# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Screen reader started/stopped screenReaderStarted = Lenner skramm loc'het screenReaderStopped = Lenner skramm paouezet # Roles menubar = barrenn lañserioù scrollbar = barrenn dibunañ grip = dornad alert = galv-diwall menupopup = diflugell lañser document = teuliad pane = penel dialog = kendiviz separator = disranner toolbar = barren ostilhoù statusbar = barren stad table = taolenn columnheader = talbenn bann rowheader = talbenn renk column = bann row = renk cell = kellig link = ere list = roll listitem = elfenn roll outline = steuñv outlineitem = elfenn steuñv pagetab = ivinell propertypage = pajenn perzhioù graphic = kevregad switch = trec'haoliñ pushbutton = afell checkbutton = afell da gevaskañ radiobutton = afell radio combobox = boest kenstroll progressbar = barren araokaat slider = riklell spinbutton = afell konter diagram = tresadenn animation = bliverezh equation = atalad buttonmenu = lañser afelloù whitespace = esaouenn pagetablist = roll an ivinelloù canvas = steuenn checkmenuitem = elfenn lañserioù da gevaskañ label = skritellig passwordtext = testenn ger-tremen radiomenuitem = elfenn lañserioù radio textcontainer = endalc'her testenn togglebutton = afell trec'haoliñ treetable = gwezennad header = talbenn footer = diaz-pajenn paragraph = rannbennad entry = enankad caption = leadell heading = titl section = kevrenn form = furmskrid comboboxlist = roll boestoù kenstroll comboboxoption = dibarzh boestoù kenstroll imagemap = skeudenn listboxoption = dibarzh listbox = boest roll flatequation = atalad gridcell = kellig note = notenn figure = tresadenn definitionlist = roll despizadurioù term = termen definition = despizadur mathmltable = math table mathmlcell = kellig mathmlenclosed = enclosed mathmlfraction = fraction mathmlfractionwithoutbar = fraction without bar mathmlroot = root mathmlscripted = scripted mathmlsquareroot = square root # More sophisticated roles which are not actual numeric roles textarea = maez an destenn base = base close-fence = closing fence denominator = denominator numerator = numerator open-fence = opening fence overscript = overscript presubscript = presubscript presuperscript = presuperscript root-index = root index subscript = subscript superscript = superscript underscript = underscript # Text input types textInputType_date = deiziad textInputType_email = postel textInputType_search = klask textInputType_tel = pellgomz textInputType_url = URL # More sophisticated object descriptions headingLevel = live titl %S # more sophisticated list announcement listStart = Elfenn gentañ listEnd = Elfenn diwezhañ # LOCALIZATION NOTE (listItemsCount): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals listItemsCount = 1 elfenn; #1 elfenn; #1 elfenn; #1 a elfenn(où); #1 elfenn # LOCALIZATION NOTE: # %1$S is the position of the item n the set. # %2$S is the total number of such items in the set. # An expanded example would read "2 of 5". objItemOfN = %1$S eus %2$S # Landmark announcements banner = banniel complementary = klokaus contentinfo = titouroù an endalc'had main = pennañ navigation = merdeiñ search = klask region = rannvro # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblColumnInfo): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of columns within the table. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblColumnInfo = 1 bann;#1 vann;#1 bann;#1 a vannoù;#1 bann # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblRowInfo): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of rows within the table or grid. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblRowInfo = 1 renk;#1 renk;#1 renk;#1 a renkoù;#1 renk # table or grid cell information columnInfo = Bann %S rowInfo = Renk %S spansColumns = astenn a ra war %S a vannoù spansRows = astenn a ra war %S renk # Invoked actions jumpAction = bet lammet pressAction = bet pouezet checkAction = bet kevasket uncheckAction = bet digevasket onAction = on offAction = off selectAction = bet diuzet unselectAction = bet diziuzet openAction = bet digoret closeAction = bet serret switchAction = bet trec'haolet clickAction = bet kliket collapseAction = bet bihanaet expandAction = bet astennet activateAction = bet gweredekaet cycleAction = kelc'hiad # Live regions # 'hidden' will be spoken when something disappears in a live region. hidden = bet kuzhet # Tab states tabLoading = kargadur tabLoaded = bet karget tabNew = ivinell nevez tabLoadStopped = kargadur paouezet tabReload = adkargadur # Object states stateChecked = kevasket stateOn = on stateNotChecked = digevasket stateOff = off statePressed = pouezet # No string for a not pressed toggle button stateExpanded = astennet stateCollapsed = bihanaet stateUnavailable = dihegerz stateReadonly = lenn hepken stateRequired = azgoulennet stateTraversed = gweladennet stateHasPopup = en deus un diflugell stateSelected = diuzet # App modes editingMode = oc'h embann navigationMode = o verdeiñ # Quick navigation modes quicknav_Simple = Diouer quicknav_Anchor = Eorioù quicknav_Button = Afelloù quicknav_Combobox = Boestoù kenstroll quicknav_Landmark = Spisverkoù quicknav_Entry = Enankad quicknav_FormElement = Elfennoù furmskridoù quicknav_Graphic = Skeudennoù quicknav_Heading = Talbennoù quicknav_ListItem = Elfennoù rolloù quicknav_Link = Ereoù quicknav_List = Rolloù quicknav_PageTab = Ivinelloù pajenn quicknav_RadioButton = Afelloù radio quicknav_Separator = Dispartierioù quicknav_Table = Taolennoù quicknav_Checkbox = Logoù da gevaskañ # MathML menclose notations. # See developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/MathML/Element/menclose#attr-notation notation-longdiv = long division notation-actuarial = actuarial notation-phasorangle = phasor angle notation-radical = radical notation-box = box notation-roundedbox = rounded box notation-circle = circle notation-left = left notation-right = right notation-top = top notation-bottom = bottom notation-updiagonalstrike = up diagonal strike notation-downdiagonalstrike = down diagonal strike notation-verticalstrike = vertical strike notation-horizontalstrike = horizontal strike notation-updiagonalarrow = up diagonal arrow notation-madruwb = madruwb # Shortened role names for braille menubarAbbr = barrenn lañserioù scrollbarAbbr = barrenn dibunañ gripAbbr = dornad alertAbbr = diwall menupopupAbbr = diflugell lañser documentAbbr = teuliad paneAbbr = penel dialogAbbr = kendiviz separatorAbbr = disranner toolbarAbbr = barren ostilhoù statusbarAbbr = barren stad tableAbbr = tln columnheaderAbbr = talbenn bann rowheaderAbbr = talbenn renk columnAbbr = bann rowAbbr = renk cellAbbr = kellig linkAbbr = lnk listAbbr = roll listitemAbbr = elfenn roll outlineAbbr = steuñv outlineitemAbbr = elfenn steuñv pagetabAbbr = ivinell propertypageAbbr = pajenn perzhioù graphicAbbr = kevregad pushbuttonAbbr = btn checkbuttonAbbr = afell da gevaskañ radiobuttonAbbr = afell radio comboboxAbbr = boest kenstroll progressbarAbbr = barren araokaat sliderAbbr = riklell spinbuttonAbbr = afell konter diagramAbbr = tresadenn animationAbbr = bliverezh equationAbbr = atalad buttonmenuAbbr = lañser afelloù whitespaceAbbr = esaouenn pagetablistAbbr = roll an ivinelloù canvasAbbr = steuenn checkmenuitemAbbr = elfenn lañserioù da gevaskañ labelAbbr = skritellig passwordtextAbbr = passwdtxt radiomenuitemAbbr = elfenn lañserioù radio textcontainerAbbr = endalc'her testenn togglebuttonAbbr = afell trec'haoliñ treetableAbbr = gwezennad headerAbbr = talbenn footerAbbr = diaz-pajenn paragraphAbbr = rannbennad entryAbbr = enankad captionAbbr = leadell headingAbbr = titl sectionAbbr = kevrenn formAbbr = furmskrid comboboxlistAbbr = roll boestoù kenstroll comboboxoptionAbbr = dibarzh boestoù kenstroll imagemapAbbr = imgmap listboxoptionAbbr = dibarzh listboxAbbr = boest roll flatequationAbbr = atalad gridcellAbbr = kellig noteAbbr = notenn figureAbbr = fig definitionlistAbbr = roll despizadurioù termAbbr = termen definitionAbbr = despizadur textareaAbbr = txtarea # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblColumnInfoAbbr): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of columns within the table. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblColumnInfoAbbr = #1b;#1 v;#1 b;#1 a v;#1 b # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblRowInfoAbbr): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of rows within the table or grid. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblRowInfoAbbr = #1r;#1r;#1r;#1r;#1r cellInfoAbbr = k%Sr%S stateCheckedAbbr = (x) stateUncheckedAbbr = ( ) statePressedAbbr = (x) stateUnpressedAbbr = ( ) mathmlenclosedAbbr = enclosed mathmltableAbbr = tln mathmlcellAbbr = cell mathmlfractionAbbr = frac mathmlfractionwithoutbarAbbr = frac no bar mathmlrootAbbr = root mathmlscriptedAbbr = scripted mathmlsquarerootAbbr = sqrt baseAbbr = base close-fenceAbbr = close denominatorAbbr = den numeratorAbbr = niv open-fenceAbbr = open overscriptAbbr = over presubscriptAbbr = presub presuperscriptAbbr = presup root-indexAbbr = ibil subscriptAbbr = sub superscriptAbbr = sup underscriptAbbr = under notation-longdivAbbr = longdiv notation-actuarialAbbr = act notation-phasorangleAbbr = phasang notation-radicalAbbr = rad notation-boxAbbr = box notation-roundedboxAbbr = rndbox notation-circleAbbr = circ notation-leftAbbr = lft notation-rightAbbr = rght notation-topAbbr = top notation-bottomAbbr = bot notation-updiagonalstrikeAbbr = updiagstrike notation-downdiagonalstrikeAbbr = dwndiagstrike notation-verticalstrikeAbbr = vstrike notation-horizontalstrikeAbbr = hstrike notation-updiagonalarrowAbbr = updiagarrow notation-madruwbAbbr = madruwb