOM Event markers marker.field.DOMEventType=نوع الحدث: marker.field.DOMEventPhase=المرحلة: # Non-incremental cause for a Garbage Collection marker # For "Recalculate Style" markers marker.field.isAnimationOnly=الحركة فحسب: # The type of operation performed by a Worker. # The type of operation performed by a MessagePort # Strings used in the waterfall sidebar as values. marker.value.DOMEventTargetPhase=الهدف marker.value.DOMEventCapturingPhase=التقِط # LOCALIZATION NOTE (marker.gcreason.label.*): # These strings are used to give a concise but readable description of a GC reason. marker.gcreason.label.API=استدعاء API marker.gcreason.label.DESTROY_RUNTIME=أطفئ marker.gcreason.label.LAST_DITCH=نَفِذت الذّاكرة marker.gcreason.label.MEM_PRESSURE=الذاكرة منخفضة marker.gcreason.label.LOAD_END=انتهى تحميل الصفحة marker.gcreason.label.PAGE_HIDE=انتقلت إلى الخلفية marker.gcreason.label.SET_NEW_DOCUMENT=مستند جديد marker.gcreason.label.SET_DOC_SHELL=مستند جديد marker.gcreason.label.DOM_UTILS=استدعاء API marker.gcreason.label.SHUTDOWN_CC=أطفئ marker.gcreason.label.DOM_WINDOW_UTILS=المستخدم خامل marker.gcreason.label.USER_INACTIVE=المستخدم خامل # The name of a nursery collection.