# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # Screen reader started/stopped screenReaderStarted = Lecteur d’écran démarré screenReaderStopped = Lecteur d’écran arrêté # Roles menubar = barre de menus scrollbar = barre de défilement grip = poignée alert = alerte menupopup = menu popup document = document pane = panneau dialog = dialogue separator = séparateur toolbar = barre d’outils statusbar = barre d’état table = tableau columnheader = en-tête de colonne rowheader = en-tête de ligne column = colonne row = ligne cell = cellule link = lien list = liste listitem = élément de liste outline = plan outlineitem = élément de plan pagetab = onglet propertypage = propriété de page graphic = graphique switch = bascule pushbutton = bouton checkbutton = case à cocher radiobutton = bouton radio combobox = liste déroulante progressbar = barre de progression slider = curseur spinbutton = bouton à deux positions diagram = diagramme animation = animation equation = équation buttonmenu = bouton de menu whitespace = espace pagetablist = liste d’onglets canvas = canvas checkmenuitem = élément de menu à cocher label = libellé passwordtext = texte de mot de passe radiomenuitem = élément de menu avec bouton radio textcontainer = conteneur de texte togglebutton = bouton à bascule treetable = arborescence header = en-tête footer = pied de page paragraph = paragraphe entry = entrée caption = légende heading = titre section = section form = formulaire comboboxlist = liste déroulante comboboxoption = option de liste déroulante imagemap = image découpée listboxoption = option listbox = liste flatequation = équation gridcell = cellule note = note figure = illustration definitionlist = liste de définitions term = terme definition = définition mathmltable = tableau mathématique mathmlcell = cellule mathmlenclosed = entre parenthèses mathmlfraction = fraction mathmlfractionwithoutbar = fraction sans barre mathmlroot = racine mathmlscripted = scripté mathmlsquareroot = racine carrée # More sophisticated roles which are not actual numeric roles textarea = zone de texte base = base close-fence = élément de fermeture denominator = dénominateur numerator = numérateur open-fence = élément d’ouverture overscript = écriture supérieure presubscript = presubscript presuperscript = presuperscript root-index = indice de la racine subscript = subscript superscript = superscript underscript = écriture inférieure # Text input types textInputType_date = date textInputType_email = courriel textInputType_search = recherche textInputType_tel = téléphone textInputType_url = URL # More sophisticated object descriptions headingLevel = niveau de titre %S # more sophisticated list announcement listStart = Premier élément listEnd = Dernier élément # LOCALIZATION NOTE (listItemsCount): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals listItemsCount = 1 élément;#1 éléments # LOCALIZATION NOTE: # %1$S is the position of the item n the set. # %2$S is the total number of such items in the set. # An expanded example would read "2 of 5". objItemOfN = %1$S sur %2$S # Landmark announcements banner = bannière complementary = complément contentinfo = infos contenu main = principal navigation = navigation search = recherche region = région # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblColumnInfo): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of columns within the table. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblColumnInfo = avec 1 colonne;avec #1 colonnes # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblRowInfo): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of rows within the table or grid. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblRowInfo = et 1 ligne;et #1 lignes # table or grid cell information columnInfo = Colonne %S rowInfo = Ligne %S spansColumns = s’étend sur %S colonnes spansRows = s’étend sur %S lignes # Invoked actions jumpAction = passé pressAction = appuyé checkAction = coché uncheckAction = non coché onAction = activé offAction = désactivé selectAction = sélectionné unselectAction = désélectionné openAction = ouvert closeAction = fermé switchAction = basculé clickAction = cliqué collapseAction = réduit expandAction = développé activateAction = activé cycleAction = cycle # Live regions # 'hidden' will be spoken when something disappears in a live region. hidden = masqué # Tab states tabLoading = chargement tabLoaded = chargé tabNew = nouvel onglet tabLoadStopped = arrêt du chargement tabReload = rechargement # Object states stateChecked = coché stateOn = activé stateNotChecked = non coché stateOff = désactivé statePressed = pressé # No string for a not pressed toggle button stateExpanded = développé stateCollapsed = réduit stateUnavailable = indisponible stateReadonly = lecture seule stateRequired = requis stateTraversed = visité stateHasPopup = possède un popup stateSelected = sélectionné # App modes editingMode = édition navigationMode = navigation # Quick navigation modes