# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Screen reader started/stopped screenReaderStarted = Xtikirisäx el ri sik'ïy ruwäch\u0020 screenReaderStopped = Xq'at ri sik'ïy ruwäch # Roles menubar = Rukajtz'ik kutüy samaj scrollbar = rukatz'ik silonel grip = jitz'oj alert = retal k'ayewal menupopup = elenel k'utüy samaj document = wuj pane = pas dialog = tzijonem separator = jachöy toolbar = kikajtz'ik taq samajib'äl statusbar = rukatz'ik b'enäq table = kemoj kajtz'ik columnheader = rujub'i'aj tem rowheader = rujub'i'aj cholaj column = tem row = cholaj cell = ch'utikajtz'ik link = Ximonel list = cholajem listitem = rucholajem ch'akulal outline = ruchi' outlineitem = ruch'akul ruchi' pagetab = ruwi' propertypage = kixaq taq ch'akulal graphic = wachib'äl switch = tzijoj chupuj pushbutton = pitz'b'äl checkbutton = nik'onel pitz'b'äl radiobutton = rupitzb'al talutzij combobox = tunun kajtz'ik progressbar = b'inib'äl kajtz'ik slider = jilïy spinbutton = rupitz'b'al jotob'anïk/qasanïk diagram = tunwachib'äl animation = silonem equation = junamajilab'äl buttonmenu = kik'utüy samaj taq pitz'b'äl whitespace = majun k'o chupam pagetablist = rucholajem ruwi' canvas = taq peraj checkmenuitem = tinik'öx ruch'akul k'utüy samaj label = xu'y passwordtext = rucholajem ewan tzij radiomenuitem = ruch'akul k'utüy samaj richin talutzij textcontainer = ruk'ojlib'al rucholajem tz'ij\u0020 togglebutton = rupitz'b'al richin nitzij treetable = rukajtz'ik ruche'el header = rujub'i'aj footer = rukab'i'aj ruxaq paragraph = pajtzij entry = okitz'ib' caption = ojqan tzij heading = jub'i'aj section = tanaj form = nojwuj comboboxlist = rucholb'al ri tunun kajtz'ik comboboxoption = rucha'oj ri tunun kajtz'ik imagemap = kitzub'al taq wachib'äl listboxoption = cha'oj listbox = rukajtz'ik cholb'äl flatequation = choj junamajilab'al gridcell = ruk'ajtz'ik ri k'iyk'ajtz'ik note = ch'utitzijol figure = ajilab'äl definitionlist = rucholajem taq q'ajarib'äl term = tzij definition = q'ajarib'äl mathmltable = ruch'atal retamab'alil ajilanem mathmlcell = ch'utikajtz'ik mathmlenclosed = chikikojol q'inijuch' mathmlfraction = k'ajin mathmlfractionwithoutbar = k'ajin majun rujuch' mathmlroot = xe'el mathmlscripted = tzalajuch'un mathmlsquareroot = kaxe'el # More sophisticated roles which are not actual numeric roles textarea = ruk'ojlemal rucholajem tzij base = ruxe' close-fence = ruch'akulal richin tz'apinïk denominator = xe'el numerator = chikajil open-fence = ruch'akulal rutikirib'al overscript = chuwatz'ib'anem presubscript = chuwa xetz'ib' presuperscript = chuwa witz'ib' root-index = cholajilab'äl xe'el subscript = xetz'ib' superscript = witz'ib' underscript = qajnäq tz'ib'anem # Text input types textInputType_date = ruq'ijul textInputType_email = taqoya'l textInputType_search = tikanöx textInputType_tel = oyonib'äl textInputType_url = JAY # More sophisticated object descriptions headingLevel = jub'i'aj pa rupalem %S # more sophisticated list announcement listStart = Nab'ey ruch'akul listEnd = Ruk'isib'al ruch'akul # LOCALIZATION NOTE (listItemsCount): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals listItemsCount = 1 ruch'akul;#1 taq ruch'akul # LOCALIZATION NOTE: # %1$S is the position of the item n the set. # %2$S is the total number of such items in the set. # An expanded example would read "2 of 5". objItemOfN = %1$S richin %2$S # Landmark announcements banner = rupas tzijoxikil complementary = tz'aqatel contentinfo = etamab'äl chi rij ri rupam main = nimaläj navigation = okem pa k'amaya'l search = tikanöx region = rulewal # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblColumnInfo): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of columns within the table. