# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ### These strings are used inside the about:debugging UI. # Page Title strings # Sidebar strings # Sidebar heading for connecting to some remote source about-debugging-sidebar-setup = .name = Configuració # Text displayed in the about:debugging sidebar when USB devices discovery is enabled. about-debugging-sidebar-usb-enabled = USB activat # Text displayed in the about:debugging sidebar when USB devices discovery is disabled # (for instance because the mandatory ADB extension is not installed). about-debugging-sidebar-usb-disabled = USB desactivat # Connection status (connected) for runtime items in the sidebar aboutdebugging-sidebar-runtime-connection-status-connected = Connectat # Connection status (disconnected) for runtime items in the sidebar aboutdebugging-sidebar-runtime-connection-status-disconnected = Desconnectat # Text displayed in the about:debugging sidebar when no device was found. about-debugging-sidebar-no-devices = No s'ha descobert cap dispositiu # Text displayed in buttons found in sidebar items representing remote runtimes. # Clicking on the button will attempt to connect to the runtime. about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button = Connecta # Text displayed in buttons found in sidebar items when the runtime is connecting. about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button-connecting = S'està connectant… # Text displayed in buttons found in sidebar items when the connection failed. about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button-connection-failed = La connexió ha fallat # Text displayed as connection error in sidebar item when the connection has timed out. about-debugging-sidebar-item-connect-button-connection-timeout = S'ha esgotat el temps d'espera de la connexió # Temporary text displayed in sidebar items representing remote runtimes after # successfully connecting to them. Temporary UI, do not localize. about-debugging-sidebar-item-connected-label = Connectat # Text displayed in sidebar items for remote devices where a compatible browser (eg # Firefox) has not been detected yet. Typically, Android phones connected via USB with # USB debugging enabled, but where Firefox is not started. about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-waiting-for-browser = S'està esperant el navegador… # Text displayed in sidebar items for remote devices that have been disconnected from the # computer. about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-unplugged = Desconnectat # Title for runtime sidebar items that are related to a specific device (USB, WiFi). about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-name = .title = { $displayName } ({ $deviceName }) # Title for runtime sidebar items where we cannot get device information (network # locations). about-debugging-sidebar-runtime-item-name-no-device = .title = { $displayName } # Text to show in the footer of the sidebar that links to a help page # (currently: https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Tools/about:debugging) about-debugging-sidebar-support = Assistència per a la depuració # Text to show as the ALT attribute of a help icon that accompanies the help about # debugging link in the footer of the sidebar about-debugging-sidebar-support-icon = .alt = Icona d'ajuda # Text displayed in a sidebar button to refresh the list of USB devices. Clicking on it # will attempt to update the list of devices displayed in the sidebar. about-debugging-refresh-usb-devices-button = Actualitza els dispositius # Setup Page strings # Title of the Setup page. about-debugging-setup-title = Configuració # Title of the heading Connect section of the Setup page. about-debugging-setup-connect-heading = Connecteu un dispositiu # USB section of the Setup page about-debugging-setup-usb-title = USB # Explanatory text displayed in the Setup page when USB debugging is disabled about-debugging-setup-usb-disabled = Si activeu esta opció, es baixaran i s'afegiran els components necessaris de depuració USB de l'Android en el { -brand-shorter-name }. # Text of the button displayed in the USB section of the setup page when USB debugging is disabled. # Clicking on it will download components needed to debug USB Devices remotely. about-debugging-setup-usb-enable-button = Activa els dispositius USB # Text of the button displayed in the USB section of the setup page when USB debugging is enabled. about-debugging-setup-usb-disable-button = Desactiva els dispositius USB # Text of the button displayed in the USB section of the setup page while USB debugging # components are downloaded and installed. about-debugging-setup-usb-updating-button = S'està actualitzant… # USB section of the Setup page (USB status) about-debugging-setup-usb-status-enabled = Activat about-debugging-setup-usb-status-disabled = Desactivat about-debugging-setup-usb-status-updating = S'està actualitzant… # USB section step by step guide about-debugging-setup-usb-step-enable-dev-menu2 = Activeu el menú «Opcions per a desenvolupadors» en el dispositiu Android. # USB section step by step guide about-debugging-setup-usb-step-enable-debug2 = Activeu la «Depuració USB» en el menú «Opcions per a desenvolupadors» de l'Android. # USB section step by step guide about-debugging-setup-usb-step-enable-debug-firefox2 = Activeu la depuració USB en el Firefox en el dispositiu Android. # USB section step by step guide about-debugging-setup-usb-step-plug-device = Connecteu el dispositiu Android a l'ordinador. # Text shown in the USB section of the setup page with a link to troubleshoot connection errors. # The link goes to https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Tools/Remote_Debugging/Debugging_over_USB about-debugging-setup-usb-troubleshoot = Teniu problemes per connectar-vos al dispositiu USB? Resolució de problemes # Network section of the Setup page about-debugging-setup-network = .title = Ubicació de xarxa # Text shown in the Network section of the setup page with a link to troubleshoot connection errors. # The link goes to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Remote_Debugging/Debugging_over_a_network about-debugging-setup-network-troubleshoot = Teniu problemes per connectar-vos mitjançant la ubicació de xarxa? Resolució de problemes # Text of a button displayed after the network locations "Host" input. # Clicking on it will add the new network location to the list. about-debugging-network-locations-add-button = Afig # Text to display when there are no locations to