quicknav_Simple = Défaut quicknav_Anchor = Ancres quicknav_Button = Boutons quicknav_Combobox = Listes déroulantes quicknav_Landmark = Description des zones quicknav_Entry = Entrées quicknav_FormElement = Éléments de formulaire quicknav_Graphic = Images quicknav_Heading = En-têtes quicknav_ListItem = Liste d’éléments quicknav_Link = Liens quicknav_List = Listes quicknav_PageTab = Onglets de la page quicknav_RadioButton = Boutons radio quicknav_Separator = Séparateurs quicknav_Table = Tableaux quicknav_Checkbox = Cases à cocher # MathML menclose notations. # See developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/MathML/Element/menclose#attr-notation notation-longdiv = symbole de division longue notation-actuarial = symbole actuaire notation-phasorangle = angle de phaseur notation-radical = symbole de la racine carrée notation-box = boîte notation-roundedbox = boîte arrondie notation-circle = cercle notation-left = ligne à la gauche du contenu notation-right = ligne à la droite du contenu notation-top = ligne au-dessus du contenu notation-bottom = ligne en-dessous du contenu notation-updiagonalstrike = ligne du coin bas-gauche au coin haut-droit notation-downdiagonalstrike = ligne du coin haut-gauche au coin bas-droit notation-verticalstrike = ligne verticale à travers le contenu notation-horizontalstrike = ligne horizontale à travers le contenu notation-updiagonalarrow = flèche diagonale notation-madruwb = symbole arabe pour la factorielle # Shortened role names for braille menubarAbbr = barre de menus scrollbarAbbr = barre de défilement gripAbbr = poignée alertAbbr = alerte menupopupAbbr = menu popup documentAbbr = document paneAbbr = panneau dialogAbbr = dialogue separatorAbbr = séparateur toolbarAbbr = barre d’outils statusbarAbbr = barre d’état tableAbbr = tabl columnheaderAbbr = en-tête de colonne rowheaderAbbr = en-tête de ligne columnAbbr = colonne rowAbbr = ligne cellAbbr = cellule linkAbbr = lien listAbbr = liste listitemAbbr = élément de liste outlineAbbr = plan outlineitemAbbr = élément de plan pagetabAbbr = onglet propertypageAbbr = propriété de page graphicAbbr = graphique pushbuttonAbbr = btn checkbuttonAbbr = case à cocher radiobuttonAbbr = bouton radio comboboxAbbr = liste déroulante progressbarAbbr = barre de progression sliderAbbr = curseur spinbuttonAbbr = bouton à deux positions diagramAbbr = diagramme animationAbbr = animation equationAbbr = équation buttonmenuAbbr = bouton de menu whitespaceAbbr = espace pagetablistAbbr = liste d’onglets canvasAbbr = canvas checkmenuitemAbbr = élément de menu à cocher labelAbbr = libellé passwordtextAbbr = txtmdpasse radiomenuitemAbbr = élément de menu avec bouton radio textcontainerAbbr = conteneur de texte togglebuttonAbbr = bouton à bascule treetableAbbr = arborescence headerAbbr = en-tête footerAbbr = pied de page paragraphAbbr = paragraphe entryAbbr = entrée captionAbbr = légende headingAbbr = titre sectionAbbr = section formAbbr = formulaire comboboxlistAbbr = liste déroulante comboboxoptionAbbr = option de liste déroulante imagemapAbbr = imgmap listboxoptionAbbr = option listboxAbbr = liste flatequationAbbr = équation gridcellAbbr = cellule noteAbbr = note figureAbbr = fig definitionlistAbbr = liste de définitions termAbbr = terme definitionAbbr = définition textareaAbbr = zonetxt # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblColumnInfoAbbr): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of columns within the table. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblColumnInfoAbbr = #1c;#1c # LOCALIZATION NOTE (tblRowInfoAbbr): Semi-colon list of plural forms. # Number of rows within the table or grid. # See: http://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Localization_and_Plurals tblRowInfoAbbr = #1l;#1l cellInfoAbbr = c%Sl%S stateCheckedAbbr = (x) stateUncheckedAbbr = ( ) statePressedAbbr = (x) stateUnpressedAbbr = ( ) mathmlenclosedAbbr = entre parenthèses mathmltableAbbr = tab mathmlcellAbbr = cellule mathmlfractionAbbr = frac mathmlfractionwithoutbarAbbr = frac sans barre mathmlrootAbbr = racine mathmlscriptedAbbr = scripté mathmlsquarerootAbbr = rac carrée baseAbbr = base close-fenceAbbr = ferm denominatorAbbr = déno numeratorAbbr = numé open-fenceAbbr = ouv overscriptAbbr = dessus presubscriptAbbr = presub presuperscriptAbbr = presup root-indexAbbr = index subscriptAbbr = sub superscriptAbbr = sup underscriptAbbr = dessous notation-longdivAbbr = longue div notation-actuarialAbbr = act notation-phasorangleAbbr = angle phas notation-radicalAbbr = rad notation-boxAbbr = boîte notation-roundedboxAbbr = boîte arron notation-circleAbbr = cercl notation-leftAbbr = gauch notation-rightAbbr = droite notation-topAbbr = haut notation-bottomAbbr = bas notation-updiagonalstrikeAbbr = barré diag haut notation-downdiagonalstrikeAbbr = barré diag bas notation-verticalstrikeAbbr = barré vert notation-horizontalstrikeAbbr = barré hor notation-updiagonalarrowAbbr = flèche diag notation-madruwbAbbr = symb arabe factor