# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. ### Localization for Developer Tools tooltips. learn-more = Tetamäx ch'aqa' chik ## In the Rule View when a CSS property cannot be successfully applied we display ## an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain why ## the property is not applied. ## Variables: ## $property (string) - A CSS property name e.g. "color". ## $display (string) - A CSS display value e.g. "inline-block". inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container = { $property } majun nub'än pa re ch'akulal re', ruma chi majun ta chi jalel k'wayöl ni xa ta jun wokowïk kajtz'ik k'wayöl. inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-or-multicol-container = { $property } majun nub'än pa re wachinäq re', ruma chi ma jalel ta chi k'wayöl, kajtz'ikinel k'wayöl chuqa' man jun ta k'ïy tem ajk'wayöl. inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item = { $property } majun nub'än chi re re ch'akulal re', ruma majun ta wokowïk kajtz'ik chuqa' majun jalel chi ch'akulal. inactive-css-not-grid-item = { $property } majun nub'än pa re ch'akulal re' ruma chi man ruch'akulal ta ri wokowïk kajtz'ik. inactive-css-not-grid-container = { $property } majun nub'än pa re ch'akulal re' ruma majun ta ruk'wayöl wokowïk kajtz'ik. inactive-css-not-flex-item = { $property } majun nub'än pa re ch'akulal re' ruma chi majun ta jalel ch'akulal. inactive-css-not-flex-container = { $property } majun nub'än chi re re ch'akulal re' ruma chi majun ta jalel k'wayöl. inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell = { $property } majun nub'än pa re wachinäq re', ruma majun ta wachinäq pa k'amab'ey o ruch'utikajtz'ik kajtz'ik. inactive-css-property-because-of-display = { $property } majun nub'än pa re wachinäq re', ruma k'o rutz'etik richin { $display }. inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated = Ri tz'etoj xujäl retal pa ri motor richin blok ruma chi ri ch'akulal jun k'o wi. inactive-css-property-is-impossible-to-override-in-visited = Tikirel niyuj { $property } ruma ri q'atoj :xtz'et. inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box = { $property } majun nub'än pa re ch'akulal re' ruma chi majun ta ch'akulal ya'on ruk'ojlem. inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow = { $property } majun nub'än pa re ch'akulal re' ruma chi ri overflow:hidden man jikib'an ta. inactive-outline-radius-when-outline-style-auto-or-none = { $property } majun achike nub'än chi re re ch'akulal re', ruma chi ri ruchib'al-b'anikil ja ri auto o none. inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements = { $property } majun nub'än pa ri taq rupam ri kajtz'ik. inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-except-table-cells = { $property } majun nub'än pa ri taq rupam ri kajtz'ik we man e ruselta' ri kajtz'ik. ## In the Rule View when a CSS property cannot be successfully applied we display ## an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain how ## the problem can be solved. inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-fix = Titojtob'ëx nitz'aqatisäx display:grid o display:flex. { learn-more } inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-container-or-multicol-container-fix = Titojtob'ëx nitz'aqatisäx display:grid, display:flex, o columns:2. { learn-more } inactive-css-not-grid-or-flex-item-fix-2 = Titojtob'ëx nitz'aqatisäx display:grid, display:flex, display:inline-grid, o display:inline-flex. { learn-more } inactive-css-not-grid-item-fix-2 = Titojtob'ëx nitz'aqatisäx display:grid o display:inline-grid chi re ri rach'alal ch'akulal. { learn-more } inactive-css-not-grid-container-fix = Titojtob'ëx nitz'aqatisäx display:grid o display:inline-grid. { learn-more } inactive-css-not-flex-item-fix-2 = Titojtob'ëx nitz'aqatisäx display:flex o display:inline-flex chi re ri rach'alal ch'akulal. { learn-more } inactive-css-not-flex-container-fix = Titojtob'ëx nitz'aqatisäx display:flex o display:inline-flex. { learn-more } inactive-css-not-inline-or-tablecell-fix = Titojtob'ëx nitz'aqatisäx display:inline o display:table-cell. { learn-more } inactive-css-non-replaced-inline-or-table-row-or-row-group-fix = Titojtob'ëx nitz'aqatisäx display:inline-block o display:block. { learn-more } inactive-css-non-replaced-inline-or-table-column-or-column-group-fix = Titojtob'ëx nitz'aqatisäx display:inline-block. { learn-more } inactive-css-not-display-block-on-floated-fix = Tatojtob'ej nayüj jun k'o wi o tatz'aqatisaj display:block. { learn-more } inactive-css-position-property-on-unpositioned-box-fix = Tatojtob'ej najikib'a' runuk'ulem k'ojlemal chuwäch jun k'o wi. { learn-more } inactive-text-overflow-when-no-overflow-fix = Tatojtob'ej natz'aqatisaj overflow:hidden. { learn-more } inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-fix = Tatojtob'ej nab'än runuk'ulem richinil tik'ut junwi chuwäch table-cell, table-column, table-row, table-column-group, table-row-group, o table-footer-group. { learn-more } inactive-css-not-for-internal-table-elements-except-table-cells-fix = Tatojtob'ej nab'än runuk'ulem richinil tik'ut junwi chuwäch table-column, table-row, table-column-group, table-row-group, o table-footer-group. { learn-more } inactive-outline-radius-when-outline-style-auto-or-none-fix = Tatojtob'ej najäl ri rub'anikil outline-style rik'in jun chik chuwa ri auto o none. { learn-more } ## In the Rule View when a CSS property may have compatibility issues with other browsers ## we display an icon. When this icon is hovered this message is displayed to explain why ## the property is incompatible and the platforms it is incompatible on. ## Variables: ## $property (string) - A CSS declaration name e.g. "-moz-user-select" that can be a platform specific alias. ## $rootProperty (string) - A raw CSS property name e.g. "user-select" that is not a platform specific alias. css-compatibility-default-message = { $property } man koch'on ta pa re taq okik'amaya'l re': css-compatibility-deprecated-experimental-message = { $property } xok jun tojtob'enel b'anikil, ri ojer chik chuwäch ri W3C taq b'eyal. Man koch'el ta pa re taq okik'amaya'l re': css-compatibility-deprecated-experimental-supported-message = { $property } xok jun tojtob'enel b'anikil ri ojer chik chuwäch ri W3C taq b'anikil. css-compatibility-deprecated-message = { $property } ojer chik chuwäch ri W3C taq b'eyal. Man koch'el ta pa re taq okik'amaya'l re': css-compatibility-deprecated-supported-message = { $property } ojer chik chuwäch ri W3C taq b'eyal. css-compatibility-experimental-message = { $property } jun tojtob'enel b'anikil. Man koch'el ta pa re taq okik'amaya'l re': css-compatibility-experimental-supported-message = { $property } jun tojtob'enel b'anikil. css-compatibility-learn-more-message = Tetamäx ch'aqa' chik chi rij { $rootProperty }