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblColumnInfo = rik'in 1 tem;rik'in#1 taq tem # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblRowInfo): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of rows within the table or grid. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblRowInfo = chuqa' 1 cholaj;chuqa' #1 taq cholaj # table or grid cell information columnInfo = Tem %S rowInfo = Cholaj %S spansColumns = ruq'atapun %S taq tem spansRows = ruq'atapun %S taq cholaj # Invoked actions jumpAction = ik'owisan pressAction = ch'apäl checkAction = cha'on uncheckAction = man cha'on ta onAction = titzij offAction = chupül selectAction = cha'on unselectAction = man cha'on ta openAction = jaqäl closeAction = Tz'apäl switchAction = tzijchupun clickAction = pitz'on collapseAction = ch'utinarisan expandAction = nimirisan activateAction = tzijon cycleAction = surin # Live regions # 'hidden' will be spoken when something disappears in a live region. hidden = ewan # Tab states tabLoading = nusamajij tabLoaded = samajib'en tabNew = k'ak'a' ruwi' tabLoadStopped = xq'at ri samaj tabReload = Tajin nusamajib'ej chik… # Object states stateChecked = cha'on stateOn = titzij stateNotChecked = man cha'on ta stateOff = chupül statePressed = ch'apon # No string for a not pressed toggle button stateExpanded = nimirisan stateCollapsed = ch'utinarisan stateUnavailable = man wachel ta stateReadonly = choj richin rusik'ixik stateRequired = ajowan stateTraversed = tz'eton stateHasPopup = k'o atz'etöy ruwäch elenel stateSelected = cha'on # App modes editingMode = tajin ninuk' navigationMode = tajin nok pa k'amaya'l # Quick navigation modes quicknav_Simple = Jikib'an wi quicknav_Anchor = Ximöy k'o chupam quicknav_Button = Taq pitz'b'äl quicknav_Combobox = Rik'el taq kaxa quicknav_Landmark = Ruk'ojlemal retal quicknav_Entry = Taq okitz'ib' quicknav_FormElement = Taq ruch'akul nojwuj quicknav_Graphic = Taq wachib'äl quicknav_Heading = Jub'i'aj ruxaq quicknav_ListItem = Taq ruch'akul rucholajem quicknav_Link = Ximonela' quicknav_List = Taq cholajem quicknav_PageTab = Taq ruwi' ruxaq quicknav_RadioButton = Rupitzb'al talutzij quicknav_Separator = Taq jachöy quicknav_Table = Taq retal rucholajil quicknav_Checkbox = Taq ruk'ojlemal cha'oj # MathML menclose notations. # See developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/MathML/Element/menclose#attr-notation notation-longdiv = nim rujachik notation-actuarial = aktwari'al notation-phasorangle = rutz'ik peraj notation-radical = kutamil notation-box = kaxa notation-roundedbox = seton kaxa notation-circle = setesïk notation-left = xokon notation-right = ajkiq'a' notation-top = ajsik notation-bottom = chuxe' notation-updiagonalstrike = ajsik raq'arïk juch' notation-downdiagonalstrike = chuxe' raq'arïk juch' notation-verticalstrike = pa'äl juch' notation-horizontalstrike = kotz'öl juch' notation-updiagonalarrow = ajsik raq'arïk ch'ab' notation-madruwb = madruwb # Shortened role names for braille menubarAbbr = Rumolsamaj kutüy samaj scrollbarAbbr = Rukajtz'ik silonel gripAbbr = jitz'oj alertAbbr = k'ayewal menupopupAbbr = Elenel k'utüy samaj documentAbbr = wuj paneAbbr = pas dialogAbbr = tzijonem separatorAbbr = jachöy toolbarAbbr = molsamajib'äl statusbarAbbr = Molb'anikil tableAbbr = tbl columnheaderAbbr = rujub'i'aj tem rowheaderAbbr = Rujub'i'aj cholaj columnAbbr = tem rowAbbr = cholaj cellAbbr = ch'utikajtz'ik linkAbbr = xim listAbbr = rucholajem listitemAbbr = \u0020ruch'akul cholb'äl outlineAbbr = ruchi' outlineitemAbbr = Ruch'akul ruchi' pagetabAbbr = ruwi' propertypageAbbr = Ruxaq richin taq ruch'akulal graphicAbbr = wachib'äl pushbuttonAbbr = pitz' checkbuttonAbbr = cha'el k'ojlemal radiobuttonAbbr = rupitz'b'al talutzij comboboxAbbr = rik'el kaxa progressbarAbbr = rukajtz'ik b'inib'äl sliderAbbr = jilïy spinbuttonAbbr = Rupitz'b'al nimirisanïk/ch'utinirisaxïk diagramAbbr = tunwachib'äl animationAbbr = silonïk equationAbbr = junamajilab'äl buttonmenuAbbr = ruk'utüy samaj taq pitz'b'äl whitespaceAbbr = majun k'o chupam pagetablistAbbr = rucholajem ruwi' canvasAbbr = taq peraj checkmenuitemAbbr = ruch'akul cha'el k'utüy samaj\u0020 labelAbbr = xu'y passwordtextAbbr = cholewatzij radiomenuitemAbbr = ruch'akul k'utüy samaj richin talutzij textcontainerAbbr = Ruk'ojlib'al rucholajem tz'ij togglebuttonAbbr = rupitz'b'al jaloj treetableAbbr = kemoj kajtz'ik richin che'el headerAbbr = jub'i'aj ruxaq footerAbbr = rukab'i'aj ruxaq paragraphAbbr = pajtzij entryAbbr = okitz'ib' captionAbbr = ojqan tzij headingAbbr = rujub'i'aj ruxaq sectionAbbr = peraj formAbbr = nojwuj comboboxlistAbbr = rik'el rucholajem comboboxoptionAbbr = rucha'oj rik'el kaxa imagemapAbbr = tzuwach listboxoptionAbbr = cha'oj listboxAbbr = rukaxa rucholajem flatequationAbbr = choj junamajilab'äl gridcellAbbr = k'iykajtz'ik noteAbbr = ch'utitzijol figureAbbr = wach definitionlistAbbr = rucholajem taq q'ajarib'äl termAbbr = tzij definitionAbbr = q'ajarib'äl textareaAbbr = k'ojtzij # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblColumnInfoAbbr): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of columns within the table. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblColumnInfoAbbr = #1t;#1t # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblRowInfoAbbr): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of rows within the table or grid. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblRowInfoAbbr = #1r;#1r cellInfoAbbr = c%Sr%S stateCheckedAbbr = (x) stateUncheckedAbbr = ( ) statePressedAbbr = (x) stateUnpressedAbbr = ( ) mathmlenclosedAbbr = chi kikojol q'inijuch' mathmltableAbbr = tbl mathmlcellAbbr = ch'utikajtz'ik mathmlfractionAbbr = frac mathmlfractionwithoutbarAbbr = frac sin bar mathmlrootAbbr = xe'el mathmlscriptedAbbr = tzalajuch'un mathmlsquarerootAbbr = sqrt baseAbbr = ruxe' close-fenceAbbr = titz'apïx denominatorAbbr = tiya' numeratorAbbr = ajilab'äl open-fenceAbbr = tijaq overscriptAbbr = pa ruwi' presubscriptAbbr = presub presuperscriptAbbr = presub root-indexAbbr = rucholajil b'i'aj subscriptAbbr = xe superscriptAbbr = xe underscriptAbbr = chuxe' notation-longdivAbbr = divyuquyïk notation-actuarialAbbr = act notation-phasorangleAbbr = phasang notation-radicalAbbr = rad notation-boxAbbr = kaxa notation-roundedboxAbbr = mdbox notation-circleAbbr = circ notation-leftAbbr = lft notation-rightAbbr = ajkq notation-topAbbr = ajsik notation-bottomAbbr = bot notation-updiagonalstrikeAbbr = updiagstrike notation-downdiagonalstrikeAbbr = dwndiagstrike notation-verticalstrikeAbbr = vstrike notation-horizontalstrikeAbbr = hstrike notation-updiagonalarrowAbbr = updiagarrow notation-madruwbAbbr = madruwb