show. about-debugging-network-locations-empty-text = Encara no s'ha afegit cap ubicació de xarxa. # Text of the label for the text input that allows users to add new network locations in # the Connect page. A host is a hostname and a port separated by a colon, as suggested by # the input's placeholder "localhost:6080". about-debugging-network-locations-host-input-label = Amfitrió # Text of a button displayed next to existing network locations in the Connect page. # Clicking on it removes the network location from the list. about-debugging-network-locations-remove-button = Elimina # Runtime Page strings # Below are the titles for the various categories of debug targets that can be found # on "runtime" pages of about:debugging. # Title of the temporary extensions category (only available for "This Firefox" runtime). about-debugging-runtime-temporary-extensions = .name = Extensions temporals # Title of the extensions category. about-debugging-runtime-extensions = .name = Extensions # Title of the tabs category. about-debugging-runtime-tabs = .name = Pestanyes # Title of the service workers category. about-debugging-runtime-service-workers = .name = Processos de treball de servei # Title of the shared workers category. about-debugging-runtime-shared-workers = .name = Processos de treball compartits # Title of the other workers category. about-debugging-runtime-other-workers = .name = Altres processos de treball # Title of the processes category. about-debugging-runtime-processes = .name = Processos # Label of the button opening the performance profiler panel in runtime pages for remote # runtimes. about-debugging-runtime-profile-button2 = Analitza el rendiment # This string is displayed in the runtime page if the current configuration of the # target runtime is incompatible with service workers. "Learn more" points to MDN. # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/about%3Adebugging#Service_workers_not_compatible about-debugging-runtime-service-workers-not-compatible = La configuració del navegador no és compatible amb els processos de treball de servei. Més informació # Displayed for runtime info in runtime pages. # { $name } is brand name such as "Firefox Nightly" # { $version } is version such as "64.0a1" about-debugging-runtime-name = { $name } ({ $version }) # Text of a button displayed in Runtime pages for remote runtimes. # Clicking on the button will close the connection to the runtime. about-debugging-runtime-disconnect-button = Desconnecta # Title of a modal dialog displayed on remote runtime pages after clicking on the Profile Runtime button. about-debugging-profiler-dialog-title2 = Analitzador de rendiment # Clicking on the header of a debug target category will expand or collapse the debug # target items in the category. This text is used as ’title’ attribute of the header, # to describe this feature. about-debugging-collapse-expand-debug-targets = Redueix / amplia # Debug Targets strings # Displayed in the categories of "runtime" pages that don't have any debug target to # show. Debug targets depend on the category (extensions, tabs, workers...). about-debugging-debug-target-list-empty = De moment, cap. # Text of a button displayed next to debug targets of "runtime" pages. Clicking on this # button will open a DevTools toolbox that will allow inspecting the target. # A target can be an addon, a tab, a worker... about-debugging-debug-target-inspect-button = Inspecciona # Text of a button displayed in the "This Firefox" page, in the Temporary Extension # section. Clicking on the button will open a file picker to load a temporary extension about-debugging-tmp-extension-install-button = Carrega un complement temporal… # Text of a button displayed for a temporary extension loaded in the "This Firefox" page. # Clicking on the button will reload the extension. about-debugging-tmp-extension-reload-button = Torna a carregar # Text of a button displayed for a temporary extension loaded in the "This Firefox" page. # Clicking on the button will uninstall the extension and remove it from the page. about-debugging-tmp-extension-remove-button = Elimina # Text displayed for extensions in "runtime" pages, before displaying a link the extension's # manifest URL. about-debugging-extension-manifest-url = .label = URL de manifest # Text displayed for extensions in "runtime" pages, before displaying the extension's uuid. # UUIDs look like b293e463-481e-5148-a487-5aaf7a130429 about-debugging-extension-uuid = .label = UUID intern # Text displayed for extensions (temporary extensions only) in "runtime" pages, before # displaying the location of the temporary extension. about-debugging-extension-location = .label = Ubicació # Text displayed for extensions in "runtime" pages, before displaying the extension's ID. # For instance "geckoprofiler@mozilla.com" or "{ed26ddcb-5611-4512-a89a-51b8db81cfb2}". about-debugging-extension-id = .label = ID d'extensió # This string is displayed as a label of the button that unregisters a service worker. about-debugging-worker-action-unregister = Suprimeix el registre # Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that are currently running (service # worker instance is active). about-debugging-worker-status-running = S'està executant # Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that are registered but stopped. about-debugging-worker-status-stopped = Parat # Displayed for service workers in runtime pages that are registering. about-debugging-worker-status-registering = S'està registrant # Displayed for service workers in runtime pages, to label the scope of a worker about-debugging-worker-scope = .label = Àmbit # Displayed for service workers in runtime pages, to label the push service endpoint (url) # of a worker about-debugging-worker-push-service = .label = Servei de transferència Push # Displayed as name for the Main Process debug target in the Processes category. Only for # remote runtimes, if `devtools.aboutdebugging.process-debugging` is true. about-debugging-main-process-name = Procés principal # Alt text used for the close icon of message component (warnings, errors and notifications). about-debugging-message-close-icon = .alt = Tanca el missatge # Label text used for the error details of message component. about-debugging-message-details-label-error = Detalls de l'error # Label text used for the warning details of message component. about-debugging-message-details-label-warning = Detalls de l'avís # Label text used for default state of details of message component. about-debugging-message-details-label = Detalls